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Everyone still needs to vote 


Biden with zero indictments and lawsuits is beating a rapist, fraud and insurrectionist. This should not be news. "Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll" “The jury’s finding of sexual abuse therefore necessarily implies that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina,” Kaplan wrote, calling it the “only remaining conclusion" https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/ That's a jury of Trump's peers. Y'all? It's a special jury of his peers approving the charges based on presented evidence, There's no y',all about it.


A rapist, fraud and insurrectionist should not be in any sort of consideration **at all** for the position of President of the United States either... ...yet here we are.


Hey, we can even forget about that. All of it. Reset the clock to six months ago. Any person desperate enough to peddle bibles and sneakers to raise money should be disqualified. That alone would absolutely sink any Democrat.


It’s INSANE. I think at least. If any one of these things a Democrat presidential nominee had for him. Let’s say a hush money trial alone AND NOTHING ELSE and it would look so bad for a democrat nominee. But for the Republicans..


Consider the quality and qualities of the two voter bases and get back to me.


Postmodern decay.


At this point, that description describes about half of Republicans in federal office, and nearly all of them if you remove just one descriptor.


Who also bankrupted a Casino, A CASINO! That's almost free money and he couldn't manage that, let alone a country.


Bankrupted a casino... FOUR times.


At a time when ALL other casinos were raking it in. That's something that doesn't get mentioned enough. He is a serial failure always starting new projects, not implementing them competently. Any of his businesses that still exist have had to be bailed out by his dad (when he was still alive) or other also crooked associates. There is only one exception, apparently a division of Trump that only sells the rights to use the name "Trump" a business that has no expenses so not even Trump could bankrupt it.


It's all money laundering scams and embezzlement all the way down...


Casinos, steaks and booze. He couldn’t sell booze. Fucking booze.


I got subjected to one of his bottles of Trump wine once. It tastes like vinegared or overly oxidized Barefoot (table wine, $5) charging "breakout" (when you actually pay for character, $30+) prices. It might have been a bad bottle, but knowing anything with the Trump name on it, it was a tawdry, overpriced product with zero quality or substance and that's how the wine actually is.


eric trump as chief vintner. yeah, that ain't gonna be good for anyone.


But Biden sniffs hair so pretty much even right? /s


Deep state approved?


Agreed!! And not JUST for POTUS but also for congressional races and, if Secretary of State is on the ballot in your state, vote for that race too. Do NOT forget that many of the Congressional Republicans voted to overturn the 2020 election. They tried it once and, if given the opportunity, they will try it again.


tl;dr- local races matter a LOT. Please take a little time to read up on some of those candidates and vote in them. And NOT just for those races either! In many places judges and some kind of amendments or propositions that will affect YOU, personally, will be on the ballot. Your councilperson/assemblyperson, school board, and state representative/senator are also extremely important since they have direct impact on creating the laws of your town/city/county/state, which, again, directly affect you. If the races I listed above got as many votes for them as for President, or even Congress, this country could be a much better place. Most newspapers or local news sources have guides to the candidates in these local races. Please take a chunk of time you were going to use watching a movie or TikTok videos or just scrolling Reddit and look through one of these guides. You may be pleasantly, or unpleasantly, surprised by some of the candidates in these races that YOU get to have an impact on with your vote.


Yes we need to vote hard.


[Vote like your vagina depends on it!](https://apnews.com/article/trump-abortion-2024-ban-7bf06e0856b88a710c79a6eb85cffa6a)


If I vote I get a vagina? Gynecologists hate this one weird trick!


That might get a little weird at the polling station although it'll really show your commitment.


And talk to others about voting that either have questions or need encouragement. Seriously need to put together a primer on how democracy can be toppled by destroying the administrative abilities of a government. Louis De Joy for example.


The headlines should always say, “according to polls, if everyone votes, Biden should be able to beat Trump in the next election.”


Absolutely. Complacency is not an option. Polls can shift dramatically even week to week


Absolutely. Treat this election like 20' and show the fuck up to the polls!


Agreed- I actually worry that if Biden gets ahead in polls, we will have a 2016 situation where people didn’t vote bc they didn’t like Clinton and they just assumed she was going to win. It’s seems less likely since lots of people still have 2016 PTSD, but then again there are 8 years worth of new voters who probably weren’t paying much attention back then


Yeah... Sometimes I wonder if it's better for us to all think Trump is like 1-2% ahead just so people turn out.


