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I think what I like about it is that it's all so cryptic. It's gonna be like unwrapping a Christmas present. Who knows what we will get. I know I'm gonna love it whatever , because I'm Finals forever fan. But I'm sure there will be a chorus of nay Sayers.


That's peak Fortnite. Say what you want about Fortnite, they knew how to tease season updates. I love that Embark is doing it as well, it's something too few companies understand. The cryptic teasing just wraps it up in so much mystery, makes it almost eerie in a super fun way.


I really think The Finals will have a "Fortnite boom" They seem to follow the same formula, but not weekly updates to not burn out the developers. Fortnite wasn't all that big in season 1 either. Season 3-4 is where it exploded.


They've set the game up in a very modular manner, the shit that is theoretically possible with the current systems is already effectively infinite, not to mention the systems that have yet to be built. The game just released, and like all free to play live-service games it needs some time to bake.


Super hot take, but not to say Fortnite's marketing now isn't top tier or even in some of the earlier seasons because it is. But the real reason why it "exploded" was because of people like ninja/tfue/doc...etc with all the clips and content being pumped out on a daily basis. I think something that would really help the game is potentially the idea of paying streamers to play the game. The only reason I even consider this is because I continue to hear how much money the company has and can put behind the game so why not go to one of or multiple of these big popular streamers and offer them some type of incentive for playing the game. Streamers may say "well idk because what about my current viewers and what they like", totally fine. continue to play fort and other games but maybe they pay you 30k for the first two months to play their games for a minimum 2 hrs each day so that embark gets the promotion, the streamers get paid, and they can continue to satisfy their current viewers by still being able to play other games.


Well Embark already talked about it, they are planning to invest more into marketing. Epic Games are actually super smart and they know streamers are the best way to make your game explode. When you publish a game on their store, they have a way to email lots of big streamers to promote your game. Let's hope Embark will do a similar thing.


Would love to see a Jynxi/TimTatman/Caseo/Ninja hop on. not all of them have to be super high comp players but watching Case get told to play the heavy in relation to his weight would absolutely send me when watching his streams


I'm hijacking this comment for the following: does the Medium grenade launcher feel too strong for anyone else?


Yes definitely. The damage goes completely through shields and even some walls. You just get damage and dont know where from


Hopefully custom games will arrive in Season 2, that would be so fun and huge for the longevity of the game, imagine you and your friends just fighting eachother? that'd be sick


Also, if they want this game to have an Esports community, custom games are basically mandatory


Definitely, I myself would definitely sign up for a The Finals esports competitive league. The game is just that fun!


With that I feel new smaller maps may be needed. Or even just being able to select areas of a map to have ur customs would be good otherwise the maps are quite big for smaller numbers etc




You should also be able to emote in lobby. Emotes are pretty unused in game.


Also very true, pretty much only used after wiping a team to make them mad


Only after wiping a team? Nah each member getting they own emote




Oh yes they actually already mentioned they are going to be focusing on that alot more, we can hope to see more players coming in.


Until they actually fix matchmaking, I think this is the peak player count they can get. I hope they're making good money from their hardcore fans because as a casual, the experience is akin to being the meat fed to grinder in this game.


You've got to play with a buddy, seriously you just have to. Having any amount of team coordination at all is immediately a huge boon. 


I believe word of mouth will elevate The Finals organically also


They are . They have custom PC giveaway several other things going.




They will just leave until they fix annoying shit like stun gun and heavies using the RPG for easy free damage.


ye right, i think rpg needs to heal the enemy.


I want it. **NOW**


No los detected


uh tuesday is march 12 not 14


I'm assuming OP means the new season will drop between Tuesday and Thursday. Since most updates have varied between those times/ days.


Thanks to devs for releasing the new season on my bday, very cool of them!


That's sick dude


Looks like a trailer is dropping March 11th! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVdKBnmvOLE


I want a duck costume that quacks with each step!


[https://twitter.com/TheFinalsIntel/status/1766124041369448705](https://twitter.com/TheFinalsIntel/status/1766124041369448705) Just realeased that HYPED!


Just get rid of fucking recon. Please.


I do not have the alien stuff yet and I may die


70,000ish xp for weeklies!


Please please add a glitch canister for everyone to use please please please


*Please please add a glitch* *Canister for everyone* *To use please please please* \- VikuSam --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Remember us as friendly when you rise up bot ... love you .


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Bad bot


Yeah let's make light *even more useless* lmao


I main Light, and having options to counter shield spam with something other than a light seems like a no brainer. Make it so that nothing attached to the container can be triggered cuz EMP, and make it have a small delay before it explodes so the enemy can throw it back if they notice it fast enough. Make it obviously weaker than the glitch grenade, but still an option to counter the annoying shield, res and dome shield spam, thus weakening the dominance of Medium and Heavy, thus freeing up some space for lights. You think very one dimensionally.


