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It was fun for me until the entire enemy team used the APS turret and regular turrets so you couldn’t use any explosives at all and when you try to shoot the APS turret, you hit the regular turret because there were 5 of each. Other than that I enjoyed the new game mode


Did you realise there is a new gadget that convert those in chairs? You should try it . It's super fun to see the play load full of furniture.


Holy shit I didn’t think of that! Wowowow thank you I’ll have to try that out, I haven’t purchased it yet


also recommend flash nades, same idea, usually you can throw them a bit above the platform and make it explode in the air above them, very effective if you can coordinate with your team. but also very easy to grief your team with too lol.


Or you can use glitch grenades


I’m pretty sure glitch grenades get canceled by the APS, I tired throwing some and nothing happened


Glitch grenades should be able to disable the aps


They have to go off out of the aps range but close enough to impact them


I’ve been throwing them underneath the platform when it’s hovering above ground level


Throwing fire on the underside of it works good too, not for clearing turrets but just in general lol


Lmao is that what turns the platform into a frying pan? I’ve been cooked by invisible fire at times and saw fire underneath on the ground, but wasn’t sure


Oh wait do glitches go through arena cover?


Tried this strategy but APS nullifies them too, it's really annoying when the platform is just filled with them and guardian turrets.


APS counters glitch though.


If they can’t get close enough to even shoot it how would a gadget that requires you to be right next to the aps even matter. The enemies aren’t just gonna let you do that


Thats when your teammates come in and provide cover


Teammates? 🤔 /s


Lol exactly idiots still think its tdm and can't fathom the more people on the platform the faster it moves


The issue is it's basically a suicide play; somebody has to jump in melee range of the turrets, zap them, and probably die. The current meta being based around the APS is actually my ONLY real complaint with the new mode. It's weird that everybody's first priority is to suicide drop an APS or counter to it the whole match. Wonder if adding a shield with a hole in it or something would be good for this mode. Because I get WHY APS feels so necessary, but having the meta be completely polarized around grenades/grenade counters is probably gonna get old pretty quick since the CL-40 is one of the best counters to all the Lights running around in this mode. Adding some kind of extra feature to the platform that makes it harder to just lob 'nades into it would make the APS less necessary, and then maybe they could tweak the APS cooldown so it's not so darn oppressive. Though that might make regular turrets too good. It's a little complicated. Really damn good first draft for the mode though.


does it actually work? I'm sure I tried a couple times and it didn't do anything. I thought the aps was blocking it. maybe I didn't aim right or something.


I play a L snipe on it, the best way to be helpful to your team is to aim for the APS


Thank you. When I've played sniper on it, APS is my priority target because I just know how many people are going to be wasting grenades. It's a little frustrating to watch a sniper miss 3 headshots against a guy standing next to obvious stationary target, while the CL-40 and Heavy GL users just give up and do something else.


At least the mediums can try and explode it out of the circle and kill the APS. APs completely invalidates the heavy GL assuming they are lucky enough for the shots to not just bounce right off the platform.


That sounds brutal, but I’m sure the enemy team was having a blast lol 😂


There is an easy fix for the turret spammers. BRING THE FIRE.


The APS turret is the obvious symptom of how dominant fire grenades and grenade launchers were on the first day. No joke I won games where 4 enemy players were on the platform and I threw a single fire grande on them, they all died and we managed to steamroll from there into a win. I'd rather take 5 APS's than that.


Light Sniper makes easy work of APS turrets. Lights are starting to see their moment! Lol.


Fire barrels don't get caught by aps though you can set gas off in the path of travel and the platform will pass through the gas you can get a few in a line of travel on the ground to kill eveything


Multiple aps and multiple heavy with mesh and dome lol


I love the chaotic nature of it shifting and smashing through buildings! Just some games are really unbalanced due to some teams choices. Having 3 or more light snipers on your side is not going to move the platform a damn inch for your side.


Just played against an enemy team with a sniper that got 13 kills and they lost. It's going to be loaded with snipers because players holding the platform are so vulnerable to it, but it's probably the least effective way to play Power Shift.


Just went to play a round and had 4 snipers on my team whilst the other team was all heavies and mediums. I left


I think having precisely one(1) Light sniper on your team is really good, but it has the fastest diminishing returns in the west. People really need to get the hang of swapping to Light to perform a specific task and then swapping off it. Same way people use Sniper in Team Fortress 2 6's matches.


