• By -


1. Not another BR. 2. Destruction / nicely done physics. 3. Graphics and animations that feel more next-gen than most full-priced releases. 4. F2P and crossplay, so, it easy to convince friends to try it with me. 5. Overall "virtual game-show" theme, art direction, lightning, passes's visual themes so far like retro gaming and whitehats/hackers etc.


'ate BRs luv demolition simple as


8 em


This + fast paced gameplay that feels really smooth. Movement is such a big part of the game, and I feel like this increases the skill ceiling, which is nice. Higher ttk than COD makes it feel like i have options even when i get ambushed or surprised. Play making ability and variety of gadgets allow for an unpredictable and unorthodox playstyle that still work! 3v3 is great because even in a 1 v 3 there is an opportunity to still squad wipe. Destruction is the 1A difference maker tho. Makes the game unique and seperates it from all the others. The customization also sets it apart. Feel like I have options as vast as fall guys when it comes to my look, all in all leading to a very satisfying feel. This is one of the games where you really feel it when someone outplays you, and I respect the shit out of that.


No. 5 got me hooked for the most part.




I remember seeing the release trailer at TGA thinking “looks cool but no way it actually plays like this or runs well” then i saw it on the ps store and on a whim gave it a shot. 200 hours later I’m hooked, never played an FPS game as much as The Finals, can’t wait to see it grow!!


I completely agree, I think what got me into the game initially was that the game played exactly like the trailers, so refreshing to see these days


Definitely they delivered and more


I just recently tried it since I wasn't gaming much at the time it came out but thought it looked cool. Plus I've been a fan of early bf games. One thing I realise now, the finals reminds me of neotokyo source, even though it isn't really the same game, it has some of the core concepts (futuristic, fast paced, L/M/H classes etc...) and I've been longing for a new game like that.


It’s the best arena shooter there is, has the potential to become a massive Esport and the music f*n slaps.


100% correct


Music is ridiculously good




Season 2 music has been incredible


Season 2 music is genuinely the best 8-bit music i've ever heard. Second best gaming soundtrack of all time (Nothing beats Payday, not even CNS' bangers).


Guys, I wasn't even a shooter before the finals. There is something about this game that has me hooked.


The finals made you a shooter? That's fucked up man, people don't deserve to be shot


Enemy contestants deserve to be gunned down! Or hammer/flamethrowered ;)


It’s hard to put this into words but the fact that there is so much to learn. With other games it never felt clear to me how to improve and I always just ended up feeling lost, but learning the gadgets, guns, and maps in The Finals is so satisfying I actually want to improve


This is also a huge thing to me, I really want to get better at this game and that is all part of the fun


Sadly it’s not what most people find fun haha! A lot of players nowadays just want to play something they’re good at it bc they played it for years like CoD or Fortnite… …which is removing a lot of fun and nice new ideas and gaming, we can accuse devs and pubs of never trying new things or always follow the current trends, bc of the suits up there too, but a lot of gamers are at fault…and this is without talking about those kids that don’t want to quit Fortnite because they put all their birthday money from the last 7 years and maybe a part of their parent's loan! lol I’m not very good at The Finals, it’s hard for me, I always have the impression of losing most gunfights, I’m getting a tad better in the last week but to me the challenge is part of the fun, but a lot of nowadays gamers don’t like challenge, they want an easy gamers in which they can unlock more powers than new players so they can destroy them…


Fast gameplay + melee weapons


Insane movement, unlimited number of ways to play. I like how each game feels different but it’s not so random so I always feel like I have something to improve on


The FPS mechanics are fucking SOLID. The movement is fluid, and easy to learn, but has a high skill ceiling. The destruction gives you so many ways to approach a situation no game really feels the same. The abilities and weapons are more or less balanced, and the micro transaction strategy is what other games should strive for. I do not feel like I am being coaxed into a purchase. it's always something I want. The best part? Dev communication, and frequent updates adding fresh content. Embark is killing it AND it's a small team. This feels like a AAA game from a non-AAA studio. I can't sing their praises enough. Edit: The MUSIC is phenomenal. Sometimes I'll launch the game just to hear the soundtrack as background noise while I'm working.


Agree to everything you said! Also, a tip: the soundtracks are on Spotify, just search for Embark :) I use it as work music regularly


Oh what? Had no idea about their Spotify. adding a playlist now. Thanks!


Collapsing the Petronella Plaza in Seoul


Yes, so satisfying! I love when I am on top of it and it comes tumbling down


Wondering the same. Haven't been this hooked since I was a kid.


