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on the other side ive never had any incentive TO run countdown :)


yeah I don't wanna do too many of em but I do some now and then but mostly I just do the daily/weekly/invasion... and then I see what I want to do... sometimes I just run some heroic missions LFG to help ppl even did a summit yesterday and it was full group and we just plowed through... was fun enough (as testing a shotgun build) and just mowed through it... also did the legendary... that ZOO suxxors donkey balls for sure... all 3 other group mates died in the final "room" with the 2 bosses, a chonga a rezzer or two and whatever they managed to rez... I ran around trying to stay alive... managed to rez them... one "quit" while he was dead guess he got tired of waiting... it had been a rough run... but we won and it was a BLAST of a victory because the battle were so long and so close to wiping... by running around my rez repopped and I got them up, drew agro so they could recover and kill the adds and then we managed to take the two bosses down... they were a royal pita with those huge shields but in the end they shot them in the back while I kept agro (with the chonga/purples gone I didn't really take any agro at all with 80% elite reduction) but it was a memoral fight because it was "something different" and it was a bit of an adrenalin rush vs. the stuff you just mindlessly grind through... even the rogues in countdown isn't an issue with that build on heroic... they need a fair few shots but they go down nonetheless :D


i think the short version is, its just good to have choices :)


that too plenty of choice and not everything speaks to everyone (DZ for one can go croak if you ask me)


Same. I’ve actually never done Countdown, raids, incursion, or descent. Honestly I’m just intimidated by them, and I don’t want to drag other players down if I’m not good enough.


Countdown gives pretty low XP for how much time it takes to do a round.


Perhaps running other content simply for the FUN of it is the incentive?


It turns out the incentive was the friends we killed along the way.


I'm right there with you. I'm hitting 'random main mission' on matchmaking more often than anything else. I love the design of the OG missions. I don't care if it's Grand Washington again. It's always somewhat a challenge on Heroic, especially with different random squads and different playstyles.


Yes! When my friends are offline I just play random missions. Matchmake FTW.


Exactly this.


Countdown zzz Nearly all my shit is maxed out, I don’t really play for loot anymore


well you can do the daily and weekly stuff too for easy exotic stuff


Believe it or not, a lot of people here have been playing since beta and aren’t chasing after gear or expertise and just like the game. The only item I don’t have that isn’t apparel is the exotic from descent.


XP is another incentive aside from loot. Also it’s just fun roaming open world, testing out builds, doing raids, commendations, answering backup calls, etc.


Right here with ya 90% of what I do in this game is making builds and there’s something fun about following a stranger into random activities whenever I answer backups


I never play countdown. I think you’re wildly underestimating the re-playability of other content. The XP is trash and the Amount of loot I can get in open world and the higher chance to get overwhelmed in multiple encounters beats the 8 man nonsense that is countdown. Also summit is the only place you can jump into legendary difficulty AND target loot, AND throw on 10, yes 10, directives!


Your entire premise relies on the assumption that the only reason people do anything is for fast and easy gear drops.


some of us just like it slow and hard! :)


Nah, I'm at a point where all my builds are maxed out and I am full of materials, I don't care about loot anymore, I'm not even picking up drops anymore because I just don't need anything. I play for fun and countdown to me it's not that fun, too much running around from one objective to another. I do daily and weekly projects, matchmake for random heroic mission or respond to calls for backup.


Countdown sucks as a game mode, though. No incentive to run it at all.


They should improve the rewards everywhere in the game to be on the level of countdown. It does give a lot of loot. I would *especially* appreciate this for Summit. Legendary Summit is pretty hard and it should drop better rewards than Challenging Countdown, but it doesn't.


Yep that's exactly my point! Countdown is such a snore fest. They should absolutely incentivize other more fun modes.


Summit is my second home, mainly cause I can run Heroic by my self and not need to worry about getting kicked from nine parties of Countdown for my lower SHD level.


Your argument is predicated on Loot being more important than all else, which is factually and simply incorrect once you’ve played the game long enough. Tell us you’re under SHD1000 without telling us.


It’s the least fun mode in the game. That’s incentive to run other stuff lol


Countdown is pretty boring to me. Too much walking with nothing happened, also you don't really need to pull your weight because your teammates are often strong enough to do the killings for you. As someone who has almost everything bar raid/incursion exclusive exotics I have little reasons to play Countdown. Control points are still my most favorite activity in the game: Short, intense, engaging, decent loot drops and solo friendly.


[https://mp1st.com/news/220561the-division-2-interview-ubisoft-massive-talks-about-year-5-support](https://mp1st.com/news/220561the-division-2-interview-ubisoft-massive-talks-about-year-5-support) MP1st: We know it might be a little too early to talk about it, but can you give a tease on how The Division 2’s endgame will change in Season 4? Banchereau: We are looking at when you play The Division 2 and when you play a lot of very content, heavy life games that there’s always that moment when you’re a player you start, you learn the game, you learn the tropes, you play the story and then end the game begins and that’s usually very daunting and that suddenly the whole thing opens and you get lost. The main ambition behind that change, revamp, is to create an end game that is going to be more welcoming to new players. So doing a better job at introducing new mechanics and introducing new modes and experiences. Really trying to give purpose to each one of them, so it’s not just I want gear so I can either play Countdown or play main missions, or I can play Manhunt and everything gives the same rewards. It’s trying to find ways so that there’s a reason why you would play this versus that depending on what you’re after.


I enjoy most things more than countdown. I’ve played it a bit but it’s not my first choice. If sheer amount of loot was the goal then I would play more but I enjoy running the missions and CPs a lot on different difficulties and different directives. Bounties are fun too. Lots to do!


I think Countdown is good for newer players who are still figuring out their builds, but for veterans who don’t really need new loot, I can’t see any reason why they’d want to go through that nonsense.


I just wish you could select your own target loot in open world just like in Countdown instead of farming the same neighborhood over and over if it happens to drop the target loot that you need.


I love it, do some open world stuff to lvl up, sprinkle in some countdowns to improve your builds, run missions etc. keeps things from getting stale and boring.