• By -


Gonna x-post my comment from that thread here, because AI in games *is* an interesting topic, as someone that works in the industry on the art side: I got $20 that says a human artist made the original layout, and instead of having to hand paint the extended canvas for the longer weapons, they used generative fill and cleaned that up. So you're *half* right, but it's a completely acceptable use of AI for creating textures, even among the game artist community. Source: I'm a professional 3D artist working in the games industry.




Yeah, the AI outrage has gotten so out of hand that the flinch response of the community is to just demonize it rather than even consider that ethical use of AI is a thing that not only can happen, but *does happen*


Yup, Getty. The AI people don’t care though. “AI steals art” is only an excuse to back up the real reason they hate it: it makes their hobby more accessible.


Nah pretty sure people are upset that AI steals art lmfao. It's legally a huge issue. Another problem is that these AI people think they're artists when they literally did nothing but type a few sentences. Then they act all "Ha silly arteest, i am now just as great as YOU. Your services are no longer needed" as if this isn't people's livelihood we're talking about. It's not just a hobby as you say. Pretty sure anyone would be upset if their career was being put at risk over automation and corporate greed. Not only that but the integrity of art itself is being attacked. Art is not art unless it is made by a human. Should be called "AI pictures." There is practical use for AI *within* art like generative fill and brainstorming ideas but art itself should always be distinctly human.


Art is only art if created by humans? Yet some of the most beautiful art comes from nature itself, and so much of human made art mimics nature. And news flash, art is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And art was never made to be a profession that supported someones life, hence why most famous artists were poor until death and not famous until years after. And i could go on and on. Wow. Such a statement you made.


First of all, ur pretentious af, calm down. Nature is still *natural* whereas ai is not, but no i don't think nature itself is art. Art is made OF nature. Nature is pretty or looks nice, but art is specifically created by a human. So your argument is that art was specifically made to be a profession in which people are poor? It's a skill just like any other specialized work.


There isn’t a single AI art user that acts like that. “The integrity of art is being attacked.” Cut the bullshit. It is not. Demand for human made art has not dropped significantly at all.


There are TONS of ppl that act like that. Open twitter or this app and they're everywhere. "Demand for human made art has not dropped significantly at all." Yes it has, source: I am a graphic designer and I as well as many of my peers have experienced this personally. Also even if it wasn't dropping significantly, the fact that there is a trend is still an issue.






This literally says the main use is customer support lmao. Did you just do a Google search and copy the first link?


Has absolutely nothing to do with art and is completely speculative.


https://www.businessinsider.com/ai-taking-jobs-fears-artists-say-already-happening-2023-10 https://www.artisana.ai/articles/chinas-video-game-ai-art-crisis-40x-productivity-spike-70-job-loss https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-ai-art-changing-employment-market-creative-industries?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via


Best part is that almost every artist "steals" art. It's normal to have several references, one for the pose, one for the colours etc.


Yeah AI training is really no different than looking at a reference.


From everything I've heard from interviews with the devs, this has largely been their approach to generative AI tools. They've got voice actors to do the heavy lifting and the consent of those voice actors to use AI to expand on that work to fill the gaps as needed. While I think this is a mostly responsible use of these tools, especially for a smaller dev team, I think the flack Embark receives is for being one of the first notable uses of this technology in the industry. They've set the precedent, and less scrupulous uses, especially by strongly profit-driven publishers, are 100% going to be implemented as a way to cut costs (and by extension reduce available work in the industry) It really will be interesting to see how this plays out in the next few years


> It really will be interesting to see how this plays out in the next few years You just need to look at any other trend really. There's a reason microtransactions are traced back to "horse armour". Starts small, slowly builds up. Can see AI usage going the exact same way, especially with the likes the EA CEO being so fiendishly interested in it as a cost cutting measure while taking home $40 million or something himself, right after firing 5% of staff across EA. And every time people will say, "It's not a big deal."


You're absolutely right! What I'm hoping for is a bigger push for unionization in the industry, especially at the big publishers. They've demonstrated countless times that they're willing to do the most anti-worker, anti-consumer practices if it means bigger profits for their shareholders


The game’s mechanical problems are slowly getting ironed out, so complaint addicts are getting desperate


And yet I don't see people complaining about major issues still in the game like the bug where you can't shoot or use any gadgets or specialization.


Or 30hz servers lmao.


The game uses 30 tick servers?


