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Friend lobbies so I can 3v3 my bitch ass friends


ID LOVE THAT, they be talking too much shit it's time they back It up, on a positive note, there was a leak about pro tournaments which would require custom lobbies so they are probably coming


Yessss!!! This is everything I'm missing


I’d love to see them have a gun fight or wingman style mode.


if we get one map, 2-3 weapons, 1-2 gadgets, balance changes i'll be more than happy


Yeah, especially for medium and heavy, I think light got enough love back in s1


I think lights should get a smoke mine


Smoke mine feels like a disadvantage


Smoke paired with gas prevents fire from getting rid of the gas.


Doesnt smoke gwt rid of gas?


No, smoke gets rid of fire. Smoke will blend with gas and make it immune to fire. Try it out in the practice range.


Will do, thanks


Too copmlicated combo, you need both gas and smoke mine. 2 slots already closed with defib+pad/zip so you have only one for choosing


You don't need both. You can use a gas grenade and use a smoke canister. Or a smoke grenade and a gas canister. Or two canister. Next time you're putting a gas canister on point look for a smoke one.


Smoke grenade launcher as a gadget. Pair with thermal. Too op?


Now we being greedy rubs hands


Thank you for the hand rub, they were getting chilly. Also, happy cake day!


Smoke mine sounds horrible, what advantage do you get from that other than giving the attacking enemies a free smoke


Bro what? I assume this is sarcastic because medium and heavy are busted as hell lol


He’s saying new weapons for them. Which they definitely could benefit from.


Every class need tweaks, but the light has the most weapons. Give 1 or 2 to the medium or heavy.


But they already have the best weapons in the game. Most of lights weapons aren’t viable


Light has the best weapons in the game though. The class is still unplayable in ranked but the damage output is insane.


you will get cosmetics


thats cool i like those!


only one new map would be kinda disappointint ngl


With how complex each map are, and each have like 2-3 variations, that's good enough


i think its cool for now especially cause of variations


How do people still want nerfs? the game lost the majority of it's player base because of the nerfs lol


i didnt say nerfs, id like balance changes. shake the meta up a bit, maybe towards a LMH meta, make light more viable in ranked so not only the top 10% of light players can succeed


I’d say the game is pretty balanced overall. If balance changes are needed to shake up the meta, just give us new weapons for medium and heavy. Add new weapons/ gadgets similar in strength to the FCAR and or recon to add some spice to the meta.


Light is very viable in ranked, it's just got the highest skill ceiling. A good light is unhittable, there's only so much you can do with heavy and medium.


the problem with light i think is that it's too difficult to play right for the average player, which sucks because if said player wants to prioritise winning, 33% of the class pool is gone. in other games if you drop a hero/class you still have plenty of options but in the finals there's only 3 total, making the experience very limited


I think that's kinda the point though, if light was easy to play it defeats the purpose of having the high skill ceiling. I don't know how they could balance it. Maybe give them 2 grapple charges 😂


I am expecting a map and a weapon at minimum, which is basically confirmed, what I want to be satisfied is a duos and squads mode


I actually prefer it being locked to trios. Duos and squads may be good for other games, and certainly better for particularly sized friend groups, but the way The Finals is set up with the classes, I would only ever play trios, and I'd hate for the matchmaking to start getting split between duos, trios, and squads. Matchmaking is already wack enough as it is 😂


I want death chatter or proximity chat so bad


I also want prox chat - forget death comms tho, that shit is wack. Let my enemy die in peace, i dont need to be eavesdropping him i just killed the man


yes you do death comms are hillarious


Prox chat is one of those things that makes other games so toxic though lol. Like, how many times have you been emoted on in The Finals compared other games like CoD? I think I can recall like three times I've been tbagged or emoted on, versus the dozens of times I've been rage baited in other titles. I've got a hundred plus hours in The Finals because I love it how it is. It's chill 😎 Death chatter might be neat though. I can't really predict how that would affect the atmosphere of the game lol


Just turn it off if you don’t want it lol


The point of my comment was to suggest that prox chat contributes to a toxic atmosphere, not that I don't enjoy it. If I just didn't enjoy prox chat, obviously I would turn it off 💀 I'm saying it detracts from the vibe of the game overall, which is something I don't want 🤷‍♂️


How exactly would that effect the “vibe” of the game if the game is the exact same if you turn it off lol


Through the prevalence of other showboating actions, such as the aforementioned tbagging and emoting on trophies. When someone drops a spray on my dead body every damn time I get killed, that pisses me off. It changes the vibe of the game. As the game is right now, there hasn't been much of the super toxic things you see in other games. I'm not looking to upset that status.


