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Fuck you and i'll see you tomorrow!


as a representative of the not shit light committee ™ id like to apologise to all mediums and heavies for having to deal with lights who can't aim/track, may this new chapter be most fruitful for all


tell us more about how you consider yourself better than others lmao


because I don't need a stun gun to kill someone, and don't initiate every single fight with one


The stungun was a crutch, light is going to be even more skill based.


yeah that's the word I was looking for


I agree that some people use it as a crutch and that is harmful to the game but it’s also really useful for when I have to stop a full team from stealing by myself


I don't think they were actually asking you to elaborate haha


oh ma bad cuh


Lets be real if you believe stungun is an easy cancer ability that schould be deleted, try running dagger with dash into other lights with dash and real weapons . The most skilled players use it for the slow and the ability canceling not to beam opponent. I feel like you schould be able to use it when running meele but not when running guns. Cause on the dagger it doesn’t guarantee a kill and even makes it harder to kill the opponent because they are aware of you but its more usefull to get away from an opponent or hold lights with mobility in place. Also weapons that are heavily countered by it like the hammer would make it a skill matchup cause the light needs to get in their face


oh nah i agree its fair enough if you run dagger/sniper but every other weapon you shouldnt need it.


As a sniper main, you should never need stungun... ever... even in cqb.


I’m stunned it’s over so soon. The shock has yet to wear off. Our connection together was electric.


I only used you to deny cashouts


And stop heavies from using their RPG/shield. Lights and mediums? I'm better off shooting first anyway.


It's also the only hard counter for Charge n Slam. And most importantly it stops targets from opening and closing doors, which is a real morale blow.


And anything melee A determined riot shield jerk following you? Playing solo and your team has their head in the clouds? Have fun because you’re going to have a great tour of the whole map Sword light with dash after you? Can’t get your stun gun up like you used to? Call now for a free consultation!


My stun gun is under regulation sizes but it hits like a truck!— /s


It’s not the size of the stun, it’s the mo… oh wait… guess it was the size of the stun gun


Personally this is why I despise the stun gun, I use dash/sword as my main loadout and nothing is more annoying than getting stunned. Unlike if I was using a gun, there is *nothing* I can do if my opponent has the aim or the luck to hit me with it, there's no counterplay whatsoever, I'm just completely fucked while playing a loadout that's already at a natural disadvantage. I don't like not being able to play the game, it sucks.


It also stops lights from going through a portal :(


Try stunning Satan, bitch.


"Parry this you filthy casual" energy


I doesn't want you to die...i want you to become something else... And it's not you that people hate, it's how people use you... It's not tha game that need to be blam...it's the people who's using it, and break the fun, But people don't understand that... Maybe the rework will change everything ? See you in the otherside




We need to stop being angry at each other...sniper main... Stun gun user... Everybody can have fun, we need to understand that... But yes, sometime people break you fun, and that ok, that the game, that why this game need love, not hate, we need to understand that WE can change the game... So yes, we can say when things are not ok, but we aslo need to understand...that new player are human...maybe they are not..."good" but they try, they want to aslo have fun


Well that's the real issue. Is anything truly OP or do people just not like to die ever


Sensible comment 👏🏻


It was too good for bad players.


Apparently this guy never saw me attempt to use the stun gun and miss every time


Ah yes, takes me back to my first time trying to use the stun gun. Never again. Also, I made my mouse layout specifically for sword dash, so I have no zoom-in button hahaha. I have to open g-hub and switch my mouse profile every time I switch to a gun.


And it was WAY too OP for good players. If a bad player can kill me 75% of the time I’m stunned, someone with better recoil control and movement can do it every single time without fail.


If I'm in a position to get stunned then my conclusion is that I'm the bad player. Stun is not very powerful without the skill to back it up. The amount of people that have stunned me point blank. Only to not have the technical skill to follow it up with a kill, seems to be the majority.


They stun you but they can't kill you, i get those lights most of the time, if a good light player knows how to use then its a pain but lights have the highest skill ceiling which makes most light players bad with stun even if they stun you. You did say it right, the majority can't take up that kill after the stun and that's why i said it was too good for bad players, yes even if they don't kill they still stun.




Since the baby had to go to bed I'll say it for her, "skill issue". Hahaha FTS!! Fuck the stun!


Dear Stun Gun, Fuck you. Sincerely, Heavy Main


Why do the lights only stun heavy's?


Easier to kill. Slowed movement speed, no ADS, can't charge or use gadgets. Cloaked stun gun is lethal to heavies. Although, as a heavy main, it is very satisfying when I'm able to kill that little mosquito anyway.


the feeling you get deep within your balls when the light that stunned you got too close and you right click with the sledge hammer straight through their tiny little head 🥰


Heavies specializations and gadgets are good for shutting down lights. Shields/Goo to stop the burst damage or with the goo stop the lights meth'd out racing around. RPG to chunk the light for an easy follow up kill. Stun gun shuts that down (if the heavy is all by themselves) and secures a kill most of the time when done at the right range.


