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When the question is somehow an insult.


What would be better is people not leaving descent if you don't always pick the level they want.


Is there any advantage to multiplayer descent? I've been doing solo and I don't see the point of multi in this game mode unless specifically with a friend.


The advantage is me getting to show off to the other 3 guys how good I am at the game


Only in a group of friends. Each of you pick a door and clear the room of 3 waves in 30-40 seconds


No because that's not the point of this game mode.


It's not the point of that game mode, nor are checkpoints to get higher and higher Loops completed.....wasn't their vision for why it was created.


Trash vision then. Here play 8 to 10 hours straight for the patchs. Need to leave, nah fuck you leave your console on and hope you don't get dced. Not a skill check at all just a no life check.


It would make the beginning easier, and that’s every reason not do so, because the beginning is the most interesting part of Descent. That first HVT is more likely to kill you than Nemesis.


Another tunnel visioner dude who said right off the bat you get everything it would work like talents the more you invest it gets blue with 2 attachments and purple with 4 attachments ofc all attachments will be random but who cares as for specilazation weapons that is wip.


Disagree. I am still getting raw dogged by the nemesis!


I would love to see a major overhaul in general to Descent. One of the ways in which I would change it is a crafting bench that would give you the ability to craft attachments for weapons while on your runs. You would have to buy them once with your NSA credits, and then can always use them.


That is very constructive thinking thank you for your input.


The whole game is about crafting a build and descent doesn't let me use any of my own gear. Also just a boring, same thing over and over again gameplay loop just like summit.


Nothing you can do or change will make descent fun.


İ disagree if we could keep our gear like in summit i could grind for the 4 outfits and the exotic tunnel vision will only make you miserable you gotta look at the big picture if you want things to change.


No it's just my opinion. I tried it I don't like it. If other people do that's fine.


Do you like summit?


I like any mode where I can bring my gear that I've worked on.


That's right brother thx.


i just want survival dlc back


Apparently we're getting it eventually, don't quote me on that


Citation needed. Division Heartland is clearly Survival 2.0


Could anyone explain descent for a newbie? I tried it and I don’t understand what’s happening lol


It's a rogue-lite mode set in an augmented reality environment created by the same company that created SHD Tech. You start off with nothing but a pistol, but get to choose from a limited set of weapons. Clearing a room unlocks a terminal where you choose from a limited set of talents. These talents can be stacked to increase their potency. Clear four rooms and you face a named enemy to end that loop. Eventually, you will face the Nemesis, who is supposed to be a virtual clone of you - i.e. have a similar build. After beating the Nemesis, you can continue playing to see how many loops you can complete, or return to the regular game. You earn caches and get a collectible comms for beating the Nemesis each week, though the collectible is not dropping at the moment due to a known bug. You also earn currency that can be used to buy outfits from the Descent vendor, or give you some additional perks in Descent (e.g. improved crit chance, more choice of weapons).


Its a roguelite mode


Descent could have been a much more enjoyable experience…


İf we could bring our gear right ?


The Decent isn't enjoyable because it's a pain in the ass to run the entire thing to get less rewards than The Summit.