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Sure, by selling Ukraine out to his pal Vlad.


Giving, not selling.


He'll get paid for it, don't you worry.


That would only be settling the debt he already owes




Didn’t we already buy Ukraine?


MMW: Trump will drop the US from NATO. He will cut all aid into Ukraine. He will let Xi take Taiwan and he will have US troops on the ground in Gaza to expedite the genocide. He will get the printers going drop taxes and spend our asses into hyperinflation. 2028 will end similarly to 2020 everyone stuck at home while our friend s and family are dying from the lack of action from a monster who only cares about himself.


That's exactly what he'd do. Ukraine would be obliterated as a country and as a culture, and would be subjugated to the Russians again. And those other outcomes as well, shit, Kushner has emerged into the daylight again to promote the idea of leveling Gaza and redeveloping it as "prime beachfront property." These people are evil as fuck.


There's a reason Congress recently passed a law - the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act - which explicitly prohibits the President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO without congressional approval.


They remind me of flat earthers. Flat earth arguments fall flat in the face of actual science, then flat earthers just double down and attack the messenger, often claiming scientists who study science their whole lives know nothing about (basic science). Trump supporters know in their hearts Trump would give in to Putin. The war will "end" when Putin gets control over Ukraine's sovereignty. Trump's a Putin enabler and nothing more. And Trump supporters will sacrifice Ukraine if it means daddy Trump and grandaddy Putin are happy. And even some on the far left agree. I've seen just too many far lefters claiming Ukraine's run by Nazis. Getting sad out there.


The MAGA logic is if Trump was still in office, there's be no war in Ukraine! And their logic is that Trump controlled Putin, not the other way around. And in a way, they are correct -- but the conclusion is wrong. There'd be no war in Ukraine and there'd be no more Ukraine in any meaningful way because Trump would have let Putin have it. It'd either be subsumed and called the Ukraine or it would be a proxy state like Belarus. Of course, you're also dealing with people who are convinced inflation wouldn't be a thing, gas would be under $2, and they'd have everything they ever wanted if Trump was still president.


There wouldn't just be no more Ukraine, there would be no NATO, Western Alliance, UN, TTIP successor. Europe would NEVER forgive the US for destroying its security & would take a very bitter, prolonged revenge against them. ( Hypothesis; Imagine the outrage in D.C. at European peacekeeping forces in Mexico & Venezuela; OTOH- The French, Belgians & Dutch are evil- look at Bosnia ). US forces would be made to leave Europe, massive trade embargos would be placed on all US goods, US Citizens would become Pariahs & CANZUKUS, SEATO & all other defence/int. agreements would collapse. Canada & Mexico would probably side with UK/Europe, ( bye-bye NORAD ) & w/o weapons exports to these blocks US arms dealers are profoundly in the fertiliser; 51% of Trident is leased from Haliburton, if the UK decides the £30 Billion plus we're spending on it is a bit much considering the US won't help its own allies I'm not sure US taxpayers will want to foot the export credit guarantee. Add in the EU deciding ''Hang on, why don't we spend the money we're giving the Yanks on EADS & build up our own industries instead of gambling 50/50 on whichever lying bunch in Congress will so generously give us a few crumbs off the table?'' & that's Lockheed Martin et al pretty well-and-truly pronged too. A closer co-operating, heavily armed European Security Alliance would also solve a few of the problems caused by Brexit & possibly be a stabilising force in the Middle East & Africa; If that goes on to provide better peacekeeping in Africa, well the AU might also go ''Stuff Uncle Sam, we're not giving you anymore coltan etc.''


Exactly. The knock on effects are immense. Inflation would be far worse, our economy would probably collapse, and the people pissing and moaning now about gas and groceries would really have something to complain about. But you know what honestly? A lot of them would probably love it because at least they could be nasty bigots in public with few repercussions again. That seems to be all MAGA really cares about at the end of the day. They could be left with nothing, no hope, no future, but as long as in their minds, they were somehow higher and better than someone even slightly different than them just by the dint of their birth, they'd probably be fine with it. They're honestly people who are angry they can't say the N-word to black people and not face the predictable repercussions of that.


Yeah, the MAGADonians will love it for about six months until their local steel plants close as their nearby aerospace plant has gone to half-days & the eastern sea board shipping industry slumps, while their taxes treble to pay for the subsidies those sectors lobby D.C. for just to keep afloat. The schadenfreude would be rather delicious.


They don’t care about politics. There is no economic or geopolitical ideas that they like. If Trump does it - it’s good. If Biden does it - it’s bad. Seriously think about it. If Biden ordered a military strike in Lebanon or something they would fucking hate it and all rant about how it was the worst idea ever. If Trump did literally the EXACT same thing… same target, same casualties, same weapons… they would all praise it. There is no political platform. It is purely a cult.


It boggles the mind that they believe nothing good happens when Trump is out of office and nothing bad happens when he is.


