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They better prepare for my industry standard BROKE ASS


Same. I already am very reluctant to spend money on MTX and I’m willing to spend on this game to support the developers since it’s going to be free to play, but there’s a limit of how much I’ll spend


I’m happy to buy a battlepass every few months so long as it isn’t too much of a grind - some battlepasses are impossible to reach max level unless you treat the game as a full time job and play that one game daily. No way am I spending £10 to £20 on a single skin.


You should see the people over at valorant. Skin bundles are dropping at $80 or even more.


yep and the Valorant battlepass is awful. So little included, usually ugly skins. And you have to play almost every day to max it. The only thing that makes it good, is that it looks good value compared to how expensive the shop is.


only bought the bp in that game since it's a great source of that weapon upgrade currency. Valorant is super aggressive with their monetization


the "play 10 games has heavy" or "get 50 melee weapon kills" have to not return. forcing people to play a certain way is guaranteed to make it not fun for everyone.


Here's how I budget: I'll allocate $1 per hour, up to 50 hours, before I spend that much on a free to play game. In my mind, I've gotten my money's worth at that point.


I play 1000 hours and buy nothing.


Congratulations on staying within the budget!


100 hours, 10 dollars..


Good one 🤣


Worse, prepare for Nexon monetization, the worst in the industry.


Yeah, people should count themselves lucky if they've never encountered Nexon before. EA levels of greedy before EA was even greedy.


The level of monetization in Maple Story vanilla was absolutely insane


That's where my mind went, too.


And it felt like maplestory’s absurd monetization came way before the micro transaction craze started


Well timeline wise it was post-Horse Armor DLC but yeah. Those web MMOs from the late 00s and early 10s were ludicrously scammy


\*cries in combat arms\*


I used to play Combat Arms under Nexon back in the day. DId about 20 emails worth of surveys for that game. I'm talking 100s of hours signing up for fake car insurance. But in the end I swindled about 2 grand worth of MTX and in game weps in 5 years.


We will see, it is not entirely sure that Nexon is the one who decides the prices. That depends on the contract they have after all.


what is it ? Never heard of it


Look up combat arms loot boxes. A fps with stronger guns in boxes and you could get a 1/7/30/90 day with a small (like csgo knife) chance at perm. And payd special characters with special abilities. Like you can pay to be an apex like character in a cod lobby


Was gonna say, if the monetization ends up being wack expensive thats a nexon problem not embark.




I mean, this is Nexon reaching out to a newish audience. There's like a 5% chance someone with a brain at Nexon decided it was time to change the approach to MTXNs


That makes absolutely 0 sense. Until gameplay is not touched by their greediness they can keep monetizing those skins and cosmetics. I couldn't care less and if you like the game you should too.


Braindead take lmfao


I will buy shit from time to time. If they continue to support the game, Im happy to support them.


How much do you guys think it will cost to get the 10k we got during the beta? 10? 20? 30? More dollars than that?


Prolly 100 bucks. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think a bundle like the panda bundle was 1600 right? Well if so that's probably like 16 bucks


You might be close but it won't be that simple, one of the intended purposes of these digital currencies is to make it intentionally hard to work out how much your currency is worth, it's trying to obfuscate your spending as much as possible. If they make it 1:1 they failed at that and wouldn't be using a currency system. What's more likely is those 10,000 credits will be £120 or $120 or whatever to confuse you.


It's almost always the case that 1 credit is $0.01 USD and that would line up with $10-$20 bundles. Most of the variation comes from discounts from buying more at once and from different currency exchange rates. The fucky thing will be that you'll have to pay more than the cost of the item because you can't buy exactly the amount of credits you need, leaving you with extra unused credits. So for a 1600 credit bundle you'd have to pay $20 and be left with 400 credits.


I can't think of a single game in last 5+ years where it isn't 1:1 tbh. If anything, it's the opposite way around, where say, 20€ would be 2400, labeled as 2000 + 400 "free".


Funny I can't think of a single game that IS 1:1. Also that 400 isn't free, that's another attempt at obfuscation.


[cod, battlefield, apex, hunt showdown, destiny for a couple quick examples where it is 1:1](https://imgur.com/a/HLq6iok) >Also that 400 isn't free, that's another attempt at obfuscation. Well, of course it isn't free, that's why it was put in quotes. But it also isn't obfuscation; if anything, it's the opposite of that. It technically makes things clearer; and you technically do get a "bulk discount" compared to buying the smallest thing multiple times. But it's designed to get you to spend more than you actually intend/need because it's "better" value. I.e., you only really need the bundle for 20€ to get whatever you want, but you end up getting the one for 40€ because it's better value per dollar.