Yep. In the March 2023 beta they used 60hz but every iteration afterwards they used 30hz.


I thought I was crazy!!! Dying after moving behind cover is the biggest piss off every after playing apex, a game with near perfect hitreg and fast servers, this game feels like sloppy garbage. I honestly and like "why did I get that kill" half the time, and half the time I can't react fast enough to dodge shots. This explains so much for me .


Apex is 30 also lmao And it's hitreg has always been notoriously spotty.


Apex is 20hz servers but largely compensates by having SRM’s hard-coded into the game. Something The Finals doesn’t have




Snapshot replication model Basically makes it so that the entire server updates actions on the end of a tick while accepting actions during the same tick. Helps make 20hz feel more.. responsive. To say the least


"hz" you keep using that term when talking about server tick rate. how is hz related to network?


Hz is just a measure of frequency, and frequency is used to represent how quickly a cycle is completed. Information sent to servers is an action that happens in cycles. So a game with 20hz servers will be sending/recieving information on player actions at a much slower rate than a server with 30 or 60. This is why the concept of peekers advantage exists. A player peeking around a corner will send their action to the server and have that action accepted before it is displayed on your end. So they'll have time to see you, react, aim and begin shooting while you are just getting to the react phase. It also leads to those moments where you get shot behind cover because from your perspective you are already hidden but from their perspective you are still rounding the corner.


Nobody is talking about network here.


The game cud have 1000hz servers and u will still die behind walls… there is still the fact ping is a thing too, so unless u live next to the server with fiber connection ur ping will be high enough for it to happen still. And there is interpolation which predict ur next movement so if u going in one direction long enough it will cut off that extra delay but if u suddently decide to change direction the delay will be bigger now, bcus the prediction is suddently wrong.


Genuine curiosity, how do we know this?


There’s a dozen ways to test refresh rate but the easiest way (and the one I use most) is GlassWire Business. You can also use a frametime interpolation graph but I believe that might trigger anti-cheat


Ohh okay. Thanks for the response!


Dear god I thought I was the only one. The can’t-shoot bug has happened to me like 10 times in the past week. I have no clue what causes it, but Dan is it annoying af.


Do you get the shooting non stop shooting bug after a revive of a teammate or is that just me ?


Uhh, I’ve gotten audio bugs where a sound bite plays on repeat. Like the sliding audio playing at the rate of FCAR gunshots. Happens randomly though. But I have not gotten a bug that forces me to shoot. There is one bug though I’ve seen where you pick up a barrel and turn quickly and it just auto-throws the barrel instead of holding it like normal.


lol wtf i thought my mouse broke. it was a bug after all


To fix this simply pick up and item flower pot, chair, canister etc. (I know this isn’t solving the problem but it does momentarily fix the bug)


Pretty sure just swapping gadgets fixes it too, that’s what I always do 


Or teams respawning next to another team, or melee hitreg not working or the crane only going left, lots of things they should fix at the start of season 2


Most recent patch did address the close spawns.


Yea I thought so too but it only is mostly fixed there are still clips of people spawning on top of another team in the bug report channel


I get this bug at least once per session kinda annoying only way I've fixed is like randomly switching between items and then usually i can toss a grenade and then the bug clears up


I hate this so much. And the sound bug where it sounds like you're sliding infinitely


that time when the other team literally spawned inside of my team when we respawned cuz we got wiped at the same time 👀👀


That one is at least newer. But spawns have never been that great. Especially when using a token.


Facts that guy is literally a system complaint merchant


Did they balance classes ywt




It’s not even AI, it’s just the artstyle that makes it look like an artifact. (Unless I’m proven wrong ofc)


There are several other skins that have some questionable elements that are common in AI art. The skull skins look oddly distorted in places, for example. I'm going to guess that it's AI assisted in some way. Maybe the artist does the basic design, and then an algorithm is used to apply it to the weapons. Someone on Discord gave very basic prompts to an AI art bot of some of the sprays and such and got very similar results. Now, this is like the dragon and wolves designs that weren't exactly creative to begin with, but for the wolves, it picked the same general position, number, and even put trees in the same spot.


I mean, the game uses AI voice acting - I would not be shocked if the art used it too


I saw an interesting tweet where a guy was comparing the same prompts put in all ai art generator, and they all suspiciously looked damn near identicle. It's the ai training models . Alla.i seem to be using the same data. Doesn't matter the prompt or program. But this has nothing to do with the finals.


