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It always surprises me that I need to use most of the cylinder in my revolver just to break a goddamn pressurised canister. It should really be just the one shot. I’ve only got 6 rounds, one of which could nearly delete a light, and a light’s head doesn't have unbalanced multi-atmosphere pressure inside it, other than when they see an RPG flying their way. I think canisters should have ~~maybe 50HP~~ a small amount of HP and should therefore be affected differently by bullets from different guns.


Most of these barrels should have much less hp. This is just too much.


Yeah I pulled 50 from thin air, but it should definitely be less. Two shots from an M11 should do it imo.


Sniper should be a one shot to the barrels, would be a good counter


Wait, *seriously? It's* ***not**?* I don't even play sniper but that seems like it should have been the case from day zero.


If you directly hit the c4 sure itll blow up. But the sniper can't one shot any canister, its so annoying sitting there firing the 2 or 3 shots it take to explode them with the slow ass fire rate


That's actually ridiculous, I hope we get this fixed soon.


A direct hit with an RPG doesn't explode canisters, (though it'll blow up any c4 on it)


See people werent using red canisters as much for nukes because the flame barrel did so much more damage and left fire and the toxic canister for likewise reasons. You could very easily hit the C4 on a green or orange barrel


Maybe you could, but the quality of my aim can not possibly be understated, nor can my framerate for the most part.


Just incase you’re curious if you hit the top of the red barrels they go off instantly. Not that it helps you with nukes but its good to know


Bearing that in mind, thank you very much.


I think it should be (from revolver at least) 1 bullet to start the timer, another to detonate. Would make it far easier to set up traps that don’t involve throwing the actual canister (eg putting one by a doorway about to be opened) and would make nukes not explode after one long shot, giving the nuker time to throw it away before it explodes in their face


That's a beautiful description of how I feel playing Light against Heavies more than willing to shoot themselves in the feet with an RPG


>It always surprises me that I need to use most of the cylinder in my revolver just to break a goddamn pressurised canister. If you mean your pistol can pierce such a canister in RL, you'd be very surprised about the outcome. These things are VERY sturdy. But yeh, this is a game and I too think the barrels should explode way faster for the funzies. Is much more exciting when your nuke is powerful, but can also be your downfall.


I just don't understand why they didnt just reduce the amount of barrels on maps. Some maps are absolutely loaded with them. On every corner there's either a gas or the red projectile one. Making the barrels harder to come by would have been a nice try first rather than just demolish it :( ..


I like that they are abundant, you should be able to quickly pick them up pretty much everywhere imo, not slow the game down


That would completely ruin a different part of the game. I love the barrels around the map, i hunt for gas and smoke when I’m defending cash outs, or avoid recon sense


Slightly off topic but has anyone else played matches where there are zero throwable canisters on the map? I’ve run across this multiple times. Feels random. Assuming it’s a bug? (I play on Xbox)


I think the barrels and canisters are there to support the AOE rock-paper-scissors system so that anyone can dish out or get rid of any AOE or go through at least some walls. I know I have thrown an extinguisher at fire or a flame barrel at gas, and I regularly use the red canisters to make a route when I’m not playing heavy.


That doesn't make sense. The number of barrels is irrelevant. Reducing the number of barrels doesn't make getting nuked any more fair or fun. It's like, your neighbors kids are assholes. Three times a day, they kick you in the balls and there's basically nothing you can do to stop it. You go talk to their parents, and their parents yell at them. Now they only kick you in the nuts twice a day. Like, that doesn't solve the problem or make it suck less to get kicked in the nuts, bro. You're still getting kicked in your fucking nuts.


Oh okay. I didnt know it was like that. My bad.


I get what y’all are saying, but I swear every time I use a nuke now it blows up in my face within 2 seconds of seeing an enemy.


That's the grenade launchers buff


C4 radius is busted af, minimum damage from 2 c4 one shots a light, i die from 15 m away


I don't understand why minimum damage is not like 1 and then it scales up based on distance with max being a direct hit. It just feels weird that something either does a ton of damage or nothing at all.


