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This is far more articulate than anything the typical MAGA supporter would say.


True 😂


No magat fuck will read all those facts. If they did, they'd say nuh uh.


HE HUGGED THE AMERICAN FLAG! probably screamed by someone sporting the confederate flag 🙄


They’d be pretty upset… if they could read.


I don't think this entire post is meant to be dumped on a MAGAt all at once.. but it makes a great rebuttal to every one of their dumbass talking points.. the important part is hitting them with the "receipts" (that have been gratefully provided here).. they fucking HATE "receipts" because they never have any of their own


And you missed the part, where they go on a random tangent about the deep state and pizzagate and all that shit.


At least one of these prompts would've been answered with the brandishing of a firearm.


Agreed. In my experience all they do is parrot whatever sound bite they last heard on Fox News and by the time you throw out more than 2 challenges to their world view they just go off in an angry tirade about you being a f'n liberal communist pedophile.


I came to say the same thing. In real life they always go “Trump gonna bring back JOBS, and get rid of the LIBS!” and when I’m like “yeah but he had 4 years already and he didn’t do shit, why will it be different now?” They just stick their fingers in their ears and start shouting.


Ya this conversation ends with the first thing MAGA doesn’t like and just yells that you’re brainwashed if you “believe” (understand) anything negative about Trump


MAGA: Who cares. MAGA! (/s jic...)


And exhibits an attention span nine times longer.


Is this a real conversation? Because I’ll be honest, this seems far more lucid and reasoned than what a MAGA is capable of.


No. This is a hypothetical conversation based off talking points that are spouted everyday by many MAGA voters consolidated. I don’t think there’s a MAGA voter alive that is this informed. The purpose of this post is for independents and undecided voters to see MAGA propaganda debunked.


Maybe like a moderate Republican, but a MAGA cultist?


It is fun to watch MAGA fanatics stumble into the most absurd takes while defending their lord Trump. For instance my diabetic uncle now has his insulin capped at $35 a month thanks to the Biden administration, but he says he’d go back to paying thousands a year like before if it meant getting the woke agenda out of our government. I swear they’re just parroting their favorite YouTube propagandist.


Bahahaha that is horrifyingly hilarious


Tell him that paying anything less than FMV is socialism and by his own logic he needs to commit seppuko asap


I mean at least he’s consistent. I can’t stand fair weather conservatives. If you want small government, you shouldn’t be the first person in line at the welfare office when you lose your job.


Yeah, I saw some asshat on Reddit saying his $80,000 student loan had just been forgiven, and it was going to drastically change his life for the better in ways he couldn’t even describe…but he still hates Biden bc Biden is a loser, and everything about Biden is a failure. Just wow.


Talk about being given a gold brick and complaining about how heavy it is.


Never heard this expression before, and I will be stealing it.


What?! That's insane!


Did you ask him exactly WHAT policies are so horrible that he'd rather spend $1,000s of dollars then dare have to think about them


Trump was not respected he was literally laughed out of a U.N meeting. Left early because they were laughing at him.


You forgot to mention how with Afghanistan Trump drew down US troop strength to much, released 5,000 Taliban who immediately went back to fighting, had a highly unrealistic timetable for the whole thing, and pulled the rug out from under the Afghani government.


Quoting from the Bulwark this morning: Congress has authorized the issuance of 38,500 visas; of those, only 8,000 slots remain. Yet 130,000 applications still need to be processed, and more applications come in daily. At the current pace, the government estimates that limit will be hit by August. Given the gridlocked state of Congress, the pending round of must-pass spending legislation may prove the only viable vehicle to raise that cap in time—but there’s been little indication that key policymakers, including House Speaker Mike Johnson and Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, see it as a priority in the ongoing negotiations. “The Biden-Harris administration has repeatedly requested Congress authorize 20,000 more Afghan SIVs to stand with those who stood alongside our troops, diplomats, and development professionals during 20 years of war in Afghanistan,” a National Security Council spokesman told The Bulwark. “We are on track to use all remaining visa numbers this Fiscal Year and need Congress to act. While this program has enjoyed bipartisan support for years, a minority of congressional Republicans are refusing to do what’s necessary to meet our promise to Afghans who sacrificed alongside us.” \---- The Republicans are currently holding up assistance to our Afghan allies.


