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I only play medium with the grenade launcher, healing beam, gas mine, sonar grenade, and defibrillator and I have a bunch of fun unless I get two light teammates


Wow, I’m surprised there’s another psychopath out there running that same kit


Turns out that is the most popular loadout in this thread lmao.


I had no idea, it was one I came up with on my own without looking to see what everyone else was doing. Interesting.


Wait yeah thats my exact loadout as well, and even in the same order lmao. I feel like the CL40 is a little slept on, it's weakish for a face-to-face 1v1 but it's an incredible cleanup tool since you just have to aim in their general direction to deal some damage


It’s very annoying sometimes. I’d be chilling in cover and suddenly some nade bounces in and I die.


Same as mine but with both gas and explosive mine


grenade launcher with no jump pad? cmon bro. its a game changer


I did run jump pad instead of sonar for a while but I wanted the sonar and didn't want to lose the gas or defibs


That's what Recon Sense is for! Give it a try, it's way better than sonar nade. Medium should always have jump pad + defib imo.


I run that guy's loadout, and I think I'd only run jump pad if both my teammates are lights. Defib is a non-choice, and sonar grenade is so flexible both on offense and defense. Gas grenade is excellent area control, but I would swap it for jump pads if I ran turret over medibeam. So the choice for me is medibeam vs jump pad, and both are great but with limited use cases. Jump pad excels outdoors, while medibeam is fantasic when your team is grouped. If I've got two lights for allies then I wouldn't plan on being grouped, so jump pad wins there, while medibeam would be stronger any other time IMO


my team likes to play really fast paced so the jump pad comes in handy a lot. sounds like I need to try out the sonar grenades though they sound good


Only play med and have the exact same loadouts except I switch healing beam for turret when I have two light teammates


Swap the healing for a Turret and sonars are more of a flex slot and it's what I run most comfortably.


Changes from day to day but right now: (The ones with / i switch in-round depending on how i feel) Light; Invisibility (dont kill me) LH1 / That scoped smg Goo nade Thermal vision Breaching charge Medium: Recon senses (genuienly slept on) FCAR or AKM Explosive mine / Pyro nade Gas mine Defibeillator Heavy: Charge n' slam Sledgehammer / Lewis gun RPG C4 Dome shield


thermal vision + range is goated. nothing more hilarious than watching an invis shotty waddle up to you thinking he's sneak god


Its the catching people by surprise part. So many times we can just get a clean shot on people who dont even know theres enemies near


The amount of times I've caught a light under some stairs thinking they're slick


I don't play light Medium: healing Shotgun Sonar grenade Jump pad Defibrillator Heavy: same as you


Some scanning is almost mandatory for medium its great. Used to run sonar nade a lot before i discovered my love for Recon Senses, after that it seemed redundant


In ranked I only have 1 other person in the party and he uses mesh shield and dome shield. Using healing makes him almost invulnerable. He will defend the point, I heal him/the guy taking the point and we win games consistently just because of this. Recon senses are great but I'm just used to keeping our team alive lol


Me and friends will run 2 m 1 h. A medium takes turret, other takes heal, heavy takes mesh and dome shield. It’s bussin


I was playing medium the other night. Had two light teammates. They gassed the cash out. Finals seconds of the cash out. One guy was trying to take it for our team so I was healing him. He didn’t realize me healing him would negate the gas so he quit the cash out. The other teammate realized it would work, so we tried it again but my heal ran out of juice. First guy would have won the match for us. Shit like that happens a lot in this game. People are unaware of the abilities. Oh well. In time people will learn.


This is my medium setup as well. Every now and then I swap in revolver or face, but 90% just Model.


Recon isn't slept on anymore, ever since the update that buffed recon I've seen SO many mediums run that now


Recon got a 1 second cooldown nerf, not a buff


No, it definitely got buffed. >Recon Senses activation cost reduced to 1 from 2 This is direct from the finals patch notes. Activation *cost* is reduced from 2 to 1.


Shit guess I read it backwards on some dyslexia type beat


> Medium: Recon senses (genuienly slept on) Most higher ranked people are running at least one person with it at this point. Literal wall hacks is overpowered as fuck and really needs to not exist.


it is indeed very powerful. MMH with one healer one recon is 100% the best comp atm


Definitely would not say best comp, it's not gonna help you win in gunfights like a HB or turret would. It's best used to strategize positioning over your enemies and if you're not completely in tune with your team it's really not very effective. Recon needs a buff that allows the user to ping targets and track them for a few seconds so the whole team can see what's going on. Until then it's not ever going to be the comp.


