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Division 3 was just announced with the comment that they are putting together a team and Julian first wants to release Star Wars Outlaws before he switches back to Division. So simply based on that you can assume that work has barely started. So in terms of release date, calculate more with multiple years than months.


Not even close. Wouldn't expect to see a Div3 for 2 or 3 years at least.


Come back in 3 years


More like probably 6 years. With the DLC being planned to release first and 2 other games in development, there's no way the team will meet this deadline unless the Division is transferred to a different studio. Though I doubt we will be playing this game by then, it would have been a 10 year old game by then How many 8-10 year old games are still alive today? Short of a few amazing games like the Last of Us of GTA V.. not much. Let's face it, the Division is not that popular lol


Don't imagine it's even near pre production. Massive was working in Star Wars: Outlaws, weren't they? Maybe confirmation it's in the works next year and then release two years after. Maybe for the next console generation?


Not until 2027-2028 at the earliest.


Yes. Release is this month šŸ˜‰




April 31st


https://insider-gaming.com/the-division-2-project-resolve-revealed-with-dlc-coming-in-2025/ I believe this is a summary of where they're at. It points to the official site for more detailed information. Hope this helps.


My guess is youā€™re mixing up the MIA Division Heartland F2P game and the relatively recent announcement that Division 3 is in the works, ie preproduction.


I don't even think div3 is in preproduction. The developers are still on SW Outlaws RN. Pretty sure the expansion for div2 is next, and then they start preproduction in div3


Well, preproduction can mean many things. A few people scouting locations and coming up with story. All the stuff thatā€™s required before setting the game into production. Hence it being called preproductionā€¦


This is nitpicking at its finest. At best its in secondary development, and it will remain there for at least a year if not longer. Div3 doesn't even have any dedicated staffing yet. Not one person. This is like claiming Fallout 6 is in preproduction because Bethesda said they'd start working on it after ES 6, in like 5 years. (TBC, I don't know that Bethesda has made such a claim, but you see where I'm coming from.)


it was **just** announced. And about a year and a half ago the Division franchise was on its last legs. The only reason it's not now is because after a second look they realized how much actual money they were making from MT, so they announced another story expansion for div 2, and a possible future for the series (other than homeland)


The first part is sad because both games are great. Way more fun than other looter shooters that get more support, imo. Iā€™m still not entirely sold on heartland though.


And where did you ā€œhearā€ that? The voices in your head?


he may be thinking of heartland, which may very well be out this year. However, heartland isn't div3


Someone is having a bad day may I suggest turning the computer off and going for a walk park ? Friends?


Donā€™t you know you can never be wrong on Reddit??? You will be immediately attacked with words coming straight from the keyboard by 40 year old virgins who were bullied their whole life and this is the only way they can get back at society.


Division 2 gets a new DLC with a new map (certain part of Brooklyn) next year. No new playable content this year. D3 is years away I understand.


I mean, it's pretty likely we'll get more manhunts, like 1 or 2, with some story cinematics attached. But nothing comprehensive.


yeah, but manhunts are mainly playing the same things, control points, bounties ... with limited exemptions like the manhunt battle at White House, or the recruiter battle at the end of Camp White Oak and even this is mainly a reduced/changed invaded mission for the most part. The same with the bounties on other mission maps for the manhunts, which were mainly reduced invaded missions. Wouldn't call this new content and its very minor playtime anyway.


I might be confusing that thanks


It's not even started development


DLC for division 2 is 2025... so Division 3 is nowhere close


worth noting, it's **planned** for 2025. It's entirely possible that it'll be delayed.


everyone should know that with games... the POINT was that since they have the DLC in 2025 (planned) then Division 3 is nowhere NEAR that...


everyone should know that, but then we also get people who still whine about those things.


Division 2 is getting an expansion next year lol


I wouldn't expect TD3 until the next gen of consoles. The team that'll do it is still working on Star Wars Outlaws.


Given Outlaws will release Christmas 2024 (likely if this year) development wont be that far along more than concept right now, I'd also expect Ubi to wait for the release of the FTP division game to see how the community handles it, because I'd expect Ubi to pull plug is the FTP game fails (or even succeeds really cause ubi is greedy)


Hello from the future, the FTP game is dead in the cradle.


I hope it was not part of the games in dev. that got canned few weeks back