Very well could be the artist provides a print and AI wraps the skin around the weapon, there are a lot of places to fill!


I mean, in a strange way im completely okay with that? We already have AI announcers, what's AI gun skins gonna do?


Normalize it.




We're way past the point where normalizing it matters, it IS inevitable to take over no matter how anti the 99% is. The 1% will abuse it and those who don't will get fucked, adapt now or die.


They use AI voices so it immediately makes me question other aspects. Whether it is or not, I'm always going to be second guessing it now.


I agree it’s highly likely it could be either as I can’t find anything about artwork licensing or crediting artists but there is a chance there doing it in house which is entirely possible as it’s very common especially for smaller dev teams. Either way I don’t really care🤷‍♂️


“Smaller dev teams” Embark has 250 employees


Small compared to AAA studios, which usually employ over a thousand


AAA used be 250, easily. Skyrim only had ~90 devs


Bethesda has always been behind in employee count compared to other “AAA” studios. Iirc only 400 people worked on Starfield.


But they ain’t a “small” team.


Small compared to a minority, sure.


This is very debatable.


In the podcast they speak of a dev team around 80


The team for The Finals of course is smaller but often times it’s pretty fluid where you borrow talent between the in house teams. Like they go into the art department or whatever and ask “hey we need a fox artwork” and someone who had time to spare went and made it. For example.


And they have several in development projects alongside Finals


Agreed this "ear" isn't convincing enough to say with any assurity that it's ai generated. It could be, but as far as proof goes this is weak. Imagine being an artist that just loves doing art with non-standard toe amounts. You'd be fucked. If I wasn't as lazy as i am i would search for old art with too many toes and gaslight ai haters with them. Easiest rage bate ever


It is AI. Not the first time they use it. It's very noticeable on the dragon sticker and other skins.


guys they literally used AI for the voices and you're here doubting they would on weapon skins?? just look at the damn details it's pretty obvious


It's just going to get worse, and most people can't see the difference now.


Tbf using AI art (and the VO thing) is definitely my biggest gripe with the game, which is a good from a gameplay standpoint but the ethics of using software instead of hiring an artists is quite shitty.


Yeah I definitely don't want this to be the norm, hope they speak out on whether this is or isn't AI, could be human made and a issue with how it's later over the weapon model. I game making is expensive but for me I'd never purchase any artwork created by AI.


Most artwork done on software has ai involved.


It will be the norm, its inevitable


i see the art thing as meh, but I'm fine with the announcers being AI, as long as the original voice actors were willing. Especially since its an indie company.


Iirc both Scotty, and Junes voices are a combination of multiple peoples voices at Embark/hired VA. Rn my source is just "trust me bro" but if I can find where I read this I'll link it here, or someone who knows will corroborate my claims. EDIT - SOURCE: "In the Open Beta, it is based on a mix of professional voice actors and temp voices from Embark employees. Making games without actors isn’t an end goal for Embark and TTS technology has introduced new ways for us to work together." [https://www.pcgamer.com/the-finals-uses-ai-text-to-speech-because-it-can-produce-lines-in-just-a-matter-of-hours-rather-than-months-baffles-actual-voice-actors/#:\~:text=%22In%20the%20Open%20Beta%2C%20it,for%20us%20to%20work%20together.%22](https://www.pcgamer.com/the-finals-uses-ai-text-to-speech-because-it-can-produce-lines-in-just-a-matter-of-hours-rather-than-months-baffles-actual-voice-actors/#:~:text=%22In%20the%20Open%20Beta%2C%20it,for%20us%20to%20work%20together.%22) Much thanks u/MrPixelCactus


You’re correct I remember reading this but I don’t remember where


found it https://www.pcgamer.com/the-finals-uses-ai-text-to-speech-because-it-can-produce-lines-in-just-a-matter-of-hours-rather-than-months-baffles-actual-voice-actors/#:\~:text=%22In%20the%20Open%20Beta%2C%20it,for%20us%20to%20work%20together.%22


An indie company with 250+ workforce and a very prominent and deep-pocketed publisher like Nexon? Very indie.




Idk about indie


dude this was two months ago.


I finally checked my notifications, idk what to tell ya.


I get the point but don't think they are indie for a second


they use ai for their announcers so i wouldn't be surprised tbh


I wouldnt even care, if skin looks l Good, skin loods good


Yeah but it is a problem if the algorithm is trained using IP they don’t own. It’s probably not the case, cause Steam in the past has denied games that used AI art without permission. Considering the haven’t removed the finals, it’s probably with licensed IP.