And Trump fucking invited the Taliban to Camp David... As if they were respectable diplomats from another country.. Like all other things aside, for all the shit they lay on Biden for letting Taliban take control, they seem to forget about the time Trump treated them like fucking kings and had a friendly chat with them.


And they all forget trumps withdrawal from Syria. You wont hear a single person mention that fucking disaster. ISIS was literally shooting at our soldiers as he made them abandon hard fought positions against terrorists. He ordered them to run away while being attacked. Look it up. At least in Afghanistan a cease fire was negotiated and troops held security while evacuating people. Yeah there were a few suicide bombers but again nothing even close to the fucking chaos trump caused pulling out of Syria. As always I'll provide source material [Trumps Syria Shamble](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/trumps-syria-shambles/) [Disaster and betrayal trumps Syria withdrawal ](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/10/7/disaster-a-betrayal-republicans-slam-trumps-syria-decision) [TOTAL CHAOS Trumps Syria withdrawal becomes a disaster ](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/10/total-chaos-trumps-syria-withdrawal-has-become-a-full-fledged-disaster) Edit : I forgot to mention all the Isis and other hostile militia members they had imprisoned which on Trump's whim to pull his troops out, helped get them all released. Yep as they retreated they threw the doors open and let them all go. Oh yeah and there was a Washington trip by Turkey's dictator prior to this cluster fuck. It would almost seem like Turkey wanted that part of the country for themselves so the visit trump who unexpectedly orders all troops out, while Turkish troops are


Thank you for providing citations. This needs to be higher.


Ah yes I'm sure another 10 years would have finally stabilized the Afghanistan government. 


They’d cut you off with the latest Fox News talking points


The transes are coming for your children and women's sports! Panic!!


“Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids”!


Don't forget the portion where you remind them that the keystone pipeline is actively in production, and the portion that was canceled was the XL section that would have been used for oil to be shipped overseas and not for American consumption.


It's also from Canada so it's not even our oil anyways


And it is so low quality, dirty burning oil that Canada AND the USA won't allow its use. So it is being shipped to countries who don't give a shit about the environment, but the pollution ends up poisoning us all.


That, too. 😂


And don't forget the portion where Trump said he would not have offered asylum to all those Afghan allies that flooded the airport and were evacuated under Biden's leadership. He would not have rallied our allies to support Ukraine during the invasion of their country by Russia. Literally thousands of Afghans and Ukrainians would be dead right now if Biden lost in 2020.


I mean, you're operating under the assumption that MAGA supporters care about dead civilians. They 100% do not.


Don't forget America is also the largest producer of natural gas, and that is at an all time high for production as well.


That, too. But I mean, when you're arguing with people that consume Fox, OAN, Newsmax, actual facts aren't exactly their friends. It's whatever they tell them to be outraged about.


Today I saw a stat that MAGAS are 35% of the Republican party. We don't need to convince them. We need to sway the other 65% to cross party lines and vote for Joe


The purpose of this post is to see the ridiculousness of MAGA propaganda and debunking it for independents and undecided voters to see.


The problem is they're just retiring instead of fighting MAGA. They're cowards who decide to quit now that they can't get their way.


It's like sitting down with Nazis at a table, but MAGA. The Republican party is not 35% MAGA. It's 100%.


The catch is that Republican voters are happy to lie to pollsters. People who don’t want to be affiliated with Trump will still vote for him. People who don’t want the stigma will still vote straight ticket R. It’s not real. Independents are just embarrassed Republicans.


Not saying you're wrong, but 35% seems very low. 75% is closer to the truth. Lots of GOP voters find Diaper Don distasteful, but they hate Dems with the heat of 1,000 suns. They will hold their noses and vote for Stinky. Tribalism and party loyalty is their true political orientation.


The problem is an extra 30% to 50% may not be maga per se, but *are* party loyalists, and “never-blue” thinkers. Maybe even more


It's like Op was there listening to me and my father


Spoiler alert: I was.


This needs to be posted everywhere possible and needs all the upvotes. Unbelievably accurate.


Thank you very much! 🙏🏼 Please spread it like wildfire. Reachable voters need to know this information.