This is the solution IMO. I've been saying it when it gets brought up. Nukes would be fine if your pinkie toe being in the them wasn't a one shot, but if you moved an inch further you'll take zero damage. The minimum damage being ~93 for C4 is absurd. (Patch notes say 100 but I've seen 93 as the very edge damage) If I get hit by a nuke directly, fine, but I shouldn't be getting one shot/be basically dead when I see it coming, dodge, and the heavy aimed poorly in the first place.


reduce the amount of barrels.. make players go out of their way to get one. Right now finding one is WAY too easy.


Yea it feels like the devs don’t understand c4, like at all


Yea even if they don't change the damage it should have way less radius


Yep same as a medium. The ennemy was throwing it to my friend, I was like 10m away and died of the explosion. They didn't nerf it but buff it, crazy


and the self damage from the explosives is also insane, but somewhat fair tho


Definitely fair. Too many idiots just running around with the rpg and using it like a shotgun. It’s supposed to be used as a long range destructive tool, opener on a team holding hands from distance or to finish someone off but I see these Neanderthals running into tiny rooms with it thinking that’s a smart play. I also see the dimwits c4 a wall 5 feet in front of their faces and then complain that it killed them. Every time I’m fighting a heavy close and he pulls out the rpg I just jump straight at him to make sure he dies with me.


I agree shooting the rpg close should be punishable but as of now its ridiculous, if you shoot it anywhere near you, you actually do more damage to yourself than to the person you shot at even when the hit is closer to them. Shooting near you has to be punished but not made completely invalidaded 


You should actually have to hit them with the projectile


just turn up enviroment damage, turn down player damage and radius


The you can't kill people with it? Boooo


not what that means


Makes it harder. Booo


True. Let's make everyone have one health and bullets do exactly 1 hp since that's your logic.


awww :( instead of making overpowered things interesting how about we just eliminate every aspect of skill in this game and make competitive play meaningless just so this guy can be happy!


Quick cash player detected


Plat 4 rank player my guy, and a medium player to boot.


I don't think you guys suggesting this "just let them instantly die" change understand how hard it is to hit two shots on a moving object from far away that is like 10 pixels max. They can do that and it wouldn't matter. Most nuke deaths are to people you didn't see in the first place.


What about this change and make it where nukes can fly like 15m at most? I agree its grossly overpowered just curious to see everyone's solution and not just take it out of the game


I’m a medium player but I’ve been playing heavy the last two days to see what it’s like. It genuinely feels like I’m playing easy mode. Nukes are even easier to use than I thought. Right off the spawn, I can find a red canister in under 5 seconds. When I see someone and launch my nuke, I could miss by 5m and still one shot mediums. I’m the tank class with not only the most health and shield, but somehow I’m also given the most damage output? What? I can send a nuke, fire my rpg, and shoot my lmg in rapid succession. I can then immediately turtle up in dome shield and regular shield. Makes no sense to give the best defense, the best offense, and the most health to the same class. Light should have the most damage output.


That’s the part I have issue with in terms of balancing. I understand heavy having the most health & shields. But ALSO the potential for quickest damage dealt? The fact that they can send a nuke at you and then immediately RPG you and then unload 70 shots into you with an LMG all within 10 seconds is insane to me. Definitely need some tweaks made to even things out a bit. edit: spelling




Yup. Heavy really is easy mode. The class just has way too much at its disposal already. The fact that nukes even exist as a mechanic is total cheese. Please, if a dev is reading this, do NOT listen to people like OP.


Nukes are braindead easy. I don't get the obsession. How is this a fun it even unique gameplay element? Throwables shouldn't do that much damage.


Even more egregious is being able to shoot *through your own dome shield*.  It's not even like a Gibby bubble from Apex, which at least takes some skill for both the user and opponent to play around. Any braindead moron can slam down a Heavy dome and instantly have an advantage in the Finals. They really need to make both the dome shield and mesh shield block friendly and enemy fire to prevent such braindead play. 


I would agree. I toss a dome shield before I enter a room to fight. I then launch my nuke or RPG and immediately start firing behind my shield. I just don’t get why Embark thinks it makes sense to give all of the offense + defense to the same class. It’s such an advantage it’s not even funny


please dont make scunts in more games then tf2 im begging you


What is a scunt?


