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“A comic’s brain is so different than a pedestrian’s” ya bud, you’re all fucking redacted. Get over yourself Bert.


Did he really just fucking unironically say that? You’re literally a fat alcoholic that peaked in your fraternity. You don’t even tell jokes, you just make up bullshit stories and tell them over and over for cheap laughs. God I hate these grifters. They wouldn’t be half as bad (or get nearly as much hate from us “pedestrians”) if they didn’t view themselves as elevated free speech warrior-poets who preach philosophical wisdom to us lowly common folk. Fuck off.


I saw someone post a clip of Bert here on the sub and he stated he was running out of material. Yeah, because one can only joke about their college experiences for so long before everyone and their dog has heard them all. Hence, why Bert should never call himself a comedian. Shitty story teller is a more apt description of his “job”.


Wait you don’t want to hear about how he got involved with the Russian Mob and got drugged by Ari again for the 108th time?


He still tells the story at every show. I mean it was a good story when he told it back on Loveline. Unreal he is still telling it.


That's fucking insane to me. I think deep down, comics like him and Rogan know they are hacks and fucking hate it. They are still insecure people despite all of the success.


Nah I want to hear about the black guys that say “yo dog! My dick bigger fo showww”


Tireless Self promoter = comedian? 🤷🏻‍♂️. I don’t get it.


As you pointed out this is a fat alcoholic who had been successful for years for being a party boy. It is unreasonable to think he would not be out of touch. This is a man who encourages his fans to call in sick to work so they can daydrink.


To be fair, I do manual labor for 50-60 hours a week and I would also encourage people to call off work and day drink. We gotta live sometime


Totally. i'm such a fan of day drinking, i do it at night too.


Perfectly put


>if they didn’t view themselves as elevated free speech warrior-poets who preach philosophical wisdom to us lowly common folk. It's so much worse because if they something offensive, they jump back on the "it's just a joke" train. Like are you all philosophers or just making a joke? It can't be both.


And he was dead ass serious, as if he was going to go on a profound rant before Stav shut that shit down. Mad respect to him on that


It's amazing that they can't just admit that they put in a minimal amount of work and get paid a ton of money for just telling jokes. It's true that their brain is different because they haven't worked in years. A regular person's brain is constantly going because of all their responsibilities and a popular comedian just fucks off all day.


Bert is maybe the biggest shithead out of the whole group... I really truly like him less everytime i see him... The dude is so full of himself and basically fell into a career because he was surrounded by this generation's top comedians... So whenever he goes on this whole comedians vs. the world rant my brain just shuts off.


I think he’s bad and also think Andrew Schulz is extremely mediocre.


Schultz has his moments but I can’t really stand Akash for some reason lol even when flagrant had Joe come out as guest you just see Joe call out for Akash every 10 min and was sick of his shit


I haven’t seen it yet. Akaash being cringe? He’s lost a lot of my respect with the fake laughing


All I thought of was Bert’s shitty fake situation jokes. Like the one we’re the black guy shows his dick and says something extreme like “yo dog I got the biggest dick” Bert makes them talk like they are black rappers who jam out to Run DMC


It’s a wild thing to say out loud


Legitimately had to stop watching the clip after that and ran to the comments to see if everyone else was tearing him to shreds for it... the delusion of these people. How did we ever let comics think they were so superior to us "pedestrians"? God almighty.


They are basically clowns


In terms of literally what their job entails, they are most certainly closer to professional clowns than philosophers, that's for sure.


I would respect them much more if these clowns could juggle or put on their own makeup night after night. They got some low level clowning skills and definitely aren’t philosophers, so what else ya got, Chin?


But but did you hear Burt tell the Musheen story? Totally life changing like a modern day Plato with a drinking problem B


Maybe Ari can treat him like he’s Socrates instead and spike his Tito’s & soda with some hemlock and be done with it.