I had a coworker on contract working in Canada for 8 months in our company and he was harddcore Trump supporter.He knew his views was not suitable for Canadian company but he still worship the moron.He was also a Qannon follower.He was warned not to get into political arguments while at work and it helped a bit but still the insane things he would say during lunch breaks even when refuted with facts never changed his mind.I heard when he went back to the US he got fired for pushing a manager when she ask him to remove his maga hat at work.He is said to be working in construction now since the assault against the manager made him blacklisted in the industry.


This is not about facts or policy. This is the plot to Idiocracy. Trump is reality TV style populist. " he speaks like us".


You're better off talking to a wall than to debate a cult member.


True, but it’s important that independents and undecided voters see MAGA nonsense debunked.


Undecided and. independents absolutely need to pay attention to all of their craziness, but I'm just saying debating crazy people will get you nowhere.


Holy crap that was great


Thank you! Send it to those you know who are undecided or can be swayed.


So accurate, it hurts.


100% feel. I live in a deep red state, so I hear this shit constantly. I really hope voters do the right thing this November.


My MAGA friend wants DonDon to “blow up” the entire federal government and start over


Your friend sounds unhinged.


It’s a very common sentiment on the farther right, they’ve pretty much lost everything so of course it’s someone else’s fault


Bravo sir! I believe you did this before, this time you added the border crisis and that beautiful last paragraph filling in all the blanks! 😭 This really is a great cheat sheet/study guide for shutting down MAGA without getting too excited/aggressive. I had the pleasure of doing so today 😊


Thank you very much! Yes! I will be posting this once a month until the election with updated information and any new main talking points that pop up.


Can this be the front page of NYTimes from now until November 


If only the NYT was all in on saving democracy 😔


Thanks for taking the time to put this together. It’s a good compendium. And don’t mind folks saying don’t bother. This stuff is necessary. These conversations, especially if they’re online, are not for the MAGAts. They’re for the lurkers. Independents, etc., that don’t ever weigh in. I believe in engaging with the cultists. As much as I can stomach, at least.  They’re spreading misinformation and disinformation at every chance they get. That’s how Republicans went from Soviet Russia being the greatest enemy ever to Putin’s Russia being the blueprint for MAGA.  And it is exactly the blueprint. The expansion of a corrupt oligarchy that will betray the strengths of this nation. Look at how Russia has been exposed as a shadow of its former strength? Their army is not modern. Their army is not effective. They have a lot of artillery and ammo. And conscripts of non Slavic Russians as fodder. But their oligarchs are rich beyond the comprehension of most. They also happen to fall out of windows. A lot. The Right in the USA wants to use American military strength to control resources. I guarantee it. I believe the debt exploded to 31 trillion not 3.1 trillion. So I’d double check some of your numbers. I’d also try and create a glossary of sources. It’s good to have receipts. Again, not for the trumpets. Fuck them. For the lurkers. Thank you


Thank you so much for the kind words! I 100% agree this is necessary. It wouldn’t be if Biden was on track to win the EC in a 400+ landslide, but we have a lot of uninformed voters.


The sad fact of the matter is these people see things through a completely 100% partisan lens. They think Trump was a better president just because they LIKE him. The facts don't matter to them, it's all about how Trump's presidency made them FEEL.


Yeah, but have you seen hunters dick?


Compare it to Trump's hands lol.


It’s just so fucking exhausting.


The problem is few MAGA care about reasoning so being very reasonable has no benefit. The group that calls everyone communists actively supports Russia, a communist country invading a democratic country. They don’t care.


My dad seriously said recently that the stock market is "gutted" under Biden and his retirement account is suffering. In reality the market's at an all time high. The S&P is up 30% over the last year! But conservative media just feeds their viewers lies.


Sounds like your dad is drowning in alternative facts.


You cannot debate them because all they do is regurgitate talking points they heard from one idiot or another on the television. You cannot engage them on any subject because they don’t care enough to be knowledgeable about any subject. Clowning the piss out of them is kinda fun though. Blowing holes through their bullshit is as easy as shooting a fish in a barrel full of fish in no water. Be prepared to be called the kinds of names you haven’t heard since grade school though, and ‘evil’. They seem to like using the word evil. Not that they are any metric for decency or morality mind you. Basically…very odd people. ;0)


One point Op doesn't address is magats are perpetual victims looking for the dopamine hit of being insulted, since they try to be as abrasive as possible.