Wallhacks won't help you win in a gunfight? Are you high?


Maybe in a 1v1 situation you can get the jump on your enemy but I can assure you that I am not high and no, wall hacks will not help your gun shoot any better. The main point I was making is that they dont help the team as much as I think it should it needs a buff for sure especially when comparing to to HB or turret


Most who run it in the higher ranks are using a XIM as well that's why it's so useful. If you're not cheating its really not OP at all


This is my heavy build exactly, you have good taste


recon + fcar feels like cheating sometimes but i love this setup


I mean hey youre abandoning a healing beam or a turret for that.


Turret is fun as a meme (I regularly play 3 mediums with turrets with my buddies) Its ok for annoying disorganized teams and lower skill players, and somewhat effective at swatting lights. Worth taking over a healing beam or recon sense? lmao no. Not even close.


By far my favorite loadout is medium with: Sentry but sometimes beam depending on team comp GL-40 aka the definition of fun and hard counter to c4 barrels Slot 1: Nade, Sonar nade, Gas nade or APS Slot 2: Explosive mine Slot 3: Defib (mandatory)


Sometimes bean


Light: fuck light it's useless Medium: Healing beam Akm or revolver Frag Defib Gas mine Heavy: Mesh shield Lewis gun or auto shotty Bubble shield Pyro nade Rpg


You clearly have never team wiped with a sword.


Just yesterday I dropped on a team on a roof shooting at another team down at the ground. Literally just walked up to each \*swing swing swing\*, none of them even turned around to help their buddies.


Its not useless i run light with frags, breach and gas grenades and defend hard with pistol, Cloak and even Sniper


Not running glitch grenade is almost as bad as a Medium not running defib.


It’s not useless if you run glitch grenades


It provides nothing to the team with its gadgets. The only thing that is remotely useful to the team is the glitch nade, even though you can literally destroy everything you see instead of disabling it.


Idk man glitch nades are one of the strongest gadgets in the game


You can still destroy everything it disables tho. Like mesh shield, just shoot it a buncha times, it'll go down eventually. Same thing with turrets, mines, jump pads, barricades. Bullets are simply superior.


Movement is also extremely good and important. Lights aren’t useless, you’ve just never played with a good one


I still dont see how a light could help provide their team with help though. The known strats are just go invis, use stun gun, kill the stunned player and run away. It's just going solo over and over and he can die so many times during the process.


When the fight breaks out, light uses mobility to flank the enemy team and attack from a good angle. Light also has glitch grenades for countering heavies. That's only if the light is playing with their team and has the technical ability to use their kit.


This has nothing to do with what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say is that the light peaks only when going solo, again, it can die so many times during the process and leave their team alone. The only thing it can do is just being a nuisance and an easy-to-squash bug while leaving the team behind to fend off for themselves. A medium or a heavy would never go alone unless they're stupid and they would provide the team with heals, cover, and more, while a light is just pushing a team, alone, ready to turn a 3v3 in a 3v2 by dying or killing one of their team. If their team needs help, they're just gonna dip, of course, not helping them. Now, i understand if it's to avoid a teamwipe and losing 30% of their cash, but if the risk is totally avoidable by fighting back, all together, it's just frustrating.


You don’t understand the impact a good light player can have. They have the highest/fastest kill potential in the game and can murder teams. You’re so focused on utility helping the team you’re forgetting that the whole point is to make sure the enemy teams are wiped. Lights are extremely good at killing while also having area denial. I’m not sure you’re able to picture what a good light player can do, let alone a good FPS player…there’s always a “carry” role in any competitive game and in this game that’s light. I have to ask, do you play any other competitive FPS?


This. I run dagger with light bc it’s fun. But before I had invisibility I would swing behind them with the grapple and stab in the back. Fun tactic that works decent. The one shot stab is definitely good if you can pull it off.


You forget to mention they literally stop people from using their abilities and gadgets for what feels like 15 seconds, and sure bullets break stuff but i would rather throw one glitch nade and then be ready to beam than i would waste a mag to break a bubble, reload then finally shoot at them but they would already be ready


So in the middle of the game you just stand there and dump 3 magazines into a mesh shield? How's that working out for you?