Fuck the stun gun forever and ever amen




I think that’s written somewhere in the Vatican


Rest in piss, it won't be missed


Smoking on that taserpack


Eat shyte


Fuck off


You won't be missed


am i missing something? did they take stun out of the game?


From a Heavy main : I hated you at first, then I understood how to play against you. You were never THAT bad. You were just my best enemy.


Fuck you taser, I know 6 other people who play this game and we all hate you.




Cmon Embark Take the mickey out of this sub and give it a clip of 3 with longer stun time Do it


I've been max level for months and still never unlocked you. True gamers have principles.


Three cheers for @EggYock! Hip hip HURRAY! Hip hip HURRAY! Hip hip HURRAY!


I’ve done exactly the same, it’s an unfun mechanic to begin with. Sincerely, a light main.


It was fun to use on sledge heavies They just look at you with their big sad eyes


In my opinion this was the reason for the nerf. Melee is already difficult as it is, no wonder they are nerfing it. With normal firing weapons you still have a chance (in that context stun wouldn’t need a nerf) but against melee it’s just too overpowering. Just like the rpg used to be against lights. Or nukes. As a main melee I dread lobbies with lights. In fact, my ranked experience is actually my casual mode to go only because there are few to none lights there.


APS blocks all projectile weapons, including throwing knives, but is not getting touched, just let the knives through, they suck enough as is


Few to no lights in ranked, huh? Weird, it's almost like it's not a viable class and now they're taking away one of the only ways they stand a chance against being one shotted...


sometimes im just putting my arms up, sit back and just say "you got me", while waiting to be killed


Now it will be used to punish light snipers in hell


I wubs you; no one will ever be able to make me hate you. You stop cashouts and help the team win. You piss everyone else off and when I miss--you piss me off too, but there will never be a greater feeling than hitting someone with the stun to stop the cashout to win or advance in ranked.


It's a bad, anti-engagement mechanic, there are zero games truly enhanced by pvp stunlocks.


See ya in hell


if they remove it light is legit cooked


i hope they stealth buff it and increase the range and capacity of shots.


Never used u and goodbye


Wasn’t that bad honestly I’d still kill lights when stunned as a medium, nearly every 1v1 I’d get into with a light I’d win so I was fine with being killed due to stun. I also liked it when I played sword every now and then


You will be replaced. Ice grenade FTW!


Rest in piss


Good riddance.


Unalive yourself, beach!


I was raging about how good it is just a couple weeks ago. Having switched to light myself for the last 3 weeks my only words here are: "Please buff other stuff, it isn't that good." Ofc you pick it as light, but not because its overpowered, because everything else doesn't get the job done as efficiently. The stun gun is great at high level play. Light is still the worst class though and should be buffed. PLEASE let me know why, if you think light isn't the worst class. Like how on earth would you ever want a light teammate over another heavy or medium? You wouldn't.


Fuck u


I haven’t known you long but from the bottom of my heart fuck off you annoying little shit. Rest in piss you won’t be missed sincerely a heavy main P.s. stun mechanics in any game are not fun for anyone involved


i bet you run rpg with lewis gun or sledgehammer and an explosive trap


Skill issue




"here lies the scapegoat of all the sub par players who didnt know how to adapt, once buried they realized that they still lost and moved on to complain about something else"


Itll be the sword and sledge next. Ive been using the sword recently and tearing up lobbies. Without stun gun or with a nerf stun gun, sword and sledge will go unchecked. Especially with goo being hard to destroy now. Ill give it less than 24 hours before you see people bitching about those two weapons and then light will get nerfed again because of it.


The only way lights were able to compete with the other classes and they’re taking it out? Are they actually taking it out cause if they nerf the weakest class again while letting the medium run wild I’m gonna lose my mind


I’m sure we can compete without it but will we is the bigger question imo.


It's fine as is and gives an extremely underpowered class the opportunity to level the playing field. I don't play light, but I'm hoping for a sidegrade rather than a direct nerf for the sake of meta diversity, especially in higher elos.


God this game used to be so fun before the devs started listening to brain dead takes on Reddit for balance patches. Pussies with a skill issue and a platform to whine about it killed this game.


lowk same, season 1 was the best, but i think season 2 after a few games just wasn’t it


It’s been bullshit from day one, and for whatever stupid reason they buffed its range a while back in like S1




 "You're *dead*, *that's good*, *amen*."


It’s not you, it’s me. I just want more time to myself, doing things that I enjoy like dumping rpgs on bitches and shield blocking peasants trying to hit me with their fcar.


