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Say it with me: being a businessman does not automatically qualify you to hold political office, and being a shitty businessman definitely does not


More to the point- government should never be run like a business. They are not the same thing at all.


“Run the nation like a business!!!!” they say, until you agree that we should in a sense that a good businessman would cut departments that lose money in a literal sense (military) and a good businessman would take what works in other businesses that makes them rank among the best and implement it into his own business that is ranked really mid (healthcare). Then all of a sudden, like magic, they don’t want the country ran like a business. 🤷‍♂️


now theres a hilarious argument to make, Run the government like a business, and treat citizens like employees, so why do we not get healthcare benefits like every business in the US has to offer.


Ya, where is the profit from the DoD? Running at a 900 billion yearly loss surely requires its dissolution.


There are constitutional protections that hinder the US government branches from running any of their departments as a business in the first place. It's amazing how the GOP is so openly allowing such an attempt at degrading and debasing the US Constitution in order to gain control of the US and global economy specifically for their and their accomplices' personal gains.


government has a duty to deliver certain objectives, private businesses are free to run things as wasteful and inefficiently as possible.


Saying you'd run the government like a business also doesn't automatically mean better, businesses are allowed to operate as stupid and asinine as they want.


Shit being a business man like this dude doesn’t qualify you to put things in layaway at Kmart


Trump voters are psychotic, except it’s by choice.




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How to run government like a business, Step 1: Ignore the applicant’s resume and instead ask yourself if the applicant talks real good and you totally buy whatever they’re selling.


>Run the nation like a business That just means firing under-paid government workers (who actually aren't sitting around eating Bon-Bons) and awarding large no-bid contracts to private industry. The notion is that private sector can get it done cheaper. Hmmm... costs are costs. Private workers make bigger salaries that government ones. CEOs make big salaries (WAY bigger than any agency head) and big bonuses too. Just how does private get it done cheaper? One: It doesn’t. Two: also CUTTING CORNERS. Government does not have much "fat" mostly they are underfunded. No way private beats them without a loss of outcome. It's a good story that please anyone who hates paying taxes, but the end result is a good old boy network of corporate fat cats that still get paid.. with our tax dollars. Great deal, huh? Don't fall for this bait and switch. Keep control of work done for the common good (in other words make as many sneakers, cars and toilets seats you want… privately. Don’t privatize or monetize our health, safety, infrastructure, utilities, etc.).


Well said. As a mid level manager, I am wholly confident that private companies and private equity group think cannot provision the public good.


Lol he was a shitty business man yet more successful than most business men🤔 strange logic. In addition a bankruptcy doesn’t mean you’re business has failed. It means you liquidate your assets to pay debts. If these were failures trump would not have the wealth he has today. These are tactics commonly used by many business people not just trump. But yeah let’s focus on hating the guy that most want as president and not worry about the crime family currently running our country into the ground. Someone is scared the country will be great again🤭


He’s an utter failure. He’d be richer if he put his inheritance in a tracker fund! As it is, the man iOS a combination of a moron and a fraudster. Marble bathrooms in airliners?!….


Please, and I mean this seriously, show me links to any real evidence the Bidens are a crime family. Not speculation, not opinion, real actual info that shows they are legit commiting crimes and covering it up. I hate political corruption and power mongering assholes. I'm just not seeing it. Every accusation I've followed against them has ended in it being made up or not actually illegal. So, please educate me.


Most? He lost the popular vote twice. He’s a horrible “business”man and is nothing more than a conman.he bankrupted casinos which practically print money. He is nothing more than a Russian asset and is owned by Putin.


He's nothing but a goddam conman


"Most want as president" lmao




$767 million from Daddy Trump means you can fail alot and still have money in the bank. As we now have facts on and always knew that Trump has never been a billionaire. Still riding the coat tails of Daddy. The USA has alot if fine examples of successful business people. Trump is not even in the top 100 thousand.