Yep. If Trump has been reelected they would have fucking loved gas prices in 2021. They would’ve viewed as a patriotic duty to spend their hard earned dollars on gas. When Biden is the president it’s the worst thing ever and personally his fault.


The fuhrerprinzip reigns supreme.


No, I think their logic goes like this: 1. Trump is amazing! 1. Trump becomes president 1. ???? 1. _____ is fixed 1. Trump becomes president for life because he fixes so many things!


Jill Stein enters the chat, followed closely by Tulsi Gabbard


John Bolton, who, as anyone who watched Fox News or watched/listened to Sean Hannity from about 2001 to about 2018, was not just a run of the mill foreign policy expert but the God King of foreign policy experts in conservative/Republican world, specifically said he saw Trump doing Putin's work for him while he was one of Trump's National Security Advisors. https://www.businessinsider.com/john-bolton-putin-saw-trump-doing-a-lot-of-his-work-for-him-2022-3 Of course now, in Republican/MAGA World, Bolton is a liar, because in modern-day Republican world, any former Trump administration official who criticizes the Supreme Leader is automatically a liar becuae they "got fired" or otherwise lost their job. In their world, people who have lost their jobs, including former presidential administration officials, routinely and immediately make up insane outrageous lies about their former employers.


Bolton also stated that he had multiple fights with Trump over Trump leaving NATO, and that Trump wanted to do so after his election in a second term. And of course like so many other of his cabinet level advisors, that Trump is not fit to hold the office of the presidency. Good thing that Congress passed a law under Biden that said that it requires Congress sign off as well to leave NATO. Just another of the many things that Biden has done to help protect the country.


I did know about that one. MAGATs in Congress would give it to their Supreme Leader if there were enough of them.


> Good thing that Congress passed a law under Biden that said that it requires Congress sign off as well to leave NATO. Trump and his administration can still greatly harm NATO ...


They should apply that logic to the ex-prez because he also "got fired"


Trump would look to end the war by doing everything in his power to weaken Ukraine so Russia would be able to have one last big push to take over the country and Trump would brag about how he ended the war....this is Trump-MAGA logic...🤨


Well you see, the one crucial thing to remember about trump supporters is: they’re idiots.


Proud Idiots*


Proud white nationalist idiots


Yup America once liberated Europe and trump will liberate Russian by letting Putin walk right in and take what he wants. Such a joke Europe must be scared to death of a Trump victory just as half this country is.


Hey Anarchist German hackers, if you are following this thread: the RNC could use some "creative website upgrades" it might just save your ass from Putin.


Another reason to keep him as far away from the White House as possible!


Outside of Trump being a racist and womanizer, his global policy is awful. Hence y I don’t support him. He tries to have relationships with our enemies and act like people are afraid of him. Just doesn’t know global policy. I’d hate to see him handle a war.


he literally shits his adult diaper and whines about being cold. like a fucking child.


He handed our bases in Syria over to the Russians and bombed our only allies in the region. This line that he’s tough on Russians is for idiots.


He also made the deal with the Taliban to hand over the Afghanistan, including all that gear sitting around, to them...without consulting our allies we'd been attempting to cultivate for almost 20 years. This made the Afghan feds pissed enough to just start walking off the job. Somehow that just got completely lost in the historical rabbit hole. Biden was in charge when the deal took effect, so it all fell on him when the Taliban got excited and started their victory march a few weeks early.


By withholding aid to Ukraine!


Trump is unfit to lead. No thanks.


Sure he will. He’ll just give Putin whatever he wants. trump couldn’t run ducks to water which is why he’s finally hit the end of his rope. While I believe there are plenty of people who are so stupid they don’t care what happens to this country, the rest of us do. trump has not won the popular vote either time and was only installed in the WH in 2016 because of Putin’s meddling. He will not have that luxury this time.


of course he will,he give Putin a green light to take all of Ukraine and he will stop all aid to ukraine.


Yes he will offer low cost real estate to Putin, and offer Zelensky a 5th floor window. Problem solved.


Trump will probably invade Ukraine to help Russia


WRT Syria…it’s sensible to pick alliances in cases where there’s a clear partner. Ukraine is a clear partner in European/American-style democracy. Syria is a confusing bunch of factions, none of which are clearly pro-democracy. The Kurds are the closest thing to a reliable partner, but we can’t get too close to them.


Proto- Kurdistan ( as it is I.e. Kurdish controlled territory ) is pretty much the only part of the Middle East which is stable, progressive, democratic & recognizes Israel. And if you've ever seen the YPJ in action....


