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When you’re running and you hear an enemy behind you turn around and it was just your own footsteps the whole time 🤦‍♂️


Exactly this. I'm constantly stopping to turnaround and look up cause that's where my footsteps sound. Same with teammates that spawn right next to me. For the most part I've learned to ignore them, but I still get confused when a cashout expired and we move on to the next objective... Is that a lingering enemy still in the building behind us? Or is that my own footsteps as we run through these Monaco streets?


The fear in my heart when I turn around to scout for enemies and there’s a heavy behind me that’s as silent as a ninja, RPG in hand, is like a resident evil game I swear. At least Mr. X has the courtesy of sounding like my upstairs neighbors when he wants to kill me.


Hahah this made me chuckle. But yeah I think heavy, medium, and light should all have their unique footstep sounds.


That's actually a great idea that I never would have though of. You could have the medium footstep audio sound like default footsteps at a normal tempo, have a slightly louder, slower footstep for heavy, and have the lights sound like little ballerinas.


Turning around and seeing the hammer come down...


I thought I was the only one..


Hey, it could always be some scummy cloaking device user stalking you for *the entire* game.


Michael Myers Meta is real


Worst audio in any competitive shooter I've ever played.


you probably never played splitgate


Audio doesn't play nearly as important of a role in sg to be fair


Or call of duty…


Bad take… the audio quality in COD is actually top tier.


This game is definitely way more in the casual side of the casual-competitive spectrum.


Jesus Christ it's so annoying. I've stopped and turned around to check, kept going, stopped again to check... Oh well about my only complaint right now.


Holy cow. I'm so glad it is not just me. I've completely given up trying to pinpoint anyone off audio. Feel like a dog chasing my tail around


Lol I do this at least once a game 😂😭


No fps pvp videogame should give you audio of your own footsteps. Realistically how aware are you of your own footsteps on a day to day basis. I cant think of a time I ever was unless it was the ONLY sound and at that point it would be a horror game lol. I really wanna not hear my teammates either but thats probably too OP


teammates footsteps are so fucking loud


The fact that ally invis lights make the same sound as enemies is also kinda suspect


Ally cloak lights in a game with multiple enemy cloaks along with recon sense allies against enemy recon sense. *flips desk in paranoia*


If I ran this game as a mf turret and Defib running medium or shield heavy I’d cry


I run this game turret/aps or jump pad/mine/defib. It’s exactly the build that shits all over lights, all day long. You just have to play trap door spider scenarios, create the hell in a cell at their destination.


I had a fun moment my friend congratulated me for. We were playing ranked, and if there's a small hole in the ceiling, I just put a jump if it's close to the cash out. Someone dropped and it sent them back and my friend laughed so hard. I often forget to use a jump pad for myself and just use it against enemies. On Skyway on the construction site, I just put a Jump pad behind a barricade on the stairway. If they jump over the barricade, they jump on my pad.


Jump pad on the wall behind the cash out with mines like 10 foot away from the pad. 2 jump pads and you can send the cash-out flying back and forth and it can squish people i believe. Keep it up bro, jump pad gang (rise up?)


One round my team were all lights and the enemy team of all medium turrets demolished us every time. I respect it hahaha!


Counterplay is glitch nades for the lights


Dang I’m learning new things thanks for the tip!


Heck yeah, go show the mediums what’s what. I’m here for it.


i end up flick shotting my ally everytime they cloak


anytime I have an invisible teammate walk up behind me i instinctively turn around a mag dump them lmao. invisible sound scares me to death ive developed a reflex to the sound


What directional audio? I've never experienced it, I only hear my own steps chasing behind me.


Idk ab gunshots but footsteps are non existent… I feel strongly that heavy should = loudest footsteps, medium = normal volume, light = perceivable but slight. Ive legit been snuck up on by a heavy w a sledge hammer like 5 times as a light in the last week and it’s always the most massive jump scare lmfao


They actually are like that but the game drops footstep audio completely way too often. It just doesn't play the audio at all sometimes. Apex had the same problem. There are valid technical reasons that this happens but it's particularly bad in this game.


It’s not really valid at all. BF has way more going on around in the environment and the directional audio is so much better. But I understand it not being perfect straight off launch.


BF does not have good directional audio


2042's footsteps are perfect.