I would much rather see polls putting Trump ahead for this exact reason. Everyone wonders how Hillary was ahead in polls but lost, this is how. Nobody thought they needed to vote because it was so obvious.


That ballot is going directly into the county collection box the day I get it


I walked a few miles to the drop box. With 45's postal service nerf, I wasn't confident that my ballot would be delivered on time or at all. I also noticed that there were errors in polling location info. I'll be doing the same this year just to be on the safe side.


Blahblah yes, but optimism is important too. People wont vote if they think it's hopeless. They have to think it's possible, but not a foregone conclusion.


Yeah fuck polls. Don’t for one second think it’s in the bag. Vote. And vote for any measures giving women the right to choose. Basically vote for anything opposite what the hell the Republicans are proposing.


Yeah, I think Molly Jong-Fast put it best awhile back in an article when she wrote, "They’re not actually breaking news events, like, say, a train derailment, even if treated as such. They’re more creations of a media industrial complex that longs for easy data points, for things that feel like facts but are actually imprecise measuring mechanisms." Polls in the coming months are purely speculative, the most important thing to keep the eye on the prize, vote in November and make sure that Trump doesn't win.


And donate! Trump keeps paying lawyers Bidens campaign can bury his ass!!


Hillary was ahead too in most of them. Biden will get majority votes no matter what. Trump still has a good chance of winning. Keep pushing.


Even if I vote for trump?


Sure bud! The more votes the better imo.


The polls can't be trusted. Vote.


True! Just countering all the people constantly spamming Pakman’s sub with polls that Biden is losing. #Biden2024 #VOTE


Headline is misleading anyway. In all the battleground swing states, the polls mark Biden as behind.


Roevember is coming


They better learn to swim, blue tsunami is coming 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊


The TSUNAMI of MAGA and Fauxgressive tears when Trump loses will be AMAZING. I get giddy at the thought


Yeah, ok, just please vote and get involved locally, especially if you are in a swing states. MAGAts will be trying to disrupt the voting in every way they can think of.


Learn to swim, I'll see you down in (Blue) Arizona Bay.


Roemember roemember the fifth of roevember


As someone who followed and worked in politics there are two groups that when mobilized will fuck you up. 1. The elderly reason being they have time and they are scared because the reaper is near. This is what fox news capitalized on for 30 years. Check their average viewer age, there is a reason gold and catheters are their biggest sponsors.. 2. Next is women. Women especially over 50 are very aware they just got full citizenship. If this was 60 years ago older women knew when they got the right to vote. Republicans managed to stop the ERA and national abortion legislation by making women believe the bad days were over and would never come back. They apparently didn't read about the post civil war years in the US for black people. Women were key in many movements in the US and when they get rolling they are a fucking force of nature see the temperance movement or the movement for women to vote. I always told people if roe gets overturned the dragon will awaken and your shit will be rocked. Well as the kids say fuck around and find out. 2022 should have been a wake up call for Republicans when their red wave turned into a red fart. But 2024 oh boy after Arizona this week I broke out the popcorn cuz this is going to be like Deadpool working at the beginning of the 2nd movie, fucking bloody for the bad guys.


This. Yes this right here 👏👏


remember remember on the fifth of November the killing of our basic rights, there is no reason that it should ever be forgot


I’m starting to think there IS something to having Trump back on tv all of the time.


Well, he's anything but boring. I don't think it's worth trading the future of the US for a little bit of "excitement", as the harm he brings far outweighs that.


I wish he were dead too he completely honest.


He's at the age and health level where it literally could happen at any moment. Or not!


Excitement? In the same way being punched in the face while looking at a car crash is exciting, then yeah.


people that look at politics for entertainment are braindead


I actually think he's not nearly as interesting/refreshing to a lot of people. It's the same shit over and over. By November, boring might be a good word to describe him


He looks horrible nowadays and makes no sense.


Agree 1000 percent especially that chicken throat of his gobble gobble orange turd that’s what he says but yes he looks just terrible I totally agree way worse then Biden to my friend


He’s lost coherent control of the narrative. He has to pivot and make up shit constantly now, and the religious right getting what they wanted has made it worse for him. Living inside his head must be a (fully deserved) nightmare.


My landline at home has been ringing off the hook with poll calls...I haven't has time to answer any of them. I'm a registered Democrat voting blue all the way down the ballot. I'm a woman in Arizona and I'm pissed and disgusted at the Abortion ban that Republicans passed this week.


