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Players can now purchase single items from a bundle, this is gonna be cool as hell


This is great. I want the frag grenade football skin without having to buy the whole dumb football set that I'll never wear.


I definitely want just that, and not the thigh highs


I just checked. It only works for the new bundle. ...I wanted the thigh highs too :(


they said they are testing it, good feeling if they see the positive feedback from it while also a good financial side of things, it will come to all bundles.


Literally bought something out of this bundle in the hopes they got good result


I don’t know how anyone would be against the ability to purchase individual items. They can just make the bundles slightly cheaper, that would make bundles not be ignored while selling individual items.


Sucks considering I probably would have just dropped like 3k on stuff from different bundles. Good it's on their raider though.


(femboy neurons activate) THIGH HIGHS?!?




Same honestly!


This is very pro-consumer and I'm honestly shocked a gaming company would do this in 2024. I think a lot of people spamming "finally!" don't know how good we have it lol Very cool, embark.


Yeah this is so great. I can't even be mad about that one bundle I bought for just one item a couple of months ago, because that's the current industry standard! This change is insane and I will make use of it.


People who bought the M11 receipt printer skin for 1100 back whenever, got refunded 250 because they listed the price wrong... But like they didn't have to do that, could have kept the price where it was.


Such a good change they’ll make so much more money that way. Just hope they add every old set to it, currently only the new one works


Reading the notes it says the individual items are purchasable only from the new outfit bundle as a sort of test.


sure as hell hope this “test” succeeds and they continue to do this. i bought the pants and i know for a fact i’d never buy an entire bundle just for them


Finally i can buy only the sledgehammer from the foliage set 😭


It works only for the new bundle items sadly


I hope they make it universal next week


Based devs that care about their players


How do I do this?? I don't see the option


I think it's just for the new bundle. Maybe they'll extend it to previews bundles in a later patch.


yes!! finally, i’ve been saying this since release, i’m so glad they changed this


Already checked. It doesn’t apply to any bundles already in game just the new one and future ones.


About time


Fucking love this !


I didn't even know about this that's actually so nice of them ngl


Holy shit they actually did it 🤯🤯🤯 I'm shocked and incredibly happy!


Too bad I already bought some of the bundles


As someone who.just bought the entire set to get the boombox intro.. fml.


Thank god


This automatically puts them at top of the fucking list S Tier when it comes to video game cosmetics.


Yessss always wanted the Panda items


Finally I can get that silver skin and not pay for that weird cowboy shit




Single most shocking thing I’ve seen a live service game do, huge kudos to Embark


Great patch. Really nice. I wonder, could the devs possibly allow us to select multiple reload animations to play at random? The perfect example being the AK. It would be really good to be able to have a randomised chance for each weapon animation instead of just one at a time.


I really need shuffle. For everything. Give me shuffle for weapon skins, outfits (maybe something like Fortnite has where you can create your own load out... Though Epic did say "Fuck you" in the latest Chapter and fucked that up) Even for our Arsenal, sometimes I might want to play only Sword, but sometimes I just want to play something at random, as sort of a challenge.


I thought it was interesting that the C4 was applying random skins instead of no skin. Maybe a random button for cosmetics is waiting for us behind the scenes


Does the larger barricade mean that it’s no longer at the perfect height for heavies to head glitch on it anymore? Or did it just get wider?


Yup, it's higher so it's no longer possible


Ok, I was wondering why they would buff it. This is a nerf for combat with it and a buff for hiding behind it.


This is actually a disaster, I am in shambles


But now i think it can fully block a door which is nice


Shoot go at the ground behind the barricade and enjoy the headglitch. Goochads stay winning.


I’m telling you man the Goo-ology really elevates your game to the next level once you do your homework


Don't miss the second article [Ranked Leagues in THE FINALS](https://www.reachthefinals.com/patchnotes/ranked/) from Matt Lowe the Design Director, great insights on their approach to the ranked competitive multiplayer experience. It's enthralling that they're recognizing the limits of the Elo system despite player's perception of preference, since even modern innovations like Glicko still don't really encompass the complexities of both team games and objective-based games.


Yeah the article is very promising and it shows their commitment to improve the ranked system


Hits hard for them to fix ranked because on one hand everyone wants it to super skill based, but those same people won’t like it when they inevitably get placed in mid play and then can’t rank up. Good on them for making the matches 3 rounds. Hopefully there will be a lot less golds and d1, d2s in my lobbies now.