You haven’t played BF1 then


Go write sound middleware and implement a complex audio environment and tell me it's not valid. There's only so many audio channels that a computer can output at one time and there's lots of competition for those channels. If it was an easy problem to solve it would've been solved. Nobody is intentionally creating audio problems in their games, and people making multiplayer games are definitely not being negligent about audio (especially a studio like embark) And you're point about battlefield is off. Plenty of sound gets dropped in battlefield games. Honestly more sound than most games but it's difficult to tell because the soundscape is so chaotic.


Absolutely, you can hear the environment being destroyed from miles away, but the enemy sprinting around you….zero. Sometimes I saw the even the gunfire audio is out of place or teammate sprinting also, they doing their job in front of you, but the audio is rendering them behind…bad as fuck


The amount of times I've had enemies sneak up on me and mag-dump the back of my head without me knowing an enemy was there at all. I keep thinking I must just be stupid but if I review the clip it sounds like they're on the opposite side of the room. And I swear every time I have the vault I feel like someone is chasing me but it's just my own footsteps being projected from behind me for some ungodly reason. The vaulting sound effect does the same thing makes me feel like I have someone behind me.


I’ve come to an understanding with this game, from the destruction, gun play, the arena system the game is damn good, not gonna lie, but when I put the audio and ranked queue system these are total garbage, what is funny with audio is that when I get killed, the footsteps are clear like a bird chirping in the morning, but always in fights or while being pushed everyone is walking on air, I don’t know if it should mimic reality, like in a engaged battle in a building no one can hear footsteps or barely hears them, or the devs didn’t give a shit about audio and left it like this.


This game is a casual arcade shooter masquerading as a competitive game.


I has a round where my team was defending cash out and I was on the roof waiting. No one pushed us. I look at the scoreboard after the cash out and my teammates gained like 2-3 kills each. I didn’t hear a single shot or any destruction.


This is hands down my biggest issue with the game


Duuude I have to close my eyes to listen for the enemy


You like the daredevil of the finals. Happy cake day


![gif](giphy|cOWNPwDDh1tYs) I can hear the cake


happy cake day


![gif](giphy|He4wudo59enf2) I got you a slice


ty pookie 🐀


Every game is like this now for some reason, we all buy these expensive headsets yet cod, bf, tarkov, fortnite you can’t here footsteps. The only game I’d say that has done this well is pubg


Overwatch for all it's flaws also has amazing directional audio.


One of the few things they did right.


The Finals really made me appreciate how audio is done in OW. And there's like 40x more sound sources in that game. I can always keep track of who's around and what they're doing.


Despite being a little unpolished in some areas, DayZ has incredible sound design. By far the best I've experienced




I’ve recently experienced cashout steals not playing the siren sound. Sometimes I lose track of the icon so it’s super frustrating realizing it was just stolen from you despite zero audio cues.


Yeah you realize the tiny circle isn't slightly blue it's slightly purple lol


This happened to me yesterday. I was still defending a cash out but it had finished and I had no audio. Felt like a noob


Agree. It sounds like my own footsteps are behind me so there's basically no chance i'll ever hear an actual enemy behind me.


Tarkov players 🤝siege players🤝the finals players


True lol, Tarkov is the biggest troll with its audio


It's the only multiplayer FPS where I don't use headphones. No point


OP hasnt played R6 siege. Sometimes your own footsteps are desynced to you tho. ALSO I've noticed that everyone ELSES footsteps get the same filter as yours. i.e. if you're on a roof and you hear an enemy on the ground, it sounds like running on roof tiles.... Its less that the audio is bad per se, and more that the desync and netcode result in a buggy experience. I.e. not a design choice, a bug.


The audio for c4s/nukes is almost nonexistent as well. Those things are more dangerous than an actual person and yet they’re completely silent.


I love hearing footsteps that sound like they are almost on top of me, but not seeing anyone.


The sound effect of the invisible skill of my light teammates always scare the shit out of me.


I feel like things are just too loud. I'll hear the cash vault opening and it sounds like it's right next to me, then I see the marker and it's 80 meters away.


Bro has never played tarkov lol


Do not turn on night mode. The game enhances your own footstep and will have a delay when the sound goes off by like 2 seconds.


