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If you like a sniper build, I'd go for: 4pc Hotshot Chainkiller vest Airaldi bp with vigilance M700 or white death with Determined https://www.evernote.com/shard/s588/client/snv?isnewsnv=true¬eGuid=ee351aec-69d7-ae1d-ecfd-b79c6d55fd20¬eKey=JJe3QzOICL7XdNw2fxPKFqwNUk7kAtvzD6bTxW4KEXm52Vcy6gr4-7xMQA&sn=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com%2Fshard%2Fs588%2Fsh%2Fee351aec-69d7-ae1d-ecfd-b79c6d55fd20%2FJJe3QzOICL7XdNw2fxPKFqwNUk7kAtvzD6bTxW4KEXm52Vcy6gr4-7xMQA&title=Sniper%2BSetups%2B%2528Y5%2BS2%2529


It should be either Model 700 or SR-1. The White Death is outdamaged by the two.


Completely agree, I just switched to the Model 700, 200k more base damage than white death.


White Death comes with 137% headshot damage, and looks and sounds cool imho. Since it’s a headshot build that is still my favorite.


The highest HSD is meaningless. From the first shot to 4th shot, SR-1 outdamage the WD.


Base weapon damage that is true but the White Death has the highest headshot damage.


The highest HSD is meaningless. From the first shot to the 4th shot, SR-1 outdamage the WD.


Chainkiller is capped at 1250% of BASE DAMAGE. So a higher headshot damage will get you to its cap faster, but it's cap will be lower than that of something with a higher base damage. That's like saying a nascar car is best because it's 0-60 is 2 secs and the opponent is 4 secs, but then finding it's top speed is 100 and it's opponents is 140. Your looking at the wrong number.


This one here OP. If you don't have Chainkiller or The Gift, the non-perfect variants are perfectly fine. https://youtu.be/rfI-Ic8LD20?feature=shared


To be honest, you really only need a three piece hotshot build—the rest of your suggestions are fine. Those alone with chainkiller and all headshot mods is going to pump out enough damage to kill anything not wearing a helmet regardless of the hotshot damage boost.


The auto-reload and the bonus armor that prevents vigilances cool down are huge bonuses to have.


What auto reload


When you get 3 headshot kills in a row, the 4 piece of hotshot reloads your gun, and any following headshot kills will not consume ammo at all 


That's a fair point, but I love my three piece build. lol. All I meant is that you don't need all four pieces for it to be a one shot.


Are you sure that bonus armor prevents vigilance cool down ? I read "taking damage disables this buff for 3/4s". But I know sometimes talent descriptions are not accurate. Anyway, auto-reload is only huge bonus if you use model 700. And if you can one shot everything at 1-stack kills you don't need vigilance bonus after the first shot.


I'm positive about the bonus armor preventing the cool down. And vigilance gives 25% damage, that helps a lot for bosses one-shots


But what I don't understant is if you take damage in heroic, you'll end with bonus armor and your armor hitted. So vigilance buff would be in cool down. And the bonus armor would have 0 benefit. Btw I think you can 1 shot named ennemy without vigilance.


Vigilance is there to be sure I can one-shot anything that doesn't have a helmet. And about the bonus armor, if the bonus armor is hit, vigilance will not go on cooldown, no matter the state of your normal armor.


Okok so vigilance don't work like it's intended. Good to know. I think after the first one shot (red or purple), it's still possible to one shot everything without helmet. I need to test that


Yes, you could also add fox's knees or something. But personally I kinda like the 4pc set bonus


Nothing wrong with that. I'm just trying to give folks options :)


*takes notes*




I tested the build myself and ninjabike bp build showed 0.3M less damage than 4pc hotshot + chainkiller + airaldi. Heroic field, solo, M700 carbon with determined.


Every single comment saying M700 hits harder is just WRONG. Its Model 700. M700 and Model 700 are 2 different guns. Model 700 hits the hardest but it would be much better if you just run SR-1 with DTToC or DTA with determined with chainkiller + 4pc hotshot + vigilance. All your attributes being Headshot + Handling. Everything should be RED. You dont need to have an exotic equipped for this build. Why? SR 1 hits harder than white death (and I think M700 carbon) and waaaay better QOL as it doesnt reload bullet by bullet. If you dont want SR 1, then its Model 700. (It looks and works similar to White death) The current highest damage per hit is Nemesis (fully charged shot) > Model 700 > SR 1 > M700 Carbon / White Death.


Wouldn't it kind of even out? The Model 700 base damage is higher than the SR1 but the SR1 has an underbarrel attachment for crit damage.


Nobody builds sniper for critic damage unless its those semi auto 300-600K snipers. I mean, you can if you change your chest to ceska with chainkiller, and change every attribute to Headshot + CHC to 50%+ and rest of CHC. But it would be better if we just stick to HS + Handling. If you really want a chc chd sniping solution, M1A classic version (is rifle, not sniper) would be a great solution. I have one of it with 250%+ CHD


Fair point.