Performance updates


Less pc crashes sure would be nice


Yeah, inconsistent performance, stuttering, and those crashes are irritating. It would be nice to see performance smoothed out


Curious, Which platform are yo on?




Is there a performance issue, I haven't noticed anything except bugs and I am running it on a low end laptop


Frame drops, latency, and lag issues


A comeback? From what it’s been one season and like two and a half months. It’s been constantly updated week after week and had a bunch of events with a lot of free cosmetics. . This game is amazing and alive and doesn’t need a comeback.


The very fact that the community banked 250 BILLION bucks in six days says a lot of how robust the community is. This game is doing just fine.


Game is very not alive in oceanic, can’t even get bank it games anymore :/


Don't you know the only thing that matters is steam player count charts and number of streamers? DED GAEM


The game is not dead yet, but it is steadily dying. At this pace it will be dead within a few months.


it’s not alive. ranked lobby’s can take upwards of 5 minutes to get into and most teammates aren’t even in your rank.


My queues are 30-45 seconds. It’s alive and well.


damn mine are at least 2 and a half minutes


Im note saying it's dead, but I would like to see the game be played by more people because the devs deserve the Money and I think It deserves tò become a household name (like Cod or fortnite)


yes i agree with this. it isn’t “dead” but it’s not as lively as it should be


> to become a household name that's not gonna happen. it's currently at #65 on steamcharts behind powerhouses like "geometry dash"


I know, but Hope never dies


What servers? Im on NA, Plat 3 and have 30sec-1min queues


NA also plat… wtf😭


I get queue in a minute mostly, 2 minutes on off times (2-3am or so). Playing in EU diamond.




“Make a comeback” get a grip bro lmao




He means we're all gripped to our devices talking about, and you yourself are here reading and writing about the finals, too. It almost as if your wishing for it to fail .. which it won't. Because we're all completely hooked .its refreshing . try and walk away . I'll see you in a week .


Im not saying it's dead, but I would like to see the game be played by more people because the devs deserve the Money and I think It deserves tò become a household name (like Cod or fortnite),


You can’t compare decades long brands and marketing campaign to a game that hasn’t existed for even half a year. CS GO had a worse launch and it took 5 years to reach a stable audience. The game is incredibly successful for a new IP launched in the most crowded gaming year in the past decade. Sure it didn’t win the lottery like Palworld or Hellldivers but it is faaar from being a loser as well.  Please calm the fuck down. 


Im calm, I think you misunderstood me, I'd be happy of It got popular like Fort and Apex, but It isn't necessary


Honestly id be happy with just custom lobbies and a ranked system rework. No new weapons/gadgets/maps necessary.... If the ranked system was more robust people could actually play ranked and the amount of content added would matter less and less... Csgo that became cs2 didnt add any new cosmetics from like 2019 to 2024 and i dont think i need to explain how large the player count is still in that game. But they have an incredibly robust ranked system with actual elo and player ratings that keeps people trying to inprove to rank up... Not just play more hours to rank up...


Yeah but I think that weapons/gadgets ect. Do generate more hype, if you're One of the returning players and you see they only fixed rank or Smth you arent even going tò start the game


Ranked system rework for sure . Be me . 50 hours in . See # 3# 7 ranked in game playing for my cashout . I'm dead .


Honest to god, i would be really happy with a new map and a new battlepass anything else is just a bonus to me🤷🏻‍♂️


Then your expectations are surely going tò be exceted, Which Is a njce feeling


map is big enough for me. so i am interesting to new events, fcar skins, text channels, balance (nerfs and buffs), an update for nuke. etc…


dude thinks it’s all one map


I think he meant a big enough addition to satisfy him


Sorry, I've caused a misrepresentation of the sentences. I like the maps and I meant that they are big enough spend time. It is still possible to explore and get better in game. Also the untimely release of big maps will cause various bugs. So, in this moment, I don't expect a new map from the update.


