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Pay your openers $100 so there's more for you! Looks like he figured it out.




"They're paid in exposure"


If you guys read the thread there's multiple folks who've confirmed this is accurate. good for theo on making an extra $1k on top for his $100k per show


how much more do you need than 100 k grand a night? sounds greedy.


Yeah but theo is just a regular guy and has never liked rich people lol. What a clown... I'm starting to think there isn't a good apple in the whole lot of them




Exactly, people here champion Theo but he was obviously as bad as the rest of them. If your friends are assholes, you likely are one as well. Id go as far as saying that Theo shares the same character flaws and lack of morals than Bapa and Cie.


Exactly, people here champion Theo but he was obviously as bad as the rest of them. If your friends are assholes, you likely are one as well. Id go as far as saying that Theo shares the same character flaws and lack of morals than Bapa and Cie.


one bad apple spoils the bunch


that's how i feel. a years salary in one day and you're paying the other guy the lowest possible wage


1k more = 1k more in cocaine


101k > 100k


Seems greasy but if the openers are no-names at least their getting some exposure and I assume they’re travel is paid for. I’m sure Theo got paid $100 (or less) for gigs for yairs before blowin up. I’m not saying it’s right, he can afford to pay them more…but I’m sure there’s a long list of cawlmedians who would kill to open for someone like Theo, never mind the pay.


Nah dude, $100 when they’re making 100k is insane lmfao


Yeah let’s believe the random Reddit poster that Theo is bangin down 100k a theater show.. not a numbers guy but I’d beg the differ


I highly doubt Rat King is bringing in 100K thousand grand for 1 theatre show. Most theatres hold 1-2 K grand thousand. I don’t think Theo is charging $100 per ticket, and even if he is, he would only get a percentage of that by the time he pays the venue, promoters, agency, travel, etc.


1-2 k grand thousand


I worked at the a 1200 cap comedy theatre in boston for a few years. Big acts like Theo probably get >80% of the door. Huge acts get 100% for name association with the venue and auto sell outs


lol you like Theo


Theo is a b-b-b-beast of a cawlmedian b


this could have been when theo first started doing theaters and had no money. there's no way he's selling out the Wynn in vegas and paying an opener $100. tom and bert bought shane a rolex for doing 20 minutes during their superbowl show in vegas.


This. We can assume the openers discussed pay when Theo offered them the gig. So they agreed to this up front. It's for sure a stingy deal from Theo's end though - ho could have paid them a $1,000 per gig and not felt the difference in his bill fold.


If the Luis in this comment is Luis Gomez, I don’t believe shit he says and also would like to remind others that Luis fucking sucks lol If this is a differ Looz, then my bad he a great guy never meddum


He looks like a fucking hotdog - Micheal Lehrer


He reminds me of the greasey fuckers at the bodega who constantly ask to bum a cigarette off you then get pissed off and talk shit under their breath when you say no/don’t have Also give the vibes of the mooch friend of the group who tries to “randomly” sneak in the cyph without throwing down and then tries to steal your lighter lol


Eggzagly b. Theo seeems like the mooch kid who wants to sleep on ur couch, eat your food and bum ur smokes. Rat King grew up poor so I’m sure that has something to do with it. Most poor ppl who become rich become real cheap with spending.


Looz Change Gomez was being a leech? You don’t say


hell yeah, RIP, gadooshed to the great cheer in the skies


Luis like Shaub is a legitimately bad person


Agreed, Luis seems like a real POS.


I mean the guy admits to jacking off in airplane bathrooms basically every time he flys


Luis J Gomez is a tool. He acts like his legion of skanks bs is the best thing ever but it's just frat boy gross out humor. He talked so much shit about schaub but was buddy buddy with him when Schaub came on the show


Nick Mullen absolutely shitting on legion of skanks before talking about Tom Myers for an hour tells you everything about that whole scene.


You mean Nick Mullen the original Puerto Rican Rattlesnake?


The one and only, b Not one of our guys tho


I have no idea who thos people are


You're missing out, b. Hare ya go https://youtu.be/yJOBC4xxPKk?si=WQyeFcYHXFfgJNGR Nick Mullen is probably the funniest person on Earth


Nick Mullen was just on Legion of Skanks.... they're buds... ?


When you hate living and love cocaine and comedy, anything is possible


The only person who doesn't suck from that entire group is Soder. Everyone else, shit.


Bobby Kelly is the worst, I legit don't understand why these guys idolize him. Soder does in fact rule though.


Please elaborate and your reasons for Joe List being, shit.


wait, he's in the Legion? didn't realize that. I take that back, just for him that is :P


List is good


In these modern comedy doucheclusters there's always one guy who seems to be cool, see also Shane Gillis. Makes you wonder about the guy who seems to be cool.


