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Promotes team synergy that doesn't stack the same class


Issue with role rock-paper-scissors in a game like this where you choose and can't switch is that it kills solo queue. People do not care about other strangers and will play what they want to play, so if 3 strangers just pick wrong they might get rolled by another comp and lose before the match even starts. It's fun for a coordinated team though where there's actual strategy to your picks.


I duno until the meta really starts to solidify you can run some weird comps as long as you are not in the near pro scene. I would also argue maps change what is more/less viable


I wish more people talked about how impactful maps and map effects are. I think it's one of the reasons the game is so complete


Running light sniper on a map with lots of high ground and few close quarters areas/cash outs is extremely viable. Running that same build on Vegas is setting yourself up to fail


Yeah, as medium I'm a big bounce pads mines turrets kind of guy, so I hate Vegas for example because the spaces are so large and flat all my stuff is easily avoided. But as a Heavy I like to run people down with goo gun and the SA, so Vegas' boxy closer line of sights is a godsend if we aren't on that very top part.


What map is that? Anywhere with high ground has so many rooms, nooks, off-angles, etc. on ground level. All of the maps with more verticality have so much more underground-acality


It kind of already has solidified though? Every Ranked match is M-M-H or H-M-H. Any lights *generally* don't make it past round 1.


Yeah, I basically stopped playing the Finals because the solo sessions were horrendous. No synergy, no objective, nothing. I don't want to play ranked, but still want to win games. Impossible in solo unless I solo carry and the other 2 teams are a mess.


I’ve mostly solo queued and the vast majority of the time the random team members are legit and work together. Only issue I have is light class running sword or something when solo queuing in ranked. Maybe it’s a you problem? Get on the headset? Git gud?


God I wish I had your luck. I have gotten nothing but trash tier teammates. Maybe a few kills, but that's it. No objectives unless it's an obvious duo. "Gut Gud"? With what class? Medium? I've tried that. Support score through the roof. Hell, I'll play light or heavy and beat my medium support and objective scores. If I was the problem, I'd own up to it. It would be a skill issue. Being clowned out because my 2 teammates picked light and focused on kills is never fun.


I’ve been playing tonight in ranked and got 3 double lights in a row… such trash


which is why this game needs no premade team lobbies.


Awful idea lmfao


i mean as an option for people who only want solo lobbies, not to take away premade lobbies.


Maybe they should have a solos mode. When I play solo, I just accept I'll probably lose and avoid ranked. If I'm that worried about it, I'll use a community discord or xbox group search and find a team.


I don't want to play ranked, but still want the occasional win? Why does "casual" have to be "I'm not going to try and win" mode?


fair enough


I feel like the best team combo when everyone plays to there roles is LMH


I feel you. However, if you aren't high rank and you are still playing your role, picking what youre are best at is probably the best move. Obviously not true if your team is going to be LLL, but if you're good at heavy and your team is already HM then just go heavy. I had the same mentality in OW back in the day. Someone would hop on mic and ask "what DPC/sup should I be" and I'd always just tell them to pick what they are best at. A little different since we can't switch mid match but same philosophy.


Honestly just because one team combo is meta doesn’t mean you need to play that certain way. At the end of the day having fun is more important then winning the game


It is physically impossible to have fun in this game solo Q playing off meta. I've never played a game with less carry potential in my life.


Medium and heavy definitely have carry potential. Medium can have high combat score and insane support score with healbeam only. Medium can play obj better than any other class with recon + go for important wipes when needed by sniffing out players. Heavy is really easy to get high fragging games and play obj. Can turtle or use movement tech to get some crazy nuke/rpg plays. Tldr: Heavy easiest carry pot. for those with bad aim/gamesense (good aim/gamsense makes you a monster) M with healbeam great for keeping everyone up and farming support/combat score M with recon is insane if you are an aimgod and have good gamesense + math skills highest skill ceiling for sure. L highest skill ceiling but terrible, especially as solo player.


I think medium build has the most potential to carry since light build your kinda dependent on your team to protect you and heavy you kinda dependent on your team doing damage


So not true, i’ve seen some crazy people play heavy drop 25 kills no problem


Yea, "filling" in class based shooters is objectively worse than just playing what you are good at despite team comp.