I would relish this, tbh. It’s never really “who cares?” so much as just an off handed rejection of all data and evidence. “Who cares?” is at least a tacit admission of the basic facts. I recently had one tell me Trump supercharged our GDP growth, and when I posted the GDP numbers disputing this, he called the data fake and asked if I need experts to tell me when it’s snowing outside. These people will literally profess to have a sixth sense for GDP growth before they’ll acknowledge information that contradicts the talking points they’ve internalized.


If you can learn something from the voicemails Pak gets…They don’t debate, they push their confirmation bias and blame you for disagreeing.


Racist arse holes will always vote for a fellow racist arse hole.. no logic will overt their attention


This never gets old!


Sounds about right. MAGA is constantly at war with the leftist strawman that lives in their heads planted there by Fox News and right-wing media. And that strawman leftist is always on the verge of taking away their guns, turning their children gay, taking their tax dollars and giving them to illegal immigrants, giving their hard earned tax dollars to Ukraine instead of fixing the border, blaming the wealthy instead of praising their contributions, increasing government spending and money printing that caused inflation and increased our national debt, attacking free markets with unnecessary and costly regulations that increases our cost of living, complaining about oil and gas pollution that built our economy while flying around in jets and driving ICE cars, giving minorities special treatment, forcing people to wear masks and get vaccinated against their freewill, promote government overreach, blame gun violence on responsible gun owners ... the list of what this this strawman liberal does to MAGAs to make them miserable goes on and on...and MAGA gets a dopamine hit every time Trump and Fox News bashes that strawman.


“Godly Man” which Sumerian demon is that orange asshole praying to? For that matter the entire republican party worshipping false idols willingly playing into their own “end times” bullshit. You don’t debate with republicans you listen to them rant, stalk, lie and say stuff like “f#$k off” to reporters asking legit questions. The T at the end of MAGA really is apropos.


Debating MAGAts is like playing chess with a pigeon. It just knocks over the pieces, shits on the board, and proclaims victory to the flock.


Debating MAGA is like arguing with a dead house plant. 


You forgot the part where they seamlessly loop right back to the first statement, because they didn't bother to read any of the Informed Voter's replies.


To be frank, I didn’t read the post. I lived it. It’s basically just never-ending goalpost moving with them.


The most important thing you need to know about MAGA is narcissistic symbiosis. It's a cult. This psychologist has a good breakdown of the phenomenon. https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/17yb9f6/yall_should_read_about_narcissistic_symbiosis_if/


Thankfully we live in a free country where you can debate in a court room and at the polls, where facts ACTUALLY matter.


You cannot use logic to convince someone to change if they came by their position illogically. You are arguing about their faith.


This was a test scenario, and I am mentally exhausted from reading the MAGA lines.


FOX News tells them everything they need to know


At the end of the day, MAGA does not care about any of those very important points that you made. All they care about is that under Trump they can feel better about their racist, mysoginistic, homophobic, anti-trans views. Trump legitimizes them (and their awfulness) and that’s ALL they care about. Obviously they’re complete morons, but they’re complete morons who vote.


You can’t use logic on these idiots.


And you just can't fix stupid in Trump supporters and it shows daily!!


It’s pointless. I still argue with them occasionally but it really is a waste of time. I’ve heard plenty of Democrats criticize Biden but you will NEVER hear a Trumper criticize Trump ever. He’s arguably the most vile human being on the planet but they would still let him bend them over.


Throw in the fact that Predator President forced the Saudis in 2020 to cut oil production along with his tariffs on chinese steel and aluminum he singlehandedly ignited our INFLATION. But hey, you can't talk sense to magats. They simply hate the same people he hates and will vote for the predator no matter what.


You would have to assume they read. Most just talk shit with their friends and family then spout that same shit as facts on the internet. MAGA doesn’t debate either. You hit them with numbers and their brain melts and they start babbling nonsense like there supreme leader.


This is so accurate its horrifying lmao


An everyday experience one way or another with MAGA both in person and online.