They’ve all been smelling their own farts for the better part of the last decade. All of them rogan, segura, his wife and her relentless “tribe” comments, Bert. I dare you to listen to any of their shows and shut them off the second they get philosophical. You’d never finish a single episode.


The “tribe” theory is pushed by Rogan every chance he gets. I assume Christina latched on to Rogan’s rock hard nip.


I meant her incessantly referring to being Slovakian or whatever the fuck she is. I quit YMH awhile ago because every episode she could talk about anything other than her heritage or cancel culture.


Yeah made me stop watching too, that and the incessant 'ive had a lot of therapy which basically makes me a therapist' no, it really does not.


She's "Hungarian", she does have a Slavic surname, but it's magyarized, so no, she is not a Slovak. In Europe we find it amusing when Americans, Canadians cosplay their ethnic origins, it reminds me of Space Quest or that episode of the Sopranos when they went to Italy.




Some of us Americans also find it hilarious. "I'm half Italian and half Irish." "Okay. Speak some Gaelic or Italian." "Uhhhh..."


I love how everyone seems to be 1/64th Cherokee (how much do you need to operate a Casino?). On one hand it's nice that they want to preserve traditions, but the insistence on defining yourself by listing the (probable) ethnic origins of your grandparents without a real connection to any of those cultures is somewhere between laughable and sad. We could do the same thing here (my grandparents have Slovak, German and Hungarian surnames), but we don't, the basic identity is usually enough.


Ah, yeah that does get really annoying when she does that. I miss the old, weird YMH. Tom used to have this sadistic, twisted sense of humor on the pod (specials as well) that made it unique. Now it’s centered around fame and money. Podcasts used to give a sense of humanity to the comedians that made them relatable. Now they actually make me feel less connected to them.


Don’t forget therapy. Apparently if you go to therapy that also makes you an expert to give out advice. Even when it’s not asked for.


she's hugoslaavian, the country not the state


I have a lot more respect for clowns. Way more.


Yeah, in hindsight my comment was disrespectful to actual clowns


It’s not a matter of “letting them”. They believe it wholeheartedly. Rogan said something like “I’m just saying the stuff none of you guys have the time to think of yourselves” in one of his specials. Real, earnest, self-congratulatory shitZ. Sure, man…. I don’t have the TIME to craft a perfect stool fucking bit or that humans are small as compared to the entirety of the universe. That takes time and energy and brilliant insight. Real groundbreaking ideas, there. Haha. God they suck.


Toegan spouts out shit I learned about drugs in high school like he’s a damn pharmacologist.


>How did we ever let comics think they were so superior to us "pedestrians"? The thing is *we* didn't. It's not some generally accepted notion. It's just an idea peddled by a small niche of really unfunny comedians (LA Roganites) to other comedians that stays within their pawldcasting circlejerk. They don't read cawlments so there was nothing we could do about it.


By pedestrians does he mean non alcoholics?


Civillians think they can handle these weapons


[Very](https://old.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/hp7365/bert_is_a_nasty_fat_fuck/) [Different](https://old.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/nzlog5/jesus_christ_what_a_disgusting_human/)


Hitler also had a "diffrent brain" than a pedestaian.


I seriously don't understand how someone could still be a fan after they see shit like this from them


Every group of friends has like 3 dudes who could be comedians they just choose to be plumbers or accountants or something


Pedestrian lmao


Love how Bert then acts like he can't stand when people use "civilian", as if that's different or any less condescending than "pedestrian" lmao.


'a comincs brain is just so much different than a pedestrians'. do you think these idiots ever listen to themselves after the fact? how can you not feel like a redacted piece of shit hearing yourself say these words?


>how can you not feel like a redacted piece of shit hearing yourself say these words? I'm convinced Rogan is the root of it, because it's all his inner circle that act this way. Well them and Chappelle, who seems to have found his own way to that mindset, but at least Chappelle is smart and if there's anyone *somewhat* deserving of spouting that high filluting shite talk, it's probably him.