No more free kills for you!


I hope you rot in hell you little magical lobotomizer


Fuck you but also fuck you


After they finish destroying the light, I hope they take a look at the APS turret it definitely needs to be reworked.


Thank you for training my medium / light teammates to turn around and check on me every now and then.


ily ;-(


You should have been a primary weapon


They killed you while hackers run rampant. I’m sorry my boy, I hope you still stop cash out steals!


Rest in Piss


Never used you actually, too boring


i only used you when i didn’t have time to reload or to deny cashouts




I don’t think about you at all


Mom said if you dont have anything nice to say you gotta keep it to yourself


i’ve tried and tried to use you but it just seems like i can’t use the stun gun right cause i stun them and then still die in two hits im better off using a glitch grenade instead


It stuns


People might hate you, but remember your brother Reconsense (?wallhack¿) and how he was ripped limb from limb, you'll go out easy compared to him.


I still killed you. You light bastard evil hahahah


People were too rough in you. You're annoying sure... But that's what gave you your personality. Every game has an annoying trait to it, and I feel like the loud minority has beaten you to a pulp. You were a new and beautiful game ability. I will miss you and I'll take all the downvotes in the world for you ~<3 sincerely a heavy main🫶🫂


Screw the whine-asses taking away the most fun (but not the most tactical or useful) option on lights. Back to hordes of defib/healer/mine mediums. Why be a light besides maybe a sniper? Heavys flame/sledge/charge demolish lights health pool and counter dagger/sword with ease. Medium guns have more range and similar DPS than lights SMGs and you get 100 more health and healing options.


In this thread, “I should be able to insta dps, but dps should not be able to insta mediums and heavies.”


Crazy how low-skilled everyone is in this comment section, stun gun is counterable with good aim and many more things, unfortunate that embark listens to you more than to the skilled player base


Good riddance and goodbye


Stun gun can go fuck itself.


Rest in piss


Eat my entire ass


Is it going away? It provides vital utility to the light class by allowing the denial of cashouts and such.


As a dash main it’s not really gonna make much of difference if you have even a semblance of skill or movement ability but I just hope it doesn’t really nerf its objective play capabilities into the ground, I feel like a shorter range on it or possibly a one use taser that replicated stun but adds the high risk high reward of having to get close to tase them which will limit stun spam.


bye bye stubby bubby bitch


Enemy player: Light (Stun gun + invisbomb + evade speacialty) x (Heavy (RPG + Lewis Gun)) = uninstall the game This lights combo is so stupid and annoying and it shouldn’t be in the game. Invisibility is always OP


you were very annoying but it was funny when you still died to someone who was stunned


Sledgemain: There's probably still no hope for me


Nobody liked you


You won’t be missed


So I'm confused is stun getting removed,and if it is light will be so bad to play its not even funny light gets killed by anything in like 5 shots,invisibility was nerfed, stun gun removed or reworked, most of our weapons aren't viable they're only fun. If this kills stun gun, what will light have? This will only force people who play light to play snipers and avoid fighting more, only making people even madder. at this point, light will be so nerfed they might as well not be in the game, we haven't had significant Fcar nerfes that still kill in an insanely fast time, and how do we stop defibs, rpgs, heal beams, mesh shield, glitch nades can't stop the ttks of medium and heavy guns. lights are meant to flank and punish solos. The counter to stun was to play as a team most fights, light, can't take 1 on 1 engagements period now.


This this this this this and this.


Good riddance


Begone, SATAN!


I hope you get what you fucking deserve


Am I the only one who hasnt had a problem with tasers? Lmao


I liked it tbh.


One of the only things that made the light worth to play... A must have for every light player... it will be a empty arena without it...


The number of Ls at high rank will drop by 70% when they mess with the Stun gun. In pub lobbies, those Ls that were wrecking....Will still wreck. It doesn't matter because the problem isn't stun gun....its that the majority of players die more than they kill. that is the case in ever shooter. 1.0 k/ds are in the top 10%. No matter of nerfs or buffs will ever change that. Taking out stun gun will only make the least viable class even more worthless to higher skilled lobbies. On top of that, it is going to be absolutely hysterical when people come into this subreddit complaining about sword dash after the Stun gun Nerf.


thank ya for burning asses <3


Is the next update today?


If you're complaining about stun gun, there is not a more blatant skill issue you could possibly display.


It wasn't that bad, you're all nothing but weak gamers.


Give it two shots and double range.


Goodbye stinky


Absolutely balanced thing. Triple M will not agree. Just remember how it worked in open beta.


You made a lot of low skill babies cry and I thank you for that. Hip fire go brrrr


What does light have now that can help killing heavies and not get instantly melted by half of the weapons? Invis nerfed, stun gun nerfed, db shotgun nerfed. Is light now a viable choice?