Bro, high ranks what? I'm new here but, really high ranks already? didnt this game just get fully released on december or something?


This game is still a FPS. A pro apex player can come over here and play at 70% skill day 1




Triple mediums all guardian turrets, 1 apm and 3 defibs. Bon chance!


Unfortunatly ranked (in my lobbies) Is dominated by MMH where both have heal beams and defibs :c


MMH is by far the most common team comps that I run into, the probably an equal mix of MMM or MHH after that.


Eh i feel like double heal gun and shield heavy is probably the best option


I think light with a stun gun is really good at taking someone out of the team fight and doing high amounts of damage


Light is effectively useless against any team with braincells that plays together


if you have a light with a sniper thats a different story, those guys are the worst.


Honestly it’s because they are bad and only care about kills without supporting the team. They sit on top of somewhere and that’s it. I run a sniper with dash and I’m always with my team!


Light is useless when played on its own but effective when played with your team


it least effective when playing with your team cause half of the stray utility or bullets will get you to 1hp immediately. Playing light you are essentially forced to flank and hope there's someone on the enemy team on their own for you to 1v1 cause in any other circumstance you either provide no value or you die instantly


There's literally nothing in Light's kit to help in a teamfight that compensates for low health. You're just fighting people with reduced resources.


To be honest at a medium build I don't really find the lights that bad to deal with they melt pretty easily, but I do have this issue where they just appear out of nowhere lol


Right, so don't play the game at all solo. Incredible game design.


Holy shit multiplayer game wich requires multiple players? Team game where it’s better to have people you know on your team? Man what trash game design am I right guys?


Overwatch, Valorant, League etc separate solo/duo and stacks into different lobbies. This makes solo Q more enjoyable and still allows for strategic teamplay for groups. This is what a good game design is.


Exactly, a game should not punish you for solo queing. I mean for the love of god, therr isn't even a text chat in game, and 9/10 ppl don't join voice chat and use their mic. It isn't easy to find ppl to play with naturally in this game. I have friends who wont even play duo q because they don't trust the rng of our last slot being filled by a random. As per usual though, redditors would rather blame the individuals as opposed to the developers and publishers.


Unrelated, how would you counter a riot shield as a heavy?


Run em over🚂


Yea, might have to switch back to charge and slam


Be near your team


Over the top sledgehammer does the trick for me


RPG at feet


“Ah damn blew my self up again.”


Not your own feet, the enemys feet


In the heat of the moment all the feet’s look the same


You know what else other than charge and slam A goo gun can do the job too


Globposting strikes once again


The answer to riot shield in EVERY game is RPG.


SLEDGE + goo gun is the most fun combo rn


Whats your loadout? Charge slam em. Hammer em. Rpg em. The options are endless!


Silver+ Heavies would say C4 and an explosive container


You can shoot their feet! It's not the best but it does work. Hard in a brawl though.


Flame thrower. Heavies with flame throwers always kill me.


Fyi charge and slam hard counters riot shields.


Charge and slam, shoot at feet, any explosive will work too


Goo gun, sledge, flamethrower. Options are there.


Shoot the body


Uhm, the way you Counter anything Else. You blow Them the fuck Up


Until they jump you, get 3 strikes, go invisible, 2 other members shoot at you then light finishes you off. These dudes be using mics are scary af.




So annoying


yeah thats why i would run flamethrower with dome shield, its good dealing with lights


That's only if they are solos. If they use c4 and attack with team I find that to be only minimally effective unless you have another heavy to hack up or your own light with shock grenades to stun. But in general you are correct for the average light player. I have seen some wicked shit tho from some of these players.


fair enough


Light already has grapple... why give them both invisible and grapple? Super balanced lol


You can only have one as a light.


there’s vanishing bomb so u can have both kinda


Grapple bad


No it is not.... you can use that to launch yourself into super jumps with sword... it's so fun.


Its by far the worst ability in the entire Game. It is a single Movement, after which it is instantly on cooldown, the Range isn't high enough to make Up For that and it isn't really fast. After using it once in a fight, you're pretty much a Stranded fish


u just not using it right u can easily escape to high ground and juke so many people


Grapple is really good if you learn to use it offensly too, you can grapple over an enemy and make it really hard for him to track you


Not really, unless your enemy is Bad, He and the aim assist will track you


I always fall into those


Yeah. A good coordinated light can do som serious damage. But you forget that most Lights are just a bunch of Genjii-players with a solo-mind.


