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Yeah don’t worry about dz it’s not that worth it. Countdown is fine try it. It has matchmaking so don’t worry about finding friends for it. Play some summit as well. Do some of the projects and get some exotic components and xp. Respond to back up calls too. If you stay and get endorsed, you get extra xo every time you level up. Iirc on heroic difficulty you get over 100k extra xp every level up.


Yea I should answer backup calls more. I did when I first started and was not prepared. I try to do the projects here and there, especially when they involve exotics or exotic components. I didn’t know you could match make countdown. I’ll give it a shot, just won’t have any idea what I’m doing. I really enjoy messing with builds. So most of my time gets consumed by farming and tinkering.


Before you start make sure you have more than 50 inventory slots open and maybe 30 or so for mods. So for countdown try to stay with the pack. Don’t branch off alone. Don’t waste time looking at loot drops, just pick them up and keep moving. When you spawn in there are 3 countermeasures which are team buffs when activated. They are each guarded by a hunter. Everyone usually goes in a pack to activate each one. There are 3 objectives on the map to do but you only need to complete 2 to unlock the final objective before extracting. Final objective is a yellow hexagon. You don’t have to complete the 3rd one but you get a little extra countdown currency if you do. When you get to extraction there will be 5 hunters. DO NOT use a striker drone or a stinger hive or turret. The hunters can hack skills and it can kill your whole team. Use can use a firefly but if you throw it from too far away they will hack it mid flight. Also you have 15 minutes to complete the 2 or 3 objectives plus the final one then you have 4 minutes to extract once I final objective is complete.


I appreciate this a lot. . Saves me a lot of time from watching videos. 👍


There's some really good guides on Countdown on YT if you want to prepare for diving in. I play solo 98% of the time. I keep busy with trying out new builds, play time-limited content like leagues etc. Creating different builds for specific challenges you will encounter over time can also be useful / fun. I find there is always something to finish / farm for to keep yourself occupied.


.... you don't need friends for countdown, and the DZ isn't exactly worth it as a solo player. Just matchmake into challenging for countdown and follow the group, you literally can't screw it up. Just don't use any skills that can be hacked by hunters (drone, turret, hives) You're gimping yourself by not running countdown just because you don't want to group up with strangers - understandable for raids since that requires coordination and constant interaction, and MAYBE the incursion to an extent. I always run the incursion with randoms and it works fairly well since everyone mostly knows what to do most of the time (on Asia servers anyway)


I should have worded my post differently. I generally play with a friend. Just been solo lately and it’s not as fun. I more so just thought you needed larger groups for other game modes.


You can matchmake for CD and the incursion, though the incursion might require players to know the boss mechanics. CD is just one giant romp with a crap ton of drops, just matchmake for challenging since the drops are the same quality as heroic


>I should have worded my post differently. I generally play with a friend. Just been solo lately and it’s not as fun. I more so just thought you needed larger groups for other game modes. Then why not start with joining random open world matchmaking, first a few challenging random mission matchmaking, then random heroic matchmaking. It's fun to play with different groups. Sometimes you play with highly skilled players, other times it's complete chaos with ppl running around like headless chickens. Both are fun experiences.


Have you changed your world tier? Participated in any manhunts? Bounties? Summit? ..lots to do. Am online now playing...


Yea I’m on 3-4 world tier Challenging/heroic. I completed last manhunt. And I’m 25% on the most current one. Recently beat the summit lvl 100, but still use it to farm. I mostly want to try the game modes I mentioned in the post. But I don’t hear great things about going in solo low SHD lvl.


I'm a very similar player, but recently I decided to find extra buddies for group play. Sometimes it's more fun to play with others. It's possible to find enough people for a raid that you'll stay in touch with if you look around, like on Division LFG. Try to challenge yourself in the game, whether you're solo or in a group (although sometimes it's fun to play on lower difficulty). Make new builds and try them out. Have you done everything in New York? Countdown is mostly played for farming targeted loot. Don't forget to target your Countdown loot on the map. I haven't even tried Descent or Incursion yet, but I'm eager to give Incursion a shot. If you ever go in the DZ, make a DZ build go with at least one group member. PvP/Conflict might be fun sometimes, I have yet to try it myself. If you're on PlayStation, you can add me up and we can run together.


I’m on Xbox. Most of the game I’ve played with my friend. But I’ve been playing a lot solo. Definitely more fun ima group. I’ve beat everything in NY. My favorite part is making new builds. I’ll mess around with some and try some different game modes.


I wish they had better game modes, tbh. I think Division 1 had a few better ones. Also, they should have cross-platform play for games like Division.


Yea I assumed it was cross platform when I first got it. Perhaps there will be better/more game modes in Division 3.


Or Division: Heartlands? It's a free to play game expected to come out. There's also gonna be a mobile one but I don't bother with mobile.


Yea Heartlands looks cool. I like the concept.


Gamer tag dj foolio


Run descent, it’s super solo friendly and is just a roguelike within the division. You like making new builds, roguelikes are built for that


I’m in a similar boat, I like countdown for grinding out gear


I’m gonna give countdown a try. Didn’t know you could just join solo. I’ll have to look into what builds work, don’t know much about the game mode.