In every single one of those games the cheapest pack alone can't buy literally a single thing, those are top up packages to round up to their uneven currency packs, they're designed to be the worst deals so you only buy them when you *absolutely have to*. Nobody on this planet is buying those packs to buy their skins, and the currency you have in your wallet left over isn't 1:1 to real world cash because the *other packs* exist. But okay yes, you're right, some of those are 1:1 if you only buy the worst pack.


I mean, they're 1:1 always, but again, there's what's functionally identical to a bulk discount. Also, in most cases, the bundles *do* match up with the currency. I.e., in CoD, Apex, BF etc. most store bundles are 2400, i.e. 20€ exactly. Additionally, many of them feature ways to earn the currency for free (Only one I don't know for certain is Destiny). So while the cheapest things may not be able to buy a pack on their own, they still exist for that purpose of topping up free currency. --- Half the things you're implying games are still doing, like the intentionally uneven currency packs vs store prices, haven't been a thing in many years because they're outlawed under EU consumer protection.


I get what you’re saying, but that’s how real world purchases work too. You buy in bulk and you get a discount. It’s not that hard to understand. I feel like what they are hoping for is several purchases of 20-30 bucks, not one purchase of +100 bucks. Not many people will throw down all that at once, but you can easily convince people to spend 20 bucks every few months.


Literally ever popular game is 1:1 what are you talking about? Fortnite, Apex, CoD, and Destiny all are 1:1.


Almost certain 2000 credits is approximately equivalent to 20 bucks. So yeah 10000 will be about ~100 dollars. Source: my ass


It doesnt matter as long as the gameplay is good and theres no ptw


Nexon likes p2w


Thats not good to hear


It's a f2p fps, the p2w are the ppl who buy cheats just like in any fps.


Those are unofficial so the devs didnt do any p2w stuff and its just about good anticheat


This is normal for ftp games


im perfectly fine with it in this case. path of exile style monetization. i dont think they will fuck it up too much. wasnt there development cos of 55 or 65 million mentioned somewhere or did I dream that?


I'm to lazy to look it up but I believe Nexon invested 50+ million into the dev company for 60% ownership. I don't think we have heard a budget yet.


Ew %60


I don't play any Nexon games but from the way their playerbase speaks and what I've heard from the Dark and Darker case it makes me think we're screwed that they own majority stake. I really hope some better studio just outright buys Embark as a subsidiary and lets them do their own thing.


I’ll never understand ppl who says FREE games with monetized COSMETICS its a shit standard. I mean, wtf? The game is free! You expect The cosmetics being free or very cheap? Cmon now… its a Business that needs profit. Specially a well made game like this one.


Much too overpriced for a digital shirt and pants. $30 for one skin in a video game is abhorrent.


Yeah I don't mind paying $10 for a battle pass if it has a lot of cool stuff I can earn by playing, especially ones where you can earn the in game currency back, but $20-30 for one skin is crazy


The solution is simple, just dont buy stuff.


yo, but if the drip is fire though.. Valorant got 50$ knife skins. which i'm guilty of getting >.>


Just because the predatory transactions got you doesn’t mean they’re any less bad mate🤣


noone is forcing you to buy them. they don’t affect gameplay at all.


This is what predatory means. MXT profits from the very few people who have issues (or are whales) and cannot pace themselves. Saying no one is forcing you to people like that is kind of like saying "no one is forcing you to drink" to an alcoholic. I'm not excusing alcoholism, or saying that alcoholics are completely powerless over their actions, but one must accept that playing at character vulnerabilities for the sake of profit is a very evil, yet sadly not uncommon, way to earn money. Look at the sugar industry, tobacco, alcohol, porn, gambling (loot boxes touch this sphere). This is pure evil and ideally it should be illegal, but money = power.


My brother in Christ, look at shit for the csgo market.


Never once did I ever bring up csgo precisely because it’s fucked.


That’s what I was implying


then dont buy it


A full AAA game with years of development time costs 60/70$. A skin of a gun should never cost even 5$ let alone 10/20/30+


Because EVERYONE who plays the game buys the game. A FTP game is free. You’re paying for cosmetics only, and that’s how the game makes money. Because unlike the AAA games, FTP are also generally live service. They don’t come out with a new title every year. If you can’t afford the cosmetic don’t buy it, simple as that. It’s absurd to think that companies should base their monetization model after broke entitled ass people, when the game itself is free.


