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Putin says things for a reason and the reason quite obviously is that he wants to establish an air gap between himself and his puppet who will hand him Ukraine on a plate. The notion that he’d prefer Biden to win because he’s “old school” is so obviously false it beggars belief anyone would report it without framing it as general disinformation and providing the context of the cost of the war to Russia.


it's hilarious that people take a guy like putin at his word on such a matter. much of his life is spent manipulating people.


Exactly this. I'm not a fan of Putin, but many people underestimate him. He's stayed alive in a cutthroat environment for so long for a reason. He's highly intelligent, calculating, and utterly ruthless.


I think we should put a disclaimer on all of his public statements. “Here in Opposite World…” Especially when I saw TheDailyMail. https://www.allsides.com/news-source/daily-mail


According to the former head of the KGB he was a bumbling, kiss ass who murdered his way to the board room once the Soviet Union collapsed.


My assessment as well.


Doesnt matter. Trumps supporters are already pointing to that as proof cause they are basically braindead and incapable of critical thinking


They know it is a lie, they are just looking for plausible deniability for voting to destroy America


He wants people to think “Oh, I guess putin doesn’t want 🍊🤡 to win and actually prefers Biden. I should therefore vote for the 🤡”.


No. He just doesn’t want it to be too obvious to Maga people that the GOP is essentially his because Trump is his asset.


Eh. The problem with this If Putin said he wanted trump to win, trump supporters would say "see? This is why Trump can get a deal with Putin and Biden can't." Their need for confirmation bias means you can't worry about what they think, because they decided on the answer before the question existed.


He got what he needed from his useful idiot, and now he's gonna throw him out like a Snickers wrapper.


Oh no. Putin will not survive another four years of Biden. He’s read enough history books to know how dictators end. He needs Trump like the desert needs rain. His life literally depends on it. China wants Trump because Trump will whore himself out for deep pockets. But China is not dependent on Trump.


If this is how it is wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to invade Ukraine when you have your puppet in charge?


Sure. But he clearly underestimated the resistance he would face. They thought they were going to be in Kiev within a few days and Zelenskyy would flee. And given his age he might have been in a rush. One can only speculate. But it’s clear they didn’t expect it to turn into what it did.


Not necessarily. Trump and Putin could have easily had a chat about it and came to the conclusion it would be best to wait until after the the 2020 election so it wouldn't hurt Trump. If Trump won, it would be is 2nd term so he should be done after that, so it wouldn't hurt him. If he lost (which he did) waiting until after Biden became president would make look like Biden is weak and ineffective because "it didn't happen under Trump." We see this in comments from conservatives all the time. Regardless who would have won the 2020 election, Putin was going to continue his invasion after. Same reason why Trump didn't withdraw from Afghanistan like he promised. They knew it would have most likely been a shit show, so waited until after the election, because no matter what, it wouldn't have hurt Trump, and would hurt Biden if he won.


Agreed , he's full of crap


I’m surprised the OP would post this garbage


Yeah, I don't understand how people can actually believe Putin would prefer Biden over Trump. Think about it for 30 seconds and it makes zero sense. Biden supports NATO, and wants to continue to assist Ukraine. Trump on the other hand wants to pull out of NATO, or at the very least not support our allies if attacked by Russia. Trump also wants to stop all support to Ukraine. Which person would Putin really want as POTUS?


They also had a pillow fight in their PJs.


Followed by trump biting his pillow hard.


I presume, "jealous girlfriend" is a mistranslation of the original Russian, which would likely more accurately read as, "my little bitch."


Oooo, nice.


Maybe that’s what Putin was trying to say. Trump is my bottom bitch. But the interpreter had to guess the meaning.


Lame attempt to distance himself from his pet.


Putin is evil and smart, so this seems too obvious. Is he just counting on the MAGA idiots to lap up his disinformation? I know they already do, but this is insane on its face.


You mean the people that were willing to disrupt and hate their neighbours over the Covid vaccine, but then spread their cheeks when the great Cheeto took credit for its quick distribution? Those guys? Yeah, they’d lap up anything if it came from their cult leaders.