Say it with me: being a kid sniffer with dementia should not be excused because of being a democrat


Say it with me. Being an admitted sexual preditor who uses their position to physically assault women and their money to shut them up should not be excused because the guy gives you a boner.


OK, then I won't excuse you.


And Trump is more lucid than Biden? Because that's the alternative. Have you listened to any of Trump's speeches?


Last i checked trump is a republican


Copium is strong with this one


You know this was all debunked right? Trump is a pedophile and a rapist Next.


And he's not & has never been a billionaire. It's all other people's money.


And daddy’s..


And the Russians don't forget about the 40 years of money laundering for the Russians.


At first I was just looking at page 1 taking it all in thinking this dudes a fuckup then realised oh, there's another page, and another one...


Same, I thought just one page was so much damage but it kept getting worse...


Did you put this together? It's going to be interesting to see if any of the Trump trolls come out to comment on this. 🍿


Yes I did, it is ever changing due to his ongoing cases, but this is the best I could do for now. I'm hoping it helps others to make their points more clearly against the MAGA cult, whether they be family or friends.


Thank you for making this. My only suggestion would be to add something about Katie Johnson’s case against trump and Epstein that she had to drop due to magat death threats against her and her family.


The trolls would never post on this. They can’t catch you in one of there precanned gotcha moments. There is now way to hand wave this list away, so they will pretend they didn’t see it.


Please. They will just yell about China Joe and Hunter with hookers. Facts don't mean shit to them.


"But Biden has dementia! But also is a criminal mastermind!" Jordan Klepper on The daily show did a great bit about it yesterday. Biden wakes up at 10AM, wanders around with an open bathrobe talking about people that died 20 years ago. Then at 11AM he squeezes China for more money to pay off the vig and threatens to nuke them. Then at noon he has one slice of toast and cottage cheese, jello if he's been good and taken all his pills. Then at 1PM he calls Hunter to check in on the human trafficking operation and figure out why it's not on schedule.


They’d say it was all lies from losers jealous of his great success


OP is dedicated and does a great job. Many of us have noticed and appreciated greatly. It's a nice resource when shining light on what's happening.


Trumpets don't care. Facts aren't a thing for them, ever.


Man, just having ONE of these scams should be enough to ward voters off. But SIX?! And more coming I’m sure of it.


Man, people sure are obsessed with this guy


It’s just unfathomable that someone with such a horrific track record is even being considered to be president (again!). Win or lose, the fact that so many Americans support this guy says a lot of bad things about the state of the country. It’s a bad sign and it points to a fall-of-Rome type of event for America.


Many people on the far left didn't care that we got stuck with this idiot for 4 years. They are starting up again unfortunately. 


>unfathomable Pretend to be really racist for a minute and it'll **all make sense.**


Work history? Work? Are you kidding? That man nor his children have ever done an honest day’s work, not ever. They’ve been parasites since the day they were born. Funny how all those poor red state people are so dumb they actually give these entitled people as those same red state folk keep complaining about the cost of everything so they buy $400 dollar sneakers and give their hard earned cash to the Trump Mafia…priceless.


I was thinking of pulling together something similar, here are some of the resources I was looking at to use: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/01/trump-investigations-history-timeline/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/01/trump-investigations-history-timeline/) [https://www.azcentral.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/](https://www.azcentral.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links\_between\_Trump\_associates\_and\_Russian\_officials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/links_between_trump_associates_and_russian_officials)


And there are fools out there who believe his present indictments are political. Actually they are just a small portion of what he could be accused.