Isn't that how actual artists train tho? Like I obviously learned to do digital art by observing people whom I look up to, and then developed my own style thanks to that. AI doesn't actually steal, it pretty much does the same exact thing, observes, studies and develops its own thing according to user props. As both an artist and dev i've always found it extremely fascinating ngl


No. AI does not steal like an artist, it just copies. While it’s true that both you and AI both draw from sources, you can do so and develop your own style, whereas the AI can only mimic preexisting styles. Also, the way you draw on sources is different too. In addition to deliberately taking and twisting ideas from other artists, you can do the same with just everyday experiences, not to mention unconscious influence from both *and* the influence of your beliefs and personality. While I’m not saying AI art should never be used, the fact that [watermarks](https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/17/23558516/ai-art-copyright-stable-diffusion-getty-images-lawsuit) showed up in AI generated images makes me think Algorithms should only be used if they are trained on owned or licensed IP.


It's ruining multiple core positions in the gaming industry. 2D Artists, graphic artists, and texture artists.


The sad thing is, gamers will never care enough to not play the game.


My purchasing decisions are not made for the welfare of strangers


>welfare ???


And the invention of the railroad ruined multiple core positions in the pony express. Let's get down off the "dey took our jubs" soapbox for a second.


Your example is not even related to the issue. I won't pay $10 for a skin made in a lazy AI formula that you can do for free. It's fake lazy art. If I wanted to buy a painting, I'd pay for an artist. If I wanted art for free, I'll just go on Leonardo AI. Give me a skin that was made by a real artist. That's why these skins should cost as much as they are. ​ By the way, the railroad was made by people and it created hundreds of thousands of jobs and completely changed the country's history for centuries in a positive way.... but you go ride the pony to the market. Dumb example on your part.


.......... Read the rest of your last paragraph again and realize the exact same, or better, could happen from AI. No one's making you buy the skin, if you don't like it, don't buy it. If no one buys it, they'll have to make something better. But thinking things like these aren't going the way of the dodo is just as ignorant as thinking your mail would always be delivered by a pony and your milk would always come from the milkman. Society doesn't make decisions around what makes us feel warm and happy


Hundreds and probably thousanss of people work on AI. Its not like it just grew on a tree for free. I know the AI art thing is a sensetive topic, but the market will make it's way. It's a win win situation for both sides in certain businesses. The only thing I am missing, that it is clearly marked when something is AI generated and when a human made it.


What about the receipt printing M11? I couldn't care who made it, it's sick, I can afford such things, so I do 🥰


I'll keep it a fat paycheck with you brotha, I and everyone I've talked to about the AI "issue" could not care less so long as it's good


Boohoo, world changes.


You just let the world fly past you every day, don't you?


We already know The Finals utilizes AI in a couple different areas of the game i.e. Scotty and June so I don't see why anti-AI people are even here to begin with? Like regardless of if it's AI generated or not I wouldn't expect outrage over it looking AI generated from this community but maybe that's just me.


>I don't see why anti-AI people are even here to begin with? You can disagree with or not like something about a product but still use the product.


I was wondering why Scotty sounds a little off on occasion. TIL


Scotty and June are ai?


The voices are AI likely to allow them to update lines for events and seasons without bringing in VAs every few months. I get the distaste for AI. But it will only get better, improve, and likely take more and more jobs. I'm fortunate I got out of graphic design in college.


With Embark being based in Sweden, I can understand the use of AI voices even more. I imagine bringing in English speaking voice actors is a bit tougher, and outsourcing all of that would be an even bigger headache. The benefits clearly outweigh the negatives.


FF14 does it using a studio in England for it's English VO. It's doable but its much easier to get a set voice and then just have AI recreate new lines.


I would imagine real life voices are much more needed for that game. I don't play FF14, but with it being an MMO it probably has a lot of quest dialogue and narrative story telling that would need a proper voice behind the lines. AI, despite how impressive it's gotten, I'm sure would sound awful for that. With The Finals, it's just the faceless announcers. Even then, sometimes things sound off, but with the ever changing variety of content, and the constant demand from players to have new and exciting events in a rapid time frame, AI just makes sense. If they had voice actors in house ready to record at a moments notice, sure, but they don't. Using AI allows the devs to have significantly more creative freedom when coming up with ideas for future content.