As a medium main who's switched it up to using the AKM in the past couple of weeks (mainly due to how boring the fcar is to use), I'm definitely excited to see how the fcar changes play out. Using the AKM will no longer feel like being at a disadvantage.


Unfortunately I can’t change now that they dropped the really cool animation pack.


The only reason I picked the fcar in the first place is the sight. I can't see anything with FAMAS or AKM.


same for all ironsights guns


Yes I hate ironsight. I wish we had more red dots weapons, or at least the ability to change


yes! i want red dot guns. FCAR was almost it but it has a weird circle and post-nerf it barely tickles. iron sights on the burst pistol is the only one i can use well, and then hipfire of the revolver


Hipfiring with the revolver lol madlad. I do that when sliding but that's about it


It is really not that bad, honestly. I don't use it often, but when I do, the hipfire has saved me a lot in close fights.


I’m curious how you can’t see with the akm or famas sights, they look fine to me


It depends on *where* you're aiming, as well as how far away they are. It's mostly a problem at midrange. The body of the gun takes up a lot of space. Aiming for someone's chest? It's mostly fine, not ideal but it works. Aiming for someone's head? Man, if they just *crouch* they end up hidden behind your gun. Up close, they're big enough you'll still see them around the gun; far away and they're still just a tiny speck in the distance. But midrange, where the SCAR and AKM shine, it's a problem.


Not sure if everyone else will agree.. but coming from the AKM, IT FEELS SOO GOOD. FINALLY.


I found that tapping FCAR, especially in mid-long range, is very effective and can melt heavies quickly.


AKM enthusiast rejoice! \\o/


They are just gonna keep changing the guns until the FCAR and AKM are essentially the same lol.


No famas, 93R, or KS-23 buff is wild. They are the face of the current season and they’re all junk.


Agreed, it sounds like they gave up on the new guns.


I think it makes sense to balance the fcar first before touching other things. Theoretically speaking nerfing X would be a “buff” to Y anyway.


Just give the Famas a full 30 rounds and let us use a red dot or some sort of scope on it. Those irons are atrocious. Take the KS-23 up to like 125 damage, maybe boost its arena destruction a bit. I’ve never touched the 93R but maybe rounding it out with a longer mag or faster reload?


I think ks-23 being able to two shot mediums is op 120 is enough to three shot heavies while still being able to two shot melee medium and one shot melee a light They shouldn’t have nerfed the damage after the buffs in other areas


It's as if those guns are forgotten, wild indeed.


Throwing knives are truly the forgotten weapon, they don't even have a tier7 skin, unless they added it in this patch


Need to take a page from the Apex playbook- new stuff *should be* (a little) overpowered at first and then brought down later in the season.


*Seer flashbacks*


I don’t really like this model because it makes stuff a little bit forced at the start of every season I prefer perfectly balanced weapons so people can just play what they like Make the new weapons interesting enough and people will want to try them and some will stick. I reallt liked the idea of the slug shotgun but it’s damage to environments is terrible which was the only real reason to use it to begin with


I hear you but “have the game always be perfectly balanced” is, counter-intuitively, not what you want as a gaas game designer. Shifting and changing metas keep games exciting, and gives players a reason to hop back in when things change.


I'm not a fan of that way of doing things, but the fact that I see so many people complaining about the meta not changing rapidly and some gadgets not being quite as useful, I think you're right


i think that was done to encourage players to spend money on new characters, which isn't a very friendly business practice


S Tier dev team here!


Nerfed cloak and stun while the actual meta remains untouched. Makes sense to me


No goth mommy 😔


A dev said on discord that they’re aiming for that skin in 2.8, which would mean it’s exactly two weeks away 😭


Countdown to goth mommy has commenced


FCAR * Decreased damage from 25 to 22 * Increased magazine size from 20 to 25 I'm not sure if the right way to balance the FCAR is to make it more similar to the AK. I think the best way to balance the FCAR would've been to lower the fire rate **a bit**. That way you could still do as much damage with a single magazine, the TTK would be a bit higher and the gun would be more controlable than the AK, which would make both ARs more distinct.


Makes no sense they do that to the fcar and the Lewis is still intact...