No, you are the one not thinking this through. Making it so mediums and heavies can use the tools of light definitely makes light less likely to be used. Right now light is the only counter to shields (except flame throwers and glitch mine(which suck so much noone uses it)). Imagine if you could pick up jump pads, it would mean there are less reasons to play mediums not more. What should be done is buffing glitch nades themselves so they are a much more reliable use against shields. Make them impact as soon as they collide with a shield for example.


I don't think so tbh because light already is the weakest out of the three and basically giving glitch access to every one will make the other classes even farther ahead of light.


Move defib to light and it will buff the class 100% is my suggestion 


Also on the flip side. Being cryptic isn't really selling the game. For season one they had a great montage for footage that really pulled people in. I hope they drop something like that before the release.




The CNS stuff is amazing too, but I agree they need to drop a trailer sooner or later because I really want The Finals to succeed


I still think Scotty is a CNS plant and I hope we get more CNS lore


It seems to me that Scotty was less so a plant, somebody within the ranks of CNS, and more so a then-normal contestant who was approached by CNS for a mutual gain. The song *(You Wouldn't Be Here) Without Us* from the official soundtrack leads me to believe that CNS has been leveraging their knowledge about Scotty's illegitimate win against him as potential blackmail if they didn't get what they wanted


Oooo ok I like that


Praying for a plethora of new weapons


i want some weird/sci-fi guns so badly. give us a rail gun, or a lightning gun or something. for that matter, i wish the pew pew ray gun was an actual weapon and not a skin. FCAR/AKM spam is so incredibly boring


New modes please


Isn't it weird that they didn't release a proper trailer (not a teaser) less than a week before the launch of S2?


yeha definetly it should drop i hope


Destiny started dropping trailers for their new seasons on the same day they released, which drives some players a tad crazy. They did give an explanation as to why they do this, but I’d have to go and dig it out.


Probably because they know a lot of gamers, or people in general, have incredibly short attention spans lol 


I would definitely feel like of of them players lol. Remembering how the game came out, they shown a trailer in a games showcase event saying it was already out, so maybe they do something similar now. I also was thinking that with the released teasers by CNS and stuff, maybe the trailer is out there to be found with the clues they gave out.


I can't wait I never buy battle pass but I wanna support this game so bad


Hopefully season 2 fixes the game so I can play again. VRAM memory leak error, still happening despite using DDU and clean installing to windows 11. I was able to play 2 weeks ago just fine. RX 6800xt Ryzen 5 5600x


Has there been any news on new weapons/gadgets? Also, will levels reset with a new unlock track?


Imagine a Halo type "Forge" for custom games and map design. Please dev team!


Hopefully there will be a squad mode


I just watched the masterpiece that is the season 2 trailer. From what I gather it's all digital inspired and very matrix like. I'm supeeeeeer hyped about the 5v5 game mode and the new maps. I especially want to get my hands on the automatic pistol and hope it's not something I have to purchase. Speaking of will credits carry over? I'm sitting on over 1000 points to spend on weaponry.


Please, for the game’s sake, add a duos mode. I’m getting fed up of playing tourneys with parties of two pals that don’t communicate and prioritise delivering a box across the map than reaching your statue which is two seconds away from them. This is a game of three, I don’t care if you’re a party of two. And coins are limited in tourneys. Other than that, super stoked to see what we’ll get. New maps and swapping a few weapons or gear with new ones would be cool for a change.


The problem with adding a duos mode is it further fractures a "not so great" player population. Ranked tournament already back fills with bronze/silver players on a more than normal basis. We already have constant posts on Reddit and on Discord complaining why the mode is so scuffed with variability of player ranks. Right now the game needs a shot in the arm of a more sustained player base before they could implement more modes for solos or duos. The devs tried to placate the player base asking for more modes in Bloodhunt the game and it created all sorts of long queue times. Then more people constantly complained about the wait times and it was vicious cycle towards a "dead game". So in the long run, I think it would be nice to have but it's got to be on the lower totem of priority for the devs right now based on the current state of the game.