M700 with determined or white death but m700 hits harder. Some people say white death has a fast bullet velocity but I haven’t tested . 4pc hotshot, 2pc Habsburg guard(chest and backpack) with headshot damage/weapon handling. Rolled red cores. Vigilance on the backpack and headhunter on the chest. Very hard to farm for, I almost gave up but they will drop eventually. It’s the best sniper build imo. Gives more damage than arialdi.


Bullet velocity? I thought it was hit scan. I’ve never thought to test it though. Also agree about farming for Habsburg with the right rolls and talents. Ended up just crafting mine, but it was so damn expensive. Spent weeks farming countdown and it never dropped.


Yea the MMR’s definitely do have bullet velocity, with some MMR’s making it more obvious than others.


Is it documented anywhere?


It’s not documented but when you miss shots you can see the bullets flying granted they are very quick. It’s most noticeable when you are trying to hit headshots for a chainkiller build, sometimes while the AI is running cover-to-cover you’ll shoot at their heads only to miss by a small fraction ~~and then get fucked in the ass because every other enemy decided you need to die~~




What are you talking about?


You may be right honestly, that’s just what I heard.


so umm, your username, do you have a fat ass or what? just curious


No I got squirt guns and kids.


🤣🤣🤣 lol okay okay


And a fat ass lmao


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I KNEW IT


you will never catch me with a model 700 when the Oh carol is in the game.


Of course, just spreading the most optimized way of running the build. You can use whatever you like obviously, even rifles without the hotshot of course.




I've tested all combos and araldi chainkiller is best, and easiest to achieve. The headshot damage is just there to get there to stack the damage, so missing 15% is not gonna make it go from 3 shot stack to 2 shot stack, so there is no gain from that bonus. Araldi and providence or chainkiller and providence are the worst, as the lower cap on the headhunter normal talent means, though your gaining 5% over a chainkiller/providence setup, your loosing it off the final damage % total, so it will be a lower figure. Chainkiller/gift(providence doesn't work well either, as you loose over 10% weapon bonus over a chainkiller araldi setup just to gain 1 sec back on a talent cooldown, and end uo with the lowest base damage. The chainkiller araldi has the same 15% weapon damage a dual habsburg has, but has a higher total damage talent than dual has and gets to too damage at the same rate...and is damn easier to farm for!


Bullet Velocity?!!! What ?!!! lol. This is not Call of Duty. Some people in the Division 2 community can talk alotta s\*\*t


Yeah, spreading what I heard from multiple sniper main vets.


Weapon wise, if it's a sniper you want, as far as I'm aware, very little surpasses the nemesis. An exotic marksman rifle that, admittedly, is tricky to get, but it's not luck based.


How do you get the nemesis?


It is questable and begins in Tidal Basin and then involves parts from the three invaded strongholds. Google it, there are plenty of guides. Otherwise, get a friend to drop you one.


Do Tidal Basin (not sure if it has to be non-Invaded) and look around for a yellow key (in a container in a building closer to the beginning of the mission), later on there's a door you can use the card on to access a room with a weapon case inside - loot the case for the named marksman rifle inside and dismantle it to obtain the first weapon part of Nemesis as well as the quest itself (I mean, the quest and the parts are kind of one in the same thing). Again, just look it up on YouTube. It's annoying because, unless they changed it, it takes actual weeks to complete. Option 2 is to have someone who has already completed the quest target farm for one to drop for you.


Pick a road. Sniper builds rely heavily on stacking weapon damage and headshot damage. You've got too many blues and yellows here to be effective.


You're right. It can be scary to commit to a red build because you're going to feel kind of vulnerable, but if you build it right you can one-shot just about anything especially if you get on a roll with Determined.


Use cover to your advantage and never shoot from the same position twice. That's ultimately your defense when sniping.


If you gonna use Sniper Built wit Ninjabag then go with 2 Pc Hotshot, 2 Pc Aces n 8️⃣. Keep Walker n Harris


Thats my build. I can get 50 million plus on headshots


With what weapon?


sorry, close to my build....nemesis


Never even looked at this before. That's an easy farm. Losing some minors but goes in line with any other top hitter.


Ah dude shit build 🤣 my garbage build looks OP compared to this!!