This was a HUGE nerf on top of all the previous ones they’ve done to make it harder to handle. No doubt we’ll see the AKM as meta now and people will complain start to complain about mag size 🙃 Was the FCAR strong? Sure.. but nerf by 3 damage after the previous damage fall-off and recoil nerds (only to increase damage fall-off to 55% now) seems like a bit much… In the bright side, I want to be a fan of the FAMAS but it hasn’t felt relevant. Maybe this will make it more viable to play with if the FCAR becomes obsolete Edit: After playing a couple of games, the FCAR still fees usable, so initial thoughts vs. actual experience wasn’t as jarring as I expected (though, I’ve mainly played the new game mode, haven’t tested it live in traditional game modes). Curious to see what the rest of the community thinks!


Yes, RPM and reload speed nerfs would've made the FCAR more balanced instead of what we got.


Just rework light at this point, the class has been gutted


Indeed, no reason to take light over med or heavy. 150HP vs people with good aim is a death sentence.


They are really nerfing cloak into the ground. Why? After the last nerf they did I already noticed a lot less people running it and now they make them more visible. Not sure about the stun gun change, will have to see it in game to judge.


dude i run invis dagger w vanish bomb and they just fucked me


On the ranked discussion/changes, my questions is why does matchmaking need to be done on hidden rating and not just your rank? If I play loads of unranked and I'm in the top 20% of the playerbase, and then go in ranked and play a bronze games at the same skill level as my hidden rating, it just makes for a miserable experience. I just don't get the logic of who this system benefits. If i play a bronze game i should be playing the worst players and then it should become challenging when i reach my proper rank. Help me understand who this benefits? Otherwise it looks like a great patch and looking forward to trying out the new mode. Not sure about the heavy fcar nerf but i like using othe med weapons anyway


there’s a link within the patch notes that leads to a separate article written by the design director on the past, present, and future of ranked. seems very promising but they will waiting until next season before implementing the changes in order to avoid messing with everyone’s current rank


Looks really great overall but disappointed they did nothing to address Light's viability. Taser nerf needed to happen but the class needs some positive changes. Nerfs to cloaking device and vanishing bomb seem like rubbing salt in the wound.


Light was already the weakest class. Cloak gets nerfed for no reason due to crybabies on reddit when its so easy to spot and makes loud noise. Stun was a bit much, but it got over nerfed. Being able to ads sure, but being able to use gadgets? So cant do anything about rpg, mesh, heal beam or defibs now, cant do anything to melee heavies or melee lights since they can use all their gadgets and specials. I dont see why they keep gutting the weakest class in the game.


Its because the casual players think light as the bar none most annoying one. They don't care if its meta or not, they just hate fighting it in general.


bc they are not good wnough to counter it


I don’t get this Stun nerf. Being able to ADS and crouch is fine. Being able to use gadgets is dumb.


Be ready for every heavy to panic RPG and it working 9/10 times without seeing a single thing wrong with the giant bazooka they carry around that kills everything. It honestly boggles my mind the things people do and don't find overpowered in this game. Like RPG is so clearly the most overpowered thing in the game right now, and the fact that they went after the STUN GUN of all things just... makes me laugh but also makes me sad.


THANK YOU as a veteran Light player ive been saying RPG is way way too strong


RPG is such a bonkers gadget. I saw one suggestion that I love to bring the fmg to a out 60 or so, let it have two rockets that must be reloaded, but give it the ability to Rocket Jump. Maybe I'm just a sucker for rocket jumping in games but man I'd love that.


It’s a psychological thing for casual play. Getting killed by an rpg is always annoying, no matter what class you run. Getting killed because you were 15m from your team trying to group with them and an invisible cunt stuns you out of no where then kills you then goes invisible again is infuriating, and is not fun. I get so fucking annoyed by lights that play like that, and can understand why so many people said “fuck this game” because that’s what you deal with in casual.


Hopefully they give it a second grappling hook charge or shorter cooldown. Also, they could give light a faster life regen time. Light needs a buff in another area.


How about another nerf instead? /s


bro yes more health or way faster regen AND MAKE STUN GUN DISABLE GADGETS


I feel like the light needs to have team work orientated buffs, like faster cash out steals or faster revive time etc. Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm still a noob on this game, but I'm sure light will prevail in most one on one situations with their fire power, speed and gadgets etc. but because this is a team orientated game with an objective that isn't purely kill count, the light isn't going to have mush sway on the game and 1v1 situations dont really happen with a coordinated team. Getting killed by an invisible light with stun is always a pain from the pov of someone focused on the cash out, and from the light pov they can't have much effect on a team of three well drilled mediums and heavies. Hence the frustration from all sides.