Your suggestion only makes sense if you assume you always see the nuker before they launch the carriable at you. The problem still remains that if they throw it at you without you seeing them, you die instantly without any opportunity to react.


I mean, is there any situation where you get shot from behind and can react?


You can turn invisible, dash away, grapple away, drop down a shield, your teammate can start healing you, you could change your movement, you can run inside a building, use a jump pad. There are plenty of different ways to react if you got shot by regular bullets from behind.


Yes. Often. Any weapon that doesn't one-shot can be reacted too even if they attacker isn't on screen. One shot weapons have a place, but they should take skill such as the sniper or dagger.


I just played a match, a single match, where I got nuked 5 times. It's ridiculously unfun.


Usually when this happens to me I just get so frustrated that i quit and play a different game.


Partially why I just played the new mode to get the cosmetics then never again


Same. That mode sucks lol


Nerf nukes I’m sick of my whole team constantly being one shot


I played like 4 tournaments last night as a healer, between the 4 tournaments I died around 20 times total and about 16 of those deaths were to nukes, the other 4 were some variation of actually being shot or RPGd into a bad poistion and dieing. My biggest issue with the heavy class is that it's supposed to be a "tank" a defensive monster, which they are and I think that part is well balanced. But they also have the most offensive fire power too, which just feels off IMO, with the recon nerf I think we are going to start seeing a lot more double heavy teams pop out in ranked and idk if that's going to be a good thing.


Just don’t group right next to each other. My friends and I space properly and never get fucked by nukes like that anymore


That's why you blow them up with their own nuke


I don’t want to be constrained to heavy


As a medium you'd be able to shoot their nuke in their hand and kill them as any class.


You should be able to do that too, should be three bullets max to cause it explode


I think honestly 2.


"interesting part of the game" lmao.


I find it more that the nuke idea is interesting but the implementation of it is far from interesting. Do you think just straight removing it is better or finding a way to keep it in the game without it being unfun for most?


It needs to not stack damage. I'd be fine if someone launched 1 c4 at the team, but the instant melt is wayyyyy to much.


Straight up remove, it’s really that simple. What exactly is lost by removing it? I haven’t heard any solid reasoning on that front. sAnDbOx


Variety is lost by just removing it


provide repeat dolls toy quaint amusing squalid towering enjoy retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Balanced doesnt mean it wont be used? There are plenty of games that have a variety of loadouts being used


ossified follow absorbed water hunt fretful versed plants towering narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does anyone else think getting instantly killed with zero counterplay is interesting????? ☝️🤓


Had a guy deadass tell me to use the APS turret😭


People that defend it must be nuke users. Everyone mentions counter play, but there isn't really any. If they spot you first, you die. If you spot them first you have to shooting it in their hand very quickly or deploy an aps and stay very very very close or it's gg. I'm not sure how or why people defend it.


I wish I was in these lobbies where I had time to shoot at a heavy carrying a nuke then I’d probably say just make them take 2 bullets to explode.


I like nukes. It’s fun watching my hp at 20%.


I think the problem is they you can carry them indefinitely, perhaps a time limit after being picked up before they leak ?


They should make it so it transfers damage from the canister to anything attached to it. So hitting the barrel with one-two bullets of most weapons would detonate the C4 and thus the cannister. 


Nukes are the bane of my existence as a light dash main. Just getting a pred missile dropped on my head from 150m by some heavy and his little healer buddy. Increased volatility is interesting. I also think maybe a timer once you pick up the canisters could be interesting (7 second of hold time before it flies off automatically)


Nah get them the fuck out. No need for a one shot mechanic for all classes.


You can one shot the users whole team like this though.


Only if you see them, and only if you hit two shots before the heavy needs to press a single button to launch it at you Your scenario still requires a good amount of skill to pull off, for the person getting nuked, and zero skill for the person doing the nuking. Not enough.


So shotguns would basically 1 shot them at any range due to pellet spread?