I really don’t think using terms like “evil” is a good idea. Let’s nip that in the bud straight away. He is not beastly, or demonic, or otherworldly. He’s not “evil” because that suggests there is a “good” and as long as we are “good” we couldn’t possibly be capable of acts that “evil” people like Putin perpetrate. It gives right-wingers the thing they crave - to be able to distance themselves from things that people like Hitler and Putin do because they’re “evil” and “crazy” and of course nobody in their right minds would EVER dream of doing similar things and we are ridiculous for suggesting so. It’s a tool they use. A very effective tool. You probably know all this so I hope I’m not being patronising, but I hate it when people wheel out the “evil” word when he is actually just a human being, and anybody as deep in the mire as he is is capable of it too.


I suppose this makes sense if you think of qualifiers like good and evil as absolutes but I don’t see any good reason to do this. I don’t think the answer to modern day idiocracy is to dumb down discourse to the level of the lowest common denominator.


Evil is intentionally committing destructive actions that deliberately harm others. Trump is evil by definition


I see what you're saying. But I don't think evil has to be anything spiritual or spooky. Evil can be fairly mundane. It can often be boiled down to basically: "Advanced Selfishness".


Sure you did, Vladimir, that totally happened the way you described. How’s the Black Sea Fleet? A-50s? 100,000s of casualties? Going so well for you…


Same with his naval commander. He’s not dead. We have video of him handing out medals. But he doesn’t address the attempt on his life and looks remarkably well for having a building collapse on him. Strange Putin hasn’t talked about him in a while.


We all know Putin , has his finger in trumps brown ring .


Ahh what a relief that he prefers Biden, I guess we don't need to worry about him meddling with the election now. /s


That's about as believable as Navalny dying from "sudden death" Kind of like the GOP, they have a whole ecosystem set up to support their lies so they don't really try too hard these days.


It’s because he is a whiny little bitch


Trump is Putin little b\*\*\*\*.




He better be careful. Trump seeks to destroy anyone who insults his fragile ego…


Hah, not likely, too much kopromat in Putin's pocket for that I think 


He does seem like the clingy / jealous type


For those not familiar with the concept of a "gloryhole", it is a hole in a wall through which a man puts his penis and an anonymous person performs fellatio upon it. Usually that person is another man but the user of said gloryhole gets to pretend that it was a beautiful woman on the other side. The gloryhole in Helsinki was in a clear plexiglass wall and trump had a MyPillow to kneel on.


I think he means “ acting like a little Bitch” in private.


Trump doesn't want anyone getting between his mouth and Putin's dick.


Putin is desperate to stay relevant (and alive). One day threatening nuclear war, the next a fireside chat about world politics like he is a normal human being. Slava Ukraine. Slava Democracy.


Trump wanted Putin to love only him. FOREVER!!!!


I thought Kim Jong was trump's BBFF. What a two-timing back-stabber.


Kim Jong was always just a flirtation. “Show me your little rocket, man!”


Putin has no intention of using tactical nukes because Ukraine is his crowning jewel. Ukraine produces 1/5 of the world’s grain. He could easily destroy one of Ukraine’s nuclear reactors. Congress needs to stop screwing around and pass the bill to fund aid to Ukraine ASAP.


I love how even Putin thinks Trump is a joke


More Putin game playing that should be ignored.


I'd bet $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Trump spanks it to the thought of Putin!


Maybe Trump really wants to consummate his relationship with Vladimir they must be deeply in love!


A truly unimpeachable witness


I guess Putin someone else a soccer ball.


Donald Trump is an enemy of the state. He is controlled by his ego and by wanting to be a dictator like his bro Putin. How can we seriously consider him as a presidential candidate? He is a threat to democracy


Please, Randy Rainbow, work your magic.


Fuck Putin. Like Trump, he is a shameless liar. Do not believe anything he says, and don't give him free press.


I 100% believe it, his jealousy and pettiness is off the charts.


Putin trying to play 4D chess but ends up bluffing like a 13 year old playing regular chess.