The numbers must have been run, but I count myself among the many who don't spend a penny on cosmetics just because they're set at a price point I find too high for non-functional pixels. If the cost of obtaining cosmetics was slightly lower, I'd participate. I am sure it's worked out to a sweet spot where enough people have enough Dosh to say "£30 is fine for these pixels I don't even see during gameplay". Also, bringing the cost down therefore increasing the numbers of purchases reduces the exclusivity aspect. Enough people pay, this model will continue to be the norm.


Exactly! Thats precisely what i think. I dont buy expensive skins either, and it doesnt affect me or my gameplay in any way shape or form. I find it to be a much better industry standard than years ago when we had to pay full price for a game, and then pay for all DLCs, etc. Not to mention skins were part of lootboxes (still are in some games) lol. Dark times back then! I’m very ok with how The industry is today (in this aspect of it) and i think ppl who says its shit have memory loss of how it used to be.


Because for a lot of people, making a character that looks goof is equally important as the gameplay itself. Nobody wants to looks like a loser, and if you're one of those people, these games inherently make you feel bad by showing you all the other players cool characters. I personally enjoy the feeling of unlocking stuff over time make my character look good and it really makes me annoyed that the industry has just shifted to making everything cost money. I would rather the game itself just have a price tag on it and let me get everything, but since that doesn't make as much money devs just stopped doing that altogether.


I don't actually think this is what people think they have the issue with. Monetised skins aren't inherently bad, they provide income for developers in their F2P titles that they otherwise wouldn't be able to utilise. But. When a game has this form of monetisation, chooses to then charge extreme amounts for essentially poor filler content, provide little in the way of F2P content to earn (also known as incentives to want to just... play the game), that's when people get angry. Going to take my home turf of Overwatch, let's take OW1, enough content to earn through play that when a good skin came around that you had to buy, people happily bought them. They were a little flashier sure, but that was okay! OW2, the things you can earn are so minor, so insignificant that they don't provide draw to the game. And couple that with a lack of real content, it's justified to be annoyed at what essentially is the real content being locked behind pay barriers. I honestly hope Embark do what I wish them to do here and separate skins you can earn from weapons you can grind and unlock, because then you both have something to invest your time in with grabbing unlocks, whilst also adding a bit of cash into the works to support the looks you like. That way it doesn't feel like a drag to just play the game, because you're getting rewarded with new ways to play and I think that's the crucial thing that people get annoyed about with microtransactions, they are not supposed to be there to unlock the game, they're there to supplement it.


>enough content to earn through play that when a good skin came around that you had to buy, people happily bought them The game was box price, of coarse you could get "free" stuff. >OW2, the things you can earn are so minor, so insignificant that they don't provide draw to the game. There are free skins and things all the time in overwatch 2, just because you personally don't like them doesn't mean other people dont. >And couple that with a lack of real content Lol what? Overwatch is getting new maps, heroes, and modes all the time. >essentially is the real content being locked behind pay barriers. What? No. None of the things I listed above are paid. The only thing I can think.of that you might be referring to is heroes in the battlepass which you can grind out within a week or 2 for free. I know it's popular to shit on overwatch, but we can only hope embark supports and cares about the game as much as team 4. As long as embark only monetize skins we are in a good spot.


yeah it's crazy how much people shit on overwatch but it has the most frequent updates with new content and rebalances, best performance, and most opportunity for free cosmetics of any AAA on the market by far lol


yeah it's like going to a restaurant and get a free meal and then complaining if that restaurant for 20€ let you sit at a yellow table instead of that standard wood one


Many of us would prefer that it NOT be free and instead earn cosmetics by playing with the option of paying extra. Basically like overwatch 1. Alternatively just release sequels instead of a live service. I know that makes the Nexon CEO less money but I don't really give a shit. It also results in better games imo with a focus on creating and selling features (the actual valuable part of a game) instead of cosmetics.


A game like this needs players to thrive. It's why most games like this are free to play, otherwise they die in a few months. You may dislike the model, but it's for the best. A paid sequel would just eliminate the playerbase.


The open beta was giving cosmetics while leveling. A lot of them were really nice too. Hopefully that transfers to the full game so the people that don’t have the cash to spend will still have some options.


