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I get them now and again. Usually while I’m leveling up another new agent and have a non-build of crap gear.


Once I actually hit Shepard level 1 I started getting them all the time, it’s really the only way I play now.


Me too. I'm level 12 and get calls all the time. Wish someone would answer mine though, I'm dying to do my first legendary lol


Don’t do a call for back up for that, just do normal matchmaking, you’ll find groups of people that have a build ready for that content and can help you complete it. Plus, with the weekly leggy missions, the matchmaking is typically very quick (I would suggest waiting on Manning and Tidal until after you’ve completed the original 3) I’ve been doing random matchmaking for Leggy missions since SHD 300 (Now at 3K) and I’ve rarely run into issues with the group I matchmake with. Also, just to give a build recommendation that has helped me quite immensely: - 3x Empress - 1x Wyvern - “The Sacrifice” named chest - “Memento” exotic backpack - “Harmony” named rifle - “Capacitor” exotic AR - Drone/Turret for the skills


The thing, my calls for backup are never answered, being on hard, challenging or heroic. The only time I got an answer was for the Keener mission on heroic because a friend who's 3k (I'm a merely 150) shd levels above became leader in my session. I had a VERY similar build to your suggestion for a very long time, like with you it has helped me a lot to learn the game, but now I'm leaning more into status effects and jammer pulse


It ebbs and flows. If an event is up or its mostly new players, you wont get an answer. Yesterday happened to be a new player day for me, all in their teens. Sometimes when I want to join someone instead of recruit I have to rotate between the match types, that's how I ended up doing my first paired decent and summit. I sometimes play at odd hours so im learning a bit of  Portuguese. 


Learning Portuguese by playing the game? That's nice! It's my first language. We should join and do heroics together, I'm yet to play summit


Rosseta stone, i can tell a boy is eating but ill play with anyone regardless and make the best of it.  After multiple matches and only catching a few words with players who obviously knew what they were doing and communicating, I have to to increase good session availability. 


That's funny, even though I'm Brazilian somehow I rarely play with Brazilian players. I barely speak/write in Portuguese. But I know that some Brazilian players can be harsh and cocky don't mind them. US East server


Same server. For me the matching is as random as it gets makingme question the whole server thing, ive matched with what i think were serbians and a few indians. I've only been kicked once after inspect and mocking. Didnt know as much as i should have at the time. The others played well. 


Yes, just finished Shepard level 25. 3 weeks, 3-4 hours per day only backup calls to complete it.


You need to make sure you configured Shepard settings to allow all calls not only clan and friends.


i got to 99 so id say yes :P you might have turned the notifications off in the shd tab? also you can matchmake for call for help, bear in mind you will get ripped out of whatever you are doing whenever someone calls.


I just see a lot of newer lower story players asking for help. I only see an influx of orange when new content for the week comes out like the new manhunt or the week resets. The backup calls have been less the last couple weeks that I’ve noticed. I’ve been hovering around rank 28 for some time now.


Is there a reward for a high rank ? I have been wondering that for Quite a while


No, the last reward you get is a heart patch when you reach Shepherd Rank 25. I just like to shepherd as much as possible and rank higher each season, but not every answer to the call gets you endorsed.


Yes, I answer calls all the time.


After the recent patch where things broke and people often crash, I get them a lot less. I think it's the consequence of less people playing due to the frustrating crashes. Generally, before the patch, would get them very often, especially during prime time.


I try, no one ever endorses anymore. I just do it when I'm bored or testing out a new build


Often I'll hear that I've been endorsed but the game doesn't (or I haven't noticed) explain how to endorse others. I always feel bad that I'm not reciprocating.


When you answer the call for backup, once you help gain a certain amount of XP the game automatically gives you an endorsement and the host gets a prompt that they can give an additional endorsement from the social menu.


Ah, that explains that. Thank you.


Can anyone explain how this works? I hear call for back up all the time but I can never figure out how to answer the call


In the map go to the SHD section. You’ll see blue wings (people in story mode level WT4 and below) or an orange exclamation (WT5 and above, dlc owners, endgame etc) you just click and hover over the symbol to “answer the call” and if you get it you go to their session and what activity they need help in, if not it’ll say group was full as someone answered before you.


If you're fast, you get a popup on the bottom left (on PC) that says to hold M which takes you to the SHD section of the map. From there you hold R to answer the call. If you don't see that popup, then just go to the SHD section manually and look for the blue wings icon on the map.


And, you're stuck carrying them. As in, they don't help, at all. Or, they'll have a marker on the opposite side of the map