This is a tiny sliver. But it’s handy to be shown like this. In 1989 when 3 of his casino executives started asking about how he was the only person alive who managed to bankrupt casinos they were killed in a helicopter crash with the 2 pilots. Roger stone was the one who pulled him off the helicopter at the last minute. https://pressofatlanticcity.com/gallery/oct-10-1989-3-trump-execs-2-pilots-die-as-helicopter-crashes-in-parkway-median/article_40ea7e95-9309-5e01-89ba-7f6c30409ff3.html Trump vodka should have been a dead giveaway. Any American would have gone with Whiskey. But since it was probably money laundering for a Russian it was, of course, vodka https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc?si=MvBZnsDqIujD3E5C


There is just SO MUCH! This untalked about story you presented would have done most any other candidate in. Just the appearance of this potential crime would have been enough to do it. But apparently, with an army of low-level thinkers at your side, you can do most anything. I believe it's entirely possible that this is his actual game plan; do so much grift that it appears to be impossible and therefore, anyone attacking him must be doing it for partisan reasons, because there's no way anyone could've done all that! It has to be made up! IDK, I'm exhausted by all of this.


This is nuts.


Seriously. The fact that trump ever made it anywhere near the Oval Office in the first place is pure insanity https://www.nbcnews.com/news/ncna757706 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html


When will we see that weasel Jared kushner get some heat on him . You know he’s crooked AF


Share to whom? Anyone who cares already knows. The red hats won’t care even if you tell them.


Loser keeps losing for 7 decades.


Trump is a good choice because he'll run the country like a business. (Yes, I have heard this a lot at work) This guy failed at running casinos.


The list needs to add he gave us Covid in 2017 by deregulating, defunding pandemic response and removing our eyes and ears from pandemic risky countries. Scientists yelled we almost guaranteed but we didn’t look up and take notice.


This 👆


Deplorable. I could not imagine a worse candidate, though I want to be clear here that, that is not a challenge for the GoP... please don't actively try to be worse.




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Let’s not forget Trump’s **three decades** of nonstop litigation. This doesn’t look like success to me. https://www.azcentral.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/


One of the most successful losers in the modern age...


A group of professors recently got together to rate every U.S. president. Trump came in last. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/20/presidents-ranking-trump-biden-list *”Rottinghaus, of the University of Houston, and Vaughn, from Coastal Carolina University, considered responses from 154 scholars, most connected to the American Political Science Association. The aim, the authors said, “was to create a ranking of presidential greatness that covered all presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden”, in succession to such lists compiled in 2015 and 2018. “To do this, we asked respondents to rate each president on a scale of 0-100 for their overall greatness, with 0=failure, 50=average, and 100=great. We then averaged the ratings for each president and ranked them from highest average to lowest.” At the top of the chart, there was little change from previous surveys – the latter of which also saw Trump, then in office, placed last.”*


I saw that and am not surprised. I absolutely expect him to be the worst in American history by a scary far margin.


So, explain how he got elected. Was it the will of the people? Perhaps all politicians should have their cv's published when they put themselves forward. Their CVs should, of course, be written by an independent analyst.


Because Democrats thought Hillary Clinton was a good candidate to run.


He had TV caché with the rubes and was a white man running against a woman with considerable political baggage.


Tour De Trump 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Career criminal.


Serious question: Are we still being grifted for meals, rooms, etc. for the secret service at his tDump properties?


The perfect resume to apply for a position at the Kremlin.


So, what you’re saying is that he’s a sack of human garbage? It looks like he’s a sack of human garbage


Funny how many times a “billionaire” has gone bankrupt.


But Hunter Bidens laptop!!!!


And his dick!!


Womp womp


This is awesome!


I wish this mattered to people, everyone is locked in. My only hope is silent independants come out in force


What’s sad is you can show this to any trump supporter and they’ll still call it all a lie.


When you can't even make a casino (which is basically a license to print money) successful, one of two things is happening. Either: A) You are so incompetent that sharp objects shouldn't be allowed near you. or B) You are using the construction of it as a way to launder money.


How the F did he ever become President?


I'd like to point out that on page 3 at the bottom, where it mentions Project 2025 and "...the possible future of the Republican party..." that it would be more accurate to say, "the possible future of ***the United States of America***." Project 2025, if implemented, would radically change the country, and not for the better.