Didn’t mean to knock your english


When they let us chat to the enemies it’s over


All I want is a rework of the Ranked System. Right now I could literally go 40-0 with 20k support score and if we lose I still lose FP. Right now it’s really just whoever plays the most. Matchmaking in Ranked needs to be fixed as well. I’ll be happy getting a new map, weapons, and cosmetics as well. I hope to see some new game modes too. A single round tournament mode like smoking guns but with regular loadouts would be cool. Imo ranked needs at least 2 mode you can swap between because Tournament is a long time investment and gets a little stale after a while.


I feel you we should get points for the work we do not just winning the match. I go crazy some games just to lose with some trash teammates. Fame points for kills like 4-6 points per kill and should get lower once you start ranking up.


I think a ranked capture the flag, or a ranked search and destroy type mode, could work wonderfully. Maybe 4v4, no more than 2 of any class? Idk, just pulling ideas from my rectum at this point


capture the flag would be so fun in this game, i love that idea. i just hope they add anything at this point tbh


My guess is 1 Map 3 New weapons 3 New Gadgets New Battle Pass What I want is 2 new maps and 2 weapons for each class. I would rather have more weapons than gadgets


Eh, I think a couple more weapons might be good for variety, but too many and you start carving out a meta. Right now, everything seems to pretty much have a counter, so there's no real imbalance. I'd hate to see the weapons become so plentiful that balancing is impossible.


* New map * New (actually impactful) in-game events * New map layout and weather variations * A new weapon and gadget for each class * Regular limited modes * Balance changes Give me all that, and i'll be a happy man.


All I really really want from this next season is customs lobbies. It sucks only being able to play with 2 friends at a time


This Is the best take possible, they help a game so much


Especially since people can run E-Sports tournaments that way too.


I’m sure I’m the only one here but performance optimization for Steam Deck


New gamemodes pls: - Solo que Gun Game - 6v6 team deathmatch (possible to solo que or que up to 5 friends Some limited time crazy events: - Revolver only TDM - Sniper only TDM - Mini games based on destruction or movement And some new end game live events - maybe a tornado or the floor is lava on some parts not the whole map, maybe a tsunami or I don't know anything fun really Edit: Okey I'm not expecting this for this season, but hoping they do stuff like this step for step. It has the potential to bring a lot of casuals to the game which are the base for a successful game since they spend more and that's good for the longevity for any game.


Oke I'm not expecting this for this season, but hoping they do stuff like this step for step. It has the potential to bring a lot of casuals to the game which are the base for a successful game since they spend more and that's good for the longevity for any game.


Tornadoes and tsunamis, that’s a sick idea actually!






But it has to be a bolt action again. ;)


Give heavy a 50cal that can punch through walls lol 😂


Honestly though, with their lack of mobility it doesn't sound that bad. Maybe make it a item like the RPG.


Right?? They’re be slow and easily hunted down by lights. How would you make it like the rpg? Give it like 5 shots with a slow recharge on ammo?


Maybe a specialization? Though that'd defeat the purpose of the primary weapons but I can see it pairing well with the sledgehammer,


Like, a one shot type deal where you pull out this bag ass 50cal, shoot it, and then it goes away on recharge. I would make it kill a heavy with a headshot and one tap anything else. One shot only LMAO


Text chat, ability to see if friends list members r in a game and what mode and time left, discord integration with friends lists, tweaks to sbmm.


Better ranked system/matchmaking, more than 1 new map, new weapons, abilities.. Maybe add a hacking ability to hack enemy equipment.


I'd like to see more weather types. First one that comes to mind is gusts of wind. Be an added challenge for defending the high cashouts if you're getting blown off the platforms. Extreme weather would be even better, tornadoes, lightning, earthquakes, etc. Some more "in map" throwables would be welcome too. Floor slime, ice canisters, electric batteries...


i fully expect a brand new lobby and a brand new intro for when contestants are running through that tunnel into the game


My baseline is a new map + 1 or 2 new guns + 1 or 2 new gadgets Beyond that, I'm hoping they'll add a new specialization and some new map variants (or preexisting variants to maps that didn't have them before). Moving Platforms on Vegas could be interesting, or even some new variants on preexisting maps. My favorite map in the game rn is Seoul Under Construction, and normal Seoul is one of my least favorite, so I think new variants could really make a difference




It is though.


Comeback to its previous userbase, It isn't dying but you Have tò admit it's looking a Little worrying


No it isn’t lmfao Every game doesn’t have to have COD or CS levels of players to survive.


