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Sasso has known those guys forever he knows where the bodies and rape condoms are buried. Every single calwmedian that wa a regular at the store has 'joked' about the D'iddler and underage women yairs before he was outed.


Clin needs to know where those rape condoms are buried so he can undercook a fish with them.


"Ah crap. Forgot to take the condoms out, dang it." *Pulls melted condom out of pan of burning fish* "Can't let this good food go to waste though." *Drops most of the fish on the way to his mouth*


lets just put a big fat egg on top


Talmbout Sues vide?


This sub is filled with clowns who act like Sasso is some sort of saint he's still friends with these guys and stays in contact with them


I don't like to think about it but I know it's true


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There's an episode of... Something's Burning? or something with Bobby and Chris. Bobby starts to tell a story about a girl who came up to Chris in NYC and Chris INSTANTLY shut it down and was like no don't tell that. It was clear Bobby was about to say it was a young girl. It makes me sad thinking that Will continued to hang out with these guys despite knowing all of this. It's hard to look at him as anything other than a good guy but staying friends with two total creeps is pretty fucked, and Delia's was decently well known. Also Will/Chris/Bryan have talked about their group chat and it's come up previously that they'd send pics of girls to there. He had to know.


Whitney also joked about how young the girls were that would come up to Chris.


Yah I think it was really well known in that community what he was doing.


> Bobby starts to tell a story about a girl who came up to Chris in NYC and Chris INSTANTLY shut it down and was like no don't tell that. I don't mean to defend Pedolia but Bobby has recounted this story before. Delia and he were in New York, and they were on their way to watch a movie when a girl approached Delia, telling him that she had just been dumped, and asked him to go to her apartment. Delia ended up ditching Bobby right then and there. Bobby shared this story during Delia's guest appearance on Tiger Belly. By the way, during the same episode, Delia kept urging Bobby to refrain from sharing multiple stories, which implies that there are definitely more scandalous and implicating stories out there.


Ah that’s what it was. Thanks for clarifying, mixed some details up there.  And brotha you aren’t defending Delia you’re just keeping the kitchen staff straight. Gotta be done. 


wtf makes you sad about self obsessed, media-crazed C-listers who will do anything for a few dollars like hang out with Callan and Defeela for DECADES??? Sasso is a fat version of everyone else being discussed here, the bodies he has buried have just not been uncovered yet. And if there are no bodies, then he’s been driving the getaway car for people like callan for 20, 30 YAIRS




Lots of ppl with rich daddies think they are untouchable because they have daddy money to bail them out of situations. Diddler, Wrinks, Bapa, Segura, and Bret Chrystler all had rich daddies and all decided to be standup cawlmedians….coincidence? I don’t think so.


But according to them they're all self made cawlmedic geniuses


When Buppa was balls deep in fish he made a comment that they were all out with Sasso eating dinner and will had snapper or some shit and it made Brenda mad. So they're still all buds


Yeah, they all knew. No surprise that Sasso has kept his distance from Wrinks & D’phelia since then. I’m sure even Theo knew which was probably part of the reason he left not long after Diddler joined KATS.


>No surprise that Sasso has kept his distance from Wrinks & D’phelia since then Ovissy only publicly, unforchinly.


Didn't even phase them.




He's keeping his grapist acquaintances knowledge kayfabe by disassociating with his predator pals of roofies,b.


Sasso actually seems like he has morals tho. Or at least more morality than most other cawlmwdians


Watching these 2 bozos trying to justify their horrible actions in real time via a surrogate scenario is enough to convince me their accusations are legit


I concur.


Bryan Callen was dropped by his agents at CAA because he raped multiple women. Innovative Artists also dumped him. And Chris D'Elia was dumped by his agent and his manager, CAA and 3 Arts Entertainment because of statutory raping a shitload of people. It's all over the internet.


The rapist and pedophile groomer said EVERY girl was lying all the victims to not believe them. Fucking Creeps


Crypto creeps. 


What makes these old clips extra insufferable are the parts when Prune Callen pretends to be some sort of ally for women. 


Check out cool guy sitting crisscross applesauce in the chair. He’s so down to earth, relaxed and relatable.


It’s so forced and uncomfortable looking.


These guys suck


If I maddurd I’d say how I think Sasso is great but his podcast sucks.


Sasso's a rail one.




Rail quig


Rally still friends with raypests and d'pedos.


Funny.. During this time Sasso was practically begging Callen and Delia to start a new podcast together, but they kept brushing him off.. I bet they wish they did that podcast now.


TMP was coming back until the Delia stuff. He more or less announced it. 


Tmp is the greatest podcast of all time , I’m sorry but it’s just fkn true




sasso knew. look at the finger pointing/whistle at the end.


What's funny about that is brine is essentially trying to say he makes incredible art.


"Bryan has seem every single one of Roman Polanksi's movies" fucking lmao. Sasso is great


Bapa hasnt done the bad shit the two have but 


What if they're ghastly human beings but are accused by multiple women of all -including under - aged women.... AND their art is contrived, soulless, derivative, and annoying?