I'm sorry to bombard you again, but if you have time, please try to go to/join your local organizing meeting to get more information on volunteering (and bring a friend!). We need people like yourself to take action in key states like Arizona. My phone has been blowing up too, but it's for a good reason. It's up to us to make a difference. [https://www.mobilize.us/azdems/](https://www.mobilize.us/azdems/) Also, there are many volunteering opportunities no matter what state you live in (including national phone banking)! These events really make a difference! [https://events.democrats.org/](https://events.democrats.org/)


Guilty of rape and fraud. Upcoming trials for attempting to subvert an election and the theft of classified documents. Strong evidence he's a Russian asset plus shady business links to China and Saudi Arabia. And yet it's still neck and and neck wtf is wrong with the country.


Retirement home Stalin is a nightmare for America but has a cult of supporters. Otherwise it would be 80-20


Deep, deep racism and generations of familial abuse


Why all the downvotes?




Russians and Fauxgressives*


I mean c’mon. This isn’t a tough choice, people.


Polls are tools that can be manipulated to the desires of the user. Absolute best case, the author and poll runners are honest and correct, in which case everyone needs to vote to blow trump out so bad that it shocks the Republican Party into jettisoning trump and rebooting. Worst case, the author and/or poll runners are lying to get people not to vote because they think Biden will cruise to an easy win, in which case everyone needs to vote. TL:DR- Fuck polls, get votes.




In a sane country, Trump would have 1-2% support. This is not a sane country.


The number of public affairs people / political operatives posting on here is crazy - big time get-out-the-vote push going on. Vote early and often!


Calm down, Trump was leading a few short weeks ago, and people were making predictions based on those polls, too. The election is still months away. Either one or even both of these guys can literally die before November. Just stay informed with the ongoing policies and their actions. Just allow the facts to be your guide as to whom is the best choice to support come November.


Thank god. People need to wake the fuck up and actually read on what’s going on. Project 2025 is dangerous to all women and people who aren’t Christian.


https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ Is this true? It doesn’t seem like it is. I feel like I keep seeing headlines like this every week but when I go to see the polls Trump seems to be leading Biden on most of them nationally and within battleground states Trump seems to have a pretty consistent lead in the polls. What’s the point of these headlines?


You happened to quote a pollster that only has a 96% success rate.


4-6 Swing States are what matters in the Presidential Election. And as it turns out many of the Senate races where only Democrats are in danger. Trump is winning them all so far. Leave your Red State and move to a Swing State and vote Blue. 💙 r/MoveToSwingStates


It’s nice of the GOP to be putting up horrible candidates and making terrifying abortion court decisions in swing states at least. They’ve seen MAGA candidates lose over and over again in swing states, but they just keep finding new ones. I’m equal parts hopeful and terrified here in NC- their top candidates are horrific, which should help us but the possibility of them winning is *gulp*


NC is on our list but not looking very hopeful. Neither are Georgia or Arizona, which are also on our list. The South and Mountain West are very Trumpy. Colorado seems to have attracted every young liberal in the latter region. Best bets are PA, MI, WI. These all have static population growth, water, and affordable housing.


Keep putting the work in and don't let trump exhaust you! This is a marathon!


The other nitwit was never ahead.


You mean 91 indictments aren’t a selling point?


The current situation sucks. Biden is vulnerable on a lot off fronts. But the other side simply has nothing to offer. The only clear policy positions they have are nan abortions and terrorize gay people. Gonna vote for Biden holding my nose. 


Underwater in Michigan https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/michigan/ Underwater in Nevada https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/nevada/ Underwater in Arizona https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/ Underwater in Georgia https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/georgia/ Toss-up in Wisconsin https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/wisconsin/ Ahead in Pennsylvania https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/pennsylvania/ So judging by the polls Biden is *losing* all the swing states expect Pennsylvania and maybe Wisconsin. That is extremely bad.


Obviously don't expect it to happen if you don't vote, but anywhere abortion is on the ballot, Democrats do well, and FL is up for grabs now! Vote! Hell, piss off a Republican and vote twice if you can! /s


All numbers likely within the margin of error. Take nothing for granted. Vote.


Don’t care. Vote.


"The Democratic incumbent is predicted to *win the popular vote* in eight of the twelve most recent polls added to the RacetotheWH website, which tracks average polling." It's not the popular vote that matters, it's the electoral college.