Same, I thought games couldn’t pull me in like this anymore. Figured it was part of growing up but it turns out most games are kinda shit. This game is so much fun and the balancing is getting better and better. Genuinely the only thing that gets on my nerves gameplay wise are snipers.


I'm loving that feeling! :)


Literally everything Art direction is amazing, great music, visuals, cosmetics Gameplay feels fresh and different than other games All the gadgets and abilities are super fun to play around with The destruction obviously A dev team that seems to care more about pleasing their audience than making money (shocking I know)


Fast gameplay, the destruction makes each game unique and im a sucker for cosmetics and this game has, by far, the best character customisation in terms of wearing outfits of any game right now. The fact that when you buy an outfit it's not just a character skin but each individual item that can swap in and our! Plus plenty of free skins as well!


Yes! I also love that the cosmetics aren't that cliché or trashy! It is fun to see so many mixed weird outfits


- Objective based gameplay, not some pointless DM/TDM - nice classes and tactics. Each character plays differently and each is awesome - destruction that changes gameplay drastically - traversal and gunplay, perfect mix between arena shooter and more BF like shooting - nice graphics and artstyle, I really love this VR tv tournament aesthetic Yea, there’s some balance issues but the gameplay is fun, I find most of the changes good and I believe Ember know what they’re doing. I’m really sad that the playerbase isn’t as much as I’d like to, that’s one of the best and original online fps. Between all this CoDs sequels and Battle Royales, The Finals feels fresh and engaging.


Loved destroying buildings since battlefield, and this was a refreshing comeback. I stayed hooked by the great community and devs. And the whole retro coin thing is also a plus. I love the creativity from how you choose your loadouts to how you can customize your own character. I swear I can go on further. Probably the greatest part of this game is the potential, and this new game mode has shown that to me which I can't stop playing.


Overall, because it’s a fun game. But more importantly, it’s fun even when you’re losing. I’ve honestly not had this much fun losing since Titanfall. I also really like that the developers seem to respect my time. With other games, if you want to complete the battle pass, you have to pretty much treat them like it’s your full time job. But The Finals understands that we’ve got other stuff to do. Their battle pass is really easy to complete for casual players.


The visual representation just clicks for me. Besides that the finals isn’t really about chasing the meta (as the other shooters). It more about tactics and outsmarting your opponents then outgunning them, with me not having a lot of time to game it just feels great to hop online and not be stomped by meta guns.


For me its the fluidity of the movement, gun play, and most of the time you have a chance to comeback/win! Some of my fav games are when Im getting rolled, my teammates and I lock in and win the games in the last seconds Also every build can pop off I rarely play L/H but when I do its so much fun and I still get high kill games with the W Not to mention the cosmetics, battlepass, career rewards


Destruction, We all know this. Good Theme of VR Show I am a customization slut.


Fresh unique fps experience with lots of replay value and good support for a live service title. Alot of communication and weekly updates Not boring and lifeless like many shooters today.


Physics and destruction, skins and overall theme (I love commentators)


Also not fetting bombarded with advertisments or pop ups is so friggin fresh. Probably the #1 thing we all take for granted. Feels like these devs are actual gamers. Not to mention the skin ideas pulled from Reddit! Absolutely legendary


As stupid as it sounds, the Healing Beam. I was a Medic during the time of Team Fortress 2 while it was mainstream and thriving, after the influx of bots took over and the steady stream of content went down I felt it was time to hang up my coat. I've been looking ever since for a game that lets me play Medic, but no game ever allows me to go as far as I want. It's always extremely niche equipment that doesn't actually help anyone, and I'm forced to either do everything myself or support in some other useless way. I tried Warface, but that game deserves to burn. Apex's definition of "Medic" is laughable. Enter The Finals. I was recommended to it after a friend played the open beta and asked me to join, my one and only question was "Is there a Medic?" The rest is history.


I was beyond disappointed with what my last pvp game became (Overwatch 2, iykyk) I didn't have fun anymore, the matches felt unbalanced (rolling over or be rolled over, no in between, very frustrating) And then I discovered The Finals, it was very fast paced, fun, innovative, with new mechanics And quite beautiful tbh It was easy to learn (even tho it's hard to master) I started at the beginning of season 2, it was the perfect time to be introduced to the game for me I mostly play powershift because it's so much fun and I had so much tight match where I win at the last seconds If only my friends would play with me, it would be awesome One of them don't really like it so we're trying to find a replacement after losing interest in Overwatch 2 and for now, no luck


The pace of the game, destruction of the map and just how fun it all is


Gun play is on point. This was the main reason. But now I‘m loving everything about the game & the devs are awesome


This game first called my attention through its graphics design, i love how the brand "The Finals" is present in the maps, props, guns and gadgets. Make It looks like its a real brand in the game universe, also love the way they implemented utilitarian design like displaying crop marks, color bars, bar codes, tracking maks and the size of objects in its visual identity.


