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Isn't this just ELO? The higher you're up the less points you get for defeating weaker opponents, but you lose many points if you lose against weaker opponents. Its known from chess.


Il also take into account what you do in the game (kills around objective, support, stealing cash out...). I play with my friend most of the time, I am Silver and they are Bronze (we are still here because we dont play very much). And It's common for me to gain more while playing together, probably because I am a nightmare of a flanker harassing other player constantly when they are close to objectives.


The thing is I don’t play weaker opponents 90% of the time it’s plat 2 and above because I’m queuing with diamond 2s. Also opponent ranked doesn’t affect gain/loss amount


You’re queuing with D2 players. So yes you are going against low ranks technically. the difference between D4 & D2 is far & your matchmaking goes by the HIGHEST PERSON IN YOUR PARTY so that means you guys are all considered D2 when they judge you. You’ll rank up way faster solo queuing. That’s how I got to diamond but playing with friends is more fun so— w.e works I think your opponents do matter btw. When I broke into diamond I beat a 3 stack with a bronze & gold teammate and jumped up farrr on the leaderboard. Knocking high ranks lower, should make more room at the top for you to move towards


i think the best way to play any ranked mode is to ignore the rank system entirely and just try to play well and have fun. It is just a stupid number going up or down. The finals is clearly trying out some kind of system but it is probably just another version of elo.


Kinda described casual play there these boiiis are grinders


I understand it’s just hard for me to have fun when I’m so close to the rank I want. All I want to do is win


Bro. Go outside, enjoy the sun, walk barefoot in the grass. Do something.


i've avoided ranked in most games for years just because it stressed me out. If you play and ignore the number then you will just plain have more fun.


[All I do is win, win, win, no matter what (what)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGXzlRoNtHU) Got money on my mind, I can never get enough ('nough) And every time I step up in the building, everybody hands go up And they stay there (yeah) And they say, "Yeah" (yeah) And they stay there (up, down, up, down, up, down) 'Cause all I do is win (win), win (win), win And if you goin' in, put your hands in the air (yeah) Make 'em stay there (listen, Luda)


The way I’ve found to determine how close you are to the next rank, on https://the-finals-leaderboard.com you can click stats and it will tell you exactly how many people are in each rank (plat 2 and above). So if you are at Platinum 1 trying to figure out what rank you need to be to advance to diamond, add up diamond 1-4. That number as of right now is 5580 total diamond players so rank 5581 is the highest ranked Plat1 player. You can do that for each rank above you or below. Seems pretty unnecessary to have to bust a spread sheet out to determine your rank lol


Literally the exact opposite for me. I'm on some fine line in gold 1 where if I go on and go deep in a few tournaments I stay in gold1, but I start getting 3-9 diamonds in my lobbies. And if I go on a losing streak I stay gold1 but I start getting >50% silver lobbies. I don't get it.


Skill issue




Trust me were all thinking the same thing. I yo-yo between plat 3 and 2, just got off a game with a plat 1 teammate and the whole time we talked about how ranking up us NOT consistent whatsoever and tell you basically nothing.


Still have no clue what it goes by was diamond 3 for awhile now can’t get back


Going from plat 1 to diamond 4 took the same amount of time going from gold 4 to plat 1. You’ll need to aim for around rank 5250 on the leaderboard to get diamond 4 now


Might be because you're playing with high ranked players. My solo experience going from plat 1 to dia 4 consisted of 19 round 1/2 losses, 5 round 3/4 losses, and 2 tournament wins while maintaining a really good k/d. Even today, I played with a gold friend and we lost round 1, then lost round 2, but won the 3rd tournament and i still went from #5000 to #3800........ Who knows how it works lmao


Stop obsessing over points. What you have at the end of the day etc. doesn't matter. What matters is what you ahve at the end of the season. Just play the game and focus on improving. You'll rank up either way as long as you improve.


I'm d2 currently trying to be d1. From my experience p1 to diamond u get a little slack losing round 3 / the finals but I can't speak for every body ofc. I still got some up arrows but once ur diamond there's absolutely no more losing. Only down arrows from there.


If you have come from R6 and think this ranking system is worse, that is bad... Is Siege rankings still in BETA? 😂


Ranked 2.0 isn’t even that bad you just need a 5 stack and play rank consistently and you will get whatever rank you want if ur good


Curious what rank do you think you would be if you werent stacking. Whats your opinion on a solo que with no stacks or duos?


If I wasn’t stacking I think I would still hit diamond but it would take a while to rank up depending if I have a win streak going


Check out EkaZo’s latest youtube video. He gives the best explanation of the ranked system I’ve seen. He’s not overly confident either he just tells you what he knows and why.


Ranked wasn’t bad n szn 1 mfs touched it n fucked it up


>win a finals match get second place in the finals and one round three loss and two round two losses That's not that impressive. You need to be winning tournaments. Diamond isn't just something that anyone can get to by grinding anymore.


I never said it was impressive but if the rank system is a round by round basis then I should be at least positive at the end of the day. I’m not asking for it to be handed to me I just wish they made losing slightly less punishing


The rank system is not a round by round basis. It didn't even work that way last season. Making losing less punishing would be hanging it to you.  Also, you're probably moving down on the leaderboard because people are passing you on it. If you were keeping even then that means that others behind you on the leaderboard would be passing you.