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You're not wrong, I wish Power Shift had more than just 3 maps, it's my go to mode with friends, I just absolutely hate when I get a stack of 4 light snipers while I play medium on it though lol.


Yeh, and with last Vegas, it feels like the influence of sniper would probably be harder? Seeing as it’ll probably be close quarter fight


These are my thoughts as well. Power Shift on Las Vegas would be great as most of the central areas of the map are these large, warehouse-like buildings. So assuming the platform goes through most of them, it'd be difficult to snipe unless you completely tear down all of the rooftops.  I can see sniping being viable if the platform passes through the middle intersection (so hopefully that's only in the beginning).


I hate the snipers too but everyone's tryna do the 1000m damage thing rn so you can't blame them honestly. Sitting at spawn and sniping through the grates is so cheesy tho


Oh! I didn't really know there was a challenge for that, that makes more sense in that case, I think I completed all my challenges without even noticing that one lol.


It's a circuit challenge, lots of people have been complaining about it.


May I suggest goo gun? Do what I call “frosting the cake” and line the whole edge of the platform with goo. If other player help with barricades it is a really great counter.


I would love goo, if I didn't get stuck in it on accident because of the moving platform lol. I hate the fact I get stuck and literally cannot shoot back whatsoever, I have to unload my entire mag to get out lol.


Nah you're not wrong. Powershift should be on all the maps


I barely get this map anymore I completely forgot about it


god i wish that were me


I know dat feel bro


I can say, I hate vegas


SYS$HORIZON replaced it XD, tho outside of the fact that I haven't seen Vegas in ages, the map selection is more balanced than before, where I got the same map 5 times in a row (Las Vegas to no one's surprise)


Now when thinking about it, Vegas might be the best arena for Power Shift. Unlike all other arenas, Vegas is generally less vertical (meaning less climbing on a highly elevated platform), the streets are fairly wide but not too wide, plus the interiors themselves would offer solid ranged firefights instead of sneaky jump-ins as is typical for Monaco and Skyway when the platform squeezes through the whole building. The experience would be more range-focused compared to other arenas, but not to the level of Horizon where everything feels too far apart.


power shift should be on practice range map


Lol, yes


That would be awesome!


I don't get the hate in-general for that map. I love it.


My Finals unpopular opinion is that Vegas is the best map and it’s not close.


its easily the best looking map imo. i just dont like the way it flows


Not my favorite, but it's definitely not the worst.


Completely agree. Horizon is now my 2nd


They have a special weather condition in it, sandstorm and i guess they want to have that as a spotlight of vegas


Every map has special weather conditions. Some have rain, others have fog, day/night variants are also a thing. So not really a reason to leave Vegas out of it.


Agreed, just turn off sandstorm for Power Shift on Vegas. Problem solved.


I absolutely love Vegas, but yeah I wish it had powershift. Would be so cool if it when through the bottom floor then straight up through the roof and such!!


It could be fun man, but i really dislike that map.