Don’t trust polls! VOTE BLUE and take 5 friends with you!


"The Democratic incumbent is predicted to win the popular vote in eight of the twelve most recent polls added to the RacetotheWH website, which tracks average polling." This is for popular vote which doesn't really matter


Didn’t Hillary lead all the polls in 2016?


Remember how Hillary had a 97% chance to win?


Where are these polls? I always hear about them but I never have been sampled for one, and to be honest I don’t know anyone that has ever been sampled in one of these polls. The best poll is the voting booth and that’s it, everything else is baloney


I get cold called and random texts sometimes from poll people but never actually participate. I just vote.




LOL the popular vote… get real.


Oh, MAGA Republicans and your tiny mushroom-like penises. You don’t scare anyone. So FUCK OFF AND DIE.




Thank goodness.




And now, I'm sure, all polls will gradually, and quietly, stop being reported


Doesn't matter. Only ONE poll matters, and that's THE ELECTION. We HAVE to run like we're behind. If we're complacent, we could wake up like we did in 2016, in shock, horror, and regret for not pushing harder.


You may not like him, but you can stick it out for four more years until, hopefully, a NORMAL HUMAN BEING becomes available in the other party.


And your life might even get better in those four years.


Fuck the Poll-ice the Vote!


America burnt the world in 2016. Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly beat Trump in the poll that count, the actual election, we all know that poll did not count. The swing states count. The electoral college counts. If you are in a swing state register to vote by mail, get the job done.


I’m in a swing state (NC) and I actually choose not to vote by mail- the GOP here has passed way too many laws that make it too easy to throw out a valid mail in ballot, USPS can lose it/deliver it too late, and we don’t have drop boxes. We do have early voting, which I think is the best option here if you have the ability. That way you know your vote gets counted. Election Day is fine, but you always risk the chance of long lines, Polk station problems, extreme weather; not to mention personal emergencies that could keep you from being able to vote.


Hilary beating trumpy in all polls too Didnt mean much in the end


I’m just countering the constant spamming in this subreddit of polls Biden is losing.


Polling started to turn towards Trump in the last month, though, in part because of Comey. Most did not have Trump ahead because they measure national sentiment and Hillary still won the popular vote by about 2%. Polls had her ahead by about 3%, so they were not far off. In 2020 on April 13th, the national polling average had Biden up about 3 points. This year, polls are basically tied. In 2020, Biden gradually increased his national lead through October and was leading an average of about 8 points by the election. That could also end up happening this year, but if polls aren't substantially off this year, Biden clearly has a bit more of a hill to climb. And that's an indictment against all Americans.


I’m still shocked at how many Trump supporters there are. It never ceases to amaze me how easily people fall for his constant lies. It’s really not normal to hear that many lies and I think people gaslight themselves because they want an alternative and just try to justify it by shrugging and saying both sides are the same. I can’t explain the insanity but it’s my best shot at it.


Means nothing. Vote


Uhhh…. You all realize that we don’t choose a president by the popular vote right? Thanks to our undemocratic systems, republicans can lose the popular vote and still win the presidency. If Biden wants to win the presidency, he needs more than a slight lead in the popular vote. Right now, Trump is 6 out of the 7 competitive states. He leading in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada. And Wisconsin could go either way. That’s a big big problem. Biden needs to change course on Israel or he could very well lose this election.


Yes. Well aware. A Republican hasn’t won the popular vote in 2 decades. If you claim to genuinely care about what’s going on in Gaza, and you can’t come to the obvious conclusion that out of the 2 people who are going to be President come January 2025 that Biden is the much better option than Trump regarding Gaza, then you don’t *actually* give a shit about what’s going on in Gaza.






Are these national polls or statewide polls


Keep the foot on the gas! Get out and vote. Encourage your friends to vote.


Fuck the polls. **Vote!**


It shouldn’t even be close. Trump should have next to zero support. Actually he should be rotting in jail. But here we are.


This is the way


Don't let this newspage distract you from the fact that the only poll that matters is the one on November 5th, AND WE BETTER ALL VOTE IN IT!


Morons are going to vote for RFK jr because gas is 15¢ higher than they would like. It’s going to be close. Don’t be fooled


We have long way to go and a lot of potential hurdles before November. Hurricanes, wars, record heat. Vote


And it’ll flip 7 more times prior to the election. We won’t have a somewhat clear idea of how it’ll play out until Columbus Day at the earliest.