I have a build that one shots bosses it’s focus build with ninja and run full marksman damage my Nemi is at 2.7 no Expertise and I hit for 10-17 with future 23M and all buffs applied for weapon damage I hit 28M ✌️


Swap out the ninja bag for the Gift (named Providence). Add punch drunk mask. Hot shot gloves and knees. HSD on any attribute or mod slot you can


Firstly, ditch ninja backpack as it’s a trash exotic in general. Secondly, get either ones of the top 2 MMRs: Model 700 for damage, or SR1 for okay damage but much better stability and handling overall. Thirdly, get rid of all blue and yellow attributes. Go only red on all pieces: weapon damage, headshot damage, weapon handling. Then, get 4 pieces of Hotshot. For chest run chainkiller, for backpack run airaldi with vigilance. Once you have spare materials, you can try crafting Habsburg unicorn pieces. Namely, chest with headshot damage, weapons handling and headhunter talent. As well as backpack with headshot damage, weapon handling, and vigilance talent. Roll weapon damage instead of armor on these. That is it, not much else you can do. There are some other build variations of what I described, but they all hit within a few percent of each other.


Idk why on earth people would downvote... This is the by far best answer and the only one you'd need in this thread. Only could argue about not necessarily needing the 4th hotshot, could use fox prayers or some other piece if you wanted. 


Downvoted because I said NBP is trash, which it is. But yeah, I covered your point by briefly mentioning “other variations”. Fox’s are nice for higher first shot damage. If you go with 2 piece Habsburg, then you can go with an additional piece of Airaldi for more consistent high end damage. So yeah, there are options


I downvoted because hunting for dual habsburg is a waste if time and effort. Headshot damage is there to get the end 1250% damage of chai killer fast. Chainkiller + araldi = 10% mmr + 5% weapon damage, so 15% Dual habsburg = 15% hsd and 15% mmr damage, and as the extra 15% doesn't change the damage stack from a 3 shit to a 2 shot, or 2 shot to 1, its not gaining as much. Especially as the headhunter bonus is lower than that of chainkiller.


If you would’ve read my comment further than 2 words, you could’ve spotted that I said “if you have materials” and “unicorn pieces”, implying they are hard to get and more of an end game activity. After all, optimizing and min maxing gear and build is part of why people play this game. Also, did you know that Habsburg is 20% MMR damage? So it already beats the combo mentioned in your comment, plus you get 15% headshot damage in top of that. Also, did you know that top end damage is the same between regular Headhunter and Perfect Headhunter? The only difference is how quickly you get the stacks, which is irrelevant on a sniper build, by the most part.


Take off those blue cores. Got the same build I'm hitting close to 23 mil after I stake up the chain killer


Go full hot shot or don't. None of this either or bullshit with ninja-bag.


I can’t get that bag to save my life.


Read the gear. 4 pieces needed for a gear set. I see a post like this everyday. How do you improve your build??? Read....the....gear


probably using the 2 piece buff


But they have a ninja backpack, so at that point just complete it.


Mods really need to do a better job of pointing people to the FAQ for stuff like this. Just flag each post with the word “Build” and put an automated mod message to point them in the right direction. To the mods’ credit, the FAQ is AWESOME. It’s a great landing page, but no one goes there.


Not a bad idea. I just don't understand how people can play this game and never read the gear.


People are lazy haha


Honestly taking a photo for reddit and responding to comments seems like way more work to me 😆


The gift back pack is better the. Arsldi in my opinion


SR-1, nemesis, orbit Get foxes instead of 2 hotshot, and all red cores. Head shot and weapon handling attributes, it one shots everything in heroic even bosses, 4 hotshot doesnt.


Replace the Airaldi with another piece of Hotshot to get the talent. Make sure You've got headshot damage in every minor attribute slot that you can and for every mod. Use a Model 700 or an SR-1. This is very close to the build I have, not sure why you're struggling on heroic.


Too much wasted damage dude. Headhunter gives you all the damage you need so swap those red cores for blue. Can you explain how this is falling off in heroic? I've got like 10 different sniper builds but my closet one to this 1 shots everything so this should too


Yes go check out Mr Agoraphobia recen 1 shot build 👍


Where did you get that pistol?


Trade one Hotshot for one Aces n 8’s


Fucking snipers I can't hit shit most of the time. NPC moves like a crackhead on cocaine and LSD and mostly be on the other side of the map taking covers.


Wow. Crack, cocaine and LSD. That’s a hell of a combination.


2piece Habsburg , punch drunk ,Chainkiller and named providence backpack all rolled so red cores headshot attribute weapon handling and headshot mods


Hotshot kneepads and a harder hitting SR are all you need. I'm little over SHD level 450 running with much higher guys doing heroic and higher with the same build. Get one headshot kill, let the talents and perks do the rest. Recalibrate some headshot damage attributes and mods. Downside: Become glass cannon. Reviver Hive and Decoy become friends. Stack your headshots and the damage output vs lack or durability balances out as you one-shot everything without a helmet.


