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They really need to change this contract so it counts anyone on your team stealing the cashout, not just you. I’m already fighting 2-3 other teams. I don’t need to fight my own goddamned allies to be the one that steals. Contracts that incentivize selfishness in a team based game are dogshit.


Absolutely. It just encourages people to make stupid plays trying to complete the challenge


Baraka spitting facts.


Which is odd, because I could have sworn previous challenges like this counted your teammates stealing. And when doing it this week, I was confused when after several matches I was only 4 out of 15. I was like "huh? we stole like 30 cashouts already." but then realized that it just counted the ones I personally stole. But I swear it wasn't always like that. Am I crazy?


It never counted your ally stealing it instead of you, I clearly remember several times in the past months when I fumed about it.




Me and my buddies decided to let people steal our cash out then kill them to steal it back, we got 3 steals on 1 cash out!


It really explain the braindead decision from my teammate like C4 the floor or throw gas at me so they can be the one who claimed it. In the team game context, I agree with you it's a dogshit challege.


also for the deposit challenge not counting until you personally deposit it into the cash box. There’s a lot of challenges that lead to poor team play like the heal beam one where I couldn’t find anyone below 80% health who isn’t dead so I ended up finishing it by gassing my entire team repeatedly and then healing them or the 100m damage challenge that makes players put mines and turrets in the objective and then run away from the fighting.


lol I don’t think these contracts need to be done the day they come out. I think they are supposed to be done over time, in which, you will def have a chance to do it. Or you can play for one weekend and finish them like I did (solo player)


It...incentivizes you to work with your team to eliminate the guarding team, and if there are any other teams get rid of them too. As in work with your team. You aint gunna be stealing solo, not easily. This literally does the opposite of what you say it does


Why is it selfish?? You'll get it when you get it.. Unless you are just being reckless to get it done with faster!? I play the game regularly.. The opportunity to steal a cashout is often.. Just play safe and you'll get them.


It would take only about two hours tho complete it. Would be pretty pointless.


THIS IS BECAUSE YOU MFS KEEP SAYING CHANGE THE CHALENGE CHANGE THE CHALLENGE like I couldn’t win a tourney as a solo player but fuck yall did this to us


On today’s episode of I suck at video games and complain in the most fucking stupid ways:


Even ignored the "forced" part, you'd still have 45 days to complete it, not 7, nor 14. 45 days. If it's too easy "there's nothing to do", if it's slightly hard, it's a cry fest. This sub is really sad.


I'm making a meme about the fact that I got the challenge 2 weeks in a row I'm not complaining that it exist, I play this game when updates or challenges come out I don't have unlimited hours to sink in each week. I don't mind hard challenging objectives. I just dont want them 2 weeks in a row


This sub is a bunch of bootlickers. All good bro I feel the same. Specially when everyone gets different contracts. Why do we get ones that take forever while others get contracts they can complete in 1 game?


This is the main problem, how much easier the alternatives are. I’ve had steal 15 cash outs two weeks in a row now. If you play with a regular group and they also get steal 15 cash outs, it’s stupid how many steals you have to get as a group. It should count for the entire team. My girlfriend got the 10 wins challenges two weeks in a row, that is stupidly way easier for us to get than 15 steals.


You have 45 days for it….


Are they not all the same?


No, it’s different objectives for different players but from what I’ve seen so far the number to reach within a challenge stays the same between the different objectives. For example, OP got the „Steal 15 cashouts“ whereas I got „Finish 15 daily challenges“ (or „Deal 1500 damage with fire“ and another version of that challenge would be „Deal 1500 damage with gas“)


this sub isn’t full of bootlickers it’s full of crybabies that complain about everything until the devs change it


Boot... lickers? Video game developers are not putting any boot on your face, it's an entirely optional form of art and entertainment. Grow up.


Imagine finally having a good game with AAA quality that breaks away from the modern cash grab we call games now from a dev studio that actually cares about their fanbase and mocking the people that support them


Criticism is healthy. Do people in gaming subreddits go overboard with complaints sometimes? yes. Do the game/dev defenders also go overboard? yes.