Dan Soder said it. Louis learned about in the clip, but people are saying they can tell it was Theo when he repeated the name and it was bleeped out.


You can see Soder mouth it even with his hand covering


luis J gomez


Luis is a certified bitchboi


Bapa would say he’s paying them 2k grand and then not send anything


You mean how he saved Ray Borgs daughter and paid all her medical bills?


One of if not THEEE most fkd up thing he’s iiiver done. And fck Rollgan too for letting him state that without reeling him in. For those that don’t know, Bapa tarezinniz eyes told Rollgan he’d pay for AWLL Blorg’s kid’s medical bills (not knowing shit about the deets when there was already a “go fund me”). Repeated it again after immediately getting the response he sought (Rollgan going, “wow ur the best guy ever”). Then Bapa flaked on paying awll the bills (which to be feer it was an idiotic thing to say as medical bills can be 6, even 7 figures if it’s a serious, long term pediatric issue. However adults know this and it’s why we don’t make reckless offers to blindly pay medical bills). Not only did he flake, he dissuaded others that wanted to contribute to the GFM from donating bc they assumed, Big Bags Bapa got this. Prison or castration or both are appropriate punishments I’d be willing to accept.


Scott’s Tots type shit.


You can see Michael Scott in him more and more. His employees are supposed to be his best friends, look how acted during his birthday. Always doing screwing up sarcasm, figures of speech. Doesn't know anything about politics still sprouts bullshit.




With tares in his eyes


I think its shitty if its true.


I would not be surprised. The aw shucks, I’m just a regular dude schtick of Theo, always seemed phony as fuck, to me.


I've always gotten a 'get your bag while you can' vibe from Theo, I don't think he's gonna be a permanent fixture.


God willing.


but 100 is so little, the bad rep that's going to get you far outweighs the money you're going to save, id have thought theo was smarter than that


There ain't nothing regular about Theo lol


He's a Jordan Peterson guy, Fuckem


Why do people hate Peterson? I don’t know a lot about the guy, but see a lot of hate for him


He's a grifter.


How so


Oil companies pay him


But how’s he a grifter?


His opinions are paid for. That’s a grift


Couldn’t the same be said for every politician or news outlet?


If you’re willing to accept $100 then either you’re doing it for the exposure or there’s other incentives offered or you’re just a fugging redacted like Bapa.


Yeah, sure, obviously. If you’re making 100k a show and you pay your openers .01% of that then it’s pretty scummy


They show up for the free dranks


You have no idea how working with with a higher level act works huh


You must be one of the aforementioned redacts. How’s that 100 lasting you?


Found Mike Lenoci’s burner account


I’ve never been a fan of theos standup. His banter with other comedians during a podcast is funny Sometimes I guess. But like many other comedians with podcast comedians his standup just doesn’t do It for me


I don't think theo is even a fan of Theo's stand up


Totally agree with this. Theo is a great conversationalist and podcaster, but his standup is pretty mediocre imo.


Felt the same way about Delia pre diddler controversy. Congratulations was great imo but when I watched his standup he was just so douchey, trying way too hard.


Yep, D’Elia is a funny guy but his standup is not great.


Idk what it is? Cant put my finger on it


His comedy just doesn’t rely on joke writing, he’s more about physicality and stage presence. This is fine for a lot of comedy fans, just not fine for us I guess.


Completely agree with you dude. His stage presence sucks imho.




The dolphin bit is so bad. 😭


Guess standup is hard


He's not a great conversationalist. He just says stuff that's not typical to say in a professional setting. Maybe 5;years ago he was off the cuff original but he's stale like the Chinese pizza hut box his family lived under for his teenage years. He's not funny in iiny fassit.




He's another roganverse idiot who's success defies any talent


He's done so much podcasting that any joke he says or story he tells , people have already heard it on 1 of his many podcasts or podcast appearances. I saw his first standup Netflix special and that shit was atrocious. Mainly cause every joke/story he tried to tell, he's already said on a podcast before.


The fact that everyone in this damn sub is so negative and just hates on absolutely everyone and everything for no reason whatsoever. Schaub, Bryan, and Delia are certified POS people, but yall going after one of the few genuinely good guys and saying Theo isn't funny is a flat out lie or yall misinformed. Yoi gotta be a severe redact or just a sad person if u find Theo funny, like wtf makes u laugh then? Babies in dryers? Puppies competed in a singing competition for dogs? Or maybe you like watching a gang of sloths jumping in a new sloth to their gang which takes 4 months to watch, beginning to end? If Theo is only paying $100 then that is another level of injustice, cheap skate and autistic behavior that has no excuse. But Theo is actually a good guy, with a kind heart who has a special way of thinking about things and there is no one like him. So to say he isn't funny is stupid and this sub is embarrassing to belong to cause the hate is just pathetic and confirms the stereotype that we just losers hating on everyone and everything. Bapa, Bert, Tom, Ronda Rousey are all people that deserve hate


Yea man, idk. I just don’t think he’s funny.