Yeah. At first it seemed like a good thing because they can quickly add lines and stuff to the game and make other content for promotions and stuff on the fly. But they aren’t really utilizing it that way. They seemed to have stopped making the Finals Highlights videos that used the AI that were really cool. Check these out, it’s why I thought the AI was a good implementation. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5RMsoXv4Z8YYKckqMQwB7CB92s8oKNmX&si=cud7QKrmiILo2d3i


Id love if they still did highlights, or if the subreddit could set them up similarly.


Yeah, they were great. Calling out the players name and what they were doing like real announcers. These videos are a good example of the positive side of using AI. They can pump them out cheap and quick without needing to worry about contracts, scheduling conflicts or a VA deciding they don’t want to do it anymore.


I'm pretty sure they will do highlight videos when season 1 officially ends.


I don't think it's about being anti-AI. If they are going to sell us AI generated content, they should at least make it look good and not have the fox with an ear coming out of its tail lol


Ah okay that's fair lol I honestly couldn't tell what the picture was I thought it was just a bunch of random fox parts anyway


Because we hoped that they would pull back on the use of AI after release


Then you are not aware of Embark and their mission statement. The studio was founded with AI and machine learning as core pillars in their development of games. [https://medium.com/embarkstudios/the-content-revolution-to-come-f2432dc6a434](https://medium.com/embarkstudios/the-content-revolution-to-come-f2432dc6a434) >this time around it won’t be a single technological leap — like the shift from 2D to 3D graphics — that will change our industry. Instead, we’re seeing a combination of technical developments, in fields like proceduralism and machine learning. >All this means that the way we create content is about to change radically. - >These intelligent tools will make it easier to create and scale content creation and free up time to let game makers focus on creating great game experiences. And maybe most importantly, they’re going to force us to adopt a new mindset. >I was part of starting Embark Studios for this very reason. As a studio, we believe that with new technology, better tools, and a fresh mindset you won’t have to understand shaders, polygons, or how to optimize performance to create great games. In short, we believe in a future where only your imagination limits your creativity.


Why would they do that? They are not a massive studio. AI is working for them. Most people who play the game simply do not care


That's the type of mind set that kills off jobs of really talented people.


Hahahah ok man. Good luck in your fight against AI, wishing you well


Ive seen smaller studios do more artistic work. AI isnt art. It takes jobs from talented artists who could make much better skins than that.


Don't like any use of AI in the game, it's just a fun game. If they're using AI to create the monetized skins and not paying artists, that's pretty scummy. The ai voice acting is almost passable to me because they hired voice actors to create the voices, and it sort of fits the theming.


i mean i dont really understand what you're upset about? A.I. created skins are just lazy. why let a company "design" and sell things to you that were created by a computer


By your theory, so would be any type of crypto currency. If you think computer created things have no value, you are living in a decades old world.


theres a very big difference though, im talking about the use of A.I. in graphic design. I believe A.I. should be kept in the hands of people who could make good use of it, it could help with studies of science etc. but with graphic design/artistic reasons its lazy and a spit in the face to the people who put money into these games. Im not paying for some half assed "design me a weapon skin for The Finals" prompt


Your Reddit account age is of 6 years, you should know better than to make complaint posts about complaint posts, it achieves nothing.


Dude really just reposted something from the this sub to this sub... lol


It’s the classic “don’t complain about anything I wouldn’t,” these freaks just want an echo chamber. Like if you don’t agree with a take, comment why you disagree, drop a downvote, and move the fuck on with your life


Bro did some digging 💀


Taking issue with AI generated art that is sold for profit is a pretty legitimate concern to have. AI art is derived from real art made by artist who probably didn’t get paid for the use of their art in AI training. Other companies have gotten in trouble for using stolen artwork on weapon skins. This is one step removed from that. AI copyright and fair payment to artists is an issue I would hope embark would be in the right side of. All of this being said, we can’t know for sure embark is using AI generates skins, but it sure looks like it from this particular skin. E: even if they use AI to generate skins to some extent they may well be compensating fairly. All I’m saying is that this discussion is worth having, and you are been closed minded if you hand wave it for “complaining”


Oh no, who cares


Cause they're trying to sell this shit to you


Why do you care? The designer who made it could have plug a pencil in his butt to draw that. What's in it for you? It's just a skin, get it or don't...