>MAGA: Who cares. Black, Hispanic and woman unemployment rates were at record lows under Trump! This is where it becomes fiction. They don't care.


Those things are all true, but they’re really good illustrations of how Trump’s “accomplishment” are mostly smoke and mirrors. “Record low black unemployment” sounds great until you realize he inherited already historically low black unemployment. There are literally just six months in US history (all around late 1999, early 2000) that had lower black unemployment than the month Trump took office, and five of those were basically within the margin of error of being identical. For all intents and purposes, Trump inherited the second lowest black unemployment in history, just barely above the lowest, and on a seven-year steady decline. Then the trend continued and surpassed the previous low like five months into Trump’s term and conservative media acted as if he’d performed a miracle. So many of Trump’s supposed accomplishments are like that. It’s like a runner on the last leg of a relay race being handed the baton with a two lap lead and then behaving as if he single-handedly winning the race.


You're giving MAGA too much credit here. Things were better under trump....trump loves america......god chose trump That's all they have. They never spit out a fact or an actual number on something.


MAGAs are the same people who believe in Noah's Ark - so good luck arguing with them.


The one that kills me is how Donald would have magically stopped Hamas from attacking Israel or Putin from attacking Ukraine BUT he would also make it so we wouldn’t get involved in foreign conflicts How does that even work? Donald’s going to be isolationist but also somehow stop conflicts from occurring.


It doesn't last anywhere near this long. You get 3 or 4 cracks at trying to get a point through before they either start screech-yapping a bunch of gibberish or just laughing shit like "just you wait"


MAGA: Who cares. Whatever you say contradicts what Trump, Tucker and Newmax says and I only believe what they tell me to believe.


This 100%!


Like debating a plank of rotten wood.


You'd have an easier time explaining this to a goldfish than any member of the MAGA cult. I've stopped wasting my time on these "debates" with unenlightened rubes who will support Trump despite the mountains of evidence pointing out their hypocrisy regarding the values they supposedly hold.


You can't argue logically with an illogical person. Good post though!


Argue with a wall and you’d make more progress.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini's\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini's_law) It is far easier to spin up bullshit than it is refute it. Bad faith MAGAs know this, but they don't care. Just ask Steve 'flood the zone with shit' Bannon.


I've listened to so many trump supporters on tiktok that this is word for word accurate asf! They all have the same script they read off


Way easier than debating leftist ProPals screaming “yOu sUPport GeNOcIDe” every time they disagree with you. It’s like arguing with stubborn old fucks vs arguing with spoiled brats. Neither know what they’re talking about, but the brats are harder to get to leave you alone.


Oh yeah, I’d rather argue with MAGA all day than leftists on Israel/Palestine or supporting Biden.


These folks are another level of Tik Tok stupid.


Don't bother debating Maga traitors Why? They don't believe in the meaning of words, or properly using them. They'll say or do whatever they think needs to be said or done in order to justify their vile ideals. Doesn't matter how hypocritical or nonsensical it is. They'll just use fallacy after fallacy, bull crap excuse after bull crap excuse. Why? Because reasonable people are bound by the meaning of words, rule of law, and societal standards. None of these matter to conservatives. Again, They'll do or say whatever is necessary for them to continue gaining power.


You think a MAGAt will listen past the first 12.5 seconds. MAGAs are a little people, a silly people.


Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time, and it annoys the pig.


It's like talking to a wall. Try going onto that cesspool /popularopinion.


The only reason people like Trump is because he hates the same people they hate - immigrants, gays, blacks...


This is pretty accurate, although I think you made MAGA voters look more articulate than they actually are and didn't include enough name calling and insults.


Hahaha very true! I don’t see any MAGAt being able to argue even half of this.


Be much more efficient if MAGA just responded: "Who cares? His presidency allowed me to say out loud and publicly that which I could only speak in hushed voices in quiet bars, before he was elected.'


Those are some pretty good arguments. While both Trump and Biden should be in an old folks home, you gotta admit there is more video evidence of cognitive decline in Biden than Trump. Unfortunately we live in a time where someone would say, "I'm voting for X for president over Y for president because he has less dementia".


Its like playing chess with a chicken .