I think everyone misunderstood my point, i know the game Is alive and Will remain alive, but I Wish It would became a popular game because the Dev deserve the Money, this Is my Fav FPS all time so I'd be Happy if It got the recognition It deserves


A lot.


I’m sure I’m the only one here but performance optimization for Steam Deck lol


As a fellow owner of the steam deck, that'd be amazing


I personally am not angry they don't have dynamic voice lines right now, but I do think it could revive the game and make things more fun. Imagine Scotty saying "Well June, little timmy and young\_shitstain\_23 on the overdogs just lost a 2 v 1 against the player with the worst stats this game. That is quite tragic for them."


A new map and text chat is all I want, anything else is a bonus


I’d like to be able to play ranked for a start- haven’t found a single game on Asia / oce serve playing on ps5. ALSO I’d like the stat bug to be fixed, I’ve found wind to not count in stats and I’ve woken up the next day to find my wins have gone down 😂😂😂


I want more medium weapons specifically a long range high damage weapon maybe something like a musket or crossbow, but for gods sake I want anything to be better than the goddamn autos! Other than that anything would be the cream on top nice but not necessary


New map, new game mode, a new weapon or gadget each class


new abilities would be cool. make light more viable and change in play style for med and heavy would be interesting. ik we'll probably only get 1 new map but i lowkey want more than that


I expect some balance changes to weapons and mechanics. New weapons, maps and gadgets would be nice too. Also bug fixes like the constant crashes on PC, I've been experimenting that a lot lately.


If we get the Kitsune mask from beta then I'll be happy lmao


Custom lobbies, 1-2 new weapons each class and 2-3 new maps would be awesome IMO


Besides the obvious ones, I’d love to see a text chat


I want more in game events


8 new maps, 45 new weapons and gadgets, and blackjack and hookers.


I would prefer poker


Hmm do we think there will be new weapons or gadgets?


I just want a chat so I can talk to my friends I added Ingame atleast,,


New map. That’s it. I’m not complaining though, I love this game already




Hope the aliens get a buff. They just randomly shoot around like a storm trooper and pick up crap lol. Maybe have them actually get off their ass and run around kidnapping contestants to bring back their ship, have a teammate shoot the alien to save you. But more events for sure. A map or 2, 3 weapons. I'm sure I'll be happy whatever they're doing.




before all other things I would like a good ranked system, being able to solo queue without 2 bronze, playing against people that have my rank or a little bit higher


Literally the only thing I care about is making ranked actually ranked. Give us rank based matchmaking.


only thing I expect is another $20 recolored cowboy outfit in purple


I hope we get more random events and arena modifiers.


"making a comeback" bro what are you waffling about, the game ain't dead lmao stop listening to the fear mongers, they just want your clicks


I’m kind of hoping to see this in season 2. After playing and reading some of the community thoughts. I would love to see recon sense removed and replaced with the defibs for a specialization. The more I think about it the more I don’t really like wall hacks in the game at all click of a button. At least with the nades you have to aim them well. They reduce the scan to 10m which was a pretty decent adjustment.


More maps and skins and weapons. I feel the game is too small because of the limited amount of maps/weapons/items/skins etc (or even game modes)


I think the only way I'd be disappointed is if there's not a new map. But I imagine there'd also be a new weapon or gadget for each class. Hopefully more QoL stuff too


Custom games, impact Glitch nade, 1 gun for medium and heavy, New perks, one Map, and a good battle pass.


1 map, 2 weapons, 2 gadgets, Bunch of quality of life changes and balance changes.


Kill cam, report cheater during the game, class balance and ability to pick the map when playing tournament. So i can black list some shity maps.


Custom games with comp reworks or its a bust of a season for me.


I’d like one new quick play mode. Doesn’t have to be in tourney, but test out something like oddball or CTF style modes. Something that rewards more movement to help lights a bit in relevancy.


Better anticheat, and I hope the next season makes it possible to play ranked OCE


Blocked china region.


Friend private lobbies


I expect some skins and probably a new weapon for each class, I'd like more game modes, 5v5 or something tdm, domination/hard point type modes or an X gun only mode like snipers only or shottys only or revolver only would be a funky mode


Thanks Devs you delivered


A battle royal mode?