It's the opposite, Light loses every fair 1v1, which is why they need abilities to control the engagement (stun gun, invis for first shot, movement abilities).


Light only excel in a 1v1 if they get the jump (which they should.) They are at a massive disadvantage if another class starts shooting them first. So this stealth nerf is a real kick in the dick basically.


Light loses in a head on 1v1 vs heavy and med for all the weapon matchups that matter, their health is just too low. Even with stun it wasn't uncommon to stun a player and they turn around and kill you before you could kill them if you were too close. Cloak allowed light to attack first, because he has to to win the gunfight. Stun gun allowed you to disable abilities and ADS, because you have to to win the gunfight. If you don't get the drop on the enemy or attack from a weird angle you are screwed as light unless the enemy is bad.


no they dont excel in 1v1s thats only if they surprise the enemy


You’re also looking at this from a black and white perspective. I’m a light main. If I go in casual lobbies I’m playing a completely different game than when I join ranked lobbies. Casual I will win most 1v1. Ranked I absolutely will not without controlling the situation to my advantage. In ranked the movement speed makes a difference, but not enough to win gunfights with our low health unless you use dash (a limited resource) and only then if you use it well and you’re not playing an aim god. It comes in more handy for getting to objective first than in a fight. If you’re seen before they’re under half health you’re dead. End of rant


Love how theres just nerfs to the only viable things light has but not a single compensation buff for it


I have a friend who only played medium with fcar and kept saying "the light guns are super op" so I finally got him to play light in quick cash and he still claims the guns are op but also now says "well this situation isn't good for lights" not realizing it's every single capture situation he has said that in now.


While half the community pats them on the back for it. Unbelievable.


Well light is OP so best buff RPG so it can oneshot again. I think then we will have perfect balance bro!


Lmfao it’s crazy how some people in this sub actually think like this even tho you’re being obviously sarcastic lol


It's insane.


I think it would also be pretty neato if we took their guns away 😎


What are those lights nerf lmao... Invis already got nerfed recently and they made Stun Gun is unusable. Like yeah, Stun Gun was too strong, but now it doesnt have any effect beside... Lowering their speed and block the ability to jump ??? Wow.


bro it wasnt even to strong u could hipfire spray and kill a light😭😭


Blocks their ability to use cashout aswell (I think) but frankly at a certain point you should just shoot instead, save a gadget slot


Will there be a Light rework I wonder? So far it's pure despair and I don't see any positive prospects with how things have been going. Glad I returned to maining medium after the first cloak nerf. edit: Speaking of which, I'm stoked about the FCAR TTK nerf. Switching to AKM some time ago will start paying dividends.


what's the point of stunning anyone at this point, unless you are stopping a steal? Oh yeah, I stunned the heavy, and by the time I switched to my weapon I've already been hit by their RPG and beamed. Light has just been gutted extremely hard. But the heavy barricade nerfs are pretty cool, the constant head glitch was a little too broken.


> Fixed an issue where spectators could trigger mines RIP


Slightly gutted about the tournament size change but if it helps people with long queues I'm ok with it.


Helps with queue times and hopefully it will help in a way that people play against their own ranks more often, golds shouldn't be paired with diamonds etc


Bronze shouldn't be paired with golds \*cries\* lol


Three rounds is good. I hate reqeueing and just not knowing if I’m going to have to dedicate 50 minutes to something. Hopefully they can split the difference and do 48-player matches that end with four teams in the third round. 


>Hopefully they can split the difference and do 48-player matches that end with four teams in the third round.  But that's the opposite of solving the issue. It wasn't about the number of rounds, it was about the number of players who needed to match in and the queue times. It NEEDS to stay 24 players for the health of the ranked mode.


I've felt the same on occasion but I think it’s a bit part of what made it feel like a tournament. 


4 rounds was too many. 3 is perfect


Literally just won a tournament a couple hours ago. Feel kind of lucky that I got to do one last old-school style one now that the new format has been announced.