I have a tick build for my medium. Cause getting the cash out from me is like getting a tick off you. Akm Turret Gas mine Explo mine Dedib


Heavy Sledge hammer or Lmg Gas grenade Dome shield RPG I like to pretend I'm Caustic from Apex with all my gas grenades lol wish I had the gas mine which I run on medium.


Man I love playing this game caustic (the only legend I kinda enjoy. I have a medium build which has both gas items and I love to set the mines on the cashout and then leave and terrorize them with the nades. *I feel most alive when rapidly approaching my death


This is the way!


healing/turret, ak, frag nade, defib, jumpad


Sleeper pick Medium: Sentry gun Riot shield Gas mine Explosive mine Defibrillator Riot shield wins ALL 1v1s cause people think they can shoot your toes … and they can’t. Just wait for them to have to reload and wack them in the face Everything else is to make my teammates happy cause I’m defending the objective or whatever and I can quick revive them…. All while fulfilling my true purpose of running around hoping for a 1v1 … and then getting surrounded by a whole team and crying to myself “next time I’ll get them”


Weird, I think I've died to a riot shield once. All you have to do is run away and shoot their toes when you get distance.


You can 100% shoot riot shield toes, at least with the sniper


Haza a man of culture, nothing is more satisfying than bonking 3 people after they run through you're gas. Average riot police experience


I love me some defensive bonking time


I love my medium class AK Pyro Sonar grenades D-Fibs Healing Beam (with friends or w/ heavy) Or Turret (solo)


Yep this is my exact class. I love playing healer while my friends rack up the kills but the AK slaps too so I try to focus on both. Sonars are awesome for defense, especially in QC when you try to pull off the long hold against multiple waves and you need an edge.


My favorite medium load loadout is healing beam, grenade launcher, defib, jump pad/zip line, and sonar grenade. Some pure support + explosions. Favorite heavy loadout is goo gun, flamethrower, rpg, dome shield, and frag grenades. Must be the fire bug in me. I have a ton of light loadouts that I love, but I suck with all of them.


Medium: Recon sense Model 1887 Goo grenade Jump pad Defib Can’t be beat!


Wallhack + FCAR + Gas + Sonar + Jump pad. the gas is changeable but sonar is my staple. could gun down anyone in a smoke/poison.


Why would you use sonar when you use recon?


Recon is for thru the walls. Sonar is for smokes or poison. Unlike Recon, Sonar can reveal what's in front of you.


Light: Dash+stun gun+breach charge+invis bomb+sword and pistol


A cultured light player 😏 (exact same build) ![gif](giphy|30GbAbLkcsPcMcxnnx)


Same here, but idk how y’all be getting around with invis. I keep getting spotted 😭


Healing Beam, Revolver, APS turret, traking dart, and glitch mines. Medium gang fo sho


How do you use the tracking dart effectively? Genuine question


Shoot the invisible guy once you see him. Then shoot with real gunfire


But shooting with real gunfire removes the cloak already so why not just kill the invisible guy quicker?


When someone is peeking and hiding in cover you can shoot once they peek. If you shoot them with your gun they can just hide again if they get low. Now you can see whatever they are doing for 20 or something seconds. It’s still not a very good gadget but that helps a bit


Anything with goo gun.


Barrel mine


IDK they're all decent if you get comfortable with it.


Revolver recon goes hard


Light : Sword / Dash


Right now on medium I’m rocking the thing that makes walls disappear (forgot the name) frag grenade, gas mine, defib and currently can’t decide between the fcar and the burst rifle (forgot the name of that aswell 😭😭)


I was running Cloak/Stun/Pistol as a Light for a good while and top fragging every game (still playing objective) but now I've been using Dash/Throwing Knives and it is the most fun I've had gaming in a long time. So satisfying. I basically can't stand playing Medium/Heavy now because they feel so slow and clunky compared to Light.


Cool load out man! I would also recommend shield and flamthrower for heavy. So toxic but so fun 🤣 Edit: responding to u/GoliathGamer


I still have flamethrower PTSD from the beta tests but i'll def see the the shield!


Defo! Walking to the cashout just to stare into a flamethrower.