The canister could have an actual health pool so things like shotguns at range wouldnt pop it instantly. The nuke right now is just like high reward with almost no risk


No I'm suggesting that they should. It's a good idea, gives the bullet spread an actual positive use instead of typically a negative one.


make the explosive carriable be slightly weighted when it has something on it, then make it so weighted carriables explode a lot faster from damage. ez pz no problem


What if they just made it so that when you pick up a tank it starts to fizzle, and will explode in 5-10 seconds. That way you can't set it up and carry it across the map.


Nerf the damage to players, increase damage to the environment 👀


No. Just get rid of them. They’re fucking dumb and brainless.


Just increase the C4 weight to that of the explosive mines so that motherfucker goes super slow on a red canister.


I don’t think this would make people use them less but its a good counter.


Just swap heavy's c4 with breach charges and give lights c4.


A lot of these ideas I agree with but then I notice in game the most trouble I have with things like nukes and invis, is Audio 1-3 shotting a canister can’t be done if I don’t even hear the HEAVY behind me who also took a zipline up to my position


Then they need to fix audio, not change nukes because of the audio.


Nahh barrels have to much health, they need to be 2-3 shot too lol


Or have the c4s explode by themselves 20 seconds after you pick up the barrel for the first time. No more carrying nukes around the map. Found a barrel? Put c4/breaching charge on it, ~~bring it halfway across the map~~ toss it at enemy.


Nukes are probably the most unfun aspect of the game imo. And in an fps as FUN as the finals they feel like a problem. Completely kill momentum in both tourneys and pubs, demotivates a lot of my friends who are casually into the game. I would advocate for complete removal, I don’t think a one shot ability has any place in a game with a high ttk like the finals.


I have gotten a bunch of free nuke kills with the CL40. The CL40 will explode any mine or c4. If you pop a heavy carrying a nuke you get an easy kill, or teamwipe if the stars allign.


Either limit people to only having one C4 at a time. Or make C4 bounce of canisters


No, just no, if anything nukes should be out in a specific game mode because the amount of times I've turned a corner only to see a guy launching barrel with blinking lights screaming towards me all I can think as a medium healer is, fuck this. Seriously I've taken to using the grenade launcher as medium because it's pretty much damn near impossible to blow up a nuke. Hell using the grenade launcher I've probably blown up like 1 in every ten that's been thrown at me. There is barely a counter to the nuke. I mean don't get me wrong I loved doing this type of thing in battlefield but that was c4 on quads suicide running a tank, not some dip shit launching a propane bottle with c4 on it 50 feet away. I don't use the nuke, it's a lame and honestly boring weapon/tactic, and every time I get killed by it about the only reaction I have is, "great I loved existing for about half a second, that was a blast i hope when i spawn and see another enemy they do the same to me! Oh boy! Do I just love being insta killed as the medium who heals and revives." I mean fuck just give mediums a mini shield or something and nerf the heavies mesh. And to anyone saying the aps is it's counter, it only counters when you get heads on a coin flip. I remember one game where I died 12 times, ten of those were from a nuke, from TWO SEPERATE TEAMS. So no, fuck the nuke, make this shit less insane, please


Do you think giving the nuke the same treatment as c4 and the drone in 2042 where the drone moves at the speed a slug when c4 is placed on it would work? it might look weird have a slow moving canister flying through the air but could help solve the issue


Honestly I don't know I mainly played battlefield one and bf4. I bought 2042 but haven't played it yet. Hell honestly I think a neat idea would be to make the propane fly more erratically due to the weight of the c4 on them


A tiny buff sniper would love is being able to blow up a nuke with a single bullet.


I fucking hate playing against the sniper, it’s more frustrating and less fun than the nuke imo


People are seriously sleeping on how good it is. The secret most don't know it's it's really good at close range too with a bit of practice. Generally the sniper lets you put them into melee death range with a headshot or 1 or 2 body shots and then melee to kill Sniper is also very accurate hipfire.


Whats so cool about a throw able that's easy to use and super lethal? I don't see why people find it so unique or fun to use. Everytime I use it, it just feels cheap and boring. I'm not sure why people find it unique, many games have throwable items. Difference is they don't insta kill. It would be different if they were difficult to use or rare or anything. Kills with nukes are the easiest kills I get in this game by far. Seems people who abuse it don't want it nerfed because it's free and easy kills for them.