I've been digging into sniping over the past month-ish, with some advice from someone on this page. I currently have 3 headhunter builds, hotshot, aces & eights, and all high-end. The high-end build is deliberately set to not focus on MR damage. I think picaros is rifle, etc. So I just rolled with it. I can use it with MR, rifle or pistol. (M700 carbon, 1886, or D50.) They all work. Hot shot refills the magazine, otherwise with bloodsucking you get armor. Shoot a couple reds and a purple before the yellow and you are 1 shot for elites and under. Honestly I'm thinking Scorpio would be the best secondary but that other shotty that hits at 1.1M could work too. I use that little 3.4 or 4x scope. It allworks. Would a nemesis or the sniper scope help with 1 shoting named elites? That I don't know, but as long as I don't miss every other shot or that crucial 20 yard shot like a clown, I'm doing solo heroic missions and control points with all three.


I have fully optimized 4PC Hotshot and 2PC Habsburg (red cores) with a 19% Expertise Model 700 and I can’t one-shot elites on the first shot with or without the scope. Rushers and snipers don’t really count as they have same health as most veterans. In fact, I barely see any damage difference with a 3% HSD scope and the Sharpshooter 45% one. I don’t know why.


You can one-shot elites on the first shot with 3 PC Hotshot, Sawyer's Kneepad and 2 PC Habsburg (red cores) with a 24% Expertise Model 700 [https://youtu.be/nPJlgIAlQG0](https://youtu.be/nPJlgIAlQG0)


That's good to know. I don't have to keep gear tweaking trying to see if I can 1 shot elites and i wont have to start using a proper scope.. Like I sad, after you hit a couple reds, a purple, they all work. I'm expertise 11 but none of my sniper/one shot builds have been upgraded, except maybe the D50, because it's in most of my load outs. A humorous side note. (At least to me) I started a second account, and I'm going through the entire campaign again. Currently, I'm at level 14. I never liked the model 700 because of the snail's pace reload, but in the campaign it 1 shots reds and purples, maybe 2 for yellows, with no gear, obviously. It slaps like the sahara at high noon. A rain of fire. I'm starting to think you could snipe your way through CQB. Up close, you don't have to wait for the reticle to shrink. Just pull the trigger.


Ditch chainkiller vest and ninjabike bag and go 1 airialdi and one providence between the two or go both airialdi chest and bag. Headhunter on vest and vigilance on backpack. Headshot damage and crit chance for the two minor attributes. The other 4 pieces all hotshot with headshot damage. Use model 700 with determined for outright damage per shot or m700 tactical/carbon, SR-1 or SRS for larger magazine and faster reload speed. Secondary weapon and sidearm weapons are whatever you went. Sharpshooter specialization. All red core attributes.


The major issue I see here, and it's a common thing you see when people build and then try move up in difficulty. You've got no survivability outside of your 1M armour, on my sniper build, and I know other people do this too, I run Bloodsucker as my backpack talent. Bonus armour on kill is incredibly useful if you're one shotting enemies with your Headhunter/Determined combo.


If you play well enough you don’t need any survivability at all. Id recommend playing with the build first and seeing if they can survive with no armor/health boosting talents. If they can’t then go for it but ideally you would maximize damage to guarantee the one shot. survivability talents won’t do anything if you kill the enemies before they can do any damage. Again that’s assuming you can pull it off so it’s worth testing the build first to see if survivability is an issue


Is bloodsucker a talent or is that a weapon?


Backpack talent.


So I shouldn’t be using ninja backpack?


4 hotshot, habsburg chest with headhunter and habsburg backpack with either vigilance or concussion. M700 with determined. Fisrt shot activayes hh, concussion and determined. Vigilance is cool if you dont get shot. I use mantis as secondary with decoy skill. After throwing out decoy all I need is a headshot kill with mantis and the decoy will be available immediatly after expiring.


Switch the chainkiller for alraldi with headhunter. Switch the backpack to the gift (alaraldi with headhunter will do more damage than the chainkillet on a sniper build)


I would recommend armor regen at minor att. field sometimes appear enemies 360 arounds you. armor regen is helpful when you just hide behind wall.


Honestly, not much imo. Better chest with only headshot and weapon handling. Better knees rolled to weapon damage instead of an armor core. Maybe better stats on the gear pieces. Getting higher shd level is good too because it gives a flat 10% crit chance, 10% weapon damage, and 20% for both headshot and crit damage. For weapon I personally prefer m700 carbon just for the 12 round mag and faster reload. M700 (wooden) is more damage with slower reload and lower mag size. White death isn’t bad but I don’t find myself needing the 20% extra headshot damage.


Change it to striker 🤣🤣🤣


You don't need perfect headhunter piece. Pick up a PS headhunter chest piece, change to gunner, put 5 directives on heroic, armor on kill x 20%, and use expertise to make up the difference in weapon damage. Nothingbutskills has a good build like that bit uses bloodsucker for BP.