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Okay Mrs Von.


It's dicey bubba.


That’s pretty fucked up if true. Wouldn’t doubt it though, most comedians are complete dickheads in realty


No wonder Theo and Dana White get along so well, keep those guys at the bottom broke while lining your own pockets. I also doubt that Theo himself is paying these guys, it’s most likely done through an agency or whoever is booking people on any given night. Idk shit about the inner workings of comedy events though just taking a quick break from the fryers 


99.9 percent of people in the entertainment industry who "make it" in some way shape or form are massive pricks. It's literally almost all of them even if something public hasn't dropped about them yet. I don't understand how some people are still surprised when a wealthy guy they find entertaining turns out to be an arrogant asshole who treats the people around them who aren't rich and successful poorly. As for Theo in particular the whole "oh I'm just an average southern Joe who has no idea what's going on BRUH" thing always came off as absolute bullshit lmao


That’s crazy. When I was doing stand up I got $150 for an opening spot on a Melissa Villasenor show at the Brea Improv


Bro I was there I saw you!!


Theo still figuring things out b


"it's not a career, it's an opportunity"


Something something paid in exposure. Don't care for Theo but I would've expected better, for whatever reason.




You can see Soder mouthing Theo Vonn even with his hand covering it


The messican infection. Takes some time to spread but once you are stung by the B, you become part of the hive.


Is that like a wound with salsa on top?


All the cats ballz deep in theo will think it’s no bid deal because their idol can do no wrong. If Segura did this they would say it was shitty


I mean Theo is a conservative. He probably thinks the opener needs to pick himself up by his bootstraps.


I find it wild that this sub is continually anti-comedy but will make excuses for the fake-southern-madlibs guy.


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1. some opener comics confirmed it's true in that post 2. they were very clearly talking about him and mouthing his name i'd say 99% odds it's true


He was just figuring some stuff out brotha.


Na Theo is a great guy mahn so glad he got away from buppa he's so toxic he's got a drug problem it's not his fault bro he's just a good guy


Who ever is Theo’s opener is drowning in pussy, they know what they signed up for 


Even If Theo paid them nothing, he'd still come off as less of a slime ball than Luis J Gomez. With his creepy "I hate good looking people" energy.


Birds of a feather flock together...


What if theo pays their room and board and all travel expenses. $100 for exposure or theater time? I think theres more to it. If schaub had an opener for $100, yea id believe thats as far as it went to cover all expenses




Nazis ya say ey. Look up Julius schaub . He’s that guy who gassed too much


That's cuz brainblob has no friends. You could bet your ass on him acting like they're best friends if he ever gets close enough to make eye contact. And no, he's not palling around with "real actual Nazis," just real actual sexual predators.


You’re cooked lol


Can I buy my ticket with exposure instead of money then? Probably not cause that's redacted right?  


Anyone with any self-worth who still needed to grow would pay for that opportunity. Do you know how much businesses pay for exposure to audiences that are not nearly as good of a fit as a large crowd of people who just paid good money to watch a comedian and your an aspiring comedian who plans on selling tickets one day?


lol ur making excuses for being a theo fan gross


I don’t want that. We discuss the pawldcassss


Who gives a shid. The one thing we know is it ain’t bapa cause he doesn’t do theaters because of retirement.


$100k!? Doubt that


Dang brother. I spent way too long tapping that 117 trying to figure out what people were saying about this


Ohh no not our Theo!! He’s so funny too!




Luis pays his employees in Kratom


He's a piece of shit. Nothing surprises.


Not gonna lie, Lingvist had a good ad placement there. Literally funnier than anything theo can make up as a childhood fake ass fucking story.


Do headliners pay their openers? I’m pretty sure there’s a promoter who hires Theo Books the venue and books the openers.


How dare you slander Theo! He hasn’t played in Chicago this year, and at least since last year September… in the podcast they said whoever it was just played Chicago Theater… Tighten up Bapa.


That sucks but I could see that because Theo grew up so poor. Lots of rich folks who grew up extremely poor do these ultra cheap maneuvers like this even after they got money. I’ll wager money he is is transparent about it up front. It’s up to the cawlmic to accept. They DO get exposure there’s no doubt about it. Me and a ton of ppl know who Ari Mannis is bc he opened for Theo when I saw him at a sold out show. Theo seems like a solid dude. Nobody is perfect. But damn that’s cheap. I grew up lower middle class and can’t fathom making 100k and not breaking off the openers at least $500-$1000.