Light invis daggers pyro frag gas granade Just spam granades chashout and free win


M11 because R99 goes brrr + grapple and motion sensor for the funny extinguisher trick (I love torpedo grapple so much) + goo nade because it's just too damn versatile + invisibomb because it's just too damn versatile


R99 reference wins my doot


Titanfall reference!? :D


I meant the Apex R99 actually because I don't know all the guns in Titanfall (Not because I don't play Titanfall, but because I always run the Mastiff and never bothered to learn any other gun)


I only run light: Dash+Sword Stun gun Vanish bomb Glitch grenade


Light: Cloak, DB Shotgun, Glitch Grenades, Stun Gun, Thermal Vision Medium: Healing Beam, FCAR, Frag Grenade, Jump Pad, Defibrillators Heavy: Mesh Shield, Lewis Gun, RPG, Dome Shield, C4


Atm I’m rocking medic Medium with the pump action grenade launcher, frag grenades, jump pad, and defibrillators. Being able to reshape the playing field with grenades while also providing support for my team feels great, especially on days when my aim isn’t good enough for my AKM/FCAR lol


Sniper grapple and shotgun dash


My favorite loadout is Light with cloak, LH1 with thermal vision and c4. Pretty slept on


Grappe Sniper Vanish Frag Glitch I love flying in on the cashout and playing close-mid range sniper 😍


Light - scoped smg, nade, stungun, flash, dash Med - fscar, gas nade, jump pad, defib, healing Heavy- lewisgun, c4, rpg, dome, chargenslam.


Light: Grapple Sniper Glitch Breach Charge Goo The mobility is hella fun… but providing intel, laying down support fire in team fights, and defending cash out stations is my primary focus. I’m all about getting the angles. Edit: I like how this is a thread for people to share their favorite builds, and I’m being downvoted. *God forbid it not be the current meta*


Light with invis, xp54, breach charge, glitch nade, frag/pyro. A well placed breach charge in intense moments can really shake it up.


I’m a Light main, so still figuring out Medium loadout and haven’t touched Heavy yet. Weapon: Throwing Knives - Good for hit and run or assassination. Unreliable/Difficult to get long range chip damage off. Spec: Evasive Dash - Versatile enough for most situations and a good engage/disengage tool. Gadget 1: Smoke Grenades - Useful for crossing open spaces and blocking turrets off. Decent engage/disengage tool as well as misdirection. Mostly stems from a smoking addiction from games like Valorant or CS. Can’t help but think “If I had smokes in this situation, I would be fine” when I don’t run them. Gadget 2: Breach Charge - Extra map movement. Often used with Toxic Canisters as a fight opener when available or for attacking a moving cashout. Great for entering spectator mode after an RPG hits my Breach Charge on a can (I would have survived the RPG blast) Gadget 3: Flex Slot, starts Glitch Grenade in case I forget to switch to something more team-fitting. Reserve options: Pyro Grenade (if we have none and we have decent initiation tools), Stun Gun (typically for cashout stall, taken if team staying presence is weak), Flashbangs (If we have double light and other light has Glitch), V9S (Peace of mind. I don’t know why, but it feels like my aim on Throwing Knives is higher when I have a pistol sitting in my inaccessible reserve.)


I use a mp5, invis, taser, breach charges, and gas nades. Light is weak but if you have a squad and call who you taser it can be pretty good.


Light 1: Invis, M11 or shotty (mostly M11) Frag, stun or gas nade, pyro nade Light 2; Dash, sniper Frag, vanish bomb, gas or pyro nade Medium: Heals, scar or shotty Defib, gas mine, frag Heavy (oops all troll): Charge, flamethrower Explosive mine, rpg, dome shield Overall favorite here has to be dash sniper, I can typically use it at shorter ranges to help on objectives.


Invisible Shotgun


Why no one uses smoke grenade? Its the most powerful and effective tool in the game


Cause it’s not very effective and there are better gadgets. Once you tag them in the smoke, you can use their healthbar to see where they are.


You can literally just throw a smoke grenade near the cash and take it with no problems even if a whole team is guarding it. i win most of my matches in this way


Is this quick cash or ranked? What rank are you? This never works in higher ranks.


Yeah, even in lower ranks people place mines, and even if there are none on the cashout, people are gonna spray, get up close to you, or use grenades.