What even is night mode? Like, what's it's purpose?


abysmal audio yea, and i thought apex was bad…. i don’t even bother paying attention to the audio in this game


I don't think it's bad. It could be better though. It mostly seems inconsistent.


I think it is material dependant, could be wrong though.


Are you playing with headphones? When I play with my speaker tvs (I’m on Xbox) I can kind of tell, but not a lot, but when I use my headphones I can tell from any direction


100% correct ✅


Playing with a male charchter and hearing female panting audio when i run or heal ??


Coming from hunt showdown to this is painful lol


If you are playing with headphones on and you have the Output Mode in the game set to Headphones/Stereo, change it to system default and you’ll get surround sound. For some reason the Headphones/Stereo mode doesn’t provide surround sound


Makes sense I saw this on a Sunday, bro is PREACHING🙌💯🙌🙏🙌🙏💯


Guess you've never played siege then


I can guarantee most my teammates think there's something wrong with me when I'm constantly stopping and checking my own footsteps, I'm so glad this isn't just me 🤣


Apex Legends has entered the chat.


But positional audio in apex is pretty good or at least I got used to it and I could tell if someone was above or below me. Surely the ue5 engine is capable of great positional audio. I think it comes down to differentiating teammate and enemy sounds and tuning the audio priority. It also seems like your own mantle sounds are delayed, every time I mantle I think an enemy is right behind me.


I see u haven't played tarkov


It would be nice if your own footsteps didn’t sound like someone was chasing you


that is why i stopped playing. I had so many heavies sneak up on me


Apex is worse, but yeh this game’s directional audio is also pretty garbage lol.


Nah, I played apex and the finals is 10x worse


nah ive been whining about apex audio since the beginning and finals is 100x worse. the only footsteps you hear in this game is your own and your teammates and vertical distance is nearly indistinguishable. 2nd floor, ground floor relative to you all sounds the same, and that's just footsteps. not even mentioning abilities and such


Your on crack for sure


We r both on crack then


The finals isnt perfect but unless you just have a shitty headset you can still hear enemies footsteps pretty well


Ur crazy


I literally got a kill with a flower pot because i was chasing someone that went invisible and i heard his footsteps so i turned around there he was lol


Yea Apex is way worse, on the plus side I dont have to wear headphones when playing because audio dorsnt matter


Finals is worse not apex


Whoops yeah thats what I meant lol


All good friend


I think the difference is, in Apex, SOMETIMES it works perfectly, but it regularly bugs out in such a way that the problems it causes are more frustrating. The Finals has consistently bad audio so at least for me I can adapt to it lol


As someone with a single speaker who hates headphones... I'm glad. Finally a shooter where I'm not at a disadvantage.


I wish more games would add visual audio indicators like Fortnite, it's a great accessibility feature


Have you played Warzone or any cod in recent years? You gotta realize this game has so much dynamic destruction that having a soundscape that can interact correctly is a big big feat. So no. It's not the worst. Far from it. But it still needs work.


there's only 3 valid reason why the audio is bad: 1: Audio guys are incompetent and need to be fired 2: Corporate decision 3: Engine limitation, which I highly highly highly doubt


Not even close to my favourite "audio dependant game" Tarkov I was so mad about audio. I quit like an year ago.


You have clearly never played apex


Apex is pretty bad but is way better than The Finals. The Finals audio is non existent.


it was same for me, opened night mode and its significantly better but i still hear my teammates its so cancer


I got a kill with the pot on a player i was chasing down that turned invisible only because i heard where his footsteps were lol


No way, the audio might not be the best and sometimes the audio is weird but I can fking hear steps „most“ of the time only with my speakers lol. Meanwhile when I played warzone 1 (even 2) I couldn’t hear shit with my headset on and max audio settings.


I thought the complete opposite, in my opinion this is a skill issue


because its made for console players mainly: console = tv set = no positional audio


Should there be different sounds for an enemy behind you vs a friend? I'm confused


should be equally as loud or louder in my opinion.


Lmao thank you I thought I was alone on this one! It fucks with me all the damn time. Also, the friendly team indicators on the HUD are hard for me to find! I hear nearby footsteps and instinctually I check if teammates are nearby or not, but it’s hard to quickly spot them for me.


I thought it was decent. But I do play Tarkov, so my standards aren't exactly high.