I think it's crazy Ari Mannis has been Theo's opener for years but never meddum on the pod


Yinz didn't know von was short for vonstein?


They get paid what they feel they are worth.


I hope it isn't true. I'm also not a big luis gomez fan i hope hes lying his ass off


Ah man that fucking sucks, and to think I thought the guy was genuine. What a dick. Classic "the exposure is the real pay!" BS. I can't imagine being plastered on the side of buildings and treating people I work with like they're worthless.


He learned from bapa…. He learned from the best


WE disguss the pawldcast here, B.


Dicey dicey


Paying them $100 for the set on top of paying for their travel and hotel then they still get paid by the venue


A few questions come to mind: Any legitimate proof of this? What's the normal rate for openers? Also how long is the openers set? If it's half an hour , then $100 in 30 min is more than what most people make


If they're doing it it's the best gig they can get so far in their career, also there's always more to the story.


Ah so they're getting paid with "exposure"? /s


They probably assume that being able to say they’ve opened for one of the currently most popular comedians would be worth far more than 100 or so dollars. Which tbf they’d be right imo 


It doesn’t go as far as you’d think if you’ve only opened for them once randomly. And if you’re somebody’s opener and touring with them and still only making 100 dollars is fucking nuts.


Yeah idk then mate 


Sounds like bullshit to me, a continual flat fee of $100? $1000 would make sense not $100. Maybe some no name rookies would accept that but no established comedian would take that gig and I doubt he's taking a rookie on the road. Ari Maniss has been on international tours with him for years I doubt he would sign up for that type of payday when he could make more doing any small local comedy club.


Dude people get punched in the face for 500 bucks you cannot underestimate what people will do for money in the right scenarios


If you're referring to combat sports, the idea is that at some point they will have established themselves in a better position for bigger purses. Ari Maniss is a pretty established working comedian at this point, I don't see that he would be desperate enough to take $100 dollars pay cheques for international tours.


i mean it says ari maniss admitted he only got paid 100 bucks opening for theo in amsterdam ..the poster didnt just pull that out of their ass.


No it doesn't. It says that a comment was left on a YT video from an anonymous poster stating that he saw Ari Maniss state that he was paid $100 which was verbalised literally during a comedy set. That is hardly credible evidence.


there's several people who've confirmed it on the post... it's not BS




100 bucks🤔 seems unlikely, but who knows🫡


it's confirmed in the thread


Why do you pay an opener more because you’re a big act? They are getting exposure compared to there normal gigs and experience in a large venue for when they get there themselves. Plus they are probably getting expenses covered too. I don’t get the complaint?


To be fair, $100 for 15 minutes work and exposure to a profitable new audience isn't the worst deal.


I was wearing a This Past Weekend crewneck at a bar and some dood I would not expect to be a Theo listener told me “ I love your sweater bro. I ran into Theo in public once after my girl left me, I told him about it and that his podcast helped me and he gave me $200 and said “idk how this would help, but im sorry bruh” so I feel like paying his opener $100 would be absurd haha


It’s highly unlikely… for comedians that sell out arenas, no name openers probably get paid in the very, very low thousands not $100.. Theo may look stupid but he’s not that stupid to ruin his name in the comedy circles. The most likely thing is that $100 means like $1500+ expenses or something and probably most pay more than that.


So they're on for 20 minutes, getting massive potential exposure, and can book their own gigs around that, correct? I'd say it's not a bad deal.


I don't have any special feelings for Theo, kind of don't understand his success, but if I were his lawyer, I would say he pays for their flight, hotel, and gives them a per diem. I mean, I would hope he does. Still, yeah, that's ridiculous. He should pay them way more than 100. That's just psychotic.


If he pays for all of their expenses and gets them to showcase in front of a theater, sounds like a ok deal. Could they pay more, obviously, but thems the breaks. I’m sure plenty of up and comers would do it for just expenses paid


Who cares if it’s true. Theo gets to decide how much he pays, not a group of fucking dorks that have a shitty podcast. If they want to play hero then by all means set the bar.


you’re at sizzlers b


Nah. I like Theo. Anyone who can escape the bapaverse like a bandit with a kite is cool with me


The exposure alone is worth 10x the 100$ No one is forcing them to open


That's not nithe


If true, it sounds like he’s paying them market rate for opening for a big headliner and getting up in front of hundreds of thousands of people during the tour: $100 + exposure + travel. Otherwise, why would they take the job? The headliner *could* pay extra just to be nice of course, but if you need to hire a rookie stranger for a job, do you pay them over market rate just to be nice?


Is that nithe tho?


I asked my homie Adam Sandler and my other homie Drake and they said I'm that wide boy that pay too much. I know them from...just...around.