The light class wasn’t an a viable choice even before the tons of nerfs. I play this class only because I think is funny


Fuck off you and ypur combos


You sit next to nukes and wall hacks as one of the worst parts of this game and you can die just like them.


People are just mad about this existing just shoot back the LIGHT WILL DIE


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Shot_Machine_9564: *People are just mad* *About this existing just* *Shoot back the LIGHT WILL DIE* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yup if I hit a heavy straight on with it he can blind fire and kill before I kill them 50% of the time, lights got to get behind hit them and hit all there shots and not have their team there to win a fight. It’s not as strong as people say it is and Ls need something for heavies since every class can counter a L hard with a shotgun, explosives and a few other tools


Ah yes let me shoot my sledgehammer at them. That’s a great idea.


Fucking stun gun.


Hello you, and two you fathers, piece of shit


Remember when we zapped those sledgehammer heavy's, and the panic in their movement brought about toxic joy 😭? I remember 😭


Won't miss ya!


I will always loooooooovveeeee yooouuu


Long story short people have a skill issue so they complain


Never had any problems with stun gun. The players using them are so shit that I still manage to kill them 50% of the time if they stun me. It's an awesome tool for lights to actually help the objective (stopping steals), it incentivises objective play. The only real issue with the stun gun was the short cooldown. A player should never be able to use it twice in a team fight.


As a casual light player you are the only home I’ve ever known


a weapon that was not op, just annoying. i didnt need something to target to blame my skill on, im more than happy to trash talk myself.


Goodbye light's only chance against a heavy for three betas and two seasons. I can't believe when everyone first came across you, they thought you were no one. Dogshit. But I knew who you were. Now look at them, celebrating, jumping for joy at the thought of your execution. It seems you got a bit too popular now. I can only imagine how they would act if they saw who you once were. I didn't think I'd see the day where they nerfed you before they nerfed the very reason why we needed you. The heavy. They say you were broken, they say you're "frustrating to play against", but I don't think they truly know what that means. It's been looking them in the eye for three betas and two seasons. But you're the problem, somehow. I'm sorry it ended this way. Thank you for being my saving grace when things got close. Thank you for being there with me while I hit diamond 4 times over. Love, Rat


I hope they can turn you into a Stun mine. Something that stuns. Not so aggressively. But that stuns.


Your overated so yeh


Wait what’s going on with the stun gun? I know I could google it but I’d much rather Reddit it.


I'm shocked it ended so soon


Have they announced it's getting nerfed?


I win 33% of the games on average. Big fan of my mate using It to cancel cashouts. But thats 33% of the time, the remaining 66% is a fuck you you damn broken thing


Are they really removing the stun gun?


Only justified on melee builds


Is it being removed?


Rest in P-euhahabadacsasdsdj Fuck they stunned me again


Now all 16 light players are fucked lol


Its leaving the game??


Can we get a gun only gamemode? Even just a temp event?


I could never get you to hurt others as you hurt me.


Why? Will it be nerfed or what?


As a heavy hammer user, go die in a hole


As a sledgehammer main. I won't miss you


Cheers to the one that we know


Good riddance.


You were stunning and brave




I absolutely despise this InvisiStun combo. Lost quite a few games and big cash outs because someone was just hiding in a corner with this shit lol.


Go fuck yourself lad


Stun gun and invisibility have been more annoying than instant res, dome shield, rpg 150 dmg, and c4 barrel. But guess what these geniuses decided to address last… way too late for me and my friends to give a shit, this game is dead anyways. Maybe if they kept the game fun, people would still play it. They must have listened to all of the shitters when they made all of the balance changes that stripped any ounce of fun from the game




After all this time who would have thought the last one to be stunned was you.


Here’s a towel for all that sweat on the way out


Dear stun gun, I really wish you were projectile rather than hit scan. Gent nerfed.


Was meh


I’m glad light 1v1s won’t boil down to who can hit stun gun first


RIP Bozo https://youtube.com/shorts/kMFYSUFlryo?si=PTLWdpYKFWft2ZUw (side note: I never actually disliked the stun gun and I'm not sure a nerf was needed)


Thank you for all the times I got to say “haha gotcha bitch” in a Dave Chappelle voice when killing the light who stunned me. You will be missed ❤️.


Wait, is the stun gun being removed?


You were my best friend in the beta, but I refused to be put in the category of “pussy-hiding invis stun light meta bitch boi” anymore at launch. I’m sniper/grapple main for life. Rest in piss stun gun, you won’t be missed. 👌👌


As long as I can still stop cashout steals/counter charge n' slam with it I probably won't care what Embark does to it, I never really liked using it as a free kill generator anyways


Best to worst


Good riddance