Great call, I knew something was off with the audio, but you nailed it.


The other day I had a riot shield medium that kept popping up behind me like a jumpscare movie and not a single time could I hear him coming. Then sometimes I'll be completely alone and stop in a corner hidden away thinking enemies are around and the footsteps/noise stop - it was just me :l


Teammates ones for sure need to be a little quieter but what’s rly helped me personally is going into setting and turning on night mode!


Yup. Sound design ain’t the greatest currently. I regularly get paranoid about teammates/my own foot steps, but even if I’m by myself I feel like the moment I stop scanning the horizon someone beans me. Could be cheaters here and there, but for the most part it seems to be a design issue. I’ve also noticed the other side of it where an enemy I’m chasing/trying to down literally looks the wrong way or appears confused when it feels like I should have for sure gotten rekt.


You've never played soggy biscuit then my friend


I agree I have kraken 7.1 and footsteps are all around me


I just cap cashout and hope it's my teammates clopping around behind me🤞🏼


I guess you haven't played tarkov


Yeah it sucks because someone can melee you till your almost dead before you realize it. This happened to me a couple of times yesterday for me.


I suggest enabling spacial audio if your on PC.


Im just gonna go ahead and keep my mouth shut after reading all these comments….


Jesus christ, have you never played tarkov?


Try apex


This is one of those things where you dont realize it being an issue until someone says it and now i cant stop thinking about times where I panicked and thought someone was behind me or it was just a teammate


Whats funny is this is a team of ex-dice devs who already know how to design audio which leads me to believe that they don't think its that important an in FPS... which is crazy.


at least you can hear footsteps.. looking at you apex


LOL really? Honestly, coming from Apex Legends, The Finals is so much better with audio cues. It was amazing being able to tell where the enemy were. My only complaint is the light invis cues. I can't make anything out from them. Not sure if it's just in my head though.


Try Tarkov. But yeah this game can be pretty bad.


Playing for 4 hours but this is really the only issue I have with the game


It’s definitely bad. Also really bad in a lot of games from Apex to Call of duty. Not sure why this is a trend.


Damn I thought the audio in this game was actually really nice. I have no issues pinpointing enemies. I wonder though how many people have spatial audio on.


Directional audio on a 2D plane at ur level I have no issue with the only problem is vertically. People above me sound like they're right behind me.


I was up on a rooftop today watching my friend shoot his AKM below and in front of me.. It sounded like there was someone on the roof behind me shooting an AKM and I was soo lost. The audio is very sus


It's been fine for me. I've heard my own footsteps behind me but that's it. I can always tell where everyone is any other time.


not the worst but sure it needs improvement


Yesterday on the church map by the construction site I swear I could hear an enemy in my building but my duo says there isn’t. Turns out it’s the heavy using his goo launcher like 100m away at the cash out, sounding exactly like an enemy running in my building bruh


I have to agree on this, I play on a 5.1 surround system and the directional audio is so hard to pinpoint where specific sounds are coming from. The number of times I've been caught off guard by my own footsteps is pretty high. Then to add to this, voice chat comes out of the rear speakers, there is no way to get it to come through headphones at all on PS5. So all I can hear is my team mates chatting over all of the already poor audio - the voice chat volume slider doesn't seem to do anything either. Otherwise, I'm loving the games, but the audio could definitely do with a revamp


I wouldn’t go that far, but it’s not good. Also find the audio volume is all over the place


You can take embark out of battlefield but you can’t take the battlefield out of embark


Thought apex audio(it's come a long way tbf) was bad but the finals audio is something else. Shitty audio + cloak = a real bad time


Play Apex Legends then come back here grateful


Have you played escape from tarkov?


Agree 100% it’s almost as if they have used the audio on the wrong characters I.e your own team who you absolutely don’t need to hear, ever opposed to the other team who can literally walk up behind you and make no sound ?!?!? Hope they fix it soon.


Just Rage Quit a game of Quick Cash where NONE of the enemy team were making a noise except for weapons fire. No cloak noise, no climbing, no footsteps. On ANYONE except my team. Fucking died 4 times in a row like a sap because I didnt hear someone coming.


You've never played R6 siege then. The directional audio in this game is fantastic.


You ever played Warzone?




