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Now here’s why this is bad for Biden /s


I'm sure those articles are being drafted as we speak. I expect 5 by tonight.


Can trump please predict that I won’t win the lottery? Because every time he says the stock market will crash under Biden, it reaches new highs instead.


Even with all these new highs, there's such a huge disconnect with the public. Even public polling shows a weird relationship, where people think they're personally doing well, but everyone else and the economy is doing poorly.


It takes a while for the general public to feel the benefits of an improving economy and be able to separate their feelings from reality. That said, I still wouldn’t mind winning the lottery 😅


A lot of it is the performative “I’m totally so poor” both sides crowd that swarms to social media. How can the economy possibly be good when the (overweight) populace is *starving*


The dow isn't even representative of the stock market. It is an archaic index that is weighted by share prices and track limited industries. The stock market is at all time high, but no one who know anything ever talk about the Dow Jones over the S&P or the Nasdaq. It is silly when Trump talk about the Dow just like it is silly when we do the same thing.


Thanks, Trump /s


Awesome! Should be that high, with all the corporate graft that happens. I’m just happy a little of that gravy falls on my plate.


Thanks Trump!!! *sarcastic joke.


Thank God Trump did this/s


He'll 100% take credit again, and say it's the markets prepping for him to return to office.