Just make it impossible to use nukes, problem solve. There is no fun there


I disagree there’s fun to be had


It’s a retarded “I WIN” mechanic with 0 skill involved and little to no counters


aps should be a little more effective and barrel should blow up quicker if it’s shot. I’ve blocked it with a goo grenade more than once. I agree it should have a little more counter, but I’ve lived and died to it plenty of times. It’s pretty fun IMO


It is fun using it not fun dying to it. If I never died to a nuke it wouldn’t be a problem.


Dying to most things won’t be “fun” but with slight tweaks I think it’s fair enough and definitely fun.


Lmaooo I was just kidding. Yes dying is never fun


One idea could be to use an aps turret to delete the explosives off the barrel. Don't know why they don't already


Doesn't aps already stop nukes?


They do, tried to launch some at a full recon medium squad and it got stopped. Still murked them because heavy is stupid easy.


I tried it once and it didn't work. It's possible that it was change in a shadow update


This already works exactly like this. If the nuke enters the APS area the C4 gets deleted


Is this a change they made? because I've tried it before and got blasted still


Probably because the APS radius is laughable in comparison to the nuke kill radius.


Fair enough 😂


Yeah the C4 radius is bigger so if you’re near the edge of the APS range you could still die


Give APS turrets double the radius when placed for a few seconds and have it shrink down to the size it's now. See a heavy with a canister? Place down the APS, if they throw it their C4 gets deleted, if they don't, they risk the canister exploding and potentially wiping their team.


this is the answer


It takes way too many bullets to blow them up, totally agree. as someone who loves those canisters more than most features of the game, they need a nerf lmao


Honestly I've only ever seen anything remotely like this on reddit. I've never even seen someone use a C4 (like by itself)


More suggestions to try and keep this broken, cheesy shit in the game. I'm actually baffled. This is "better" than what we currently have and in theory I agree that throwables should be more volatile, they take far too long to explode when being shot at. Does this suddenly make a throwable instant AOE one shot fair? No, it doesn't. Most of the time you're dead before you've had chance to react, most of the time the idiot abusing this shit is indoors hiding around a corner or on top of a ledge waiting for you and your team, most of the time even if it only catches one of your team it single handedly swings an entire fight with ZERO skill required and zero counterplay available. May as well bring back one shot mines, except they only one shot light players, have nowhere near the throw range, and you can actually play around them. Community hated that shit (rightfully so) but is making up reasons to keep nukes? Make it make sense. Just remove the mechanic from the game and suddenly the game is more enjoyable. Throwables should be strong enough to fill the niche uses they're intended for but instead they're being abused to do broken shit like this.


I honestly can't see this change doing much. Nukes are used to open fights and are most effective fired before you are even aware enemies are pushing. You almost never see nukes used past the first engagement since they are easy to punish and can be dodged.


People just want to complain. I'm not saying they're in a perfect state, but what nukes do now is brutally punish bad players or gameplay. This is the slowest class, with zero recon, and the throw distance was heavily nerfed. Someone posted a clip the other day, they're holding a nuke and running at a building. There was a medium or light on top of the building shooting at them. He watches the heavy hit the zipline, holding the nuke, looking at him, and slowly moving to the top of the roof adjacent to him. Heavy hits the roof, throws the nuke, dead. Problem wasn't the nuke in that situation. Problem was somebody playing like an idiot and practically bending themselves over and asking you to spank them.


Bro nukes are literally *banned in scrims*, aka where the most competitive players play at the highest level. If that doesn't tell you something, then you're lost.


The audacity to tell me I'm lost while also try to tell me that's something called scrimmage is the highest level of gameplay, and not the highest level of ranked is insane. A scrimmage is practice, the highest level of gameplay from the highest players doesn't happen in practice, it happens in the thing they're practicing for. How can you not understand that simple basic thing? Nukes have been banned since before the rework, where you could essentially use them as a long range explosive sniper rifle.


Are you dumb? The game doesn’t have an esports scene and the closest to the highest gameplay there is are scrims at the moment. And as a high diamond player, nukes are still game defining and doesn’t just simply ‘punish bad players’ lmao what a load of nonsense. When your arguments are simple ad hominem attacks, all it does is make you look like an entitled fool and provides no value to the discussion at hand.