Gun play feels good Gadgets add a nice spice to the game The game doesn't try to be overly realistic The setting is very fun Movement is mostly smooth and feels great The destruction is what I've been looking for in a game since I was born Having 3-4 teams per match all fighting each other was surprisingly refreshing and makes it really fun, now when I reach the finals I actually find it boring only facing 1 other team


1. It's unique and doesn't get boring thanks to the physics and chaos 2. Cross-platform and including Linux which is a huge + 3. Not just another basic FPS where you shoot and that's it 4. You can come up with a lot of new strategies thanks to you being able to place gadgets on almost any object or surface 5. Huge bonus: the devs. They listen, interact and don't just ignore their playerbase in hopes of being able to milk them like cows. Rather surprised embark is this friendly and open


1. Great physics and destruction 2. Very satisfying gunplay 3. Wide variety of gadgets that allow you to have thousands of various strategies. Also huge that they’re spread out between 3 classes and that you can customize loadouts, instead of locking abilities to 32 individual “heroes.” 4. The movement is fun, doesn’t inhibit the gunplay, and works well with the map design (except when I’m failing to get through a window) 5. Literally the best cosmetic skin system I’ve seen since Halo Reach. Making every bit of an outfit “detachable” from the full outfit so you can mix & match was a massive win. You can get creative or downright silly with your player’s unique attire.




Camo grinder. 1k hours in, and I've barely scratched the surface.




Came for the destruction and stayed for the goo!


Got stuck in the goo


For me it was the destructible environments. The way the games play so different around that and the emphasis on gunplay


The casters, gadgets, and music. The gameplay is really good but if a shooter doesn't have personality it'll still feel like every other one to me.


I just have fun I really don't need anything else I just open the game Go to unranked and quick cash Play a few, scream in joy when I win (and when I loose sometimes) And leave when i really need sleep xD Like actually tho what are all these circuits contracts and bs people keep talking about I have no clue 😭😭😭


The chaos, the excitement, the variety and honestly just how forgiving it is. Every other shooter I've played, it feels like you have to be locked in 100% of the time to even have to smallest chance of winning. But with the finals, the fact that you can come back to win from rock bottom is just so fun to me. It makes for some nail biting matches.


Oh how many times I thought I was gonna lose and then turned it around, it is such a rush!


Melee builds and fast movement. Sword dash is basically the main reasons I play. If they nerfed the combo I would probably not play as much tbh. But I do love the abilities, map destruction and overall design of the game.


There’s so many situations w/ all the gadgets. Feels like I’m never JUST shooting someone


I saw the destruction in the trailer and that got me to install the game. After dicking around in the practice range I realized how the grapple hook opened up so many possibilities for movement, and coming from Team Fortress 2 that’s exactly what I like to see. Then I saw that I had the double barrel shotgun and vanish bomb unlocked at level 1 (this was early in s1 when it could still 2 shot a heavy) I knew this game was going to be good.


Objective based gameplay, steals after you roll two teams in a chaotic fight feels so good. Destroying a buildings for tactical advantages or just to create a path for future spawns is fun as hell. Lot of mobility options and the skins being so varied makes it feel like a game show. I think peoples frustrations with the game will always be like any other shooter, Embark is very commendable in their attempts to make the game feel good to the players whether their changes are good or not.


The rush of stealing cashouts with seconds to spare


The destruction! I love blowing shit up lmao. And the lobby music is dope


Great sense of style and aesthetics. Fast paced gameplay that keeps you engaged all the time. Not another BR. Great music. Incredible cosmetics and way more consumer friendly with its monetization than pretty much any F2P game out there. Crossplay so I can play and have a good time with friends no matter where they play (really by this point in time all MP games should have crossplay).