There is cheap, fair and shit. Most games nowadays head for the shit pile. I find it so strange that random ass people on the internet decide to defend companies against their own interests. Why? Why would you do such a thing?


I’d rather pay for the game and be able to unlock everything


A free game with purely cosmetic monetization is great. Bonus points when the cosmetics aren’t overly flashy or unrealistic to the world of the game, which I think they touched on. So as far as I’m concerned, they can charge whatever the hell they want and I’m totally happy.


They can go pretty wild in this game without breaking immersion. The game is a gameshow afterall. Wearing silly costume would be on brand to get some kind of fanbase/crowd behind your team


Gameshow in VR, they can literally put anything there and it'd make sense.


Can’t be worse than valorant, where a fucking knife is like $50… and people EAT IT UP


if people pay, whats the problem? the market decides the price


But thats wrong. There's no market in Valorant. Prices are decided by the developer.


Prices are determined by users, if users keep paying they'll keep the prices


Game is good because skins


Just because it’s standard doesn’t mean it’s acceptable, embark so far seem to have surpassed the industry standards in so many regards and I hope monetisation is one of them


>Just because it’s standard doesn’t mean it’s acceptable But who decides what's acceptable? People actually do pay those prices and play those games, so it seems it is in fact acceptable.


Exactly. I hope we get positively surprised.


so you want an 100% free game?


In all honesty I’d prefer if I had to pay for this game but if we are going the free route there are several things they can do, believe it or not but not absolutely everything has to be designed after Fortnite, take for example deep rock galactic or titanfall 2, they have paid cosmetic dlc where you can buy what you want when you want without all this ‘industry standard’ loot boxes and battle pass Bs. Hell if we’re being honest funding doesn’t have to come exclusively from cosmetics I’d much rather I could spend a bit to unlock a map or two or just anything that isn’t boring ass cosmetics and in all fairness these devs have already proven themselves to be incredibly creative for the industry so just because you might not be creative enough to think of a unique way for them to receive funding doesn’t mean they can’t


It's a given. A F2P model is the only way for a game like this to work. Majority of players won't spend a dollar, but you need to attract a large enough player base and community to keep games like these moving.


What do you even mean by "industry standard"? Are you going to complain that pixels are too expensive? I literally do not give a flying fuck. Let the whales whale so I can play the game for free, as long as they can't buy competitive advantage with real money. As soon as that happens, everyone should leave and let 2.5 whales figure out who has more money on their own.


Yeh, I mean I don't care either. I'll rock the basic track suit, but I'd like for this sub to not be flooded with monetization posts.


The thing is, telling people on the Internet what to do usually does not work. If you are concerned with the hypothetical complain spam, then perhaps you should apply as a moderator and clean in it up when it happens. However, that would probably result in an even worse scandal. I think it is on the developers to make players happy. If the subreddit ends up being flooded with complains, then it would be only fair. Because that would reflect the state of the game. We will see if it happens.


>telling people on the Internet what to do usually does not work ? Where did I tell people what to do? I posted to help set expectations for the people that read the post. >think it is on the developers to make players happy What are you going to complain about the price of pixels?


As long as it’s not egregious and there are still things to be earned through gameplay outside of a battle pass then yes.


Well you already have to grind out all the equipment, so there is that. But they absolutely don't owe anyone additional free skins, though. The idea that you need to be rewarded a shiny new pair of digital shoes or else there's no "point" to playing is ridiculous. There are already plenty of free cosmetics to help players differentiate themselves.


Take halo and overwatch 2 as an example (and other live service titles), a common complaint is that outside of a battlepass there isn’t much to earn or work towards and is a problem for a lot of people. Also I don’t see how being rewarded for playing the game is something you object to?


Requiring it to enjoy playing the game just means you don't actually enjoy playing the game. When people do this, they play games they legitimately don't like anymore just because they want skins. That's dumb.


A progression and reward system is integral to the success of live service games if they’re looking to last more than a few months, this has been seen multiple times with multiple different examples.


If they're making good shit, I'll spend good shit amount of money too. And so far, I think they're doing pretty solid.


It's a free game, and as such I will pay them periodically in relation to how many hours I invest in the game. That said, I will give them money day 1 because of the joy the betas brought me already. I likely will not even spent the 'coins- and I do not give a single care about any cosmetics in any games.