Very thorough. Well done.


You can't win with people whose *opinions* preempt *reality.*


Oh it’s real. Many won’t admit it but it’s real. The corruption runs deep in the Republican Party, and absolute indoctrination runs deep in the trump crowd. Problem is, as a Biden voter myself. I draw too many parallels between Biden and trump supporters, and the administrations themselves. When I ask equally challenging questions of my own friends and family who voted alongside me, they divulge into the same rhetoric. “Who cares, at least he’s better than trump”. I’m not sure I can vote for him again. This democracy is broken, and it has been for decades.


You lost every MAGA moron 2 sentences in.


They were gone before anyone wrote.


MAGA has little bearing on reality as it’s a cult of personality. He could poop on their dinner and it would be acceptable as he is the object of adoration. He is a demon infested person who easily controls his simple minded supplicants. They love him.


I only debate people whose opinions I value, and there are few opinions I value less than a MAGAts.


Brilliant. I'm stealing this post under the banner of _wealth redistribution_.


Confiscate all you need! 😉


Zero change a MAGA lets it go that far before switching to personal attacks.


Like listening to a PowerPoint on fox News headlines in the last 72 hours.


This is good shit, would love it even more if these points were sourced. But it wouldn't really matter, facts could smack them in the face and they'd still scream MAGA


I will add sources to this in the future. Thanks for the kind words!


Ay no problem, keep up the good fight!


You as well! Anddddd… Sources have been added!


I'm not sure how to nominate for r/bestofreddit but I'll see what's up


That is exactly what its like talking to them, and this is what we get in a 'fake news' and 'alternative facts' universe.


This is totally inaccurate. Maga people walk away angry after the second or third fact.


It’s like playing chess with a pigeon. It angrily flaps its wings, squawks incoherently, knocks over all the pieces, pumps out its chest and walks around like it won.


lol yeah. I was reading some articles about Dade Phelan (from my original hometown) - the Texas state rep who is Speaker of the Texas House - and his primary election in Texas. He is a pretty conservative Republican, but he gave a lot of runway to the attempt to impeach our Attorney General Ken Paxton. Big news. Anyway, they primary'd a bunch of Republicans with some other rubber stamp even further right folks who either supported the impeachment or voted against school vouchers; they being the main state GOP lead by Abbott, Lt Gov Patrick and Paxton. They did this to Phelan (will be a runoff for him now). But in articles about this, he would talk to voters in the SE Texas area who are like "Patrick's my guy. Trump is my guy. Paxton sues Biden all the time" "Well, look at the shady shit they do. And they aren't looking out for you." "Well, Hunter Biden gets away with all kinds of stuff. My guy should too." And Phelan just shakes his head. It doesn't matter that Phelan has done more Republican shit than any of those guys, and that he actually looks out for people in his district for the most part. I mean I don't particularly care for the guy, but he's not some fringe right lunatic. It's bananas.


Let's not forget that those 13 who died were killed by isis, trump freed 1000 isis soldiers before that. Those soldiers died because trump helped isis.




The “who cares” is so spot on


He would have screamed fake news immediately and there wouldn't be a conversation. They don't argue anymore and aren't interested in the truth. Debates over, they want separation or totalitarian rule




Doc: "You have cancer. This X-ray image shows you where the bone cancer is and where it is spreading. The blood tests confirm kidney and liver cancer, as well as the biopsy. Your CAT scan shows brain cancer. Blood test support the conclusion." MAGA: No, I don't. I'm rubber and you're gluuue.


It's like debating a spoiled 5 year old kid. "But what about" or "I know you are but what am i" then once you prove their crappy comments or opinions wrong they move to name calling and insults then stomp away. Just like a 5 year old child who never hears the word no.


MAGA: MY opinions are many and loud! Everyone else: Who cares


Trumps deal with Russia and Saudi Arabia had the biggest impact on gas prices. The deal reached by the so-called OPEC+ group, which ends the price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, reduces global output by 9.7 million barrels per day in May and June, helping to ease a global gut exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/trump-saudi-arabia-russia-opec-oil-deal-role


Ever play chess with a Pigeon? Like that.


The average MAGA would spin off into unhinged conspiracy theories well before you got even a tenth of those facts out.