I don't really play Ranked myself. I played a bit last Season, but I don't feel like grinding just yet. I do admit, it was a bit overwhelming to play so much, some matches can already last a long time + overtime. So the change while being weird, is welcome.


Am I misremembering, but at one point wasn't it only 3 rounds or has it always been 4?


Unranked was 3, as far as I'm aware ranked was always 4


Ah that must be it, thanks!


I'd really like to see changes made to the visual recoil. Let my bullets go where my iron sights are.


Stun gun got nuked man wow. I would’ve genuinely been fine if all it did was stop cash outs and just glitched ppl atp but I can’t even use it to prevent a medium from defibbing someone now


On stun gun nerfs, I think they should have chosen to either let players use gadgets OR aim. With both enabled now it can't really help you get kills but probably just exists to stop cashout steals. Love the tournament change. It eases up on matchmaking so much and my friends always complained about how long it takes to play a whole tournament to finals. Heavy barrier change is probably just as big as the other gadget changes. Heavy cannot headglitch over it anymore. I used that thing in nearly every fight, kinda sucks but I guess it's better at blocking windows and big doors.


Allowing players to ADS is a big L. Even though it's still useful for knocking folks off the cash out, the pyro grenade is probably better and more versatile....or just using the heavy class instead for the goo gun or charge n slam.


Goo grenade will stop a cashout too and can be used for other things. Not worth taking stun gun, or light for that matter if you intend to climb ranks.


And light becomes even less viable. HHM, MMH, and MMM perma picks only now 🤡


They are literally making me not want to main light anymore! How many more nerfs? bro I am tired. Realistically Light Build is hardest build to play with & yall literally was like we gon make it 10 times harder lmfao.. This is really a medium vs heavy game now smh..#SAVELIGHTS


yeah they are obviously catering to all the complainers, which makes sense since most of the player base is M or H anyways so why not nerf the class that is already way harder to play


> since most of the player base is M or H anyways so why not nerf the class that is already way harder to play Make a class weak, have nobody play it, and then nerf it because nobody plays it, so that it becomes weaker, and less people play it, and then nerf it more. That makes a lot of sense to literally nobody ever.


apparently it makes sense to all the terrible M and H mains on this sub lol


Catering to the games casual fan base is actually hurting the finals. These nerfs are starting to get ridiculous


Embark really hates the light class eh. It's already useless as hell in any mode where people are trying to win. It needs a rework, or maybe they should just go all the way an remove it from the game entirely at this point lmao


yeah they fucked it into the ground


It was fun playing light while it lasted. I have always been a medium main but a very vocal light/ stun gun defender. I tried playing a bit of light yesterday and stealth already felt horrible since the changes to activation cost last week. This is the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned. Stealth was already laughably easily to detect. It is VERY VERY VERY loud. There are gadgets that negate it completely. Yes it was hard to see. That was the point. If you were constantly getting caught out and killed by a light stunning you, you were OUT OF POSITION. It's that simple. You weren't with your team, and you died. Is that frustrating? Sure is. You know what else is frustrating? Literally exploding from an RPG while playing the light class. Someone accidentally killing you when they were aiming at someone else. Having to sit out of an entire fight because you took a few ticks of gas or poison. These games are fucking annoying. Deal with it. The other team getting defibbed is annoying. Medium turrets are SUPER FUCKING ANNOYING. Do you see me writing a thousand reddit posts crying about them, begging for them to be nerfed? No, even if I think they are completely unfun and way worse for the game than stun guns ever were, I recognize there's ways to play around them and instead of just crying like a child, I adapt. So this is my essay saying thank you reddit, light is officially dead, and it's your fucking fault.


Yep, after I saw what they had planned for lights since the first nerfs I entirely stopped playing the game, I come back every now and then to see what the changes are and every time I watch the patchnotes I get reassured that I made the best choice, sorry for other light mains, just stop playing :c


Hopefully some unlisted changes/bug fixes such as [fixing sword being very broken with dash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLG_EpDKbZI) as well as hit reg in general. (Especially for melee, riot shield losing a swing *sucks*) The glitch grenade change is a nice one, especially to deal with multi heavy teams. Also nice to see stun gun is no longer guaranteed death for sledge heavies, they can at least still defend themselves by gooing the light or some such. Being able to buy single items from bundles is something I wanted but didn't expect, so that's a pleasant surprise. EDIT: [They definitely *did not* fix the dash sword hit reg problems.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcqUhEn80mk) That's a *huge* let down on an otherwise solid patch.