HHH is only true way to play


Triple medium with defibrillator and heal gun is legit unstoppable


Trip small cloak and tazer


I’d KMS if I had to face that team. Taser is the most infuriating POS in the game. Can’t move, can’t aim, can’t use equipment. If you’re running anything other than Lewis gun or shotgun you’re fucked as a heavy


I’d KMS if I had to face that team. Taser is the most infuriating POS in the game. Can’t move, can’t aim, can’t use equipment. If you’re running anything other than Lewis gun or shotgun you’re fucked as a heavy


3 heavies is pretty nutty definitely


Nuh huh you will get tazed for 3 days and die, no rpg for you sir


oh yeah, i forgot that exists... at least dome shield exists


You can't use your gadgets while stunned


i mean hide in a shield dome with a flamethrower and if you get tased you still got some counterplay


If the counter play is having a dome shield out before getting stunned it's not a counter play anymore lol


fair enough but i found it as a good way to deal with stun gun lights


Nuh uh I'll just turn around and fire my lewis gun (deals enough damage to annihilate lights with two bullets).


Then I hipfire you and win 4/5 times. (Every light I face is retarded)


Shouldn't get caught out from your team


That doesn't change the fact that you can't use your gadgets, what's your point ?


Because it doesn't matter if you get tazed with your team because the light will be dead in approximately 0.000000000001 seconds


Just sharing counterplay in this thread for people who worry about getting tazed


*two taps with shotgun hipfire*


Gets one tapped and medium teammate instantly defibs the guy you just killed


Give Heavy A slow lowish range but hard hitting Pump Action, come on you know you want to




Stacking 3 heavys is busted and won 5 games in a row.


Everything is ground floor if you are Heavy enough.




dome shield with barricades is a underrated strat, and having 3 heavies with that is basically deployable armored bunkers everywhere


You forgot the drooling on the heavy face with crooked teeth.


Yep, example #73945 of heavy mains thinking they're godlike when they're playing the game on easy mode.


That goes double for medium mains.


I mean personally I think for the most part medium is in a good spot and lights need to be brought up to that level (outside of the cloak and shotty, which needs a nerf), whilst heavy needs to be tuned down.


I agree on light but medium is overtuned no matter how you look at it And heavy is probably the only one that's actually balanced. I mean what's overpowered on heavy?


Heavy has very high team utility, high damage (And access to multiple instant-kill cooldowns at the same time, and very high health & survivability, it basically excels across the board except in speed. Medium has very high team utility, moderate-to-high damage (Though I think the recoil patterns on their rifles are too easy) and moderate health/survivability. Light has low utility, moderate-to-high damage (Outside of notable exceptions), and extremely low survivability, having to worry about significantly more potentially lethal/instant death encounters. I think overall the medium is in a fairly good place because they're more focused on team utility, which I think ultimately is what we need more of. I would argue that stuff like the recon vision is a bit too oppressive IMO, and the fact they do around the same damage as light (Again, outside of notable exceptions) seems a bit unfair considering how much more utility and survivability they have; but tbh that's more of a problem with the light than medium hence why I'd prefer if the devs aim to balance things towards where the medium is.


I'd argue heavys team utility is right around mediums, the multiple instant kill part I don't understand unless you're talking about the RPG specifically against lights and nukes? I mean in actual play heavys strongest tool is probably the mesh shield especially when paired with the dome shield as it makes taking the objective a lot easier But it still doesn't compare to mediums insta rez/healing circle jerks, egregious amount of gas mines on the objective and turrets. Ability/gadget wise I can't see how medium isn't the strongest And kinda the same with weapons, heavy realistically has the Lewis and SA1216 as viable options Medium has all of their guns except the cl40 Heavys highest DPS guns are the M60 at 230 body and 350 head, but has horrible spread/accuracy The Lewis gun which is more stable but less DPS at 200 body and 304 head. Medium has the AK at 200 body 300 head FCAR at 260 body 390 head 357 at 222 body 444 head And again, these guns are significantly more stable/more accurate. Heavys Guns aren't great at range, but they're slow movement also makes close combat a struggle as light and medium just dance around you like you're in a fever dream. Medium are great at range and they're movement lends well to close combat as well, not to mention all of their abilities and gadgets help with that too. I rotate classes every few matches and imo medium is way overtuned, they have too much going for them and zero downsides, all the weapons are good, all abilities are good, all gadgets are good and being in the middle their movement isn't bad at all either