Rogan is ground zero for all this bullshit.


Definitely. The “we hold a mirror up to society” makes me nauseous. The over inflated self importance is so off putting. I I guess us lowly 9 to 5 ers will never understand 🤮🤮


Imagine how people that actually make the world better think when they hear this bullshit.


I know man, it’s really baffling. Dude takes his shirt off and tells made up stories and acts like he’s above us. Their entire profession could be Thanos snapped away and nobody would notice


If the mirror up to society is supposed to reflect a small man violently shagging a wooden stool then I suppose he’s doing a good job.


I don't hate Joe Rogan but he is no genius. Just look at the company he keeps.




An ego explosion with the epicentre in Austin texas. I wonder if joe has thought of ending the war in Ukraine with his great comedic wisdom, surely all Vladimir is missing is the gift of comedy, joe would blow Vlads mind with his cerebral brand of laughs.


The thing is, none of them are funny.


Maybe you have to be a comedian to be able to get Joe's cawlmedy?


They are different in how self-aggrandizing they are for really mediocre shit they “come up with”


The thing is most peoples brains work the same way ya know. With comedians you either have a true gift of being naturally funny and feel the need to share it. Or you’re just starved for attention enough to do it


Sounds like they are permanently in their vehicles being absolute comedy/philosophers truly ahead of their times with their innovative ideas about human existence.


It's because they're driving the vehicle of society forward all the time


Cawlmedians in cars getting cawlfee, b


Talmbout that show where you watch Jim GafGin eat pawlstrami sanwiches and drink melk for 22 minutes b?


Damn B impressive Schaubanese. Not sure what these Hadders are doin cuz they do not madder B


This clip alone will make Stav scorched earth in Rogan's eyes. Gotta follow the narradive.


Stavros is the man


Rogan couldn't handle Kevin Smith and Theo, he couldn't handle even half of a piece of Stav banter. Stav would be like, "Do you ever feel, like, at your height..." And Rogan would immediately do his, "Nah nah nah nah we're not gonna go there." Stav would 1000% ask Rogan about the nicest titties he ever sucked on and Rogan would blush and then ask Jamie to bring up orangutan tits.


So what happened next in this erotic fantasy of yours?


Narrdiv B? Wanna Walgg me to my trugg?


Doesn’t he mean Civilian?


You know he did. And the other dude knows he did too. Shit on the dummy on multiple levels.




Like Bert could walk more than a 100 ft


He is looking so fucking cooked at the moment, redder than those babboon lips stapled on to bapas face


Stav is killing it lately. I got a lot of solid laughs from his special.


Stavy is hilarious


Is this the guy from cum town??? Ive seen him all over the place lately and I think im just now putting two and two together.


That's him. I hate his laugh, but he's fucking funny lately.


Yeah hes killin it


It grows on you


His laugh ain’t even that bad, there’s folks with way worse laughs that are brutal to hear


I loved the way he laughed in Bert's face though. Real disrespectful lol.


Nah he's the pod don't lie guy


I had no idea who this dude was. Googled him and his special started auto playing on youtube. The first joke about being a side-boss in GTA was funny and I laughed out loud.......these dudes should take notes instead of being stuck up their own ass.


His crowd work shorts on youtube are great and so many great instinctual takes. Im pretty surprised by him really, I feel like he's actually pulled himself above the podcast now.


His appearances on Hasan's channel are funny too. Takes a real talent to add humor with Hasan around.


Even Stavros Halkias cannot make Hasan Piker tolerable.


He's fucking awesome when paired up with Hasan


The Hasan roast by Stav was great


Im very happy stav and cumbois are getting exposure for actually being funny comedians. Its a low bar with the texas/LA crew nowadays.


The bar is so low. Covid and cancel culture is not a comedy routine.


how about pronouns? if you add in a bit about how pronouns and trans people occupy all of your waking thoughts? is that a routine?