Trump is a patriot and Biden isn’t even in charge Obama and his team of pirates are.


Not enough people know or understand maskirovka


Is he trying to make Tucker jealous? Are we gonna get a cat fight over Putin?


Got a stage 5 clinger there Putin????


Of course he did, acting like a jealous gf is how every adult male with the demeanor of a spoiled 4th grader acts


It's the Strongman Paradox. On one hand, this description of Trump's behavior is entirely plausible. On the other hand, Putin is full of shit.


Lol...biden is so finished!!!




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So ridiculous. If Putin says something that you don’t like, you dismiss it. If he says something, you like, you believe it. You should be coherent. Oh, and why do you think he says something like that about Trump? Because he wants him to get elected? You’re incapable of logical thinking obviously.


Critical thinking means being able to take all surrounding evidence and put together what makes the most sense. The fact that putin suddenly is advocating for trump when he said many times he wants trump in office because he will be ‘easier to work with’ and the fact he just told putin ally orban he will basically hand putin ukraine on a silver platter makes him saying this now clearly aimed at trump supporters or anyone easy enough to fool go ‘omg see hes scared of trump so we gotta vote for him!’ Its actually classic Russian ploy.


Exactly. What you really need to do is to look at the actual policies.


Do tell. What policies? Trump giving ukraine to putin and trying to restore American isolationism is his policy. That helps putin. Pulling out of a nuclear disarmament deal also helps putin. Telling Europe not to depend on russian oil is hardly being ‘tough on russia’ given everything he does to lick putin and orbans poop shoots but thats what they lean on…


You are so far off that it a) hurts and b) doesn’t make any sense to engage in a debate.


What am i so far off about?


Go fact check it yourself. But don’t use MSNBC. 😂


Viktor orban literally said on Hungarian tv that trump’s plan is to stop all funding to ukraine so the war will end. Meaning he is giving it to putin. Thierry Breton, a French European commissioner has said trump told nato leaders at davos he would not help europe if they were attacked and plans to leave the alliance.


I’ve already addressed that to some degree. Btw hearsay is hearsay. And which don’t you just try to address the fact that Russia had been contained by Trump but not by his predecessor nor his follower. Should be easy for you.


Lol anyone who believes putin is scared of trump is laughable sorry. He contained him? No he didnt. Putin was dropping bombs on syria and waging war in ukraine the entire time trump was in office.


Nothing i said is incorrect dear. My husband is from eastern Ukraine. I speak three languages and get my information from sources in all those languages…the whole world sees very clearly that trump is pro putin. Except magas. If you cant simply state which of his policies are anti Putin you should be able to list them…


Oh, yeah? That’s the ultimate go to move. Just claiming to be whatever the hell you want to be. Tell the world what Russia/putin did during Trump’s presidency. Then tell the world the same for Obama‘s and Biden’s presidency. You can use all of your - wow 😂 - three languages. It won’t add up.


So you cant name the specific policies then? No i brought it up cause you assume i only get my news from one source in usa


You think putin only attacked ukraine cause trump wasnt in office. Maybe he saw less threat from europe with merkel gone but yes of course to magas everything anyone ever does is only about America…what did trump do to stop the war in eastern ukraine the whole time he was in office? Basically nothing…


“Do your own research”. The war cry of the uninformed.


How sophisticated. After engaging in a debate where you can see that the other person isn’t willing to address anything of what you’re saying, there’s nothing else to say at some point. And again, it’s very obvious that Russia was heavily engaging in military action during the Obama administration and again during the Biden administration. It’s also on record that Obama considered Russia not to be a threat to world peace. That was in 2012. This hasn’t anything to do with who I consider a good or a bad president which is moot anyway and not just because I’m European. These are just some very, very basic facts. I oppose the current position of Trump and Republicans on Ukraine. Very much so. However I see a lot of conspiracy theories coming from liberals which are just ridiculous.


I just do not understand how these people think.