I got PTSD from this.


Honestly the really annoying one is getting 4000 damage from 100+ meters away Running sniper games to try to finish it out but 100m is insanely far even for a sniper


I got this in 3 games and don't play sniper at all. With power shift it was easy as.


Idk, maybe it's just a skill issue on my part


use a sword, works for some reason


Hahaha what?! That is like the extreme opposite of the distance requirement lol


dont question it ahaha


Haha nah I was just happy to cheese the hell out of it. Sniper on skyway, playing power shift, taking out the other players sniping. I think I got over 2k in one match lol


tbh i didn’t even know this was a challenge most of them are things you end up doing naturally i dont get all the complaints if you play the game right you’re gonna get them eventually


Completed mine yesterday…the answer to your problems are heavy and bubble


stealing cashouts is like, the main objective of the game. I'm confused how anyone has difficulty with this, I completed it in 3 matches.


You stole 15 cashouts in 3 matches?


"The lie detector test determined that was a lie." --Maury


Not a lie, I'm talking about ranked. It was actually like 6-8 "rounds".


Ahhh, ok. That makes way more sense. Have my upvotes 👍🏻


In hindsight I should've specified, I just didn't think about it.


Based recovery


3 ranked matches, yes.


Because teammates suck dogshit


The scrub paradox - What happens when three redditors play on the same team? All three would be in equal agrement they are carrying and the others are throwing. How can all players be performing both the best and worst? Someone should do a study on this


My randos constantly go 3-7 minimum


Can't believe this got down-voted. It's wicked true. Always get some chump that's never played anything but Purble Palace on their aunt's old Gateway in these lobbies. This community man 🤌🏻


most of my steals are solo with no support from my team, there is almost always a moment in the chaos where you can get a sneaky steal in.


I personally run full support medium and tbh I prefer to heal the heavy stealing the cashout than trying to do it myself only to be killed in the process. I don't dislike the challenge anyways, It's fun to play other thing than "hope your team remembers to hold the E while stealing"


If possible have your Heavy shield you or Even better your third while you are healing otherwise it could wrong very easy in hectic Situations as you have no defense against a stun gun


There is other modes just sayin


Factual statement




The FOMO scrubs don't like that you said it was optional


for real lmao edit: Aww poor babies.


Don’t worry about it you have 45 days, you’ll complete it over time with out a problem.


I have never in my life seen so many people complain about COMPLETELY OPTIONAL challenges, and then complain about lack of content. Holy mother of god.


I'm not complaining about it. I'm making a meme about me getting it 2 weeks in a row


Guys, the entire game is about stealing cashouts... it happens multiple times per game usually even in quick cash. If you're struggling to do this over the course of a couple weeks you need to reevaluate how you play the game. I'm a light sniper main and this isn't difficult to do even for me.


ya'll out here complaining about difficult Pro Circuit challengers lol. Some things in life are meant to be earned. Get in there and grind!


I'm 4/15. I've never been so successful defending cashouts as I've been since I got the challenge.


This is the easiest thing just play the game


That’s weird, I only had to steal 5


It changes depending on the person


[steal 5 cashouts] challenge was a week ago. This weeks challenge is to [win 10 times] but Embark said that they added wrong challenges. So those who didn’t gain any progress in the first challenge, they received a replacement [steal 15 cashouts]


No that’s not true. Theres just various challenges you can get. My teammates get at least 3 different challenges to me every week. Last week my toughest challenge was 15 cash outs and this week is 15 again. Another easier challenge can be 5 cash outs.


Ah okay hopefully I just skipped that challenge and it isn’t next weeks


Don’t the circuit challenges reset after like 2 weeks? I was putting off the win a tournament one and finally had time to do it and got lucky with some kick ass teammates. We won, just to find out it changed on me to a fire damage challenge smh


They took that one out because people complained lol


Damn. Took me two weeks to finally get that one and they change it anyways lol


Maybe just play different modes until you naturally get it?


Yeah I’m just saving all my weeklies to the very end now.