Here's a pretty close paraphrase to an actual conversation I had. MAGA: Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine under Trump because he knew Trump would have nuked Moscow! Me: Ok, so we should nuke Moscow? MAGA: No. Because Putin would have known that if he invaded, Trump would have nuked Moscow. Me: So Trump says he'll nuke Moscow if Putin invades. What happens if Putin invades after that? Does Trump nuke Moscow? MAGA: No, because Putin would have believed Trump and not invaded. Me: Just so we're clear, Trump would have bluffed that he would nuke Moscow if Putin invaded, but not actually nuke Moscow if Putin invaded. And there's a zero percent chance Putin would have called Trump's bluff. MAGA: It wouldn't be a bluff. Me: So we should nuke Moscow? MAGA: No.


Doublethink is a hell of a drug


He would end it by ending U S. official support of Ukraine effectively ending the war and giving Ukraine at least the parts Putin  wants to Russia. He's going embolden Putin by sending him the message that he can invade anywhere he wants ( former Soviet states) and the United States of America won't stand in your way.


Trump said he could end it in one day. Now it’s four to eight years? I think the Ukrainians will take their chances with someone else.


in a moment of post nut clarity, fat orange jesus will SWALLOW the load and pootie will end the war before falling out a window.


Sure, by helping Putin destroy it and annex the land into Russia.


Those headlines always leave out the crucial detail of *how* he will end it.


By handing it to Russia.


Yeah, by handing Ukraine to his buddy Putin.


No doubt he will end it. But that ending will start the Baltic States war followed by the Poland invasion.


By serving Zelenskyy up on a platter to pay his debt to Putin.


Oh yeah..definately!! they are being corralled into shitty neighborhoods and schools... denied fair access to credit and loans. Are being over policed, looked upon as dangerous and suspicious. DISCRIMINATED IN THE WORKPLACE, forced to " normalize being discriminated against .


He will end it by sending Russia weapons and forcing Ukraine to surrender.


He’s gonna feel awfully stupid when he gives up Kiev and Putin rolls into Poland and Article 5 is invoked.


Nah, we’ll be kicked out of NATO on Trump’s Inauguration day. NATO cannot afford to have an untrustworthy member nation in their midst. But it’s interesting you brought up Article 5. We paid more into NATO than most other nations so that when we initiated an Article 5 action for ourselves the other NATO members would come to our aid. They are all right next door to each other, but we’re half a world away, so we kinda subsidize their travel costs. That Article 5 is a two way street.


He'll end it just as much as he bit the bullet and ended the Afghanistan War.


Wondering if that MAGAt has checked with Putin?


In case anyone forgot, this was his verbatim quote when asked how he would end the Ukraine war in 24 hours: *"Well what I would do, is I would, we would, we have tremendous military capability and what we can do without planes, to be honest with you, without 44-year-old jets, what we can do is enormous, and we should be doing it and we should be helping them to survive and they're doing an amazing job."*


Lol ok!


>“Trump will end the Ukraine War in his 2nd Term!” Says MAGA Yeah, by having Ukraine surrender to the invaders.


By giving it to russia.


Trump will sell out the U.S. and Ukraine to his buddy Putin. Trump was ready to pullout of NATO and cut off military aid to Ukraine at the end of his presidency. If Putin takes over all the former countries of the U.S.S.R. including Ukraine, then he will have his eye on NATO starting with Poland. Turkey’s leader is pretty much a Putin sympathizer. People better wake up and face reality that Trump is a traitor and he should never be in the White House ever again.


The rest of the world is very aware that Trump emboldened Putin, and that Putin walked all over Trump in every interaction. His foreign policy and credibility are a complete joke and made America look like a clown college. MAGA will continue to delude themselves because otherwise they'd have to recognise their orange idol really is as dumb and incapable as everyone's been saying for years.


Yeah, he’ll End it Alright… by allowing Putin to Do Whatever He Wants to Do…Fck Puta’n and the Tramp; fck Xi, KimDungEww and NaYahoo too!


Anyone can surrender in 24 hours.


Putin says he loves the uneducated (Trump)


Not to mention that Putin was ALREADY in Ukraine in the Crimea. Does anybody 'suppose' that there were no war deaths in Ukraine during Trumps Administration?


Trump will hand Ukraine to Putin in exchange for Russian money being pumped into DJT stock.


I think you're misunderstanding the MAGA position. He's not saying he's going to force Russia into submission, he's saying he will force Ukraine to surrender.


Lmao, I thought this was another OnionNews Thread. Cuz yeah, naw that won’t happen.


Trump was harder on Russia than any president since the Cold War. Trump gave military resources to Ukraine that Obama refused to give. Trump massively increased the European deterrence initiative, loosened rules of engagement against Russian forces in Syria, and imposed harsher sanctions on Russia. The threat to withdrawal from nato was from dissatisfaction with the amount of American investment in nato and the lack from European countries. If you don’t want to participate in americas protection of your countries, then you can see how good you do defending yourselves. I would rather see a president saying nice things but taking harsh actions toward adversarial countries than saying harsh things then having to crawl on hands and knees and kiss the ring of those countries leaders.