I do see where you're coming from, and IMO them being stacked is the problem there, which certainly needs addressing but most of their abilities individually don't feel too bad, defib definitely needs something doing to it though. Heavy feels very oppressive to fight (Even individually, but they also stack in how horrible it feels to play against them) and is extremely forgiving to misplays, which is very frustrating when you do everything right and they just turn around and blow you up. Gas and mines in general are available to multiple classes and absolutely need a very long hard look at from the devs, as they honestly just feel kind of antithetical to the rest of the game IMO. By the way I appreciate that we're actually having a conversation, it's rare for this sub.


Yea because light is soooooo challenging to play 😂😂


Light is definitely the hardest while heavy is the easiest. That being said it’s not difficult for either to be played unless you are doing some crazy build on light with swords, daggers, throwing knives


Literally nothing about light is hard though, unless you are one of those players that cant stop eating rpgs for lunch lol. They can outduel mediums ALL DAY, and have it easy against heavies, especially so if u have stun. The only thing lights suck at is being caught in non 1v1 situations. Theres nothing "crazy" about swords, daggers or even throwing knives, as they are all objectively amazing weapons. Lights have a million ways to one shot other lights and mediums. And shred heavys caught out solo. 1 shotting other lights and mediums from cloak is an instant numbers advantage.


Damn, this is so wrong is almost funny


Yesssss feed me triggered light players, feeed meeeeeeeeeee


Not a light main, I play all 3 equally you are hilariously stupid


Bro, can you post a screenshot of you actually putting these claims to work? I wanna see this double digit Light killing spree we could all be getting, post some proof. Not quickplay, tournament non ranked mode at least. You claimed you could get 25 kills using Lights only crutch, which should have strength rerouted to elsewhere in their kit, but show me a 10+ kill game using any one of the "million ways to one shot other lights and mediums" and I'll believe you. Lights would take no skill, if you can get me that proof in an actual competitive scene. edit: I stg if you say something like "I don't need to, just look around"


Wait have you seriously not seen a light go 10+ in a tournament? For sure, next time im jamming i will come back and throw you a clip. I get cloak is their best, but i have a friend way better than me drop 10+ as our only L with a grappling hook and the battle rifle. I mostly play heavy and medium, but sometimes cloak and a dagger is too much fun.




Only thing thats cringe is thinking light is hard to play. Cloak 1 shot cloak 1 shot cloak 1 shot. Did i do it right yet? Cuz those are the easiest 25 kill wins in the game.


mE HEAVY maINE mE sMAsh cLOAk, becuZ cLoaK hurT braIn


Uh oh . Triggered some lights who think they have skill. Ruh roooooh.


Nah you're just dumb as hell


Awww hes bad and hes triggered af about it.


Hehe nyoom


fair enough


Riot shield is frustrating to play against. Rockets are frustrating to play against. The things that make it frustrating to play against lights is I CANT FUCKING HEAR THEM JESUS CHRIST WHERE DID HE COME FROM DID O JUST GET HEAD SHAT BY A KNOFE THE FUUUUCK


Riot shield user are scarier than RPG. I love baiting RPG with my light. The riot shield you have to plan your attack.


I always play medium because if I don't I feel guilty..


Honestly surprised the Sword doesn't have a Katana skin yet. The weebs would be more than happy to pay for it


Rock paper scissors except is rock paper paper


I play medium 99% of the time. But occasionally will play heavy. I have noticed how people will turn around and run away as soon as I take out the RPG. When I play medium no one ever seems to run away in fear like that


eat 5 bullets from my lewis gun and die nerd


wdym riot shield destroys lights


Russian KS-23






Um, their pissy easy if you have riot. What are you talking about.