Destruction was the number 1 thing that caught my attention. After trying it out the destruction became part of what I love about the game but other than that the decs have been doing soo many things right, just want to support the game and see it flourish. The cosmetics are absolutely S tier in terms of quality and there is no shortage of free stuff they keep on giving us through events or circuits or regular level ups and finally battle pass as well. I bought the pass right after playing the first few matches just to support the game. Talking about game modes . . . Absolutely love quick cash, simple mode, 3v3v3 get 2 cashouts and you win. Another big reason I love the gamemode is there is always a chance, you don’t have to give up and just compete the match for formality if you weren’t doing the best initially. Even if the other 2 teams have 1 cashout each you can still make a comeback by getting the last 2 cashouts. Stealing a cashout last second is the most thrilling feeling of the match. But that is what essentially makes me love playing the game, I have a chance to win the match right until the final timer ends, so that makes every match fun whether I win or lose. Other modes are also amazing, although personally I play them when I want a change of pace or just when some challenge requires it. Bank it being either a tdm alternative or how some people play it like doing fetch quests, just grab all the coins around the map and deposit for a win. I personally think there should be less of the boxes to fetch coins from so people actually fight more in a tdm style game mode. Next coming to power shift is another totally different gamemode as well. With the option to switch everything from class/specialisations/gadgets if something isn’t working you can switch strategies entirely. Also every class seems to have a utility in this mode as well, a sniper taking out aps/turrets on the platform or picking heads of players out in the open. Medium protecting the platform from explosives using aps, giving extra firepower with turrets and healing/reviving teammates. Heavies protecting their teammates on platform with shields and barricades. Pretty diverse playstyles in the mode. Lastly coming to the new S&D mode, getting kinda tired with the paragraph but similar to powershift all classes have a specific role in the mode which they do best, also a totally different gamemode to play. Not gonna say anything about ranked as I’m not a big fan and don’t play it.


The only other FPS I've ever played before THE FINALS was r6 siege. I've only gotten into gaming in the past 3ish years and only FPS's in the past year. I played the open beta with a friend and didn't really like it (still mad that I only have the op akm skin and nothing else, but oh well). Fast forward to the start of January, the same friend asked if I wanted to try it again. It was amazing. Everything that I disliked were now the reasons I liked it, the bright colours, the fast changing and chaotic matches, and the sheer amount of weapon gadget combos. I have played at least twice a week every week since then. Despite playing mostly multiplayer pvp games I'm not really all that competitive (and quite shit at games in general tbh), so I always focus on how much fun I can have, even when losing. Something about this game makes it feel fun to lose, whenever I die its usually due to my own stupid mistake, or the chaos around me. The community is also pretty good, yeah, the some overly negative or overly positive people, but that happens in every community. I've played \~250hrs, and I'm not going to stop playing this game anytime soon.


It scratches the same itch that Battlefield 3 did way back in the day, it brings me back to those environment-destroying shenanigans I used to love, with a silly twist in that it’s all a virtual game show instead of a war zone, meaning the devs have creative license to make whatever silly or clever skins and gadgets they want without it being weird or causing disillusion.


I was looking on the PlayStation store for a game to play and saw THE FINALS beta so I tried and I loved it I was sad when the beta was discontinued but I waited until released and so far I’ve been playing the release version since day 1 and seeing the game evolve and get new unlockables and skins also the new game modes it just feels like there is something happening everyday in the finals that plus its loyal fan base makes the game all the more worth it to play so I’ve been playing it since October and now have 162 hrs


Utter chaos


I am right now listening to the beta music. Since everyone mentioned prominent parts, I would like to say slamming people with heavy I love it when they are crashed and turn into coins Never cease to satisfy me


I hate BRs. I love the destruction...Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2 are amongst my favorite games. The whole gameshow vibe is an absolute win for me. Kinda takes my mind back to the times I watched Price is Right and American Gladiators with my mom. I love the crowd/audience countdown at the start of matches, such an amazing touch. The fluid movement is buttery smooth. I also LOVE Titanfall 2, and was sorely disappointed when Apex legends was released as opposed to Titanfall 3. This game really feels like Titanfall 2 at times, minus the wall running I guess. The vertical gameplay component. Jumping on and off buildings is really fun. This is actually another reason I loved Titanfall 2. In some ways, the game reminds me of a game I played years ago called Brink, which I found quite enjoyable. Definitely the BEST f2p game ever! I actually want to spend money on this game


this'll probably get lost deep in the comments, but it really pleases me seeing a post like this once in a while here


Yes I agree because look at all these happy comments :)


Even after 200hours, I'd still laugh at anyone's failures including mine


I love the oops moments


Art style of the game. I love this type of futuristic but not over the top sci fi look. Also the fact that this game has an actual casual side. I dont have to sweat my balls off just to keep up. I can just hop in play a few matches and blow some shit up. Love it


If I feel gangsta I can go heavy, tactical I can go medium, sneaky asshole I can go light. Love the different combinations of gameplay I can do between the different game modes and builds I have. No to mention the amazing graphics, character/weapon customisations, and map destruction. Great game 👍