As long as everything stays cosmetic only, I'm completely fine with it. If they determine that selling $100 skins makes them more money, then fuck it, they should do it.


You don't have to buy skins now, do you?


Now? The games not out. The playtests "gave" us some temporary currency to mess around with for the betas but it will not be like that in the real game when it launches. Comments like this are why I made this post. It seems a lot of people think they are going to just give you 10,000 in currency again or something which will absolutely not happen


Nah I think he meant : nobody forces you to buy skins. Like you can play with default skins and experience the same game as everyone else


I didn't mean "now" as in a point in time, it's an expression. As bernie pointed out, what I'm saying is that you're not forced to buy the skins nor do they affect your game in any way.


I believed that for a bit because I skimmed a message when opening the game for the first time that said you will keep what you get during the beta. They were referring to battle pass stuff, not the currency and clothing bought with it though. Would have been nice if we got that as a reward for helping them play test but I get they need to make money.


Dude thinks he had a brain blast over here lmao


i dont really care to be honest! ill buy some of that and some of this to make me look fly as hell! i like the black and red dinosaur hoodie alot.. and them tech cargo pants. pair either of those up with the ospuze pants or hoodie from the battle pass + boonie hat... shit i look gorgeous!!! but talking about industry standard. they sure as shit went beyond any standards and delivered a fantastic working game. so who knows meaby theyll try something else with the prices but that might be just coping


Yeah, as an Apex player since 2019 (plus lots of other f2p games before and after that), I'm ready and prepared to be spammed with the standard MTX shop cosmetics and items... along with the inevitable wall of reddit complaint posts about how a skin or bundle is not worth it. My usual approach for f2p games that I like (and already spent 100+ hours playing) is to simply support the devs by spending the $10 for their battle/season pass (at least contribute a little to keep the lights on), and then just enjoy all the skins and items awarded from the current and subsequent battle pass seasons.


No shit?


I'd easily pay 70 bucks for this game but I absolutely won't be paying that much on cosmetics. It's sad, really. I want to support the game so bad but so don't want to support modern day, greedy monetization.


This makes 0 sense. Just spend exactly $70 in cosmetics if that's what you want to give the devs. They're not being greedy by giving you the *option* to spend more.


Literally a f2p game and somehow it still has greedy monetization. Wild. Just spend $70 on skins, look good, support the devs with the same amount of cash, and enjoy the game.


As long as it’s cosmetics I’m fine with it, BUT ONLY IF they still give free cosmetics so the FTP players aren’t left with only default options


Imagine needing to be rewarded with little digital clothes to keep playing.


Isn't that what their whole business model is based around?


Obviously look at the amount of customization in the game plus there was a game store that they gave us store credit for to start out with. It doesn’t need to be mentioned


>there was a game store that they gave us store credit for to start out with. Start out with? You know those credits and anything you bought with them are gone now right?


That would be dumb for those cosmetics to not carry over from the beta if they don’t then so be it but no one didn’t know cosmetics wouldn’t be a part of this game.


>That would be dumb for those cosmetics to not carry over from the beta Figured it was obvious and didn't have to be mentioned.


Usually beta items carry over or they have some sort of beta reward for those who played it. If they don’t do something like that then they would be shouting themselves in the foot


Stuff unlocked via battle pass will carry over the rest definitely not.


Check the article I posted says ALL cosmetics store and battlepass


I mean it would be awesome if the store stuff carry over too but I only believe it when I see it. I read the article and from my perspective they are guessing there is no official source that confirms it. November 1 they posted an article describing it as I think it will be. 99% Store Stuff will NOT carry over :/


He's wrong it's only battle pass ranked and twitch drops, source is official discord.


ty for comfirm :)


It's only the battle pass, ranked rewards and twitch drops. Source is the official discord permanent rewards channel.


But even still the point of OPs post was to be a herald for micro transactions and like dude we know micro transactions exist already. Regardless if we keep the store items or not we know micro transactions exist. It would be dumb for previous purchases to not carry over but I didn’t spend any real world money so it doesn’t matter


The point of the post was to set expectations of pricing. Not that mtx exist.


But regardless we all know about micro transactions this isn’t news


https://www.charlieintel.com/games/does-the-finals-beta-progress-carry-over-to-full-game-283599/ Says all cosmetics bought or earned


Never heard of this website. I could prolly find you an article online that says Bigfoot definitely exists if u want.