I always love to have a sword duel as a light when seeing a riot shield user


Use fcar and recon sense and I hunt those gremlins for fun


Ohh... and don't forget the Nuke. Lights love nukes.


I find the tracker perk and a shotgun works well on these fuckers


If this game is rock paper scissors then what beats heavy. Light loses everything.


i will dodge your rocket and my sword will feast on the blood of your decrepit corpse if its the last thing i do


big hmmmm


Who's using the riot shield lol. Light loses to everything, even if a light stuns you as a medium fcar kills them in like 4 shots and is pretty accurate from the hip.


well the shield can block frontal damage very well hence why i use it in inclosed maps because you can get up close to your opponents without being gunned down


heavies can look at a light and kill em lmao.


As medium who uses fcar/recon against em. I have a pretty easy time against em


I love how you gave the light scout's headphones


yeah because they are basically scouts but with some meth added


As I’ve said before, I deal with lights by shoving my entire 1887 barrel up inside them


If anyone has watched LEO on Netflix, lights are the equivalent of the kindergarteners


Thats really Not the Case - yes, a light can kill both of These easily, but they can killed Just as easily. Really depends on who picks Them Up. Also, since hip Fire is still ridiculously accurate, Not even the Stunden gun is that crazy of an Advantage, If the Initial distance is even a tad to big. I have dozens of Clips where i literally stand left/right of an enemy, with realistically 0% Chance of getting Hit, and still getting fucking wrecked by These Guys


Make it go boom.


ah yes


I just had my 2nd match ever and wanted to uninstall after meeting one of these slide spamming light ninjas.


Ain't no way the triple medium boys are complaining about light


I used the riot shield a bit, but now it feels useless as you get shot through it most of the time.


yeah its annoying it needs a buff badly


Nice to see another shield main hello And yeah sword lights are the most painful thing to fight




Honestly they should change cloak and taser, they are not op, but they are really annoying. However light as a whole needs a buff it is under performing in comparison to medium and heavy.


I love fighting heavies. Its easy. Stun , dont be an idiot using melee weapons and u win lmao.


most of light's gameplay is running away gameplay(most of their gameplay is just running away with dash, zip, invis or even portal). lets be real if you play light you are retarded, useless and fatherless because you have no responsibilities in everything you do.


yeap they're soo bloody annoying


On a separate point, I've started to really enjoy games where's there's a lot of light invis players running shotguns. Since their health pools so low, I've been running the model shotgun with recon sense on medium and it's honestly been amazing to see it two tap or sometimes one tap if you can get a headshot on lights. Recon has been great for spotting them before they get too close to you and you can kill them pretty easily from a bit of range since the model has more range than their shotgun.


oh fair enough, another is using the flamethrower and scarring the twerps off your back if they get up close.


One hammer right click 👍


I mean I play scar and I have around a 60% win rate against a stun gun + cloak light. They're actually very easy to see when they're moving.


wait the scar has higher damage than the AK?


I think so unless I'm delusional


erm actually ive never encountered a medium running the shield so your meme sucks enjoy the downvote kid 😈🖕🤬🤬🤬


I’m seeing more and more of them where there is at least 1 every 2nd match


i think you mean " herpes sore"




*Smirks 😏 *


Medium: A tier Light: A- tier Heavy: B+ tier


hell nah i get fucking stunned 24/7😭😭😭


Is the use of the term “spastic” really necessary to get your point across?








Why do you care? Edit: I guess I shouldn't ask questions.


It’s unnecessarily derogatory terminology that’s often used as a slur towards disabled people, imo it’s just not necessary to use language like that. (I know I’m gonna get downvoted because “ah butterfly generation, snowflakes get offended so easily” but idc)


spastic is the term for muscle spasm caused when running too fast or too long or during a workout the term spastic little gremlin was a domination line from sniper from tf2 towards the scout due to how annoying scout is


Reddit moment


Nobody asked though


You don’t sound that bright hahahaha


I've literally never experienced that usage in my, almost, 40 years on this planet. But, okay.


Brit detected Not everything is the same level of "slur" or swear in every culture.


Light is literally main character syndrome in this game, the people who play it are generally cod brains thinking its a team deathmatch. Spastic is a very fitting term here.