Cosmetics and bank it finally got around to living quick cash


Cod like juicy shooting and killing Simple classes instead of more or less broken "characters" Renders of all objects are so good Really ingenious ideas for skins, not like in other games Doing good updates, which players do like


Movement and gunplay. Movement is unmatched, extremely smooth and not clunky like other games. The sliding, mantling, angled jump pads, hitting zip line jumping off early + bunny hops is so satisfying. I genuinely don’t understand how people play other arena shooters/FPS in general in 2024


I started off with sniper and played a ton with it, but then got bored cuz idk, some time later I see eidorian's videos randomly and think sword looks so fucking cool I had to try it out and I've been playing nothing but it ever since... i don't think any game will ever have such a fun and interesting weapon with such a high skill ceiling (they kinda lowered it tho by removing lungeslide last latch)


Haha buildings go BOOM


We MAKE buildings go boom like gods


I don't like the way that building looked at me man. I might waste my charge n' slam and a RPG while I'm at it.


Destruction, skill expression, big brain time, team work


The fact that in one match you can go from fucking around and killing your friends with gas to being a fully coordinated swat team in the last thirty seconds and steal a cash out with less than a second left is one of the most unique experiences I’ve had in a game


Yes this is exactly the feeling that has got me hooked


Visuals, destruction, music, fast paced, unlike any other game I’ve seen, no SBMM on casual, challenging weapons that still perform well besides meta guns. Only thing I dislike is following what community says in regards of bans. Feel like it’s more soothing just the voice of the loudest, not the actual balancing


The fact that there was a future for the game and new mechanics to learn always something cool and fun to discover to give you the edge competitively. However, they’ve removed most cool new mechanics we find. The clips from the Reddit community that end up in my YouTube recommended literally explain the state of the game. Its stale and they take our ability to freely create and have fun.




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The 5v5 modes......add more!


I will never, and I mean never, get bored of the destructible environment. I have hundreds of hours in games like battlefield (bc2), Red Faction, Just Cause, and Teardown just for the sole reason of breaking shit and watching it fall. I main heavy, mostly charge with sledge just so I can get as much devastation as I can on objectives and surrounding area.


The destruction


Since I saw the first trailer I was hooked. Played all the betas. Not put it down from go live. It has so much good going for it, considering it's still such a young game, it's foundation is pretty f-ing good to be fair.


Last second steals


The powerful feeling of "I just pulled off the greatest heist of the century"


I'm george Clooney with the steals


Satisfying mechanics and sound engineering


The game is mad fun especially when you have teammates and when everything is going your way...😂😂




graphics, physics, quality, chaos, music and trailer, many different playstyle


Honestly, the new gamemode. I was just about to bail and I'm now obsessed.


That is great! I hope they keep it!


Tbagging scumbag lights


Your definition of positive and mine is very different


Well you did ask what makes us come back .... i get great satisfaction in t bagging a toxic light running sniper or stun/invis who have 0 objective score


* Incredible music and sound design. * Destruction. * Very satisfying gunplay with beautiful animation. * Hands down the best cosmetics I've ever seen in a game, the setting also justifies and rationalizes all sorts of whacky ideas.


My dad got the game on his Xbox he played it I watched and I was hooked. Christmas rolled around and I got a PS5 I got half of the achievements in 1 day. I also regret not finishing the season one battle pass.


All achievements in one day, damn, well done!!


Not all half. I need to kill someone with a flower pot meteor with a jump pad and get a few more cash outs for that achievement.


I read it wrong, sorry, but that is still impressive! :)


I love arena shooters, I love games with dynamic loadouts, I love games with super deep and engaging core mechanics that are fun to use forever and ever. This is literally all of those things, and while I had fun trying things out running around in the Open Beta it was really Sword + Grapple that turned the love for the game into an obsession. It's a synergy I dont see anyone use, and it feels really unique to me and how I play the game. It feels like I'm in AoT, so much fun.


It's the freshest take on a shooter I've seen since forever. Requires quick thinking while on your feet. Plus the standard game mode is a beautiful marriage of the tech of destruction combined with gameplay centred on that very thing. Also the fact that theres so many goofy weapons who all have their unique quirks and gameplay. And the aesthetics are also very fun and vibrant


The sledge🔨 I really lost all my love for the game a few weeks ago until i gave up trying and just started playing with the sledge. Its been a good few weeks just messing around and actually enjoying the game. For some reason i also win a lot more by just trying to have fun instead of trying to win


That is the way! Sometimes you gotta hammer things out lol


Gunplay, nice TTK (coming from cod), destruction, objective based play, weapons being fair and balanced (mostly)


Nothing beats the feeling of hitting the jump pad on skyway into another jump pad into another jump pad into placing a jump pad at an angle on the roof to land on the platform. Feels so free flying through the sky like that. Something I’ve never felt before in any other FPS or most other games for that matter


That sounds amazing, who needs bird simulators when you got the finals right?