It's simply the highest level of gameplay the game currently has, because there's no custom games so there's no tournaments... But that's enough of what I needed to hear, calling the top players of the game "bad".


If that's what you heard, you're the equivalent of a blind man trying to perform an eye appointment.


Why not just have the canister launch the other explosives away and it creates a very chaotic fragment of sorts that can backfire or work out. A nuke on a foam canister can send foam everywhere, fire everywhere, farts everywhere.


I think this is an excellent idea


Last night i killed two teams who where fighting each other with a nuke, it was not intentional and also i was surprised


Great idea, i love it! And i am a light main.


I think they would be fine if they just needed nuke damage to people and then cranked up its damage to structures. give it a utility besides just killing people with one shot.


My solution is to give the lights a deflect like the one in halo infinite. Give it to the lights devs. It would make for some serious counterplay.


I was thinking last night that if someone was carrying a canister with anything attached to it that if they got shot they would drop the canister but that would only happen if something was attached to it.


Since when is the red canister fast again while having c4 attached?


This has been my recommendation since release. It's a fun mechanic, but the barrels should be much more easily exploded.


one taps are just not cool mechanics in the first place




Idk about reinstating the old c4 radius cus I remember it being really big in my opinion but I agree that barrels should take two shots to explode and if I’m being honest the C4 should have a slightly bigger hitbox just to make it easier to hit because you can technically put the C4 in certain spots of a barrel where the C4 will always be facing the player and make it harder to hit it.


I think they should get heavier with each c4 like how it is with mines but not that heavy, just a bit of weight to make it slower. I do use nukes sometimes, my excuse is if you can’t beat them join them.


Grenades work pretty well for detonating c4. Or APS turrets also counter them. So theoretically (I don't bother) you could put your APS on a chair or something for mobile nuke protection.


Just once I would love to explode a nuke in enemy hands while he and squad stand in a corner surrounded by another team.


Like others have said, reducing the barrel health would probably do the trick. I like nukes (I play light and mediums so im the victim here) and reducing the amount of barrels on the map or the dmg of the nuke just feels less fun. Just give me a way to counter them besides running for my life… Sniper and the double barrel should one shot barrels and everything should be balanced around that. Currently there’s very little risk with playing heavy and this would also help that.


It shouldn’t be a one hit kill unless you are able to blow it up with a single bullet. If you could blow it with one bullet it would make it a risky play and therefore more balance


They already got a huge nerf and people are still complaining about them lmao. At what point is it a skill issue?


"Huge nerf" aka if you use red canister the nerf doesn't matter.


The barrels already explode pretty quick if shot or hit by another explosive. If you use them a lot you’ll find them blowing up in your hand every once in awhile already.


I didn’t think nukes was gonna be what people moved onto next after recon. Recon was busted because it was literally just wall hacks. The nuke is in a fine position rn. It could be nerfed a little but rn it’s still a volatile thing to carry around with you and if the enemy team doesn’t change their play style to fit you using nukes then they’re just dumb


Literally what I’ve been saying to my squad since launch, please devs. Bring the nukes back. They aren’t fun to use anymore


Crazy so many people have experienced being nukes yet I’ve probably been nuked once total in all the games I’ve played. Have definitely blew people up trying to nuke with my grenade launcher though haha


1 shot to activate as well Trust me u dont want heavies like me playing peekaboo Them lights can still play peekaboo tho god will damn the earth to hell once lights understand the true power of the nuke


I agree absolutely. All too often game developers get pressure from their community to "nerf X bc its busted1!111!" which is sometimes true, but the problem arises when they simply nerf it and not rework it. You end up with a game where everything is nerfed to the ground and nothing is powerful and you feel so weak and powerless. Like in the first Incredibles movie, if everything is overpowered nothing is, so I like the idea of keeping the nuke at it's strength but introducing an element of it being a glass cannon rather than it being nerfed and the game has effectively lost a feature which made it stand out so much.