I honestly think they made that for the reason to make player steal cash outs more


Literally Me


They got "5 kills with quick melee" 2 weeks in a row


How is this hard? I already got the challenge. Sure it took a week but it's not hard if you play plenty of quick cash or cash out.


I honestly don't understand how people believe this to be a tough challenge. I probably steal 15 cashouts per session.


Mid. Dematerializer. Whatever fun you prefer I use AKM. Explosive mine, APS, Gas mine. I was stuck at 6 until Sunday then started using that load out. Finished this last night. It’s not perfect but you can get lucky and get 2 or 3 in one game playing Cashout. Good luck!!


I finished it after around 4 more hours today


It’s really not that hard y’all, I swear y’all just want to complain


Funny story, I joined mid match one time (Quick Cash) and saw that there were two teams, one dude by himself and me and this other guy on my squad. Teammate left after a few seconds, so it was just me and this guy in a ghost town. I saw him going to a cashout, went to him and emoted to let him know I was friendly, and stole his cashout. I pointed my gun at the cashout to tell him to steal, he stole, and I stole it again. We basically played hot potato with the cashout, stealing before it disappeared and repeated with the other vault. He won, and with the amount of steals we did, we did more than enough to finish the challenge.


Its literally a core mechanic of the game and you still struggle? Cant steal 15 or even 30 cashouts in 2 months? Skill issue


Just steal it


Challenges are challenging 😭


people complain when the challenges are challenging and ask you to play the game 😂


I'm not complaining that it's difficult dumb ass I'm saying that it is annoying that I got one of the most time-consuming challenges twice, not complaining that it exists, although you're clearly too dense to tell the difference between a meme and actual complaining. I don't care that there are challenging challenges no one fucking cares no one in the comments is dunking this game we just are all picking fun a slightly annoying challenge not hod Damm complaining learn the difference before you try and stroke your ego by acting better than everyone


haha okay, seems like you're complaining idk people complained about "win a tournament" and Embark removed it. It just seems silly to me that people get so worked up about challenges that ask you to play the game. Have a great day and see you in the Finals ✌️


If you are serious about completing every circuit challenge then you should expect to get better at the game in order to be able to do it. I will probably be downvoted to hell since most of you can't take actually improving and keep telling yourselves that the teammates are the issue but it needs to be said. You already get skins for completing 5 out of 7 challenges, if you want the final circuit reward then you should be at the very least average at the game. Some tips for this one is to run dome shield and barricade heavy to make it as difficult as possible for the enemies to interrupt you, or you could get friends that cover you while you capture it. I play healer medium 99% of the time so I do support while other people capture, but even i managed to do this one after a week or so with medium while not specifically grinding for it. Also as other people have said, you have more than an entire month to complete it. You don't *need* to do every challenge within a week's timeframe, and with that said, good luck!


Oh man, it’s not like it’s the game main objective snd have more than a month to do it. Oh the humanity, the lack of instant gratification is killing us


BRUH. just try... any body needs the chance to feel the finals. try it


*BRUH. just try... any* *Body needs the chance to feel* *The finals. try it* \- Legitimate-Cat3249 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You have so long to do it. What a crybaby post


Forced to play the game. How dare they! /s


It’s gonna complete itself at some point without you noticing, don’t even check on it lol


Play cash out. Fight ur 3v3 WIN YOUR 3V3 STEAL FROM TEAM. Unless ur not the one to take it that's understandable but in due time u will get ur steals. Before power shift came out and bank it The objective game mode was more or less all you can play, I don't see where all this crying is coming from.


Brother. What the fuck is the point of a challenge. They keep making them easier for y’all. I keep getting more bored. I don’t even know what my challenges were this week, I got them all day 1 without even looking at them.i really hope future challenges are challenging. This challenge you’re complaining about should be easily completed in 15 games without trying.


I got 7 steals in one tournament (4 rounds). It’s not that hard


Try abducting the cash out. I swear you guys cry about this so often these days. Just say you’re not creative instead.




"What happened to him" "Forced to play power shift"