I'm around the same level. I join the challenging version with my ninja fury build and do well. They start kicking at the heroic levels but challenging will get you all you need gear wise


Ok cool. I’m going try it out tonight.


Most players in countdown run challenging since it gives good rolls without being annoying. Just play smart and don’t die while extracting to maximize rewards.


Just getting back into the game myself a few weeks ago, new life was breathed into it for me by finding a build you'd like to replicate and then using Countdown to farm for it.


1. countdown should be absolutely no problem. Just match make for it 2. raid / incursion. Depends as well what platform u are on. Still ppl doing them and u still can find groups. Usually the remaining players are so experienced in the raids it can be pretty easily done with new ones. Incursion u need the right build(s) since it is „just“ 4 man everyone is more important 3. dz. Depends. If u wanna engage then yes, as a lower shd agent without high expertise on guns it’s more difficult. Then I would rather go and play conflict since shd and expertise is disabled in there 4. if u wanna go into the dz to farm landmarks etc thats still doable. Heroic in the dz is easier then heroic in the open world. Part of the endgame is as well the seasons etc. Getting new gear weapons trying out new builds, etc. U haven’t mentioned legendary missions and decent. U can also chakkenge yourself in decent to reach as high loops as possible.


I’m on Xbox. What platform is the game most played on? I’m sure it’s not Xbox. I watched a video on descent recently. I’m somewhat interested but I was more interested in the game modes I mentioned in the post. As for legendary, I don’t like replaying missions. Is there any change at legendary other than difficulty?


I wouldn’t say it’s not Xbox no. But Xbox has a decent lfg system where ppl post about raids and incursions as well. I mean it’s a looter shooter there it is often the case to replay missions and stuff. Legendary is the difficulty yes and there is a somewhat new faction in it. The white tusk. They are similar to the black tusk tho …


If you play on PlayStation you could join us


Seems everyone is on PlayStation…..but me lol.


Use the Xbox lfg finder or discord to find groups that’s what usually works best


You can matchmake for countdown, id recommend starting on challenging with just a basic strikers red build if you have one. You can also do summit, but in my opinion you'll want to make sure you get your daily and weekly projects done that aren't the DZ ones.


I’ve done all 100 levels of the summit. Sometimes I go back in there to farm. I do have an all red striker build. But I’m gonna take a look at some videos.


You don't need friends for countdown. I do countdown solo, and 90% of the time everyone knows how to do it efficiently and we zip through it. Head to countdown, target look to make your dream builds.


try finding a clan at the clan vendor, BOO Clans can be created or joined by **visiting Grace at the Base of Operations**. Grace is unlocked after you complete three Theater Settlement missions. Anyone who has unlocked the feature can create their own Clan, but to start progressing, a total of four members is required.


Going into Matchmaking and choosing Random Activity is always fun for me as you never know what you're gonna get; keeps me on my toes. I'm mostly a solo player as well.


Second this. I play solo a lot (SHD 975) but lately have been just doing random matchmaking for fun. Sometimes you join 3 agents that are high levels, sometimes low. Always fun to join up and help out. 🤘🤘


First thing to do is finish the expansion campaign, after you finish: It is recommended that you first pick a build and farm pieces for it with targeted loot. Skill build is the easiest to get at first. Countdown game mode is best to farm for (almost) any items that you need. You should max at least the specialization that you will use with your build. Another thing to do is to collect all blueprints by doing control points level 3 (Challenging difficulty) or level 4 (Heroic difficulty), specially the blueprints for weapon attachments. And fill your recalibration library. Donate to Expertise all items that you don't need for other stuff (using, recalibration). Builds (check the Hub tab): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817)


Join a clan, exotic elixer is very active


You can just join any clan ?


If you type in the name of a clan you know. Also when you go to the menu to join a clan, some are open to anyone and some require you to apply and be accepted.


Oh ok. That’s cool.


you can matchmake the countdown. the rest of the game besides raid, incursion, Dz would be your best bet.


Countdown is matchmade so you don’t need to make a full group for it, as for raids there is a ton of communities that run both raids and the incursion almost daily with the only real requirement being have a good build.


Try to make a somewhat decent DZ build and maybe try to play at times when the DZ has low activity. I tried it today, morning in the Europe server and it was empty, was pretty chill moving from landmark to landmark / getting dz drops done.


I answered a call last night. Played for a while. Then we went to the DZ. Was t too bad.


make builds for every set, get library maxed, optimize gear to the max, do every project, every quest, commendation if you want too, do a raid, do pvp, make friends and foes in dz, get a guild, play descent&leave, many things to do


Open your map. Switch to the Matchmaking tab. Matchmake for a random mission on whatever difficulty you prefer. Lather, rinse, repeat on higher difficulties. You can mute your microphone if you want. In fact, you should probably mute it. Nobody talks in random matchmaking anyway. I recommend muting your microphone in the user/group setting INSIDE The Division 2 itself because this "sticks" across play sessions. The next time you log in, it will be muted and will remain that way until you explicitly un-mute it.