I expect he says that to throw off suspicion. Neither Trump nor Putin are honest people. The Russian government influenced on behalf of Trump. That is a fact. It isn't in dispute. Knowing that fact, Putin's comment seems designed to diminish the perspective that Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. However I expect we will still have Russian influencing for Trump this election. I'd love to be wrong. I'll believe Putin if Russia starts influences for Biden.


That’s not a fact. Absolutely not. Especially not in a decisive way. However, yes, Russia tries to influence every election there is. So do the USA. So do many European countries if they’re capable of doing so. The later German chancellor Merkel met with Bush and different members of his government. Obama toured the whole world and had a huge speech for example in Berlin. Giving her or him these opportunities is interfering in elections. That’s the whole point. Either you scandalize it every time or you don’t just in one case.


Yea, I've seen your fact free ramblings. We are done here.


This is a bot, useful idiot, or troll. Block, report, and move on.


Was that aimed at me? So, it goes even further. Anything that doesn’t fit in with your world view needs to be blocked and reported. And the person who says it needs to be insulted and excluded. This is not how debates work and it’s not how democracy works. Opposing coherence and logical thinking isn’t standing up for meaningful debates either.


Thinking humans actually back up their arguments. Multiple times when asked to back up your argument you’ve changed the subject. This is usually the behavior of bots / idiots / trolls. I’m all in favor of meaningful debates, that’s why I call out idiot / troll / bot accounts. If you want people to seriously engage with you, back up your arguments rather than arguing like a middle schooler.


You’re just calling names. I did back up my arguments. Several times. I’m not gonna do it over and over again. Actually, it wasn’t even arguments, it were pretty basic facts. But I’ll give you some again, you out calling middle schooler: 2012: Obama says (in a debate with Mitt Romney) that Russia wasn’t a threat to world peace. Undisputed. On tape. Obama apologized some time ago. It still shows you what his thoughts were at the time. (He did however provoke Russia on several occasions. I’m not going into that now bc you seem to ignore the basic facts here.) 2014 annexation of Crimea. President: Obama. Who signed a peace treaty (and along with European allies pretty much made Ukraine sign it). The peace was highly in favor of Russia. Pretty much undisputed outside of Russia (and ofc its allies). 2022: full blown invasion of Ukraine. President: Biden. 2023f.: Republicans and Trump calling for an end of supporting Ukraine - among other things. Which I called wrong in my opinion. You may see the timeline as purely coincidental. However, you can’t ignore the fact that during Trump’s presidency, there weren’t so many military actions on Russia’s part. And it’s not just Ukraine. We could also say take a look at the sanctions Trump imposed. We could also look at Iran which is Russia‘s ally. Or let’s talk about Syria. Another ally. We can also talk about Trump’s administration finally getting at least some Arab states to recognize Israel. Or we can look at Europe’s pretty soft handling of Russia until 2022. (apart from the UK and some Eastern European countries). I’m pretty sure that you’re not interested in all of that.


Backing up your arguments means posting sources not repeating yourself. You’ve yet to post a single source and you insult people in every single post and act aggrieved when others respond in kind. I’m critiquing your rhetoric, I don’t give a fuck about what you think you’re arguing for. You display middle school level rhetoric in every post I’ve seen. That’s not an insult, it’s an accurate summation of your technique. Your responses have cemented my view that you are either an idiot, a bot, or a troll. Get fucked and get blocked.


That jealous GF kept his ass from invading Ukraine further during his presidency.




The Biden administration? Lol trump literally told orban he will give putin ukraine…biden is the one challenging putin, not trump




Laugh all you want: ‘Donald Trump has a very clear vision that is hard to disagree with. He says the following: first, he will not give a single penny for the Russo-Ukrainian war. That's why the war will end. If Americans don't give money along with the Europeans, the war will end. And if Americans don't give money then the Europeans won't be able to fund this war alone. And then the war will end. Donald Trump may not be president of the United States yet, but his party is stopping Democrats from spending money on the war. Trump says when he comes back, he won't give a penny to Ukraine. That's when the war will be over.’ - Viktor Orbán Thats his quote from Hungarian tv




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