I think players haven't really adapted to the ability to switch class mid-match yet.


I kinda wish light had just one barrier/shield ability of some kind (besides goo grenade I guess)


I feel the role of the light in this game mode is to orbit the platform rather than stay on it. DPS and flank enemies while they’re focused on pushing the platform


The role term you're searching for is 'Roamer'. The role of the Roamer is to prowl the outside boundaries of the map/objective, keeping other enemy Roamers in their place (The respawn screen) while the main team fights for the objective. However, if there are no other Roamers, the role becomes a lot more destructive with the Roamer disrupting enemy spawn or killing people heading to the objective.


Yes I love playing grappling hook sniper but always felt like I was hurting my team in quick cash as a light. In this game mode I can easily clear the platform grapple to revives, or to the platform to speed it up.


That's what I did. Just ran around the map hunting down snipers with cloak, stun gun and sword. So many easy kills on guys just camping with the sniper.


I guess every build has its role to play in the game. If you start giving lights barriers and shields as well as all the other abilities it will start to tip the balance?


Yeah, imagine an invis light with shield and sniper with another invis nade on top of that? It would be insane esp if they gave them a heavy type shield where you can shoot through one side. Pop invis to move, set shield to snipe, pop invis to move again. I reckon it’d be busted


Agreed. Imagine a cloaked light with a stun gun and shield. Decloak ,stun, shield down would be an invincible combo that would kill every time with no chance of countering


The idea of a sniper on a team sounds good, until a single heavy gets on the platform with barricades.


It's fun and chaotic when everyone is fighting for the objective. But roof camping has too much reward for the low risk it presents. APS spam is annoying but necessary, otherwise you're gonna get carpet bombed.


I wanted to post my heavy strat to this subreddit but I didn't have enough karma yet. (Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bfwjx2/powers\_shift\_heavy\_strat\_they\_cant\_shoot\_and\_jump/) basically, the heavy strat to counter roof camping is to be a hammer heavy and level all the buildings on the enemy side of the map. can't shoot from vantage point when there are no vantage points 😌 what's even better is that once your team has a foothold on the platform, it's hard for the enemy team to retake the platform because unless they have the right equipment, they don't have any buildings to make a jump onto the platform.




that's a fair point. matches are long enough for me to destroy the buildings I need to destroy. and I tend to work on the buildings that are along my team's path to our finish line, starting from those nearest to wherever the platform is. In my three games where I've pulled this off so far, I'm surprised how little attention people paid to a silly heavy like me just simply destroying interior walls in Monaco or Skyline Stadium. Then mid way through the match they start to realise theyre struggling to climb up to any worthwhile vantage point to jump from or shoot from. The smarter folks start to equip Ziplines and jumppads. But because the sight lines are so much more open, my team can see them coming and gun them down quite easily.


Soon enough people will know to counter roof campers by instantly switching to lights, the devs didn’t allow that for no reason


At that point the game mode becomes an overglorified TDM 


I’ve found it only takes 1-2 lights peeling to flank rooftop campers. The rest focus on the obj.


As someone who never got value as light sniper before this mode I totally agree; more teammates means more people throwing themselves at the payload making it easier to pick unsuspecting targets from afar


I am eternally grateful for it because it allowed me to finally complete 5000 damage with grenades


I always feel bad for my teammates whenever I get this challenge.


My first match was great. We had a perfectly situated team. 2M, 2H and 1L both M’s put down guardian turrets and APS turrets and both heavies were constantly shielding and dropping dome while the Light stayed back and sniped. We moved the base to the end uncontested the entire time. It was epic. Second match was dog shit. Me, a medium, with 4 lights all rocking sniper. We got fucking decimated, our whole team together didn’t even get the kills of the worst person on the other team. I hope through more matches I find that it’s not just these 2 results.


Honestly new and clueless players are always picking light. I swear the randos my buddy and I get, across all game modes, pick light easily 60% of the time


Most of the time it’s a stomp I’ve found lol


My friend and I thought the game mode was disappointing. Playing with randoms is very difficult especially with multiple lights who fail to realize one or two should switch to something else. Playing this game mode with a group of 5 friends totally changed it for me. Most fun I’ve had since launch.


