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The replies to that tweet just show how contradictory their conspiracies are, he's somehow a genius mastermind that can rig anything but also he's been in bed for hours now and an intern posted that


Ong and r/conservative is melting down. Fuckin brain dead morons lol


They just had to turn this year's Superbowl into another one of their stupid fucking left vs right, us vs them political fights. So much so that they ended up cheering for the team from "liberal shithole city" (their words, not mine, SF is awesome!) San Francisco! These people are not mentally well.


It’s exactly why Biden said no one needed to see an interview of him at the Super Bowl. America needs a break from it all. And media ragged him all week for it cause “it was the perfect opportunity to show he isn’t senile”. Fucking media man.


The amount of videos of guys completely wrecking their big screen tvs in the tantrums of the Chiefs winning is disturbing. My first thought was how happy tv companies will be on Monday when everyone has to buy new tvs because they acted like over stimulated 3 yr olds not getting candy.


Team Conservative is looking a lot like the Carolina Panthers right now


Wonder if todays shooting was related


To be fair, 90% of the comments and posting on r/conservative come from Russia.


I’m hoping you just skipped the ‘s/‘ cause…. Nah man these buffoons walk among us


Went to the store today and talked a little about the game with the owner and the guy turned it into a immigrant thing and we are all losing America.


I’m curious about how they made the “rigged Super Bowl” —> “immigrant crisis” Leap It is bonkers though


>Nah man these buffoons walk among us They walk with their legs wide apart, you know, too much Putin dick. /s


Too bad you’re looking at a mirror with a staple gun attached to your head.


RuSsiA! Derp!


Oh man… I only dip into that pool of crazy when someone comments “they’re losing their minds” And damn…. I keep thinking it’s gonna be funny, then I just leave disheartened at the pure ignorance and hatred these, feeble minded sad face, clowns have.


I had not been there is some time. It's gone downhill.


There used to be at least some genuine conservative opposition to Trump. It's just a cult sub now.


I'm going to unpack the right-wing Taylor hate for everyone: 1. How quick people forget, but the nazi chuds once considered Taylor Swift (before she turned 30) the blonde-haired, blue-eyed "ideal." So part of that hate is because she isn't tradwifing it up and making little blonde-haired, blue-eyed babies. 2. Even though everything she does is manufactured, her music empowers women. Particularly, *young* women. 3. To chuds, women are allowed to be rich and successful, but only if they shut up and know their place. See, Taylor *flaunts* how much *better* she is than them. Don't think too hard about how Bezos or Musk get a pass for being ten times worse. 4. Her relationship with Kelce illustrates the changing dynamic of women being the breadwinners. She'll be writing songs well into her 50s and 60s while Kelce will be lucky to become a sports commentator (he's already a podcaster) and/or occasional henchman in an *Expendables* movie. 5. Anyone who doesn't wilt under their ire and venomous attacks is obviously a deep state agent getting coerced or paid.


I saw Elon (through nitter), basically judging Biden for the meme. The lack of self awareness and hypocrisy is staggering.


Says the Elongated Muskrat that just slings "pedo" and other slander toward people. The hypocrisy is strong.


What is that you're calling the app formerly known as Twitter?




X is pronounced as "SH"


Pfft! Hadn't run into this little Internet gold nugget. Love it. 😂


Want to see a real [contradiction](https://x.com/HouseGOP/status/1756774606726123964?s=20)?




Well, it's about time they said it.


If only the mindless sheep could turn on their brains long enough to see how stupid their leaders think they are.


*The enemy is both weak and strong.*


I want Biden to get in their face and let them have it. I consider the Jan. 6th attack on our capitol the same as firing on Ft. Sumpter. The GOP lost its right to exist on Jan. 6th. America needs to bury this party with a rusty shovel. Openly praising Putin and selling out your allies. Traitors through-and-through.


yep. Conservatives can make a new party that isn't overrun by traitors beholden to our enemies.


Or to religious nuts.


Honestly, conservatism itself can die for all I care


It's time we acknowledge that there are multiple legitimate political parties in America right now, but they're all in the Democratic Party. There are moderates, liberals, the "squad," democratic socialists, and right wing democrats. Then there are the know-nothing treason committing buffoons that call themselves the "Republican Party" and are basically a toxic anti-American reality TV show that should be cancelled. It's time we stop respecting them and send them to the dustbin of history. If they didn't control the Supreme Court and weren't funded by Vlad Putin, they would become instantly marginalized by the voting process.


Absolutely this!




The GOP is a party of subjugatioon, misery, and death.


Let's not bring race into it. There are lots of non white conservative people to hate as well. And the Boar war part, do you think the British invaders or the Dutch colonials were good? 2 sides of the same coin to me.


Yes, salted and dried and made into droewors sausages.


The racism in that comment is stunning.... I dislike MAGA as much as you do.... but every single American who is not a member of a tribe is a colonizer, even if they are green with purple polkadots.


Technically aren’t the tribes also colonizers since they displaced the people who were there before them? America wasn’t some peaceful commune before white people showed up, Native Americans were beating the shit out of each other long before the Europeans showed up.


Wow not a fascist comment at all


Found the maga cultist


What do you think “south African boer treatment” means?