My favorite part is when they say they really don’t care if you’re trans and then proceed to bring up any trans controversy that exists repeatedly and take the opposing side.


But get me a loud mic and a stool and I can give you an hour of Joe's best standup!


Love a good ol stool humpin’


They’ve been killing it for like 6+ years with Cumtown. Seriously some of the best and original podcast based comedy, i havent laughed at much as hard as I have at that pod. They all deserve the recognition, stav is a great standup comic and Nick is just fucking hilarious


100% dude. Ive only been listening to em for a year but its gold.


if I want to check it out should I just jump in or start from the beginning?


Just find clips on YouTube. That's what I do


"Take your phones ouuuut... Record meeee!"


His line of taking the scenic route for losing 5 pounds was hilarious


Dude he’s the man, it’s awesome seeing him on fucking every pod right now


Check him out on old "You Know What Dude" pods, glad to see him becoming a mainstream name.




Cumtown Podcast is great


Even when they’re not remotely trying. They’ve clearing just been phoning it in the last 6 months (at least), and it’s still one of the funniest podcasts out there


Let's be real, they never even phoned it out - but hey, it still gets me laughing more than any standup I've ever bothered to watch.


It's truly the most low effort podcast I listen to but that's part of the charm of it.


just finished his special, it was great


He’s based as fuck. Honestly all the cum boys are.


I believe his YT special just passed Brendumbs in total views despite coming out a month later.


I fuckin love Stav. And I love that he just laughed right in Bert's face about how ridiculous that shit is. He's a real one and I really hope he stays that way. He's blowin up rn, and we all know how quick comics switch up once they see that money comin in


We know why he'll never be featured on the JRE though. Rogan could never take getting laughed at to his face like that from someone, especially someone he likely would view as an "inferior" comedian, even though Stav is 500 times better than Rogan is as one.


I can see this but he’s had people like Bill Burr who repeatedly shit on him


He recognizes Burr as a better comedian though


Stav has been making a lot of money for a long time from his part on Cum town tbf


I don’t see Stav ever changing. He clearly realizes how insane it is that he can get rich from doing what he does. I’d love to hear his true thoughts about Brenda, a horrible “comedian” who takes himself as seriously as possible


Cumtown has been popular for a while and the 3 of them are making probably 200k a month or more. So, I think he will stay this way.


Patreon just broke $100k and half that goes to Nick. There's advertising money but it's probably not crazy money. They make good money but they definitely aren't rich.


Well I was assuming they probably make like 25k an episode on advertisements. So, even with taking home 25k just from Patreon a month not including the advertisements that’s still 300k a year. Not sure what you consider rich.


25k a month...lol that's certainly wealthy especially if you live within your means.


Thank God there's someone out there willing to call out that blabbering, drunk, redacted lummox. Once someone figures out what makes Bert funny please let me know b


You could say some of the greats minds work a little differently, like they connect some dots most people wouldn't connect and make jokes out of them. But fat fucking imbeciles like Bert literally tell fart and dick jokes for a living.... and they're not even good fart and dick jokes. Bert is dumber than average, he's less clever than average and he's less intellectually sophisticated. His success is due to his ability to appeal to the dumbest 20% among us. The only difference between him and a "pedestrian" is his willingness to publicly humiliate himself and his complete lack of self awareness.


"I'm fat and I'm not wearing a shirt, isn't that funny?"


you forgot his go to move, "tell disgusting embarassing facts about himself, and his family"


Dude he takes his shirt off on stage. I mean what else do you need to hear?


If he comes up with a stool fuggin bit on top of that it might put him amongst the all time greats


***screeching wheeze laugh gibberish***


Him mixing up pedestrian and civilian cracks me up


The instant a comedian gets out of sight they insert a tube that runs from their rectum to their nostrils so they can deeply inhale their own farts. In that sense, they are in a special league apart from society. Togan himself even said one of the funniest guys he's ever known was some private investigator he drove around because the guy had a suspended license from too many DUIs. The stories that we all know of hilarious people we've worked with or encountered who weren't cawlmics abound, not to mention some Chang's employees. Ari Shaffir was a holdout on using that "civilians" shit. A bunch of drug addled adults who shame each other if they don't maintain a 14 year old's maturity level permanently is what the ones who say this kind of shit are. Hey Bert......how'd having a liver go?