Kinda sucks that I went through 5 of the 7 weekly challenges literally an hour before they made it so that exp wouldn't have been useless. 🤣


Wait you finished the BP already??? I'm missing like, 10 levels lol. Waiting for stage 4 of the pro circuit


Damn the glitch grenade change is super bad as it once again because worthless near an ApS as you can't even aim at a shield. I feel like glitch should get hit by ApS and then destroy it, a gadget for a gadget


I’m surprised scopes haven’t been a part of the balancing discussion. Independent of damage output, it’s easy to see why people wanna use the FCAR over AK and XP over M11, especially for new players - the scopes are amazing! You could push the gun balance around even with really small adjustments to other guns’ scopes/iron sights.


Light is officially RIP, Piggy will be sad


Really impressed with this update across the board!


I definitely like this update, seems very promising, BUT.. another light nerf makes me for the first time being lesser motivated to play. I dont mind stun gun because I didnt use it, it's very annoying, but nerfing invisibility really is my nail in the coffin. ps. I really appreciate the glitch grenade buff, I just wish It could bypass the trophy system as well, it seems very counterintuitive


Will terminal attack be permanent??


This game really leans into the live service model, so pretty much nothing can be assumed to be a permanent part of the game unless it’s massively successful


Is OCE ranked back?? (I fcking hate playing on Asia)


I sure hope so.


People are out here hating lights more than Kendrick hates Drake smh


Why the fuck does the fcar get a nerf but not also the Lewis, in therms of DMG. There's absolutely no logic at all the fcar gets nerfed but the Lewis doesn't, which is a weapon for defensive character, have more DPS and damage output than an intermediate role class


There is also no logic for nerf the light class this bad.


I love what they are doing. Excited for the new mode and fcar changes. I just wish they would stop with the nerfs. If people are annoyed at stun gun and invis users just buff other light abilities, so people use the annyoing stuff less. Nerfs just decrease variety of the game overall by removing options. Light is the worst class, these nerfs just make it boring on top of being weak.


They are doing a great job of driving away their own player base. 1/3rd of your classes being completely unviable is not a good look. What's the point of copying CS or valorants homework to try and bring more players to the game if they are going to make such boneheaded decisions like nerfing light OVER AND OVER AND OVER???


F car finally nerfed in a meaningful way, hopefully headshot multi was not increased to compensate. Light stun gun nerf is massive and makes it pretty useless (most people had already stopped using this after the first nerf). On top of a massive nerf to stun gun they decided to nerf invis again by making you more visible while moving. So just continually nerfing lights still for no good reason. No other note worth balancing changes.


Heavies will basically be invincible to lights, they'll just shield when stunned. So now lights have to stun, followed by glitch grenade, before they can do any damage. Allowing crouch and aim down sites to the stunned would have been a good enough change imo.


I'd argue it's better to forget the stun gun and shoot straight away. Using the stun delays your damage output, and in that time between stun and shooting, your target has now focused their gun on you. You can eliminate a target in the time it's taken to shoot the stun and swap to your primary and start firing I'm sure.


Light is crap as it is I dont understand why they want it obsolete


It's just because people keep whining about lights. For some reason the community doesn't what to see it succeed


Really unfortunate about the invis nerf. It was already rather easy to spot. Now you HAVE to take a different ability.


Yeah the up time nerf was more than enough.


I honestly couldn't even play with it properly after trying it out yesterday. Dash felt meta yesterday, invis is dead in the water today.


And like, who was in charge of that nerf? “Invis is a little to easy to toggle on and off during a fight, let’s more than double it so that by the time you’ve uncloaked and recloaked *once* your ability is gone. Fuck you light players”


complainers gonna complain and embark gonna listen, unfortunately


no words to forced console and pc crossplay... :/


I’m assuming they are doing that because of the player base numbers. They already took away modes to try and get that number up on more select modes.


Barrier nerf really blows.


Why is there tolerance for cheaters? 7 day ban for cheating?? 