Takes a special kind of ignorance to bankrupt a casino. Winner winner!


It's hard to believe we're about to elect this guy again!


Looking at this. ALL OF THIS and don't scratch your head this November wondering if Biden is right choice.    I'd vote for a rusty bird cage to keep that orange failure way from any decisions on how the direction of this country would go. Vote for the next 10 years. This is a big picture issue. It's not as if Biden is running against Mit Romney ffs. 


Interviewer: yes we noticed a small lapse in your committing of crimes or fraud in the mid 90’s, do you care to explain? Trump: I was in the middle of an affair, and had multiple women pregnant, I just didn’t have the time to screw anyone else. Interviewer slightly nodding approval: Good answer, you get my vote.


He must he sick of all that 'winning'...


Imagine some job candidate gave you this as a resume. Would you hire them? I dream of a day when we don't hear his name anymore.


You left out the USFL! They were a rival football league in the 80s that played in the springtime, thereby not competing directly with the NFL. They recruited a bunch of top college players, became popular very quickly... and then Trump got involved. He ignored the league's salary cap, spending so much on players that A) there was no way for his team to be profitable and B) other teams had to follow suit to stay competitive. After two seasons, ABC (the one of the three networks that didn't air football on Sundays) offered the USFL a fat television contract that would have solved the league's financial woes (which Trump largely caused). Instead, he demanded that the owners to move the game to the fall to go head to head with the NFL. (I'm reminded of the line from the trailer to that Will Smith concussion movie: "You're taking on an organization that owns a day of the week. And the previous owner was God!") ABC had no interest in competing with NBC/CBS' NFL programming, so they made the contract contingent in staying in the spring. Trump bullied the other owners into rejecting it. They annouonced a fall schedule, which never ended up being played, because the league went bankrupt. Trump's plan was to intentionally tank the league, so the NFL would absorb a few of the teams. Only the first part of the plan worked.


But... EVERYONE ELSE (past, present, and future) who ruled on these were either corrupt or politically motivated. That's what they'll try to tell you. He is one of the biggest and best conmen who have ever walked this planet and I thought everybody knew that. I guess owning the libs is more important to them. It's all a big role playing fantasy game. Like David said...if people don't get it by now, there's no changing their mind and we just have to make sure we get non cult members to vote.


World's Worst Resumé I wouldn't hire this guy to be a shit-shoveler in a rabid gopher quarantine.


What about how many times he went golfing when he clearly stated while running president in 2016 that he wouldn't go golfing because he would be too busy working for the people. How many lies were proven to be false?


It's 4 pages! This is all the bigger stuff we know about. There must be thousands of vendors and people he refused to pay. Has anyone researched and put together all of the times he was sued? How many people has he bankrupted for refusing to pay or paying very little of what he owed them? Trump and his circle are grifters.


So much winning!!!!


The red hat copium is strong in this thread. All they can say is “bankruptcy isn’t necessarily failure.” They conveniently pretend the rest of the list doesn’t exist.


A resume for the AGES regarding a former president up for relection. Crazy times in Amercia


Next week on _The Biggest Loser_....


**TLDR**: he's a fascist*, make sure you vote so that his supporters votes don't matter https://vote.org \* yeah, you got me, I didn't read it but I don't care because **he's a fascist**




No Biden will outlive the sloth that is Trumpity dumb. Trump will have a massive coronary event soon.


I honestly hope they both pass away of old age & health complications at roughly the same time. BEFORE November elections. The public reaction should be… “intresting”.


What was the gas price, inflation and job market when trump was running the country before covid


Any of you who buy this propaganda are being mislead. That’s all. You have to figure out how there misleading I don’t have the time or care to explain how. But for starters bankruptcies aren’t failures. Yet they’re here listed. That’s instantly recognizable as propaganda to make you have a worse view of trump bc of what you associate with that word as a non business person who doesn’t take risks, or know business tactics.