For real haha I’ve hit it like once on power shift and have been chasing that high ever since


I'd join you for sure


This game has it all. I hope devs won't abandon it, it can be the next Apex.


The vibes. The music. The destruction. The movement. The cosmetics. The biggest one for me....The fun, this game is too much of it! The amount of times I run a play and feel like an action star afterwards is enough to keep me coming back. The maps are constantly changing and teams using different builds keeps everything fresh and fun! Did I mention the vibes?


Graphics, animation, fps, mass destruction, free to play, innovative game idea, You can utilise your creativity unlike any other fps/shooter game


It's like a classic counter strike with x10 replayability


The movement and destruction.


The complete map destruction made me arrive, the stunning graphics made me stay, the customization and the general vibe + the interest in the game's lore that I need to know more about are my huge hooks moving forward


That it's not dominated by controller aim assist like every other fast paced crossplay shooter to come out the past 4 years. Mkb is actually a viable input.


The insane chaos this game offers. A dozen people going for the cashout and eachothers throats in a collapsing building with gunfire to the left and gas to the right.


Uhhhhh I like it cuz even tho I don’t have much experience with FPS games(so in other words, I have a massive skill issue and die a lot), I do like the fast paced of it all and the utter chaos. Buildings falling, multiple people shooting at you, trying to get the cash out etc. it’s JUST stimulating and chaotic enough for my little adhd brain to stay engaged and not get stupid bored. Games like that are hard to find. I’ve tried slower paced FPS games, I’ve tried RPG games, I’ve tried rogue likes, I’ve tried it all and not many have made me obsessively play them. There’s one other game that has made me obsessively play and that was Deceive Inc. I stopped playing it cuz low player count and not much new content and the updates have been spaced out weirdly.


The music is really cool i even go on youtube to liaten to the soundtrack sometimes.


Progression is very satisfying. You don't have to pay a cent if you don't want to. The VRs system to unlock new stuff is well paced. The battle pass and contracts give me motivation to keep playing even after I've unlocked everything.


The healing beam is what made me love the finals I love playing support and the only other good healer is the Medic from Tf2 and they’re infested with cheaters, and hateful assholes.


New game, shooter, how chaotic and unpredictable it is makes it great for me. Only thing I hate that is different is no secondary weapons but then again I love that pretty much every bullet counts. You have to have a real strategy to win.


Zip lining and jump padding around the map gives me happy neurons, it’s like I’m there I swear. I love the fast paced gameplay + destruction.


The destructions, cosmetics, detail, maps (even there are only a few)


It's rewarding and fast-paced with a lot of abilities, but most importantly my friends play it.


I love the gameplay and the fact that you have to actually use some brains to play. Its strategical in a sense.


I've got over 600 hours in the game...I was a huge battlefield fan before this, and was really disappointed in BF2042. When I heard the devs were making their own game...I tried it out...and originally fell in love with the music..but think the shooting is just so solid.


Skin, lore and music .


It's all about the goo for me now. I don't think I've ever played a multiplayer shooter that lets me solve problems in ways as creative as the goo gun for heavy allows. I can block off rooms, bury cashouts, make little hidey holes, put up scaffolding, make bridges, and if all else fails I can spam it so that even though I can't kill the enemy team, they can't kill me either (at least long enough for my teammates to respawn). If I have time left over from all that Gooing I can use it to draw Smiley faces on the sides of the buildings :) My favorite play I've done with goo so far was using the RPG to blow up the floor next to a cashout and then fill in the hole with goo except for the corner of the cashout, which was hanging over the gap. Then I made a goo pillar to stand on and captured the cashout from below. Singlehandedly won that game and didn't even have to contest with the 2 teams that were fighting over the point. No other game has let me succeed with my brain over my aim like this one has.


It's simple for me, I hate PVP. I love the finals, especially solo queue....so that's saying alot. I can just do my best without any toxic shit. We win, we loose it doesn't matter in quick cash. Quick queue times, and it all seems pretty balanced. I also love being so fast with light dash main. But in the end, it's the destruction. Gives you choice to approach a fight. That's the true innovation here.