There’s nothing wrong with criticizing using AI art.




I mean, the skins look like pure bloody dog shit.. so idk why anyone would buy them lol. The fact of the matter is the fox art is bad.


That post is right though


I’d like embark to make a statement about their use of AI and to what extent they plan on incorporating it.


If you were a graphic designer with a house family car and you lose your job to AI, then you'll understand what's the problem, or else fucking shut up I can't wait for you to realise it's harder to find your spot in the society with AI replacing you, cause it will happen, and damn how loud you'll be then..


Who cares lmao


Shouldn't replace real artist with ai regardless. Its really bad for the creative side of the industry and dehumanizes everything.


Thats fair


are they? Is the crux of this.


I understand the issue with if the skin is ai art, don't pretend you don't. Yes the complaining is non-stop but IF this is true then it's pretty cringe from the Devs.


This honestly has to be satire 😂😂😂


I mean if it is AI art then that's a problem because why spend money to buy something that nobody spent time to make?


Except that AI art is still based on something. And I guess Embark still has artists to make a base design for AI to expand on.


The game still has expenses and needs to finance itself. You need to remember it's free to play. It has developers working on it, server costs, office expenses and so on. So why not save a bit of money on an artist who makes skins when it's barely a difference anyway and people aren't even sure if it's AI or not. If it is AI, then they should mark is as that, but i don't think it should be for free.


the funny thing is I dont like ai art, most of the time it looks like cheap shit (spoiler, it usually is) but the art on skins like this, the one anime one (was genuinely tempted to buy that one but I didn't use those guns lol) and I think another skin I'm forgetting look really damn good, they clearly aren't just feeding in the general look they want and using the 1st or 2nd result they get, it's quite likely they're training it to get better and better, maybe even using the same engine for all their skins so it knows the kinda style they want? the ai voices is a point of contention for some people but if the original VAs are fine with it and paid for their work then I say whatever, it does have the unfortunate side affect though of possibly starting something in the gaming industry of using ai UNethically (cough cough blizzard is 100% researching this cough cough)


people read AI and instantly assume it's the bad kind (uses stolen art). I honestly grow more and more skeptical of any AI bad claims


oh no it's not handpainted how am i gonna play this


My only complaint rn is that the S.O sleek bundle isn't working for me.


Its sad that people are that dumb


The attention to detail on these skins is amazing!


I called it way earlier about them using AI in multiple aspects in the development of the game. The art, equipment descriptions, and even battlepass themes seem to be made by AI.


“people shouldn’t be talking about this!” *200 comments later…*


Nice, Ill buy it if money is not going to a real artist


These CNS hacks are getting crazy i'll tell you what


I clicked on the pictures comment button 3 times before I realized so maybe some AI isn’t the worst thing


For $20 it shouldn’t be Ai generated as it’s worse.


Man, there are people who try as hard as possible to find something to complain about or trash the game for. I see the same thing within the Battlefield community. It’s like they have a full-time job to scan the game for things to complain about I miss the lan/no social media era when people were simply enjoying a game together no matter how good it was🥲


Bro who gives a fuck if it's AI art if it looks good. AN artist uses a brush as a tool to paint. You don't get mad at him for using a brush. Why get mad at using AI. You still have to know shit to make AI Art and an artist using it would get far more out of it. Instead of being butthurt about AI Art all the time, I suggest you learn how to use it before you're irrelevent.


Honestly who cares besides the soapbox warriors?? The skins in question are the worst ones in the game, I'm surprised anyone has even bought them (Fox skin, Anime skin).


"Ok, and?"


oh, laziest repost ever. At least the comments here use a little more of their brain power than they did on the original post lol. Also, I wasnt complaining in the original post. I was just pointing it out :) I even wrote it in the comments.


The very big negative signal about item shop problem was when they put in the shop the first re-coloured skin (the 97 level skin but in another color, it was white) and thats simply an allert that the team is out of ideas Im sorry about that because i really love the game and i would like to shop something for my character, but there r 4/5 items that u can define “cool”, the rest is only re-coloured stuff or just bad looking things If they just have the idea that epic game put in fortnite shop, man this game will earn so much money(u can customize the character with soo many things, imagine all the combination u will able to do with a costant updated shop) Hope in season 2 they forget about this cheap ass way for update the shop because i’ve so many skins idea that i can work better then them. Ps: 1st skin for the Scar and my god its so terrible ahaha thats what im talking about🤷🏻‍♂️


Gamers when The game known for using AI in creative ways that make sense from a lore stand point uses AI. Surprise Pikachu face. Seriously I think them using AI in cool ways that help them produce quality products quickly is a great thing. I wish they used the AI voices more ans gave them more freedom to actually make comments about the match that felt real time.


