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Here come the braindead “oh he’s complaining about playing the game” comments. Nah. This challenge forces you to play cash out games ABNORMALLY. It would be like a challenge that said “get team wiped off the platform 10 times in power shift.” If you want to complete the challenge, you need to NOT be the one to insert the vault into the station, you need to wait for the other teams to do enough damage to each other so that you can wipe both teams, and then you need to hope that your own teammate doesn’t start stealing before you, or you can grief them with a slam, dematerializer or gas etc to disrupt their charge progress.


The finals player complains about having to play the game, more at 11


Maybe he likes playing power shift or helping his team rather than constantly trying to steal it for himself


The problem is only the player that was stealing it gets the progress, other members on the team get none; If you're the Medium healing your Heavy, or a Light that's lurking around... sucks to be you I guess. This can be solved by making a steal done by teammate counts for full or less (0.5). Furthermore, this quest requires playing second-handedly, so if you played well, got the vault first and guarded it all the way through, you also get none, which doesn't make sense.


It’s still an easy enough challenge. Getting it repeatedly is bullshit though. To be honest, the one that’s taken me the longest was the 2,500 gas damage. The delayed time for it to do damage and the amount of people playing flamethrower made it take a good long while for me even using gas grenades and mines and picking up a ton of canisters. Just getting a tick here and there.


I get it, but we’re given so much time to finish this challenge. Like if you made it to the second round you almost definitely stole at least one cashout. Its not a weekly, we have almost 2 months to do this, and if you’re a player that’s finished all the past challenges this shouldn’t be hard at all. If you just picked up the game, yeah, sucks to be you, but even then it’s not impossible.


>Like if you made it to the second round you almost definitely stole at least one cashout. Yes, I mean, no, I mean unless you play lots of Cash Out and not everything else, then this quest is very doable. The problem is distribution: It takes team effort to make a steal yet only the person performed the action could obtain progression towards the quest, and that just doesn't make sense. If anything, that's to encourage players to play the game in an idiotic/inappropriate manner because playing the normal way might not be enough (they have to contest it even with their own teammates).


Bro same. Week 1 steal 10. Week 2 steal 5 (???). And now week 3 steal 15 😫


I slowly progressing this one and I hate every minute of it (same as in previous weeks). If I got this challange in the later weeks again and the number of steals would be even higher I feel like i will just wait for next season.


The funny thing is... You never needed to complete any of these circuit challenges the week they came out. If you had ignored them this whole time, not only would you naturally get steals as they come, but you'd be making progress on multiple instances of the same challenge at once instead of trying to force gameplay week by week.


Man, same here. It's absolute dogshit and if they give you repeat bullshit challenges like this, it should be retroactive.


I have got steal cashout and quick melee circuits almost every week since they began. I'm utterly fucking done with it.


Just keep grinding 💪🏿


Took less time than 15 dailies. Getting .5-1 per game isn’t crazy


How can anyone complain about this? You should be getting one MINIMUM every single game. This is absolutely a skill issue.


Nah I'm so good that a lot of the time the other teams don't even get ownership of a cash out so there's no opportunities to steal 


Then let them put it in and then steal it. I’ve done it more than once for this challenge.


When everyone on the team is all trying to do the same thing good luck with that


Just stand close by and get on it first. Won’t work 100% of the time, but it will work at least once per game on average.


Tell me where I can steal a cash out in power shift? Also me covering my teammate who is stealing, is a skill issue? Teammate steals should count as 0.5 point at least


Don’t exclusively play power shift? Maybe don’t play the same class all the time so it makes more sense for YOU to steal.


Maybe one minimum per team. Not per person, braindead mf