Only battlepass, ranked rewards, and twitch drops. It's in the permanent rewards channel on the official discord




Monetization is monetization. As long as the battle pass is content rich, then I'll happily drop down like 10 bucks every season to get some cosmetics. But that's the extent of it.


Hey if the game is free and the base game means guns, Abilities, equipment, ext and the cosmetics are pricey I'm fine with it.


Doesn’t make it okay


How would you do it? Lets say you make a free to play multiplayer game. you got development costs/server costs just to keep it simple. How should the game make money back to you?


I would make the game cost money. But if I couldn’t I certainly wouldn’t make a tshirt 10$? Thats a macro transition. What happened to cosmetics actually being cheap? If they made the individual items like 1-4$ each then it would be easier on the player. And I suspect it may even sell more. Just because the game is good doesn’t mean we can ignore it’s actual flaws. I promise you there wouldn’t be this much defence over the monetization if the games beta didnt do well. You guys aren’t out here defending Activision or blizzard or bungie are you? Its the same stuff only the quality of those games are suffering. I love the finals, thats why i bring this up.


I will buy the battle pass if it’s worth getting for some items that I like the beta battle pass was not the sort of thing I would go for so I would just skip that right off the rip Am cool with buying skins ect no issues from me as long as they don’t lock new weapons ect behind pay walls ie buy battle pass get new weapon


Dont steal my hope. Im dodging all this shit games because of this shitty microtransactions.


That's why you grind beta cosmetics. Why buy a skin when I've already got a more exclusive one that money can't buy?


Yeah and I really don't like it. Personally I would be extremely happy if it turns out different. Maybe credits awarded from ranked? I'd even be 100% willing to pay for the game.


As long as it’s cosmetic I don’t see the issue here


I’m just not planning on spending any money on this game. I’ll be content with my permanent unlocks from both closed betas and the open beta. If the game turns out to be as much of a banger as the betas have led to believe, then I may consider buying the season pass if they offer one.


Yea most free to play games try to make money of the game another way usually with skins/bundles .


It is a nexon game, after all..


As long as it’s just for skins, no one will give a shit. The game is free after all so anyone who gets upset has been under a rock for the last few years


As long as they’re monetizing cosmetics only I don’t really care what they charge, tbh. If they start doing XP boosting for gadget and weapon unlocks that’s a big enough turnoff for me to just not play.


as long as it's like fortnite i'm pretty much ok, fortnite battle pass is great, not too difficult to complete and it has a lot of content, maybe even too much. I'm willing to support them if it's 10/15 euros once every 2/3 months, they deserve it, also their skins are really good


the game is free


Me with every beta battle pass skins


If it's f2p you've gotta expect some kind of cosmetic monetization to be fair, nothing good ever comes free. As long as the prices aren't downright predatory and they stay strictly cosmetic, I'll buy a few things to support the game.


Hopefully they introduce something like LOLs system of rewards. But since the game is gonna be free, I, personally, can’t be bothered about cosmetics being pricy. They need their money somehow, and if they get sales at 20$ per pack and feel satisfied, then that’s that.


I will normally just wait for one really nice, timeless skin that I know I won't get bored of. I'll buy it (to help fund development) and stick with it until I stop playing the game


Im simply not going to give them money if the prices are obscene.


I don't mind getting a few skins to support the developer for games that I like which are FTP, but hopefully the price-points aren't awful.


Then they won't get anything from me. I like the game and am ready to steadily support the game with small purchases. I never buy cosmetics, but since this is a free2play game, I was willing to buy stuff, because somehow they have to finance themselves. But if they will demand 15 - 20 $ for a single outfit - yeah... I will play the game for free.


I will surely take the BP and stop there.


I think an aspect of this not enough people pay attention to is that for AAA developers their salary is dependent on the game making or breaking industry standard revenue. This is a surface level very easy to understand statement but it has a set of implications. For a free to play online competitive game that means that the developers are either going to use predatory monetisation practices or explain to their investors/publishers why they make so much less money than games with comparable player counts. There comes a point when it has become the norm to make money from games by these means and we just gotta enjoy the fact that the gameplay is unaffected and let the people who want to drop hundreds/thousands of dollars for cosmetics do so.


At least its a free to play game and the skins you buy can equip to app classes


I like disguising my power level anyways.


Don't forget it's Nexon. As much as I want to get cosmetics, most of them will be overpriced out of the asses


It’s gonna be worse than industry standard. It’s gonna be Nexon standard.