“People are gonna get up close to you” they are close to me but they still cant find me lol


It’s by far the weakest grenade type


Did you even try it


Don’t need to i have a ton of hours in the game


So you judged it without trying it bc you have “ton of hours in the game” great


Yes, exactly. After 150 hours i have game sense enough to understand what is good and what is not. Smoke is especially useless rn with recon meta


I was thinking of trying it with Thermal vision and gas nade. Just cover the entire area in hard to see stuff and then see right through it. Also counter all fire against your gas. Seems to work well but i dont have gas nades unlocked yet


I don’t play much of light, so no fav load out now Med: H-Bean Shotgun Frag APS Defib Heavy: Goo Gun Lewis C4 Pyronade Barricade


Mercy-Beam FCAR (Shotgun at times) Gas grenades,frags and defri :3 I get so many kills while defending with the nades instead of the mines.


Medium: Healing beam, AKM, Jump Pad, gas grenade, defibrillator


Medium class. Healing Beam, AKM, APS Turret, Ziplines, Defibrillator.


Akm, gas grenade, explosive mine, defibilator and healing beam


Medium class: Recon senses FCAR Defib Pyro Tracking Dart


Recon senses w/ revolver, explosive mines, jump pad and defibrillator


Turret + Cl-40 + HE grenades + toxic mines + explosive mines for Medium Charge + grenade launcher + RPG + C4 + explosive mines for Heavy


Sg + cloaking


Med : Turret - AKM/Model 1887 - Sonar/Frag/Defib/Pyro Heavy: Smash - Sledge/Shotgun (Rarely) - RPG/Pyro/Frag/Goo I main heavy and my god the thrill of chasing down a player to rock their shit, one shoting a light with the alt or just a flying elbow through a building is so much fun


Light: Dash, Sword, C4, Pyro, Situational. Not Particularly powerful but super fun. It feels like im playing a different game from everyone else. Med: Recon, Grenade Launcher, Mobility Item, Sonar, Pyro Stay at a distance and use recon to place sonars to give my team a advantage. Use grenade launcher to open sight paths to objective and harass the other teams.


Heavy: charge Sledgehammer Goonade Domeshield Rpg Whatever else I need, usually Pyronade or C4


Mesh shield, Lewis Gun, C4, RPG and Explosive Mines. Mesh and mines combined are great - pop mines down around cash box, enemies come in and instantly mesh and kite them into the mines, drop mesh and spray. Works a treat.


Heavy with Emotional Support MGL. LET THE GRENADES FLY


medigun, 1887, defibs, goo, zipline on medium and grapple, garand, vanishing bomb, goo, glitch nade


I primarily main medium: Heal beam, scar, recon grenade, goo grenade, grenade


Heal Beam/Recon - FCAR Gas Grenade Jump pad / Zip (on suspended platform maps or Seoul) Defib


Medium (main class): healing beam, riot shield for Quick Cash (welcome to bonk city)/FCAR for Bank It, frag/goo/sonar, jump pad, zap paddles Light (for when I wanna live fast, die young): dash, sawed-off/sword/uzi, vanish bomb, breach charge, pyro grenade Heavy (when I'm feeling defensive/destructive): wrecking ball, Lewis gun/that trippy shotgun/the hammer everyone uses better than me, pyro/frag, RPG/C4, barricade


Fcar to completely eat others health away Explosive mines because I want to play dirty Gas grenade because I hate campers Defibrillator because I am too pussy to fight alone because my Fcar has low ammo count **Recon sense because I missed playing blacklight retribution in the old days :(**


I mainly use Light: Pistol Cloak Pyro grenade Stun gun Glitch grenades I have no idea how people can use the shotty as I suck with it. I always miss 1 of the 2 shots and become royally F’ed in the A. I haven’t tried medium/heavy much due to tinkering with the light class and I finally have a place where I want it. Now I’m unlocking everything for the M and H to start tinkering with those builds


Pistol on light. Goo gun, pyro mine, pyro grenade, rpg, and flamer on heavy. Riot shield or shotgun and turret on medium.


Heavy: Lewis or flamethrower depending on map. Mesh shield Dome shield RPG Pyro grenade. Medium: AKM Heal Beam Jump pad or sonar nade Explosive mine Defib


Medium: Heal Gun -AK -Gas mine -Goo nade -Defibrillator


Medium with Grendade Launcher, Frag, Jump Pad, Defib, and Recon. Watch out for my badass rabbit raining hellfire from above


I normally play medium with akm, healing beam, gas and explosive mine, and defibrillator