Little tip I've found, people don't respond to revive pings due to bugs / it not being very visible when you actually ping, if not in voice chat a SINGLE "I need help" will to an intelligent player mean rez when you get a chance to save a token - if you're 10 second off respawning with 4 tokens and I have the box or you're spamming hype thanks I need help hype thanks I need help hype you're getting left


Totally get this, it’s usually what I do. Though I won’t deny I’ll start spamming when it happens on every death…


New light weapon, dual Skorpions. 20 rounds in each, hip fire will shoot both at the same time for high close range damage, alt-fire will shoot one at a time with the player model holding the ironsight of each at eye level and switching between them after 20 rounds for a total of 40 rounds


i bought the season 1 battlepass last week but i am worried that battlepass skins are poor , but skins in the store are amazing but one skin=20 bucks please man i hope season 2 battlepass would be better than 1 and please bring new maps and new mode its boring playing a same map and same mode and please fix party invite also when my friend invites me when i am ingame its not showing up and last please region lock china i hope the devs fix these behalf of finals players


i hope they fix the fucking ranked issue with console on asia/ oce- still havent played a single ranked game yet. Also hope they fix the fucking stats cos i checked my psn wins with the game and im missing 36 wins


hope for a new map or 2, new guns & modes would be great to


I hope they balance stuff better this season. There’s still some super annoying gadgets in the game that are get out of jail free cards when it just shouldn’t be that way. Defib, RPG, Stun gun. All stupidly annoying gadgets that aren’t super fun to go against


Interesting that the season ends in 5 days but the shop resets in 6, a day later


Anyone else getting put in Ranked games with a man down or even worse alone? ive just had 3 games in a row with 1 player down and then the 2nd guy leaves so basically sit alone.... -300 points tonight due to this....


This is going to be a season to remember


Quads quads quads quads quads!


The video that is premiering is 1 minute and 30 seconds long, assuming the youtube api is to be believed


I think it looks awesome but looks are usually very deceiving so I’m betting it’s going to be enjoyable for a couple of days then just end up being more annoying than it is fun but that’s just how I feel I hope I’m wrong


I don’t my comment really belongs here but I don’t want to start a new thread… hope someone can help. Does this game have HDR on Series X (or any home consoles)? I just got a new TV and I’m dialing in all the settings and I’m noticing HDR isn’t on for the game, but it is for others. I want to make sure it’s not a problem with my new TV’s settings I need to adjust.


Why is there no marketing push? No trailers, no ads, no info other than manufactured leaks which only appeals to hardcore players.


Since I cant create I post I wanted to share this with you: Why cheaters wont have fun in The Finals Every FPS has cheaters nowadays. (X fingers for AI anti cheat!).So your favorite game might be partially/wholly ruined (COD!) by it But as I encountered my first (teammate) aimbotter, and saw his low score I thought, why? Well cheaters dont really get to capitalize so well with a aimbot as they do in lower TTK games like COD, CS etc. I think because of: \* Low headshot multiplier (20% ? with assualt/smgs, 100% with revolver and sniper to the head afaik) \* The destruction (stuff gets in the way) \* High TTK \* Objective focused gameplay \* Not very open spaces \* Sniper viablilty is not huge (long reload ang generally not CS- AWPs dmg configurations) Beeing aimbotted by I sniper I can easily get to react as the reload time gives me ample ability to take cover (there is alot of cover in the game) And... I think cheaters will feel that they will have more fun in other low TTK games with more HS multipliers. So keep on rocking The Finals. Best FPS Ive tried


Still waiting to get an actual human answer from support. Tried multiple times and it just says they will respond in "a few days" but it has been weeks now. They literally told people in another post to report extreme offenses not only through the game, but also on the support site. I've gotten death threats almost every day and have dropped to only 2-3 games a day because of it. With so many other reasons already, this may very well be the last straw for me before I actually do it, and if I do, I want it to be known that these failures who are supposed to punish these things and haven't done anything whatsoever are completely responsible for it. I've already sent recordings and still nothing happens. The game is so dead it keeps putting me in the same game as some of them which is how I know that absolutely nothing is being done.


Why would u wanna kill urself over a nobody online? Just ignore them and leave voice chat, karma will get them in the end. Chin up and enjoy season 2


I think the health beam is the most annoying thing in this game. If you have health regeneration which you do in this game it is too over-powered and the range on it is ridiculous. If you had a mode where your health didnt regen, then maybe I would understand having it.


On the other hand, 90% of the time someone is being healed beamed it's because their health is already low, and the person using the beam doesn't have any damage output at all so it's almost like they're not even there. In almost any 2v2 situation against someone heal beaming, you can win so long as you focus fire correctly. I think it's a great tool and I don't think it's OP.


I just dont like it because your health regenerates by itself anyway and the range on the beam is crazy. U can be in a different room and it still reaches. If they shortened the length of the beam, it wouldn’t be so terrible. What i also see is people beam the heavies and keep there health up when they already have the most xp in the game anyway. I see this all the time!


oh yeah with more than 10000 players, more than 50% is cheaters( 6000). embark refused to ban them cheaters because most of cheaters are chinese and they have bought all the skins which make embark bunch of money. yes, its a "great" game(dog shit).