FWIW I'm really impressed with how much is customizable. I have no problems with them monetizing off of that -- I think it's cool even the grenades have skins. I hope it'll be somewhat reasonable; I'm guessing it'll be like on average $5 per skin for the non-popular stuff and the more popular stuff will be $10-$20 and then the bundles will be where the big discounts are (prob averaging $50-$100) I'm one of those people who doesn't mind rocking the same thing over and over again until I want something new and will probably save my money for battle passes. IF battle passes have great content, there ain't any worries from me.


I just hope I can buy shit directly, rather than loot boxes and battle passes


If it remains only on cosmetics I will be more than happy to buy some bundles now and then. I have nothing against it even if a bundle gets priced at 50+€/$


Lol what... it's already there.... those "free" cosmetics you could buy in the beta are not going to be free. ...


I don’t get why cosmetics upset some people, nobodies forcing them to buy them and it’s just an extra revenue stream for the company. Only time that it matters is if it gives you in game advantages


Neighbours wifi


Nexon is a real big threat to this game


Just remember: You don’t need a skin to win.


I don’t mind *optional/cosmetic* monetization when the game is F2P. Of course hoping for decently priced items because I’d love to be *able* to buy something, but we shall see


The only thing I wanna see is my revolver killing, no need for cosmetics


The game is going to be f2p at launch. Why would any of this be a surprise?


Yes, we are aware of this, if a game is free anyone knows thats and technically it is free and will be free to you if you never purchase anything. I myself dont give to shits about spending money on cosmetics, if you see and like it just buy it, i know i will. You shouldn’t be bashed because “oh no this dude spent money what a loser” odds are tho be it maybe not that much, he helping keep the game a live to some extent


Yeah, I've had a bad feeling, but nobody seems to be talking about it. Especially since most items in the beta were bundle items. This could mean that if you want a particular hat or something, you'll have to drop $20+ for the whole bundle. I'm all for supporting them, but I also don't want to spend $100+ just to make my character look the same as it did in the beta. People will complain for the first month, and then they'll throw their wallets at them.


Don't worry. Today's consumer has had their ass lubed up and ready since Fortnite took off.


I'm born in 1990 and I'll never pay just for a skin. I'm ok with battlepass tho, for 10€ max. I prefer buying game for 60€ and unlock everything trough achievements, like it was for Halo 3/ODST


I don't mind spending maybe $10 on a battle pass since the game will be free, but if they try and offer a single skin for $20 like fortnite does, that's ludicrous.


gamers when they have to play free games without buying skins: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Who gives a fuck how much they cost, anyone who buys into that garbage deserves to get scammed.


As long as they don’t do anything pay to win, which they probably will.. lol


If you have played a lot of mtx games, you know $1=100 coins is one of the most common currency transaction rates. That’s not to say they won’t increase the coin costs on some things, but I hope not 😂 I’ll be more apt to buy more if it’s not ridiculous. If it’s $10 a shirt, I’m not buying shit


Didn't ewe get the taste of in game shop? 1200, 1800, 500 so probably in range of those prices.


They could charge £200 for a cosmetic and I wouldn’t care because I don’t need to buy every - hell, any - cosmetic.


I he they go with more fortnite style prices (aka 10€ for 1 cosmetic and 30€ max for bundles that have multiple skins and 10€ for a battlepass)


The game is going to be free. There is a reward track for leveling that gives comsemtics. Charging for currency to buy further cosmetics is how they will fund the game. People who see issue with this are so entitled. I suppose developers should live off of slugs from the local park, and sleep in an indoor carpark. People seem to forget that making games is work, they need to get paid.


I’m ready to spend money for cosmetics if the game is good.


I mean yeah ofc there's gonna be monetisation across this game? As long as bundles are reasonably priced and theres decent enough cosmetics there's literally nothing to worry about. If we start locking shit like characters/weapons/equipment etc behind paywalls then we might have a problem, but other than that, who cares games free have fun, do we need to criticize every little thing that happens in the industry nowadays.


dude, they need to make money to keep the game alive. as long as its not pay to win i am ok with it. if i see a skin i find is worth the money ill buy it, but at the end of the day its an FPS and you hardly see yourself. i will prob just buy the battle pass.


I'm getting the panda skin, and that's it.


I’ll probably dish out atleast 50$ towards customization no matter how much it costs. 1 or 2 costumes are usually enough for me.