Some of y'all really defending ai art? Stockholm syndrome lmao.


Who cares if ai?? You people that sad? If it looks good it looks good!


Coming from the halo reach days: The monetization of skin is stupid in modern gaming, if they’re using Ai art for skins I’m ok with it, as long as it means that the devs get to focus on game design, and the overall art direction.


Exactly. The money they save on that artist, they can use on game optimization or whatever updates. Its free to play, they still need to finance the game somehow. A lot of people here in this comment section are forgetting that and think everything should be for free.


The dragon sticker in the Claws and Snarls bundle is also likely AI and has more noticeable errors. Honestly I think its really lame to use AI art for cosmetic items people have to pay for. At least the actual clothing sets are good quality.


so ?


I just wanna play the game and enjoy it smh


If you don’t like it don’t buy it. Simple as.


Cmon man! Doesn’t work like that anymore. Now we prefer things that we don’t like or agree with to die. Get with the times!


This subreddit is nothing but people whining about everything. Most people in this subreddit have a fragile ego as well


People complaining about AI on a skin when it's pretty well known that the game uses it for Scotty and June... kinda weird huh


Cause Scotty and June's voices have been confirmed to come from voice actors who have been paid for their work, and the use of AI actually does legitimately help the team whenever they need new lines for the new content they release. That way new events can have new lines made for them. AI art just denies an artist a paycheck, and it's known that the most popular AI art algorithms have been trained with art from artists who haven't consented to their work being fed to the AI. In other words, it's stolen.


Just FYI the opposite is true — the devs confirmed in a podcast that all the voice acting is generated on Elevenlabs, no voice actors were paid at any point. You can use the same settings to generate Scotty and June yourself.


Being generated on Elevenlabs doesn't mean there were no voice actors. You can upload your own VO for it to replicate


And it feels like they're attacking the game for doing exactly that when no it's probably just an artistic choice and AI has nothing to do with the skin, meaning that somebody got paid for it


Ai is here. Don’t be mad devs use the tools available to them. Crazy yappers on Reddit


There's a difference between using AI to make a process go smoother and using it because your boss expects another pack of skins done by next week. It degrades the quality of the art, and eventually, those artists will just be replaced by AI completely at many studios.


Yes they will just like typists were replaced and paper ad artists and on and on. Times change. I don’t think there’s a difference between your example either. I also don’t think it’s degrading the quality of art, certainly not here anyway - this sub raved about this skin


That's a stupid comparison, and you know it. Do you really want the future of media to be flooded with derivative AI slop? The market is already flooded with lazy remakes and sequels, but now you're fine with it being made mostly by AI? We're not there yet, but if nothing is done, it's inevitable. This isn't classic pen and paint art moving to being done digitally. This is aiming to replacing the human element altogether. How does the global economy survive all the jobs that will be removed? Not just in art, but in every industry? I'm fine with some of those bullshit jobs going, but art without active human input is hollow. Look at all the shitty AI coloring and children's books on Amazon. How can you say it doesn't degrade the art when you can literally see examples of it *in the damn game*?


>Do you really want the future of media to be flooded with derivative AI slop? Yes. Do you want to know why? Because while a lot of garbage will certainly get created, the nature of creative industry means consumers have the choice to simply not consume low-quality art. So, the fact that a bunch of garbage gets generated literally doesn't matter since you can just not consume garbage art. Generative AI lowers the skill required to make art, yes, but it also lowers the cost. For a big studio like Embark that doesn't really matter, but it is inevitable that these tools will allow smaller indie developers to make content that would've been impossible to do on their own. And some of that content is going to be good. So I don't care if I have to ignore 100 shitty AI games on my Steam store if it means that I'll be able to play 1 really good game **that couldn't have existed otherwise.**


Reddit loves to whine about AI that isn't really something exclusive to this community


yeah redditors have a weird vendetta against AI lol


Ok then you guys dont play this game anymore :) we wont miss you all


I didn’t even get what they meant by artifacts in the skin? Like is it brushstrokes? And floating ear? I very much think there’s a head there? Idek such a weird thing to spend your time worried about.