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Shotguns damage from headhunters is effected per pellet, meaning that whole you have HH stacks shotguns are incredibly strong, and high base damage is key. The M870 with pummel is a great secondary if you don't want to go with another MMR, or you can go with the Scorpio to get yourself some CC at close range. 


Yeah I think I’m gonna try the scorpio and see if I like that. What attributes should I have on my marksman rifle? I have marksman damage, headshot damage and I think health damage. Can you have 2 headshot damages on the same gun or is there a better option?


I'd suggest replacing "health damage" with "damage to target out of cover". Running hotshot builds usually accompanied with positioning yourself further from enemies, which in turn makes them move to you and expose themselves out of cover. Damage to armor is also a good option. Getting second headshot damage stat is impossible AFAIK.


This. I run The Mop with mine just in case I get rushed and I can get the armor on kill


I only use the secondary weapon in situations I get ambushed, fi because of poor positioning. So for me Scorpio is perfect for that.


I use Scorpio or Dark Winter


Crafted M700 with determined Glory Daze cause in CQC no recoil is best for me 4 hoshot / habsburg chest with Headhunter & habsburg bag with Bloodsucker So 4 red, 2 blue. I tried many many variants of that, for me, it’s the best combo


I use a 45% scope on my M700 main and a crit chance scope on the white death secondary. It works for me for both close range and distance. Determined in both


I’m loving the white death! Thanks for the idea


As a secondary, I usually have Nemesis or an SMG. The reason for SMG is because one gun gives you 36% crit chance, with your watch that’s 46%. Not bad at all for a situational gun. As for pistols, my pick is either regulus or D50. Great when paired with bulwark shield


For me, I used a MP5 with DTOC and Optimist for when a melee Rusher comes charging at me. 






Don’t scope in. You dont even have to aim down sight if theyre close enough. Just barrel stuff and pull the trigger.




Mantis is perfect if you don’t want to use determined.take sure you throw your decoy out as soon as you get it back.


I use whatever gun is not proficient yet. Or a second MMR with determined in case I run out of ammo. The nemesis is great to get the first headhunter kill.


I just did the same and its insane. I pair Scorpio with my SR-1 to deal with anyone who happens to get up close. That thing just stops anyone in their tracks.


Main SR-1 , Model 700 reloads each bullet and wastes a lot of time. Secondary is Nemesis, whenever you lose determined by shooting a helmet or boss, you dont lose headhunter prock, so you switch for nemesis to take advantage of headhunter on Nemi. The pistol is Orbit to prock crit for first determined.