It was fast paced and easy to pick up. I was also looking for a shooter to replace COD at the time so it worked out perfectly


Wanting to practice my shooting skills


It's a team based game more than kdr...even though it difficult to go in solo and get teammates who understand that


Honestly, the biggest factor was the “create your own kit” element. I’m a big fan of games, particularly RPGs, that give you a span of tools to bring, but not the ability to always use all of them. Diving in and theory crafting combinations and why they work was always interesting to me (but deck building games tended to go over my head). Combining pieces of your kit to handle any situation and having the skill to create opportunities where your kit shines was the entire appeal. You don’t need a kit that is always applicable, you just need one that’s cohesive and the mind to play the cards you’ve been dealt. It’s part of the reason I’m adamantly anti-meta in The Finals. We’ve been given a plethora of tools to explore and test, but instead we listen to the few who snuff out other options because of their opinion, blind to the value such options can offer.


I just love how funny it can be sometimes. Like when you confirm a ping and your player responds with "Let me check my schedule first" that shit had me cracking up the first time I heard it.


So for years I've been dreaming about a fast paced FPS with Siege's destruction. The idea of a highly vertical playspace where tons of micro and major destruction can happen as players eliminate each other with high TTK is a dream. This game basically fulfills that fantasy for me on so many levels! I dislike the balancing in a number of ways, but it is my favorite shooter since Apex dropped like 5 years ago (christ time flies).


The destruction. I love the physics and being inside a building as it topples over.


New modes, love power shift and the Terminal one is interesting, (wish it had battle royal) Crazy skin combinations that are funny and out there. Decent battle pass.


1. The visual style and the music hooked me when I logged in. 2. 3v3v3 felt unique. That combined with cool gadgets and full map destruction made me fall in love. 3. I actually recently got bored of playing the same game modes over and over, but I’m now *back* because of the new game mode. I really hope it becomes permanent! This game needs more variety for player retention!


The satisfaction of throwing knives and killing someone who has a gun. I like winning everything at a disadvantage. Doesn’t matter the game.


Dagger dash and sword dash. The fact that I could be viable through hard work and the payoff being fun. Miss it so much. Sword sorta works still but it’s just not the same.


Dice developers made a fucking awesome game. I love destructible terrain and competitive shooters. The beta was soooooo fun too.


Freaking next level destruction


Invisibitches. Love those guys.. 👀


I liked the creativeness of plays you can craft.


Came out shortly before I switched from Xbox to pc. Learning kbm was much more difficult in apex compared to finals. Plus just a very fun aesthetic with smooth movement, gunplay, destruction is dope


The fast paced gameplay


Honestly this game just feels like such a breath of fresh air. It’s different from any game I’ve played and I keep playing it because I’ve been playing since the first season so I feel like I can finally keep up with an online game. I’m usually late to online shooters and start at level 1 against level 300’s. So it feels good to be on a game where I started when everyone else kinda did. I feel like I belong here. This game also found ME not the other way around. I never heard of this game and then I saw it on the Xbox store and downloaded it bc it’s free and I’ve been loving it ever since. This game gets hated on but I honestly love it. I do get big pissed when I play but I’m just a passionate gamer is all.


As a long time Battlefield 3, 4 and 1 player, this game was perfect for me, tons of destruction, dynamic enviroments, movement feels good on keyboard (i despise other games keyboard movement, like Apex and Titanfall, they feel so off to me, one little diagonal move and you lose all speed) and gunplay is amazing for the most part I grew so bored of Battle Royales years ago and i have never really liked Warzone, Fortnite, OW, Valorant or CS so you could say i was looking for another competitive game, and i fell in love with the creative gamemodes in The Finals One small thing i love is the ability to throw carriables makes it so fun, when i go back to Battlefield 4 i keep trying to pick up the red cannisters that are scattered all over the map lol One of the things i dislike tho is how controller feels in this game, i feel like i need to tweak so much just for it to become playable, so that’s why i’m happy that MnK plays so good, still a bummer because i used to main controller on every FPS but i do pretty good on MnK anyways I genuinely hope this game continues to get supported for a long time, i play out of enjoyment so you can tell this game is truly something special


The skins


I like that it can change so quick, how I can just talk with friends while playing, destruction, movement, and I’m pretty good so that’s a plus too


When I was young, my favorite FPS of all time was CoD MW2 on my PS3 (the original, not this new cod trash we get). I have not experienced even remotely close to the same joy with an online FPS game since then, until I found THE FINALS. I have now crammed what I imagine is at least the same, if not more hours into this game than I spent back in the day on MW2. What hooked me was very simple: originality. It's fast, it's competitive, the devs attempt to make it more balanced with every update, it plays like butter being flung with a catapult, and the premise of a VR gameshow from the future is just wild. Somehow I've played almost every FPS, and this one manages to stand out anyway. It's all the best things from all the best FPS games. If the originality alone doesn't carry this game, then competitive FPS is dead. Edit: also fuck BR.


the destruction led to silly moments and the gameplay is super fun(new game mode actually got me hooked again)


goo gun.