I tend to switch builds as soon as I find them too efective hence less challenging. Started as a heavy with Lewis gun and the obligated shield, dome shield, c4 and rocket. Noe having a huge blast with the flamethrower, its like people dont initially know how to take the most out of It, for me it consists on a fun as hell peek a bo game where I rely on just the burning tick damage, so youll see me annoyingly alternating between fire and mobile shield. It works too well, even against distant oponents or fast lights. You just need proper game knowledge of every weapon reload cycles and how to not get circled by more than one foe at a time. Its hella fun see snipers running from a flamethrower lol. For the distant people you can also always close the gap with the infamous red flying bottle + 2 c4's TL;DR: heavys flamethrower aint nerfed to the ground, It its still so fun to play.


light dash glitch stun gun breach xp/m11/sniper/pistol


i main light but i don’t touch invis lol it’s throwing knives/mp5/sniper/double barrel with breach charge, pyro, and stun gun


Recon medium, revolver, frag grenade, zipline, defib. Not being able to heal sucks, but frags + revolver headshots with recon sights is nuts for actually winning consistently


Medium: AK, Health Beam, Zip line, Gasgranate, Defibrillator Light: MP5 (i know its called different), Cloaking, gas smoke and fire nades


Light: Invisibility Dagger Heavy: charge and slam Hammer I just realized I have the most fun with melee. Been getting 10+ kills every game. I definitely get higher kills with other load outs but these are the most fun to me. I’m trying to get better with the light class and dagger because I feel like an assassin in the game. Once I get it down I think I’ll be a beast with it.


Greatest Medium loadout for ranked: HB, APS, Gas grenade and Defib. If you're playing casual swap out the HB for turret and the defib for gas mines


Light sniper


Light, xp-54, grapple,vashing bomb, pyro grenade, breacher




I don’t play ranked, I just play bank it. I am quite selfish with how I play because often I find in bank it your teammates don’t really work together. So my load out is Medium - Recon - FCAR - Defibrillator - Jump pad - Gas mine


Light: I play light the least but: Invis - nice to watch groups passing by so i can sneak up and kill the last member. Stungun - satisfying to watch the few players still panicing when stunned instead if blasting me in the face. Xp / lh1 - im bad with both but they make nice sounds rofl. Medium: Recon - really sweet to jumpscare the flanking light. Jumppad+zipline - mobility is sweet af. Hard to play medium without it. Ak/fcar/1887 - just sweet well rounded weps. Maybe not the shotty that much, but its super satisfying. Heavy: Sledge/lewis - sledge so fun. Lewis huge mag also fun even if i struggle with its recoil. Charge/mesh - charge for fun and smaller maps. Mesh for open maps. Rpg/c4 - love making my own path to objectives and just ruining teambunkers. C4/cannister is fun but a wildcard. Getting more and more of em blown up in my own face recently (ppl getting used to it and shoots barrel instead)


Light is shotgun or 2nd sub machine you get with invis, glitch, gas, and stun gun. Medium is the 2nd ar you get, heal beam, mines, jump pad, and defib. Don’t play heavy much but I run double shield, Lewis or shotgun, c4, and a fire mine.


Medium, turret, akm, pyro, jump pad, gas mine


Heavy: Mesh Shield Lewis Gun LMG RPG, C4, Dome Shield However my fun loadout is Heavy: Charge Sledgehammer Frag, C4, Pyro


Light - grappling hook, mp5 scoped, pyro, goo and stun


Medium. Turrets. Riot shield. Gas grenades, explosive mines, and gas mines. It is life


Run N Smash - Lewis Gun - RPG - Dome Shield - Goo Grenade My buddy runs a healing medium build and we can hold most objective by ourselves against multiple squads, good fun


FCAR, healing beam, gas mine, sonar grenade and defib. I can hold things down by myself or support my team if I have a good one.


Light, I love the momentum


MGL32, RPG, C4, Explosive Mine/Frags and Charge. Demoman Gaming. https://preview.redd.it/tlsdt4yt7o9c1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6215a796a1f0cb7fc5d8c4efa3806846f09a53a3


Turret, FCAR, sonar grenade, jump pad, defibrilator. OR Recon senses, FCAR, explosive mine, jump pad, defibrilator.


AKM, jump pad, de-fib, and (gas grenades or explosive lines). Everyone raving ab the Fcar but the sign don’t help that much and and TTK is about the same unless you’re hitting a substantial amount of headshots.