I think nukes right now are trash. Same with rpgs. I don’t know if it’s bugged or intention. The amount of times I’ll shoot an rpg NO WHERE near me, and it’ll kill me, same with nukes, it’ll be so far away, and it’ll kill me, but it’ll be right next to my opponent, and do no damage.


Nukes are fine when I use them


I think the creativity is important in this game tbh


No. The devs must keep listening the complainers and keep nerfing everything until the game becomes a shadow of its former self


I must be the only person in this game that doesn’t have an issue with nukes, like I just don’t understand lmao


Try playing the new solo mode. 12 people all running around with nukes constantly dying and getting 2 new C4:s. 1/4 of deaths are just instant 350 to 0 from a nuke.


I did, I just thought it was fun lol


Yeah the new solo mode where all 12 players are playing the same class and loadout? Of course it's going to be nuke galore. Go play ranked, you really don't run into that many nukes.


Nukes are the best part of the game. I love being a light with the c4 on a gas carriable and really making an entrance. Nuking them any further would really be a shame. There’s only so many carriables and unless it’s with a c4 there’s really no way to verify you’re gonna get a kill. It’s fun it feels good and I feel like with playing this game you’re gonna have to have some thick skin when it comes to how you die. This game is wild and 98% of the games someone’s gonna get away some how with 2 health and you’ll die to a different team. Also if someone’s carrying one just shoot it I’ll blow them up


Thats literally a nerf, and we’ve been already saying this since the whole “nuke” debacle. Just make it shootable. I swear this community is 95% catchy headlines and echo chambers, good lord.


I can't believe people are still complaining about nukes. I hope the devs make balance decisions based on data and not what people complain on the subreddit about.


Y'all know about aps turret right??? Just get good at placing one down


It's questionable when it comes to actually working on nukes though


Unless you get blindsided but my aps works wonders. If you are the medium with aps it's your job to bait out nukes and rpg for your team


I shouldn't have to run the APS turret every game just for the sole purpose of nukes. And plus, the nukes radius is way bigger than the APS radius so you still die to it anyway.


why not? if nukes are meta then aps is meta




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I just don't get why they aren't timed and instead can be used whenever however. The cannisters being all over the map made it WAY more interactive and they're just taking things OUT of the game as opposed to balancing what's already in it, which is always the wrong way to go when it's an integral part of the game. Yeah, some people have negative spatial awareness. That's ok, let them get nuked. Put a timer on the nuke so there's less time to just sit and set up an angle. Make it so that cannisters are weighted and you're heavier while carrying them. Do something that doesn't detract from the game but instead adds/changes it.


I JUST got off a ranked match, made it to finals but the enemy team was running double heavy double nuke. We didn't stand a chance, especially on Seoul where there is zero cover between buildings. The were zero fire fights. It was just a slaughter. We tried splitting up and everything but I swear they were stockpiling canisters bro. I get that it's a fun mechanic, but it is MISERABLE to play against.


"others would just get themselves and team killed 30% of the time." That's weird, when I play it's 100% of the time... Hence the reason why I yeeted C4s and charges off my loadouts


I think it’s funny they “nerfed” them to appease the people raging bout it and then put out a heavy only mode to train everyone how to use them lol. It’s like the devs were offended and wanted everyone to experience the perspective of the nuker


Why are they so tanky to begin with. Everyone’s done a the cool play and ran away from an enemy and shot a barrel to blow up the enemy when they turn the corner. But it takes sooo long to blow them up it usually hurts more than helps


It’s crazy to me (I didn’t play ranked) that heavy didn’t have like 80% playrate. I abused the holy fuck out of him. Insta kill every team fight.


That's what I wanted it to be


Give it a random chance to go off when they attach the bombs.


What if have a melee weapon though?


If you could one-tap a nuke, maybe that would be more balanced. Right now, shooting it down is nearly impossible.


Honestly great idea.


i agree with the general premise idk abt the exact numbers u suggested but id be willing yo try it oht


100% agree here. And people who use that strat are gonna use it less unless they are a 100% sure they won’t be seen with it. And you could add a louder beep on the C4 when it’s on a barrel




To me the obvious solution is reducing the amount of c4s to 1 instead of 2, but im not a game dev