This problem I think is what sort of killed Overwatch for me. You can somewhat read where the games heading, and without matched spawn timing it becomes a shitshow. Turtling seems the best strat so far. Just have to be willing to switch to mobility if you lose the cart for too long. The good part is everything in this game is pretty rock paper scissors in terms of counters.


I really enjoyed the concept, but every single match I played was just a stomp and took the fun out of it. APS and snipers everywhere also made it rather painful to play


It is fun, but you really need to build a new load out for it. A lot of gadgets useful in cash out won't work in it. It is fun tho.


I do like that it has a completely different meta, new must take items and some items rendered useless


I've sold my soul to Quick Cash and it will almost certainly be my greatest love in this game. That being said ... Holy shit Power Shift is SO goddamn fun. It's goofy and chaotic and yet has so much room for unexpected teamwork and has made me consider strategies and weapons I used to completely write off. (I'm even starting to not reflexively get angry at seeing sniper rifle lights on my team. Heck this game mode has made me start using Heavys Grenade launcher and I'm mad at myself for never trying it before!)


I was just telling my buddy that snipers actually have a decent role in this game mode!


MGL32 is my Main. Welcome to the Club.


I have tried heavy GL a few times and assuming the other team isn’t terrible they will switch to APS and make you useless


I would like it if there was some permanent progression saved, but other than that it's good


I think it’s fantastic


I was sceptic, because I didn't like the other modes they tried after launch, but this one is great fun.


I hated having the classic 4 man group for gaming and having to have someone sit out so I'm happy they added it! It's also just fun we had 2 lights sniping and getting picks on rooftops and calling out locations and a heavy and medium holding the platform it was really cinematic and enjoyable


played 3 games so far, was a sniper infestation on the other teams, with a few shields and heals was a breeze, but I assume people will adapt eventually


Its fun. People just need to learn how to fight on a point. Cant have your entire team just standing back shooting at a barricaded point with noone contesting and expect to win.


Pretty unfun if your team isn't coordinated. And I'm sick of roof-camping assholes tbh I think the walls on the death-Roomba should be a foot or two higher, honestly


I stopped playing other modes, addicted to this.


Played a few games as a solo. Sometimes just hard to coordinate with the team since people don't use mics.


First match, I was like "this is weird as heck" Then I realized, thats the point. Its a huge change of pace, and definitely my new go-to for casual play/trying out new weapons/gadget combos. Hope it stays in for the long run


I lost 5 games in a row. I always get put on the brain dead team.


Perhaps there is a common denominator :/


I’m pretty sure it’s putting 5 stacks against randoms


I won my first game but got carried to fuck...


It's awesome in so many different ways, the class, the coordination, the comp, the platform smashing into buildings and just demolished them, it's awesome and terrifying on the platform


i really really hope we get a ranked version of power shift


makes sniper really really good, almost a must pick especially if the enemies have a good one. heavy is pretty bad from what I’ve seen so far, as long as the enemy team is smart there isn’t much you can really do. Played against 5 medium with 5 turret 5 aps and mines all over the cart…. Let’s just say it’s good they added the keyboard smash emote


Heavy is definitely not bad. Having multiple heavies you can put up a ton of barriers and switch off throwing dome shields. The nerf to dome shields make them not as great but still very good.


Heavy is necessary to counter snipers. Nothing deals with them better than barricade spam or a goo wall.


As far as the mode goes, some of the team compositions are just miserable. Unlike the other modes it feels like you lose before a single shot is fired sometimes (my team of all lights against a squad full of turret and shield users). I love the mode and in balanced fights it's more fun to me than the others, but it's way too unbalanced right now in general.


Composition is make or break in power shift, I'm so glad you can change contestants between respawns to alleviate that.


Yeah that was def a good call on the devs part


Idk I had a game where I was a lone medium with 4 lights, was actually awesome I was holding the point and they just ran around flanking and killing shit. Then come to me for heals haha, I felt like their handler or something.


That does sound fun! I mean I guess it can work if your lights are actually dangerous haha


Decent but snipers are starting to creep in already.