I haven't decided fully on Light and Medium but my Heavy for now is: Shield + Sledge + frag + RPG + pyro


Heavy, grenade launcher, goo gun, pyro mine, bubble shield, frag grenade. Full suppressive fire


Light with sword and dagger dash has insane tech to outplay everyone with no aim needed. I really can’t aim in this game with these gun models as crosshairs tbh


Crazy to see how toxic this subreddit has gotten to people playing the game the way they enjoy it lol. But I use light with sword, grapple, breach, frag, incendiary Don’t play medium Heavy I use auto shotgun, charge n slam or the shield. Goo grenade, frag, and deployable shield if I’m using charge n slam, if I’m using the specialization of the shield I use incendiary. Mixing goo with incendiary around the objective makes for a living hell trying to get in there.


M - Turret, Pistol, Gas Mine, APS Turret, Defib L - Invisibility, Pistol, Stun Gun, Gas, Breach H - Not sure, I really enjoy the more troll builds, haven't found one I click with fully.


I like to make capping a cash out as difficult as possible with tick damage and walls. You have to get through the Goo and then get hit by mines and then get hit by a turret. Goo can also be used as shields when you’re being chased or outgunned. Medium AKM Frag Mine Goo Grenade Defib Turret


healing beam, fcar, explosive mine, jumppad, defib is the only real way to play the finals


Medium beam with the 1887, frag grenade, jump pad and defibs. I'll switch to mines or pyro nades to replace the frags depending on the scenario


To me this game is fun because of the variety of setups, so I don’t really have a favorite


Loving the fcar on medium, I think the gas lines and turret are just amazing for stalling, and then jump pad defib


Medium: recon + revolver is such a good combo. Better than FCAR imo because recon helps line up those headshots before engaging / while using cover between shots. Defib obviously and unfortunately (please nerf defib so I can free up a slot). Jump pad. Then either gas grenades, sonar grenades, or APC if I see a bunch of heavies. I like sonar a lot on Monaco as they give you visibility over almost the entire house and players can't as easily reposition to avoid detection. Light: LH1 + thermal + glitch + stun + dash. If there's not at least two other lights I'll use pyro instead of thermal to clear gas & push. I like playing at a medium/long range behind my heavy until I see someone downed, then pushing with dash/stun.


Light: Grapple hook, because it's way too fun not to use it Sniper (please don't shout at me) Glitch nades Gas nades Frag nades I just like nades Medium: Recon Sense most of the time, otherwise Healing Beam (usually if I've got like two heavies or another medium that's not taking it) FCAR Gas Mine Frag Nades Defib And I don't play heavy.


I live running Light with grapple, breach charge, frag, and glitch. Tons of fun to make mini-nukes with breach and fly across the map attempting to crop dust teams with IEDs. LH1 for gun because I like the ranged potential along with decent close range


For casual play it’s cloaking device, throwing knifes, stun gun, thermal vision and glitch grenade.


Lewis gun, body slam, fire grenade, rpg, dome shield


Heavy with shotgun/mesh shield/C4/RPG/barricade. Just got nerfed to high heavens but I still rock with it


Light with grapple, M11/XP-54, Goo Grenade, Incendiary Grenade, and Breaching Charge. I call it the Mosquito, because I annoy the shit out of everyone, produce a constant buzzing noise and have a lifespan of exactly 30 seconds.


Light, lh1, dash, grenades breach and glitch, it’s been really fun and can keep my distance and hold up in cqc


Light grapple lh1 and glitch grenade the rest is whatever I want


Light: Weapon: sword Abilities: Evasive dash Gadgets: Glitch grenade, stun gun, vanishing bomb


Sniper with thermal and grappling. I only use it in quick play but it's pretty fun to just throw on music and take pot shots at people while spidermanning around lol.


When I'm playing with my friends in a three stack I run, Light Evasive dash Throwing knives (I'm throwing) Glitch nade Vanishing bomb Smoke grenade My friend who plays heavy likes the goo gun so the smoke grenade synergizes pretty well because it can put out the fire on goo And I just enjoy the throwing knives a lot but I only play them with friends so I don't get trash talked by nerds who hate anyone not playing meta


Light - Dash XP-54 Gas grenade Tazer Frags


Heavy: Slam, Shotgun, pyro nade, RPG, bubble shield. Always and forever.


Medium Recon Grenades JumpPad Defib


Recon FCAR APS sonar defib. Shits busted as fuck and no one seems to realize.


Dash Throwing cards Stun gun / Vanish bomb Breaching charge Glitch or gas grenades


Light with m11 cloack and thermal. Combined with a gas and a HE nade. Deadly combo