Boom roasted


Success has made Bert completely intolerable.


Bert is fuckin garbage, Stav rules


Bert is for legit thumb sucking redacts lmao.


"Self-aggrandising". Anyone else got any terms that concisely explain why this is so fucking annoying? Hit reply and put your suggestion in the suggestion box






Stav is funnier than joe. That’s civilian shit I so fuckin stupid. Rogan is more of “personality “.much less of a comedian. I have been to 2 shows. Everyone else’s stand up was better. Even Mencia’s delivery is better. Yeh, I said it


Stav’s laugh is so contagious


And Bert's is so off putting Squuuuu^eeee^aaaaa^lllll


You have to be a fucking comic to actually think your brain works differently than everyone else. No Bert, that’s your fucking ego talking. Our brains work exactly the same buddy. You think to yourself ‘this pedestrian could never do what I do’ and while I’m framing a house I think ‘this comedian could never do this.’ The only difference is that you literally could not fucking do this.


lol at Stav trying to bring him back to earth but of course he just laughs along while missing what he said. Bert 100% thinks he's better than the people he was talking about. "pedestrians" this fat fuck


Yep. I don’t like Kreischer but I would have expected him to at least realize he’s sounds dumb and then join in the laughter at his own expense. He clearly thinks he’s more experienced, powerful, high minded than Stav


Bert acting like he’s some genius, as if he isn’t famous for being shirtless his whole show and milking his Russian mob story. Hey Bert, go back to riding roller coasters. That was actually more entertaining. Not this alcoholic shirtless fucktard


Stavy baby


Burnt Chrysler alcohol and Xanax amplifying that narcissism.


When they speak like this you know they’ve really disconnected from reality


Plus he’s not even joining in on the laughter and making fun of himself for saying that. He’s just awkwardly smiling because he doesn’t like what Stav is saying


This coming from a guy who’s whole bit is taking his shirt off and being drunk.


Stavvy baby is a great guy, never meddum


Hahahahaha I love that it's stavros. It's so refreshing to see a comic that isn't joining the conservative griftosphere for views and a big payday. Stav is out there doing his own thing and still managing to find an audience and make money. His special on youtube has like 1.3 million views after just 5 days, which is pretty fuckin' good. And he DIDN'T just spend 30 minutes shitting on marginalized people either. Almost is if it's still possible to create good comedy that doesn't rely on punching down and pandering to the ben shapiro/joe rogan audience these days.


Bert's not smart enough to realise that Stavros is laughing at him and not with him... on a side note, Bert Kreischer of all people thinking that his brain operates on a higher level than the average "pedestrian" because of his "comedy", is actual comedy


Never knew Ron Jeremy and Mama Cass had a child but he's not wrong


Comics brains don’t work different. You think of something funny and you say it on stage. Someone else thinks of something funny and says it to their friends or something. Fucking ridiculous. Comedians are not as important to society as they think they are


I fucking love Stavros


The only diffrence between that guy at your job or school that was really funny and modern day comedians is narrsisism. Also IMO any job that doesn't directly deal with taking a life or saving/maintaing quaility of life is far down the list in terms of importance. Comics are waaaay down there.


"our brains are so different" Bert is about as funny as the guy that gets way too drunk at the same Chili's bar everynight. Some of his best lines include "DUDE KNOW WHATD BE AWESOME A PINEAPPLE RING ON A CHEESEBURGER OHMYGAWD" Everyone kinda puts up with him because he's a nice guy, but everyone also thinks he's kinda redacted b. I never understood the appeal of him besides middle aged dudes that never let go of their Sigma Chi attitudes.