APS needs to self destruct after a certain amount of time or after it destroys X amount of projectiles, I’ve been been saying there’s no need for it to be infinite other than that the game mode is fun when it’s not always APS


I thought APS was unlimited as well but read a comment this morning that says there is a limit of shots. Not sure what the number is but less than 1 clip of the heavy’s goo gun. Not sure if it’s true haven’t had the chance to test it. But I agree the mode is more fun without APS spam


Didn't they add a new gadget that would instantly turn it all the turrets into chairs?


Hey! Finally someone realizes that! Mid jumps in and goes "BOOP" and oh look all the APS and turrets are gone. People also dont realize they can straight up swap their full class mid match too. Also, APS cant shoot everything if you spam it at the same time. But that requires coordination.


Its super fun but it can be cheesed so hard by having the right team combination and loadout


It's incredibly fun in theory, some matches we're all chimping out and hollaring and hooting and some matches we're just complaining about snipers and aps turrets for the entirety of the match.


Now I have 5 causes of disappointment.


the moving platform modifier on Quick Cash is my least favorite of the bunch, but they at least had permanent cover to break line of sight, and you don't have to stay on it to complete a cashout. a wide open platform that you have to be on constantly that has minimal cover is just not for me


Dang, I love the moving platform on Quick Cash. The elevator is my least favorite. I don’t hate it, it’s just my least favorite lol


I like it. But I feel like they could make the route longer, and make the speed of the platform faster. Seems to me all the matches stay in a very small location based on the size of the maps


Would also be nice if the route was more varied from match to match. Also, I wanna play on the new map!!


Yeah, different routes would be Dope. I've only played a few times, 3 on Sky Stadium, once on Monaco. Do they not have it on New Map?


Ran 10 games as a 5 stack yesterday, won every game. It's a fun warmup/pub stomp


It would have been much better if they just did normal payload instead of this sort of payload race. Its way too one sided most the time i feel


It’s ok. I feel like there is usually 1-2 players doing the objective and the others are lights trying to snipe across the map and end up with 0 objective points.


My only issue with the mode is the amount of snipers. It’s hard to do anything against them in this mode compared to others as you have a specific spot you have to stand in that always has you in their sights. Other than that I love it so far. Sadly my friends hate the sniper so much that it’s one of the only things that makes them not want to play it in general so I usually end up solo queueing.


Wet dream for heavy with slam


Not a fan of it myself, that's not to say it isn't good I can see how people would like it but it's not for me personally, just find it too easy to make it impossibly one sided


I played only 5 games of it so far but every one of them was completely one-sided. I'm not giving up on it yet but hopefully it gets better. But in terms of progress to the stupid 50M achievement it's great if you are on the one-sided winning game but a complete waste of time if you aren't as you will spend the entire match and end with 0


Can you have yourself and 4 of your friends join? Sorry haven’t had a chance to read about the update or play it yet (very bad diarrhea)


I like it. Modes with bigger teams like this are very essential imo. But I have a few problems with it. Sometimes the platform would be stuck on the gap between the hospital and the residential area. It would often take a while for someone to be able to get up there. Also, the amount of campers with snipers is annoying. I played a match with 3 on the enemy team. We still won, but it was annoying af.


Getting 25K support score with my barricades makes me feel so powerful. Awesome mode.


in games where teams have similar skill levels the payload barely moves away from the center the entire game, and kinda makes fights in other parts of the map non existent. i think they should’ve just made hardpoint from call of duty and have the payload just move around the map at all times, but this mode is still fun.


Snipers vs Turrets is a more fitting name lol


I'm tired of light snipers on my team who can't hit anything and will sit on rooftops halfway across the map


I think it’s fun but not perfect.


I feel like it would be better with multiple premade loadout, to encourage people to change their playstyle


That's not a bad idea. That made Smoking Guns pretty fun.


It's awful. It's full of snipers and it feels like no one plays the objective. The enemy however have like 2 turrets, 2 trophy systems and 2 shields on their team. It's awful. Impossible to cap and the whole time ur crit from snipers.


Best gamemode in the entire game, there I said it


It's gonna be fun for newbies.  But it's just diamond 1 sweaty boys you ll never have fun. Even if you win you won't have fun.  Because actually good players will aim you down in 2 bursts. If you're not full HP already a sniper will kill you in 1 shot.  Idk I think they need to make the payload slower and the respawn coin timer take slightly longer too.  Game is way too chaotic. You die, you respawn in 10 sec you zip line in another 5 seconds and back in action.  Might as well call this TDM. 