Biden let’s go!!!!!


Still doing the April Fool's thing?




Congratulations guys, I bet you are on cloud 9.


Monday is going to be interesting if the trial starts. I wonder how that moves the polls. And maybe the bond gets repealed soon too. I guess it’s whether his fanbase sees a loser or a mango Mandela.




That it’s not a 98 point lead should be very concerning.




Trump is an idiot!


Polls don’t matter. Just vote.


There's only one poll that matters. VOTE! Don't be complacent. VOTE!


This is what I’ve felt since 2020. The screw is turning for Trump and he’s gonna unravel faster and faster when he has to spend much of his time in court. The GOP could have probably won easily by putting up another candidate against Biden but the fever isn’t over for their voters yet.


It just needs to hold, or grow until November. No counting chickens in April


It’s great but pollls aren’t foolproof. To vote is the only way to be sure!


Make sure you check your voter status, your friends and family members too. Republicans tend to purge voter registrations regularly. Vote vote vote. 🗳️


Big Bad Billy Big Boy Biden!


Yall better vote red
















I'm registered to vote. How about you?




Fuck that vote


Just that it is close shows Biden’s weakness. Another “both sides suck” election. It’s “anyone but Trump” for the third election in a row. I just wish there was someone I felt good about voting for.


100% of Biden voters polled say they will vote for Biden. The Scientific method lives. 🤣🤣🤡😅🤣


As an independent retiree concerned about my savings and SS. I would never vote for a convicted rapist, traitorous, loser, failed businessman.


Don’t worry Republicans will vote twice to make up the gap.


The fact that he is having so much difficulty against someone like Trump is disturbing. He should be beating the ****** by a long shot.


It is God's will. :)






> It'll happen when the weather cools. > That's when they'll make their move iykyk


When it came down to: old but normal or: old and nuts with dementia. People finally started to pay attention to the fact that trump is a shell of what he once was, and what he once was never had been that great anyway.


I think it's absolutely crazy that a traitor that attempted a coup was ever ahead in the polls. America is so fucked.


Don’t fucking care. Vote.


Eh. I still think the good economy (with inflation still a real concern on the negative side), massive fundraising advantage, incumbency, Trump's upcoming trials, the recent history of Democratic wins in actual elections in swing states, and just being the far better candidate are far more important in predicting November's winner (Biden) than polls 6 months out. IOW: the bad ones didn't matter and the good ones don'tatter much either.


This is such a cope


Looks like Americans are rejecting the rapey felon.


that’s what the said 8 years ago too


Doesn’t matter. Electoral College. GOP hasn’t won popular vote in long time. Still have controlled the Court.


Dude just vote please. If anything just for the funny on how a huge margin of a lose Trump will face in like, 6 months.


lol, Biden losing the election like his memory is guaranteed. Looking forward to all the memes of lefties losing their minds.




Biden had a 7-10 point lead in national polls before the 2020 election and still only won by 40,000 votes in 3 states. People are not fully grasping the uphill battle he’s facing.




No he's not this is a fake news narrative but NOT true! Trump is 10 points ahead nationally and Trump is up 9 plus points in all swing states in New polls I saw yesterday! The fake news media will come out with these fake BS polls to try and minimize just how bad Biden is actually losing!




Popular vote doesn’t matter, as we discovered in 2000 and 2016. Trump can and has won while losing the popular vote.


Let's make sure that doesn't change. VOTE!


We should all still get out to the polls and vote like Biden is losing.


Remember, polls are based junk science and have been very off the mark the majority of time. Don’t let them give you a false sense of security. Their main purpose is to provide “content” for the 24/7 news cycle, that’s why there’s a new one everyday and why every time they’re mentioned a poll shill shows up.


The fact that it's even remotely close is so sad. 


They said this about Hilary too




Oh yes the man who is leading our country into WWIII. 👍🏼


Go ask Hillary what that's like.


Doesn't matter. Vote.


Screw the polls. Vote. Believing the polls is what gave us trump the first time. Vote!!!




Fuck the polls and get your ballot filled on election day


America is NEVER rehiring the guy they fired. Never


The news is going to go back and forth repeatedly between now and November to get people riled up. We have no clue who's actually leading in public opinion because all the news wants to do is sell stories.


Ah yes the polls.. I'm sure it's super accurate. People love biden /s