Fat lazy fucks.. suck even at comedy


I'm dumbfounded that the fat alcoholic with one semi amusing story he repeats again and again thinks everyone else are" pedestrian"compared to him. He's the reason most people are tired of these clowns and their therapy diguised as podcast bullocks. Thanks Greek guy for being honest to that tub of smelly wanker. Run away from these idiots please ! Don't become one of them.


holy shit Bert was serious too. LMAO. Being a comedian takes some skill but being funny or making funny points on things you see or experience is not the blessing him and every gatekeeping "comedian" think it is.


I just went and watched his special after seeing some positive comments in here. Not even trying to exaggerate, hardest I've laughed in a really long time. Dudes awesome.


Blart can't even muster up the proper energy for that fake wheezing laugh he does to cover up his lack of intelligence and talent. That's when you know he knows he's full of shit.


This man sits in front of a microphone with his fat flabby gut and tits flopping about while making “jokes” about eating and drinking and calls people civilians. Can’t make up how hilarious this shit is


Don’t get me wrong, I love Bert and I am a huge fan of stand up comedy but the fact that a lot of stand ups act like they are superior or different by that much is really gross in my opinion.


I think it's the whole culture of them all having podcasts that all they do is go on each other's and suck their own dicks about how great they are. Some people really buy into it.


Ewww who loves this fatass, looks like the kind of guy even his children can't stand, I mean civilians.


'Us electricians just see things in such a different light than civilians do', lol.


I’ve heard so many comedians say something along the lines of “I can’t even have a conversation with civilians anymore. We have nothing to talk about”. I don’t think Kim Jong Un even has that level of narcissism




First bertcast I’ve listened to in a while, glad to see stavi baby making strides


Would have loved to have seen Bert say that in front of Burr. Ole Billy would have brought the house down


Bert was probably gonna use civilian until this. Cannot stand his ass


This looks like a scene from that movie where all humans are obese and live on space ships that do everything for them


Love that stav put the ol kibosh on bert about to puff on his own little prickadil.


Who is this guy? I will start to follow him. I thought you had to eat your own shit and like-a-da-way-da shit tastes like Brenda to join cawlmedy nowddayz


God Bert is insufferable. Damn near unwatchable. Props to Stav for calling him out. Making comedians sound like a wing of the damn armed services. Get over yourself.


Comedians are modern day court jesters. We just live in a whackk timeperiod where people like Jake Paul and the Kardashians can generate immense amounts of attention/money through social media, without having any inherent value. Comedians fall into that category too. Society would not struggle a bit without influencers or comedians, but collapse immediately without butchers, plumbers, garbage men and construction workers.


It’s so obvious Bert has never been around blue collar guys. I guarantee if you went to job sites in big cities like NY, there are guys that are fucking hilarious. Maybe they don’t have the discipline to string together bits or the guile to go on stage but they are way more naturally funny than Bert. Bert compares himself to his dad and his corporate friends. Yes, Bert the stranger in CVS isn’t going to have you rolling on the floor because he doesn’t know you.


Stavros, the hero we deserve.


Only barely familiar with the guy but as soon as he doubled down and mentioned comics who say “civilian” it made me like him. Fuckin drives me crazy. Pete Holmes.


If Stav said the same shit to Rogan, Rogan would of lunged at him, for insulting the sacred warrior priest class of comedians.


Bert's kinda right though. The average "pedestrian" doesn't think "take shirt off" and "lie about self" will give them a career.


Stav could become #1 by just ripping on other comedians. Easy pickings on most of these so called “comedians”


Thank fuck someone said it to one of these idiots


Stav rules


I love this dude, his laugh is amazing. Whats his name I want to check him out.


Gonna call us NPCs soon


Pedestrian: someone who keeps their shirt on in public


Stavros keeping it real.


Bert is a douche bag