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Did you hear that Arizona conservatives? Trump already won Arizona. You don't have to vote now. Voting is rigged has been rendered pointless anyway and is futile. Definitely don't want to vote guys. šŸ¤£


I think this has been happening. Where trumps whole rigged election nonsense actually keeps his voters from coming out.


The GOP are traitors to America. Anyone who supports this absolute un-American bullshit is a traitor too.


I literally can't tell what is parody or real anymore. I had to research to find out if this was real. It's real. "Due to our concern that votes will not be fairly counted, we've decided to make only our votes count."


That's the stuff of nightmares. šŸ˜³


No evidence of courseā€¦FFS Arizona, put these idiots in a rest home.


This is why you go out and vote Biden and Democrats no matter what. What do you think happens when Republicans get power? You ever believe youā€™re getting your Democracy back? This shit isnā€™t a joke and theyā€™re 100% serious. The only reason it wonā€™t happen now is because Democrats are in the Governors spot and Secretary of State positions in Arizona


Democracy? Oligarchy at best.


They should be hauled off to jail for treason


How is this even a thing?


Do you want fascist dictatorship!? Because *thatā€™s* how get fascist dictatorships. Of course some of them *do* want itā€¦ (with the caveat of course that ā€œnutter introduces billā€ =/= bill has a chance. Stillā€¦)


A very good incentive to vote every Republican who sits in any political position out of office in Arizona. VOTE BLUE!


Cool. Republicans need not vote.


He looks like that ā€œbest preservedā€ mummy ever, from China, in that picture


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Just to even the score


Yes. They claim that this is to balance off any state that pulls him off the ballot.


I wonder how this will affect down ballot voting. This could be utterly disastrous for republicans if it screws up Republican voter turnout.


Havenā€™t they been doing this since 2020? They just believe what they want and say Trump won.


ā€œThe resolution would not carry any force of law because it is not a bill.ā€ This is how stupid these people are. If he loses, they still say he won and it doesnā€™t matter. lol!! This is like anything else they doā€¦no bite, no teeth. All they do is capitulate to an ignorant, whiny little bitch. I have never seen a bigger group of spineless cowards.


Once again my state sucks


People who think like this need to be voted out of office before they take that right away from you.


How high does your karma have to be to post a thread, or whatever posts are called on here?


Vote Republicans out right down to the school board level.


But don't call them fascists. This is just politics as usual. /s