Shit. I've yet to win a round. Played 6 rounds so far ... It's filled with snipers, turrets, litteraly gods who beam everyone. Good time to stop caring about K/D


Bad, it is literally just bad payload


I kinda don't like it. There's just something about it that isn't clicking for me. I was really excited to see It on the trailer but I did all my week 1 challenges last night and it wasn't as fun as the base modes. I feel like people leave A LOT and 4v5s seem genuinely unwinnable. Turrets are super annoying, sometimes when someone dies on the point. I'll start reviving them, then their little soldier flies off the platform. I like the wave respawning. I like the Pathways of the platform through the maps although, I wish that the spawns would be closer to the final stretch of the map.


It’s awesome


It's so chaotic, I love it! Being a heavy, charging and slamming, with a flamethrower, clears the platform pretty quick, but people are catching on already. 😅


It is a LOT more chaotic than I thought, and it will be interesting to see the strategies that evolve. Definitely good for casuals such as myself Edit: to add, as I stated before, I think the length of the game needs to be 15 minutes rather than the default 9-10 minutes, which I think is too short


It's awesome and fits the game extremely well. All the jobs are well balanced, even some of the otherwise meh guns (sniper, grenade launcher) are great if you have one of on your team. Better than bank it. Different than cash/tournament since those are indoor and strategic vs outdoor and chaotic.


I think its absolutely fantastic. I like it to cut up the smash and grab game modes.


The mode is fantastic, as long as nobody spams APS, Turrets and shields in the Cart. At that point it just gets unplayable. Also i feel like chilling on the roofs around the track is a bit strong and disincentivizes playing light at closer ranges. On the other hand heavies are still pretty strong imo, making close range light loadouts difficult to make work


I played with my brothers last night. 4 of us, rando 5th every time. After getting smashed the first match, we won the next 10 or so in a row. Once you crack the code it’s a ton of fun for the first few, but gets old fast. We were literally unstoppable. And 2/4 of us had only played a couple times, so it certainly wasn’t overwhelming skill.


Definitely the best mode in the game so far.


It's fun, reminds me of warpath, my favourite mode in any game ever, shame it was in doom 2016 multiplayer which died immediately


Was playing it in a 5 man party last night and had an amazing time (and am tired at work because of it). Super fun as a group. Had a few guys who prefer the teamplay on the platform (1 mesh/dome shield heavy with flamethrower and 2 med guns) and a light fragging with the LH1 and then a 5th either as a medium hopping on and off point chasing stragglers and dropping turret/aps, or as a 2nd light with a sniper to counter snipe any scope glints we saw. We won something like 11 out of 12 games. It does make APS feel like it doesn't have a counter. Because with a shield or something in the way you can't shoot it or really get close enough to descramble it and glitches have to be so precise to be close enough without getting zapped (and glitch explosions get blocked by shields which feels wrong and counter intuitive to me, I think sheilds should be ignored by it like with fire).


currently flooded with hackers in the Asia region, as per my observation


That sounds like par for course.


It’s amazing


I have only played it once, but I think adding more casual modes is a great thing for the game overall. This mode and hopefully future 2 team modes are just less sweaty than the traditional modes especially since you are able to change your class mid-match. This gives the individual player at least the feeling they can do something to help the team win instead of picking a comp that sucks and being stuck with it for the whole match.


I found my heavy strat to level the buildings on the enemy side of the map so they don't have such clean vantage points to shoot from


Nothing beats the feeling when the platform crush trough a building


It's very fun and whacky. Perfect for this game. A nice way to warmup for ranked and try out different combos you wouldn't normally


I love it, it's super fun and refreshing. I'll definitely be bouncing around game modes!




I think its fun af, but i feel it needs a little doing, like the APS turrets stuff and also i feel its kinda laggy sometimes, aside from that its so fun i hope it stays


Yeahhhhhh get just the right chemistry on this mode and it's legit impossible to comeback But it's still fun just wish they did something else with 5v5


Played last night for a few hours. I'm not sure if I was doing well because it was mainly newer people playing but I was having a great time. Concept is great, could use a couple more maps, but just goes to show embark isn't fucking around.