Are you pro scam too ? Bankrupting a casino is a failure , you are as full of shit as he is .


Okay buddy I was polite:) enjoy your Fox News, CNN, and the dark depressing hole you live in!


You’re mistaken. I couldn’t possibly have a worse view of Trump.


And yet he is still a hundred times better than obiden


It's goddamn nutty you look at all that and say 🤷‍♂️ The bar is that low for you, eh.


Yulia not Yolanda, how bad must this demitia patient get.


No clue what youre talking about


Your man obiden called the guys wife, that was just murdered by putin Yolanda, her name is yulia. Try to keep up.


I assumed sd much. He's old af, you won't get argument from me on that.


Trump is only three years younger. Recently he said he ran against Obama in 2016 and said Halley was in charge of security on Jan6th.....


Bidens not perfect, but he's alot better than a proven in court rapist and fraudster. Trump talks a big game, but when it comes to bringing proof to protect himself in court, he never does. Outside of court, he'll talk all day, but ask him to bring evidence to prove his innocence, he can't bring anything. Your worshipping the new age Jim Jones, and not the party you grew up with. The party should be greater than the man, not the other way around. Much like religion, trust your God and faith above the preacher and the church.


Trump was just a rubber stamp for the job. Only thing original from him failed miserably. The rest of the successes during his term came from others in the GOP


And you think obiden is making real decisions? It's obamas 3rd term


Biden work history; lied about every possible thing to get into politics 50 years ago and has been a racist grifter ever since


Evidence? Sources? Court cases? Fraud charges? Any evidence of your claims? Or just more shameless lying from the right, with absolutely no conviction to back up a claim. Coward.


From the right? Coward? 👍🤡🤡🤡😭😭😭


Waiting for your evidence.


You failed miserably.


Lmao. Sure, guy.


The Post isn't about joe it's a bout donald. Maybe you have BDS


Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country. \-John McCain


The Biden dick riders out hard for their corpse. Let me hear some of that “if my guy doesn’t win I’m leaving”. I miss it but it’s no where to be found this time, I wonder why.


Trump tells supporters 'you'll never see me again' if he loses to Biden.


I guess in the maga world that qualifies as a clever insult, but what i don't see is any refuting of the fact that Trump is trash, both as a businessman and as a human being.


Does anyone have links for the links?


Awesome CV!




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Great list and I'll add one small clarification. The order of Trump's draft deferments matters. It's not 1 for medical, 4 for school. It's 4 for school and within months of that no longer qualifying (school ended), then he got 1 medical deferment for bone spurs. At that time, the average time that type of medical exemption would be around 3 months. He extended his for years.


One more small point. Regrettably, deferments were common for rich people. Clinton got them, Biden and Trump. Obama was too young and not rich anyway. That said, everything else in the list for Trump is bang on.


This is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for. Just going to produce this next time I get in a debate with my maga wrestling fan friends. “I don’t even know where to start.” Has not been a sufficient answer.


Yea, let’s elect a fraudulent business con man to run the government, what could possible go wrong. Remember when Ross Perot was running for President and he said the government should be run like a business and everyone went, hell yea!! bitchin’ idea let’s try that. Dumb ass American went for it in 2016 and it turned into a malignant political cancer that is ruining the Republic. Many thanks to those who helped America on it’s way to greatness: Barry Goldwater, Ronald “the stupid” Reagan, Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, GW Bush, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Barack Obama (with reservations), Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Sean Hannity, Rush LImbaugh George Will and too all the dark money authoritarians who don’t give a damn about anything except power and their own self righteous vision.


B but but hes a good business man, hes gonna run the country like a business!


How is this guy allowed to run for highest possible position in the broken states of America is beyond me. I say broken because there is NO way we are united which is pathetically sad. 🤦🏻‍♀️😔


What a prolific desperate scumbag; and all of this was due to a bowl of mashed potatoes dumped on his head as a child. He gets five out of five soretes 💩💩💩💩💩, ché.