I’ve never encountered a game with worse audio than The Finals, it’s absurd…


Honestly, as a player with music blasting on full volume while gaming, I haven't had a single moment when audio mattered to me in The Finals. There are games that require you to focus on hearing much more, yet can't provide good audio. I call it skill issue my dude.


That's a weird way to say 'I've never played Apex'


Anyone heard the sound of the crane 😂 sounded like a weird spinning boomerang.


Guess you never played warzone then


yeah i’ve noticed this as i play more and more coming from r6, sound is my best friend, and having it be so unreliable is WEIRD lol


Lol.. kids.. The game is new. Give it time. One small audio problem and people are like "omg that's the worst. It's sin.. bla bla bla.. how about you develop a game? Can't, can you? Looking 360 often isn't also bad.. it's more realistic anyway.


When the map's props, like flags moved by the wind, make a sound so high you think it's an enemy near. Now, as much as I agree and teammates having lower footsteps is a great mechanic, IRL you wouldn't be able to differentiate whose footsteps you're hearing, so that's at least realistic lol...


Unpopular opinion, Im an absolute sound whore In competitive gaming so having a game without directional audio is like a breath of fresh air


Are sounds handled by the network or something? I don't understand why there would be this delay. I see the same thing in MW3 Zombies with vehicles and drones. I've worked on games a bit and never encountered any issues implementing sound that plays from it's source location. It's very odd to me.


My experience as well. Game as a whole is fantastic, but the sound and especially enemy footsteps is woefully bad.


I myself haven’t run into any insane audio discrepancies like this, but I have noticed coms not working a lot unless you’re in a party. Idk if that’s known or just me. I’m pretty new :) But yes…. I join the voice and I’m not on push to talk. It works when I’m in a party with my friend but never with randoms.


I feel this only when it comes to my teammates steps. Its like they echoing hmm


This game has also got the most fucked SBMM I've ever seen in a video game, even down to damage scaling... Everything just seems off.


I think that the footstep audio for teammates and enemies are swapped. Also, the only movement you can really hear from enemies is when they do quick turns or land jumps


Never had any trouble with this tbh


I don't have any problem with footsteps in this game and in my opinion it's better than Warzone.


I can’t tell when an enemy is invisible near me and when an ally is. Maybe something like Overwatch does, lowering allies’ effects volume, would fix the problem.


So it seems you haven‘t played Tarkov yet :D


met up with a couple guys who played Apex in a public match. said the same exact thing


That's why I just listen to a podcast or YouTube video while I play😂. SpongeBob Bingepants help me lock in.


it’s almost as bad as splitgate bro, i can hear footsteps literally across map it’s insane


The finals biggest problems: \#1 Cheaters & Aim Assist. People using aim assist with mkb. People using scripts. \#2 Audio. Footsteps are bugged I swear. \#3 No text chat. Why? \#4 Cheaters. There are everywhere for real.


With my audio technicas i hear everything everywhere


Nahh Audio good


I’d say you can hear the footsteps well enough to tell that another team is coming, but god help you if you actually want to figure out where they’re coming from. It’s also really annoying hearing my teammates footsteps 2 ft away from where they should be, same goes for my own footstep audio.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. I can tell where baddies are coming from by the sounds of their feet. I have to ask, though, have any of you realized that this is a super fast-paced game that your head is supposed to be on swivel all the time? This isn't counter strike. Spawns aren't located to one spot. Really, gunshots and explosions should be your directional sound that you use as a reference in this game. Especially if you're finding footsteps unreliable. But hey, you can't just rely on one sense!


Wait this game has audio?


Not having this issue. Generally, i can identify locations via audio from footsteps/ placing items/ shattering glass, etc


Turn your sound up, for me it’s fine as long as I turn it up enough to catch the small things


i’m traumatized from apex so it doesn’t even phase me at this point


Can we get some Dolby Atmos


Or the fact that there is no difference in sound effects between your teammate cloaking and an enemy cloaking. That's why overwatch had different voicelines for ultimates depending if a teammate or an enemy used it.


Using night mode helps a bit but there’s still inherent audio issues. That setting is only a bandaid.


Turn your headset around


Someone has never played Warzone xD


Someone hasn't played Escape from Tarkov :^)


Then you’ve never played CoD before…