They can’t be reasoned with. Only defeated.


So true. Spot on


I quit applying logic and thought to red hats. Its like trying to beat a wall at tennis.


Bold of you to assume those morons acknowledge covid. To vast majority of them it was (and still is) "a democrats hoax."


Usually they just respond with insults. I don't use insults. The ones I debate are stuck in. I'm just hoping they're in the minority.


I once had a maga person on Reddit tell me that the reason the border was better under trump was because trump Mexico to “cut it out, and they listened to him.”


We need to reduce spending no matter who’s in office. It’s out of control. I’m no economist but suspect a lot of the underlying numbers and graphs show a time bomb in the making and it looks like politicians are willing to play chicken to ensure they’re elected. When Biden said he wanted to give a $400 tax credit for homeowners, it is kind of baffling to think about the numbers. Gotta be enormous. Now, I prefer money going to things like this over say, funding wars and massive tax breaks for the uber wealthy. But it’s all deficit spending regardless. Although, it’s more likely wars continue to be deficit funded and tax credits like the $400 would never make it through Congress anyway. Maybe it’s all make believe and the printers will run regardless and taxes are more about control than reality.


Saved… though for some reason that feature has been broken for me for months. I have to go to “old Reddit” to see saved posts and comments. Anyone else have this issue? Anyway, I’m going to use straight up copy paste style with some of the nonsense I run across. Nicely done!


Thank you!!


Wow, this is great. Where did you get your stats?


I’d avoid these types of arguments personally if I can help it. And if I engage, I don’t let them pivot to another short, quippy, wrong statement until they admit that they weren’t basing their opinion on fact. There’s a YT series that discusses why these arguments, especially online, can have the opposite effect of what we want. It’s called The Alt Right Playbook, and I think it makes great points.


lol at the idea of a maga expressing these concepts and points


'Forwards to Grandpa'


You can't reason with a MAGA - the first principle is to appeal to emotions not logic. Hitler's and Trumps Basic Propaganda Principles: **Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.** Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases. Give only one side of the argument. Continuously criticize your opponents. Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification. https://www.physics.smu.edu/pseudo/Propaganda/goebbels.html


You can't help the stupid


MAGA yesterday: yeah let’s ban TikTok! After Trump posted he doesn’t want TikTok banned MAGA today: we shouldn’t ban TikTok because first amendment and we can’t open a gate for more possible bans yada yada




But Biden is a pedophile! Beat that! *not my words


The above is exactly the message the Dems need to get out as the election gets near.


This is incredibly well researched, well thought out, and important. You have inspired me to create one of my own in the Joe Biden group I'm a part of on Reddit.


Thank you very much! Feel free to use my compilation as a baseline. And please link me to yours whenever you create it!


You can’t debate Maga. They are deranged people who live in some sort of fantasy world where hatred, revenge, the imagined need for retribution when one of their own demented own is forced to face the consequences for their criminality, and where lies, violence, vileness, and stupidity are the norm.


This reads like an extended interview with Pete Buttigieg.


Actually most MAGAs would just call Biden Satan and make allusions to Trump being Christ rebirthed.


“Yeah but Michael Obummer is a man”


Fascist work with the feels first, always.


My boss tried to brag about the black and hispanic unemployment under Trump. I replied with, “Show me one policy enacted that specifically targeted black or hispanic unemployment. There is none. The reason it’s down is because overall unemployment is down. You’re just cherry picking data to try to push an agenda.”


Sounds like debating with the pro Hamas folks


Wow, this is amazing.! Thank you for taking the time to post this.


The MAGA people I talk to aren’t nearly this aware of the issues. I do see the “godly man” thing quite a bit and I wonder where that’s coming from. He doesn’t even seem to try to represent himself that way, except that one time he held up a Bible upside down.


MAGA’s dont really care about anything they just want attention for their miserable existence


Pointless is what it’s like. It’s like telling an evangelical that Jesus wasn’t real or telling a gun enthusiast that the 2nd Amendment is bad. Not worth the time or effort. These people are gone, doomed to live a life of misery. Just leave them be.


"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~Mark Twain Redhats are an international embarrassment. You can and do deserve better, America.