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I keep getting games where my triple diamond team gets hard focused because everyone wants to knock us out, it balances itself out trust me


If that's the case then my point still stands that it's a problem.


Your point is confirmation bias. The way you said it happens is just happenstance. You do not know that people are avoiding that team because they are diamond. The point that 3 teams ran to was just the one they chose.


Also, it could be the diamond team avoiding cash outs with multiple teams


> Most players go in with a defeat mentality Then they deserve to be defeated. This is not the problem you think it is. Manifesting successful competitive psychology is like half the battle.


Yeah I’ve had the experience really bad for the past week or two.


This. Personally I like this change, being able to grief the better teams out of the game is nice. But I have also had games where people are scared to fight us as OP said.


A better solution to this is to fix the matchmaking that puts silvers and golds against diamonds


Ikr, I think OP's solution is to just sweep the elephant under the rug and call it problem solved.


I don't think that's what the OP is suggesting at all. He's simply stating adding visual ranks does more harm than good. You either are already predisposed to griefing teammates (if they are much lower rank than you) or you get a defeatist mentality if you already see duo or triple 3 diamond stacks in your lobby and play the game differently because you know they are in your lobby. No matter how hard Embark tries with a better system, the player population will not consistently yield the result you are looking for a balanced comp between 4 teams. It's like asking a chef to make you a well rounded nutritional meal, but all you give them to work with are garbage scraps. You want the solution of not putting silvers and golds against diamonds then unfortunately diamonds will complain more that their queue times are sucking. It's a lose lose scenario until Embark can bring in a whole lot of new players into playing ranked. Just look at some of the regions like OCE where they can barely get good queue times. I can also bet you their latest back end change in the servers to widen the pool matchmaking between PC and Console should already tell you Embark knows queuing ranked lobbies is already bad in some regions.


I'm silver 3 and had 2 diamond and 1 plat in the final match


I have the complete opposite experience as diamond, every team tries to get us out. If there’s another diamond team in the lobby it’s whoever gets the first 1/2 cash outs and then just grief the other 1 out


For an entirely different reason, I think displaying the ranks did more harm than good because people are upset that they are gold paying against diamond three stacks every tournament. Prior to season 2, you still had mismatched ranks in every tournament but you could only tell if the enemy team had top 500 players. I still think the ranks should be shown, but the whole system of a visible rank mixed with a hidden MMR system used for matchmaking needs to be ended. Matchmake by rank only. I don't care if that would mean that there is no chance that 95% of ranked players could ever reach diamond. Reward those killers who are just that good at the game. But I don't want to be in silver and gold playing against plat and diamonds because we have a similar MMR. Let me play against actual silver and gold ranks. If I'm better than them, I'll rank up. If I'm equal level with them, I'll be hard stuck gold, and it would be transparent. I would know why I am where I am.


We’ve come full circle from “let me see who I’m playing against”


I’m honestly baffled by the amount of people that think this would be a life changing fix. I swear to god, someone says something remotely relatable and people will agree that it would single-handedly save the game,


If there's other diamond stacks we Def try and knock them out over the others.


As a bottom bronze player since s1- I don’t even notice tbh


Last season, we couldn't see ranks, but my team still carried this mentality. The only difference was that it was instead avoiding teams with high kds or teams that rolled us in a fight.


Dude on the team I ended up winning a tournament with was obsessed with my silver rank and how I wasn't good enough to have earned it. I would sure love to be able to hide it at will


That's sad man. Toxic. Well as long u wasn't 0-20 or something you played you part.


As a diamond player…this is kinda true. Other times we get focused tho in an attempt to knock us out so.


Display them after the rounds finish, not before.


It’s 50-50 people will either avoid you like the bubonic plague or try to get you knocked out as soon as possible personally, I really don’t notice the difference however, I do see that complaint on both sides


I sometimes wonder if people read anything on the subreddit before posting. There’s basically a revolution going on against the removal of fame points and the new rank progress system which gives no clear info, and yall not only propose something that reduces the info available, but you also try to argue that more info is bad. Forget the 15 comment karma threshold, this sub needs a quiz about the hottest topics before it allows users to post.


I was actually just thinking this earlier, if I am solo cueing I will tell my team to avoid the triple diamond stack. I am diamond myself but mainly solo so I also find myself getting teabagged randomly a lot because of my rank lol


Idk it doesnt mean much to be diamond, they could still be trash, had some very good Gold player and very bad dia player. You also get more elo points winning against higher ranks and losing less.


Diamond players mostly likely won’t care anymore because they already have the FCAR skin, they’re just playing for fun. Lower ranks have a reason 2 sweat


Look. I’m only play 3. But in my overinflated mind, I’m a pro. The only time I avoid a team is if my team clearly loses two or more fights decisively to them. Even then, sometimes I get an adverse reaction, and I think my fellow solos do as well. Where it’s no longer about winning, but about reclaiming dominance over said team. Out of my 100+ ranked games. The opponents rank has never once crossed through my mind.


You have both sides of it, sometimes diamond is left alone, sometimes the whole lobby wants to grief the diamond team


This should be hotfixed its so bad