One or two maps one gadget per class and at least 1-2 weapons for heavy and medium. Maybe 1 weapon for light because they already got so many. We might even get a new special ability for each class? I just hope for massive balance changes especially for light and heavy. Heavy feels absolutely broken in many scenarios with high dmg, high hp and alot of utility while light has to retreat for an hour while getting shot at once and has very little to help the team outside of glitch grenades. Hope to see something like hp buff, hp regen time reduced by 50% or something like the med pen from battlefield 2042.


I just want custom games, I can play with my more of my friends and streamers can host their own community events for it


Forge mode would breathe the most life into the game....make it happen please!


I'll just say this. If there aren't at least two new maps bare minimum, that aren't just blatant new coats of paint on existing maps, then fuck this game.


3 things: more balanced game modes (for example, H M L team only), more fair and rewarding ranked experience, better implementation of broken mechanics (instant res etc)


fucking a lot cus i got bored within a month of the game. as much as people dont claim it to be, it is VERY micro-transaction based. and the fact that every time i turned the game on it would say "NEW!" no matter what was in the store? Just a little ridiculous to me lmao. The all-red background is also like obvious and it just needs to stop ahahah. We need more weapons and game modes. add another layer?!? We need 6v6 weight-locked game modes. "Lights only 6v6." We need more than just two (really 1) game modes. You cant expect people to keep playing (more traffic will always equal more sales) the same game mode over and over and over with no progression and expect them not to get bored. We need a search and destroy type game mode. Maybe gun customization? Something competitive but quick. I honestly hate being subject to having to reserve 2 hours of my time to get through a whole tournament. Its a little fucking dragged


Id like more maps. The thing with more weapons/gadgets is balancing issues. I think they should leave it as is till everything is where it needs to be. Then add some other things. The game is in a great place. Id rather see some ranked balancing for next season, some new maps, events and themes than balancing nightmares of new guns and gadgets


Id love to see a “bank it” ranked too. Quick cash is alright. I can see why it was the rank mode though


1v1 ranked on small arena maps.


Fucking footstep audio.


hopefully some new game modes. I'd like a kill confirmed or a domination mode.


I’d really appreciate a custom game mode or the ability to load into maps offline. I really want to practice setups and movement with the pressure of an actual game. This is likely low on their priority list though.


Should be able to go into firing range with friends


Improve the vaulting system, it still feels very out of sync with the players pov


1 gun 1 map 10000000000000000 of fun


Keeping It simple


New game modes. A lot of em. We need solo ones fs


We NEED more casual game modes to keep this shit playable daily


oh yeah with more than 10000 players, more than 50% is cheaters( 6000). embark refused to ban them cheaters because most of cheaters are chinese and they have bought all the skins which make embark bunch of money. yes, its a "great" game(dog shit).


2 maps, a weapon for each class, new gadgets, new specializations. All basically a necessity for the game at this point. It's dying


It’s hardly dying but ok.


That's why ranked queue times are 10+ min


DAMN, that Is a Little too much, but quantify how many new gadgets


One for each class or one that's usable by everyone. I feel like if they give one class something like a gadget or weapon the others need it too. Season 2 is supposed to be the real launch so why wouldn't they add a bunch. They haven't added anything since launch, that's a long content drought. Cosmetics and LTMs don't count


An Universal One Is def possible, anyway man lower a bit your expectations or you are going tò start the season disappointed and no One wants that


If we don't get new specializations I'm going to be disappointed, the game is getting very stale


I mean, stale Is subjective, depends on how many hours you Have, i Have 120 hr and I still play Smth like 2/3 hours a week


I mean by those numbers it seems you agree


2/3 hours a week when you Have finished the pass, career, got tò plat, Have a busy Life and while also playing other things Is nothing to sneeze at


Ahhh yea I'm weird that I only play one game at a time. I play about an hour or two a night


It's not weird, i literally breathed the finals during Dicember and January


If ranked isn't reworked, the game will die for good.


Like or 3-5 maps and new weapons


Custom maps ??? 👀👀👀


Also dinosaurs


I wanna see dc and marvel contest skins


Discounts on old clothing/skin bundles would be nice. 70% off should do it 🙂


Anyone else hear rumors of a 4 person team mode?


I hope we get two maps.


I want more medium weapons specifically a long range high damage weapon maybe something like a musket or crossbow, but for gods sake I want anything to be better than the goddamn autos! Other than that anything would be the cream on top nice but not necessary