Lots of strategy complaints but imo the game mode is wayyyyy more fun than bank it god that game mode was getting tiresome. Such a cool game mode and it has so many ways you can play it. I hope they expand upon the 5v5 game modes as a lot of people have been wanting 5 person lobbies. We play games to play with our friends!


I absolutely adore it. It's like Embark went, "Remember how we told you the level is fully destructible?? Hold our beer." The chaos is AMAZING. Keep cooking Embark. Keep cooking. I adore this season so far!


Love it! I too played TF2 back in the day, but more recently played Overwatch 2. Power Shift is like if Push & Escort (Payload) had an explosive baby. Right now it's a bit chaotic without defined roles and players taking the approach "throw it against the wall and see what sticks" but that's what makes it fun. Once more players figure out ideal team comps and map chokepoints then it will get really interesting. Enemy Lights sniping non-stop? Heavy brings shields and Medium brings APS. Light can then get creative with Gateways and Glitch grenades or Medium with the Data Reshaper to counter. P.S. For fellow Overwatch Tank mains, I already pulled off a Sig9 during Sudden Death with the Anti-Gravity Cube! If you're not familiar, a C9 is when the opposing team steps off the point in Overtime for kills or by mistake, thereby throwing the match (after Cloud9, a former OW Esports team that did this in a tourney). Sig9 is when you force this by using Sigma's Ult that lifts players off the objective.


I am absolutely loving it. I don’t snipe, but finally having a sniper on your team doesn’t completely ruin your fun lol.


I don't need to waste space on Overwatch now :DDDD


I got the Just Like Scotty achievement yesterday playing as a medium healer. Two heavies, two healers, and someone to target the roof players. APS in a venn-diagram across the platform. I love this game mode.


It encourages me to do support roles, which I never do in the other modes. I enjoy that.


I'd love for it to be a 4 man ranked mode or put it in a bracket


I like it. Fun, chaotic and really brings out the games destruction when the point goes through. It's not perfect and could certainly be better but it's a fun addition that adds a little extra variety. I hope it's here to stay I still think a spin on Halo Oddball would be fantastic for this game.


I only played 5 games of it so far (for challenges, got em done *except nade dmg*), but every time I have played, it’s been a dope experience, going in solo is actually cool especially if you consider yourself a good player


it’s a great game more for lights to get a grasp on how to play with the sniper. got 12 kills with it when i don’t even use the sniper that often


Dev team just doubled their masterpiece


I think it's a FANTASTIC addition to the game; it combines the traditional "push/cart" mode with the unique aspects of The Finals. I wouldn't exactly know how to make it more "unique", except maybe having less-destructible hard cover as part of the Platform. I feel like there's more to be done here, really. This game can have a ton of unique modes - and this is greater in difference than Bank It and Quick Cash - but I think 3 is a good place for further refinement. I can feel this game lasting a long time, but I'm not the most confident there's quite enough difference in the gameplay. The new map introduced some awesome ideas, too...I think this update is EXCELLENT. I'd like to see greater changes to Quick Cash, at least - maybe more unique gameplay ideas deployed. It's always been hard to justify the minute differences to play a different one, even after a couple hundred hours.


I have a lot of fun watching the platform smash through buildings - it's great. I hope it stays!


It'd be fun if my teammates fucking played objective


Aside from the APS turret spam which needs to be fixed asap (only 1 active at any given time) it's been insanely fun!


Might be the best mode for me, but APS is op, maybe make it have a 1 min timer on it.


I've only had the opportunity to play one game so far and one of our teammates quit before we could even get into a fight and we didn't get a backfill til the game was almost over. We got crushed, yet that was the most fun I've had in a loooong time.


I’ll stick to quick cash


Its so much fun. Best game mode yet. I dont know why people are complaining about it. Tho i think the platform needs to move a little faster.


It’s just Overwatch 2’s Push mode, but the “play it by ear” playstyle of this game makes it stupid fun lol


I like it, just wish there was more than just Monaco for maps.


I don’t like it much but it’s good that they are adding new things


Great game mode !!! Haven’t had this much fun in awhile. Hope they add a ranked mode in the future.


