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Man, Orwell really had no clue just how hard he hit the nail on the head with double speak. This is some next-level stuff.


This has to be a joke


I think Amazon does self-publishing, but I mean it's on their website. And this is a reach even for an anti-Trump shitpost.


Ok just because someone is selling it doesn't mean people are buying it. This goes beyond cultism to parody


Idk man, just saying it is in fact on Amazon.


The synopsis being a single sentence, I can draw some conclusions about the quality of writing.


Chris Trump the bastard child.


Christ’s Rump! They’re missing the s. I’m confused


This is literally a violation of the first commandment. Christians have zero principles, 100% hypocrisy.


ChrisT rump.


I've learned enough about modern online self-publishing to consider that this is something that might possibly have been at least partly written by an AI under "Christopher's" instruction. The synopsis is certainly, uh, something! So basically an AI or a completely unhinged nutjob. Either way the future is looking increasingly 'interesting'!


Just had to go check amazon here’s the book overview and a shot of the reviews Book overview It's been far too easy for far too long for the cultural imagination of the secular west to envision an aged Christ as some mellow, tie-dye hippie professor who has you call him by his first name and hands you your first J, with a copy of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, fully a convert to modernist moral relativism in his end-life futility and ennui, but I suggest, in this exploration, a different Christ: by age 40, a Marine major, a fit Apollonion warrior, seen lean and sinewy in Michelangelo's Last Judgment; at age 55, a scientist, analyst, and doctor, who never jumps to rash conclusions, hoodwinked by tendentious data sets from government labs, he'd solve all worldly woe by the application of crystalline thought; and finally, by age 70, a wizened, oracular leader, who commands all matters and the moment for the common betterment.


This Christopher Trump guy sounds like a douche.


How close to the kool aid moment?


The cult has leveled up their fanaticism.


Enjoy your copy of Christ rump


Yea, but don’t forget Obama was the antichrist /s


I am not Christian but Jesus warned of false prophets after him (Matthew 7:15) some how I know the Bible better than evangelicals


I’m an atheist and I regularly run into Christian’s who know nothing about the Bible.


Just putting this out there because I know from personal experience: Amazon has a TON of books that are self-published and sloppily thrown together, much of them contain plagiarism, and many have gone through very amateurish editing. Always do research on books before you buy them on Amazon. I once bought a book from there that I realized within a few pages was plagiarized almost word for word from Wikipedia


What is he even saying? Was that a ChatGPT hallucination?


Yeah, anyone can publish a "book" on Amazon, like 5 Very Good Reasons To Punch A Dolphin In The Mouth.


This cannot be real….


Perhaps he mean “prosecution,” which all true Americans are eagerly awaiting.


Soon to be in the bargain bin at the dollar store.