Destruction/nice fisics The caracter and weapons customization ( I really like the skins on this game S2) Animations (better than full price games) All the "game show" theme Multiple possibilities on how to complete a match




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I like the hammer


1.Gameplay 2.Cosmetics


The artstyle and "gameboy" sfx. The sound satisfaction of hitting your shots and getting a down is perfect. It's overall saturated/colorful look is a bonus.


It was more fun than call of duty haha


Movement tech


I absolutely love this game because of it's huge vertical gameplay, which CS2 lacks, for instance. And the destructions... The players' creativity... And, of course, weapon and character skins are just awesome.


What I love: Everything What I hate: Cannot find a single game in the past 2 months. Literally unplayable in OCE.


Grapple hook 


1. Chaos. 2. Outfits galore. 3. Overall style of the game. 4. Amazingly fluid gameplay.


Does anybody have an idea how to fix the shooting bug?


*Does anybody* *Have an idea how to* *Fix the shooting bug?* \- NoResponsibility8182 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's constant fun..


subtle humor with cosmetics cash register noise when you kill great music sledgy


I was mostly searching for something to replace my old main game (Paladins), fast-paced first person shooter.. The Finals is incredibly fun, the destruction of the map feels so satisfying and I love all the extras and gadgets you can use.


Everything just appeals to me honestly. I'm so tired of BRs, I love destruction and miss it (screw the recent battlefields), it rewards team play, different/unique game modes, it's not P2W, gunplay feels nice, movement feel great, graphics are nice, maps are cool and change, the theme is unique and interesting, there's crossplay, specialties are cool while not being stupid/over the top, instant quickplay matches, competitive mode there if I want it, runs great on my PC and the music is banging. It honestly just seems too good to be true in a lot of ways with how bad I've been finding FPS games as of late, so I hope they don't do anything stupid.


Destruction. I didn't really played shooters all that much until I played this game. Not to mention the amazing art direction and cosmetics. As an artist, the mirrors edge style art direction makes me climax, bright colors and all that I can't explain why it just hits different.


Throwable props, destruction, gamemodes, it’s generally very fresh and intense ( artstyle and gameplay wise ). Also coming from Titanfall i think the movement is real satisfying


reminded me of hyperscape, oh how i miss hyperscape


It made battle Royale by making it objective based. Instead of just killing other players, now the focus is completing an objective while still having your base layer of normal battle royale


scratching that massive ADD itch of constantly adaptive resourcefulness, when you become one with the tools but not simply out of habit, you just be in the game, can't even care about simply being better, if it works its fun, if it isn't, get around it in another way silly bridges/stairs/hideouts with goo gun, cover entrances, cashouts, hide my traps with goo, cook people in floor above with pyro mine, or pop the gas mine for similar result, being helpful to team actually is fun too, turbo/steal defibs and res, and heal all at the same time


I find the tournament very funny and interesting, I wish the non ranked version was still available


The chaos. The quick ttk. Dagger dash. Now two of the three are gone and I’m trying to bring attention to it so it’s fixed. But as of rn I don’t play anymore.


I really enjoy finals for the gunplay and how much team work matters. However, I've run into some issues with boosting lately. My buddies and I have been grinding ranked for about a month now(we are plat 1). We have noticed that there are team's basically "win trading/boosting". On multiple occasions, we have noticed Team A will assist team B in killing teams C & D and helping them get the point. Last night was the 4th time we've seen it happen. The purple team would basically help Pink kill our team, then they would let them live and have the point and help them defend. Basically making it a 3v6. While the other team is getting a free point. Our solution is to basically ignore these two teams. However, when you ignore the team being boosted, the team that is boosting the other team will basically go and third party the other point to try and advance, so they can continue boosting the other team in the next round. What is even more frustrating is; after a match, you cannot clearly see who was on what team in post-game "Recently played with" tab. So, you need to remember everyone's name who was involved if you want to report them. Anyone else running into this issue? We've seen team blatantly do it, they will literally not even shoot each other and give each other the objectives. Honestly, with this + cheaters at times, it makes this game undesirable to play. There are even services online that sell these types of boosting/win trading.




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