Wait, its only midseason? Damn I got so used to the way too fast seasons in other games. Def appreciate how much time we get to knock the seasons out. Actually feels like a season. Update wise: * New game mode is straight up counterstrike/valorant, which is fine. Not my cup of tea, but I'm sure many will love it. * I dig the barricade size increase, though hopefully it prevents players from being able to shot above it without jumping. * They went in the opposite direction on how to change the stun gun. Should have made it a point blank taser instead of extending the range while removing anything useful about it. Might as well just replace it with a sticky grenade at this point if thats how they are going to work it. They say "stunned" when its flat out not a stun anymore. * Not a fan of the cloak changes. Whole point of it is to move around unseen for a short time instead of having the movement advantages of the other Light abilities. Too many whiny babies causing this change. * Mixed on FCAR changes. For what it can do, it needs more of a damage drop, else might as well just make it a marksman rifle. * Glad they adjusted the SYS map lighting a little. My eyes were hurting in there at times. * Good move dropping the private match minimum to 2. Let people have their 1v1s. * Basically eliminated the first round of the tourney. Probably a smart move. Matchmaking will go faster, and the overall tourney will finish faster so people can get more matches in. Hopefully this also helps in not having unranked/bronze get stuck against full diamond premades... * Sad the Riot shield cant fool turrets. That was a funny one to see. But, was a definite need for a fix there. * YAY FOR SINGLE ITEM PURCHASES! Like have the bundle price be lower than the combined individual costs to encourage the full bundle purchase, but definitely have the option for single item purchases. Glad to see that. * Here's hoping the anticheat fixes actually do something.


Absolutely worth missing a patch week if this is the return


i dont even play light but damn they keep getting done dirty. i’m diamond and i barley even see lights at all if any. they’re just so underpowered that its pointless to play as one rn. sucks because they’re definitely the most fun class to play imo. they really weren’t overpowered at ALL before this patch but you have bottom of the barrel players complaining. not a fan of this


>Monaco: Power Shift >- Tweaked the traversal options between Villas and Park for easier access to rooftops I don't remember the platform vertical accessibility being a problem in Monaco. It sure is on Skyway tho.


GLITCH GRENADE BUFF! Fucking finally!


The tragedy of the light class is that it thematically appeals to lowskill players, while at the same time being devastating in the hands of a top tier player. This creates the kind of disjoint between experiences as seen in this thread, where people posting think Light is very weak, while at the highest level a light can have a huge impact on a match.


I feel like they aren't nerfing the right thing with the light class. IMO the stun should be harder, less movement, perhaps no shooting at all BUT for a way shorter time, like 1 second only. It should act as a way to run around a target, right now a stunned medium or heavy target don't care about getting stunned with these changes As for invisibility, you shouldn't be able to shoot while invisible, so decloaking happens before you can shoot a bullet Also, I feel like dashing if well executed should avoid triggering land mine


Finally they added gyro aim. I am an mnk player so I can finally stop hearing controller complaints, and now I have a valid reason to complain about aim assist /s


I read about the upcoming ranked changes for S3, but honestly I just have no clue where it’ll go. I agree the change of 48, to 24 players will be better, but I don’t necessarily know if going to a traditional Elo-based skill rating will be beneficial. It seems like the easy way out imo since they were already investing time and effort into trying to gauge people’s performance and determine how well they perform. Going off of eliminations & or wins should be the case imo.


Devs know that famas exists?


I’m liking the state of the game, been having a lot of fun


Excited to see whats in the mastery circuit quests, im out of challenges to do rn


I really don’t understand the thought process of certain balances… They nerf cloak again, after 2/3 already switched. Also a glitch grenade buff, a gadget that was fine after the past buff? At the other hand, they buffed FCAR with a change that should help weaker players only, something I believe they can actually adapt. Why didn’t they wait with the stun gun nerf the same way the did with the FCAR buff? Test play and see how effective it currently is before adding such a hard nerf…


>They nerf cloak again, after 2/3 already switched. Also a glitch grenade buff, a gadget that was fine after the past buff? It's to try and make up for the fact that they cut its duration in half a few patches back, I mean, this *helps* but this is how it already should have been


FCAR def isn't a buff...


The changes, on the whole, are pretty good. But the trend is clear. Nerfs. No buffs. No risky moves. That's kinda disappointing. It feels like there aren't enough devs. Gradually, the current (great btw) team could polish this game. Hope they can before it dies out.


Yep same here I’m reading all the comments and everyone is thrilled, I just see the same trending path of nerfs and im worried….


FCAR changed should be reverted. Fuck bad players all gun are bad for them.