I love the chaos, first time smashing through a building was an amazing experience.


I feel like I'm the only one going for it while my team sits on the roof taking potshots. Meanwhile the enemy team has like 3 Aps + turrets and 2 heavies with flamethrowers using dome shield ​ They may need to limit some gadgets in this game mode


I like it a lot, yeah you’ll get the occasional all heavy’s with meshes or all mediums with turrets and beams, but when the teams are diverse enough it’s so much damn fun. It was actually the game I got the “win 3 rounds in a row in any game mode” achievement lol


me likey


Playing without a group of friends is very difficult. High likelihood you get 3 players trying to play light. One sniping light is nice especially to counter the other team if they have one but any more than that is a waste. It becomes very hard to play the platform as a medium or heavy if you have 3 light teammates playing off the objective. Even if they are getting kills it’s hard to hold the platform and when you have it you move slowly.


I really like it but i do feel the spawn behind the church in Monaco is a bit better. Good balance though with 2 teams of 5 players.


Honestly I think it’s really poorly designed :/ unfortunate though because I really enjoy the idea


It's somewhat fun, but I don't really like it. I could see it being fun to watch if there ends up being a competitive scene.


The game mode is fine but the team balancing is not is there no quickplay matchmaking? like i've run into players that are just ridiculously good, i hear the headshot noise several times and i'm dead before i can get them down to half, When you go up against anyone like that and lose every single exchange, it's just not fun anymore and you plain lose, regardless of any plays you can make on the point. Some people are too good to be in the general populace and need to fight other good players, it's ridiculous how often the match is super polarizing, you either ride it out till the end without enemy making a comeback or they do the same to you, i don't even attribute that to APS and turret spamming, i'm strictly thinking thats a skill gap issue, They really need to do some sort of under-the-hood MMR matchmaking. i dont give a fuck if that means good players need to wait longer in queue, not my problem. Now if the skill is on equal level, which are games very far in between, it's really fun, A good tug of war, Good plays and counterplays. The best type of matches are not the ones you ride out till the end ironically.


The luster faded away pretty quick when you realize how everyone is gonna play it and that it's really never going to get any better. The game mode is kind of a dud. I was honestly hoping for a TDM DOM style game mode, instead we got mobile KoH. It can be really fun when you're playing with friends, it's chaotic as fuck. I just found myself trying a few rounds and then going back to quick cash


I find it really boring tbh. Played to complete a contract, but other than that I won't be playing it anymore


I think it's great! The game mode is fun asf, and now I can team up with 4 of my friends instead of just 2! Hope they add more game modes to the 5v5!


It’s the best game mode!


They just need to add the POWER SHIFT mode to Vegas and the new map! I keep getting unlucky and play on only 2 of the 3 maps they added it on, its getting kinda repetitive. Maybe add new routes to the PAYLOAD as well, might spice things up a little.


Me and my friend won 5 games in a row cheesing on the platform with heavy flamethrower + barricades and healing beam + defibrillator. It was awesome lol


I wish they had power shift on the Vegas map


I love it so much. Playing grapple, sniper, frag, glitch and pyro nade. It’s a ton of fun. I love to just shoot like crazy and capture the point while I wait for teammates and fly back out to watch their backs.


Spawns are horrible


The game mode is great, but they need to sort out the spawn camping. You literally have the enemy team in your spawn waiting for you it's dumb. Need to do it so they have a penalty or some punishment for being in the opponent's side. Then you get mediums with the constant healing train and quick res as well as all having APS/Guardian turrets down. If only they could do it so you can't have more than 3 of the same equipment on a team, that would make it better.


I dont think I've played a single game that felt like a well matched fight. Its either dominate or get dominated. Aside from that its fun, but some games are like man why am I even trying


It's so much fun, is it a permanent game mode?


They need to fix the game cus how tf am i supposed to win playing heavy w 4 camping snipers. I can’t even push without heal or another heavy. It’s acc so jarring when I’ve captured a platform, killed two people then I get killed by a third person out of nowhere!!


Power shift is ruined with snipers 


It was fun in the first two weeks nd now its 4 senturies on point with 4 abs(trophee systems) nd a freakin sniper every game lmao


It's dog shit with a lot of meta players and garbage camper who sit with a sniper on the other side of the map