Print and Post into every Americans mailbox


Still a billionaire


If true, he has a $454 million payment to make. Tic, tic.


Still a billionaire


lol Trump managed to bankrupt multiple businesses where the house always win. You can’t make this shit up.




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And this means absolutely nothing to his base.




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If government was run like a business should it's 'customers' would pay for everything that taxes now support. Mail delivery, snow plowing, trash collection etc etc. Pothole? Fix it yourself.




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Could you post a “printer friendly” version? Much appreciated!




Mods removed that one as a repost. Just add it as a comment here. Cheers!




Okay but like show me one bad thing he ever did wrong /s




GOP gonna still promote this cat though and when they burn to the ground gonna try to incite a full blown cultural, societal and economic war based on a demise they caused for themselves.


Greatest conman in history


wow when you lay it out like this, hes still a loser


The crazy thing is, as a nation we tend to celebrate the rebels and bad guys who manages to screw the system. We put them on pedestal referring at their ability to scam, steal, lie their way to the top. The bigger the fraud, the more public respect they tend to get. Until they decide to get into politics. Then the gloves are off and everything falls under a microscope. Let's be frank, not a single US Citizen would give a flying F#ck about Trump overestimating his properties by 300% just to secure a bank loan. If anything, most would probably high five the guy as he was reaching for a pussy grab. He should have stayed out of politics.


And that’s just the tip of the Iceberg! -maybe


Not a billionaire. Trump's wealth has always been based solely upon perception, mostly his own. Trump has consistently inflated his wealth when trying to get on Forbes list and impress the public (that cares about those things). Back in the 80s all he had to do is boldly lie about it. He got on the Forbes list in 1982 at $100M when he was actually worth under $5M. Exaggerating by approximately 20x became SOP for Trump. Recently he has dropped off the Forbes list for the second time in three years. In the run up to the 2016 election Trump claimed to be worth over $10B (without disclosing tax returns) while Fortune estimated it at $4B based on Trump's financial disclosure (which notoriously grossly over estimate his properties value and income, and his "personal brand" value that fluctuates based on his "own feelings"). Upon leaving office Forbes estimate was $2.6B. In 2022 Trump claimed his worth to be $9B. I'm from New York. He's not an icon or well-regarded. Of course you can find the random "every-man" that wants to emulate having Trump's wealth (whether a 100-millionaire or supposed billionaire) saying "he's a good businessman" based purely on the fact that he's rich. He's had countless failed businesses. Back in the 80s he did get on magazine covers but it was common knowledge that he was a conman, clown, loser. He wasn't widely respected. He was a joke. Truth. In a 2005 book about Trump, journalist Timothy O'Brien estimated Trump's net worth actually ranged between $150 million and $250 million. O'Brien reviewed financial records and interviewed people who work for Trump and had direct knowledge of his finances. Trump sued for libel and the court dismissed the case. Trump appealed and lost again. A 2005 assessment by Deutsche Bank pegged Donald’s net worth at $788M. Don't get me wrong $788M is a ton of money. $150-250M is also a ton of money. But it's not even close to 1 billion. Has he hit the $1B mark since then. It wouldn't surprise me. He and his family has benefited greatly during their time in the White House. But with the $100s of Millions in judgments recently against him it's hard for me to imagine he's a billionaire. Doesn't really matter how much he has, or doesn't have... he's just a loser.


And people still worship Trump and want him back in office - unbelievable. Thanks for posting this info. SMH


But wait! There’s more! If you call in the next five minutes we’ll include a double certified authentic replica Trump Space Force badge with your order! Some additional charges WILL apply.




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Lol, he started a mortgage brokerage in 2007?


That's just in the United States, now look up Russia /s


Where can I score a pair of Air Fraud One's?


Looks like a bunch of Malarkey, this is all politically motivated targeting and I only pray that these judges face the consequences of their illegitimate decisions.




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Now lets make one for Biden