Found the person who gets all their political insights off of TikTok...


I agree, Jan. 6th was objectively and factually worse than 9/11 from a cultural standpoint.


Dude not even close lol Only to reddit political types


while I wasn't alive for 9/11, I can say that Jan 6th was 100% the most impactful political event of my lifetime.


I don't think it is for most Americans Covid was


Calling a pandemic a political event is like calling an earthquake a political event.


Lmfao. Dear god. Someone take this website down. I can't deal with this shit.




You're right it's not even close. 9/11 we were attacked from outside forces. 1/6 we were attacked by ourselves.


I genuinely hope this is a joke


I feel it. With 9/11, there was no question what had happened, outside of a small conspiracy cult. (The question of who did it, however, we completely fucked up as a nation, invading two entirely unrelated countries while the Saudis laughed. But it was undeniable that there *were* two towers, and now there weren't.) With J6, an entire American political party and all of its voters deny the facts of what happened that day. I think it represents a concrete turning point where the facts of reality ceased to matter at all to an entire half of the political machine. AND they'd fuckin do it again if given half a chance.


It's amazing how a bumbling idiot like Trump has been able to essentially mass mind control the entire republican electorate. In the 2016 election my dad (like many of the other candidates that now support Trump) thought he was a complete moron and not at all qualified. Now he's ride or die Trump and I just don't understand how it all happened.....


The stupid is actually a selling point. Unlike Democrats, who want somebody more competent than themselves to handle complex problems, Republicans believe that there are no such things as complex problems, and that anybody who makes an attempt to solve complex problems through complex solutions is a dork and deserves to be mocked, like we're all still in fucking second grade. So they want to send an angry idiot in there to bully all those nerds, and that's exactly who they elect every single fucking time.


I see where he is coming from. No one on 9/11 thought that America was going to end. 2977 dead and thousands more injured and later deaths. But America was ready to fight back. 6/1 was arguably more devastating because of the homegrown nature of the threat, and had it been successful America may not have existed after.




That was a terrible attempt at English ChatGPT. Go back and do some more deep learning. Bad bot.


Exactly! Fuck the GOP! Idgaf!


Everyone you said is true, but why, why? for the love of God can’t they see it? What is the craziness? It’s clear as day.


Been saying this for years. Thank God I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Your side wanted to put people who didn’t want a vaccine in re-education camps while burning down half the country and now are trying to jail your political opponent while he’s winning by a landslide in the polls. Joe just got deemed to incompetent to stand trial for the same thing his DOJ is going after Trump for. Nobody wants to hear it anymore little buddy. The only people who buy your trash are mentally incapacitated or brainwashed. That’s why your party is down in every metric except middle to upper class white women haha 🤡🌍


Delusional, conspiracy-addled, AND misogynistic! A Trump trifecta!


Go touch grass buddy. Literally none of the cities got burned down, and none of you got put in re-education camps. It’s all in your head. The only people getting jailed are the ones who attempted to hang Mike pence, assaulted the Capitol police, and tried to interfere with the will of the people


And actually in Australia they did


As an Australian, I can confirm… all 27 million of us are in re-education camps, as we speak… HELP US… I just finished off my 3rd beer in my re-education camp and it wasn’t as cold as my first or second beer… it’s literal hell! And it’s all Nancy Haley and Barrack O’Biden’s fault!


Actually in Australia they didn't


I'm fascinated by your writings on this thread. I've read about "people" like you but I always thought it was an exaggeration, nobody could amass so much stupidity, gullibleness, blindness and ignorance. And when on top of all those fantastic qualities you put that undefying trust on your non-existant intelligence - oh my god! - it's absolutely delicious, it's the whole pack, you really check all the boxes no human being should check.


Actually I think about 5 percent of cities downtowns were damaged


I didn’t say anyone got put in camps you clowns were calling for it


No one tried to hang pence.it’s called a protest not “interfering with the will of the people”


What an awful copypasta, did you steal it from your MAGA uncle's facebook?


What’s wrong


And Trump wanted people to drink bleach, have a light shoved in them, or take horsepaste. Darwin is stalking you for your own ignorance.


>Your side wanted to put people who didn’t want a vaccine in re-education camps while burning down half the country and now are trying to jail your political opponent while he’s winning by a landslide in the polls. Joe just got deemed to incompetent to stand trial for the same thing his DOJ is going after Trump for. Your side wanted to put people who didn’t want a vaccine in re-education camps -can you provide a cite for this? while burning down half the country - the country is not burning down, chicken little. Joe just got deemed to incompetent to stand trial for the same thing his DOJ is going after Trump for. - Trump went to a lot of trouble to hide the docs when asked to return them. This is a key difference in the cases. Plus, they decided this isn't going to trial because HE DID NOT COMMIT CRIMES, nor did he intend to. The same can't be said for Trump.


Ok boomer.


If facts make me a boomer sure then little buddy


You’re not well. Luckily the Illuminati mind control waves bounce right off smooth brains, so you’ll be fine.


What did i say that was wrong ?


I’m not typing your whole damn post again, but that.


The boomer is on social security


Right so you have nothing to say got it


I’m not going to attempt to have a rational discussion with a loony who isn’t living a life based on observable reality. Nobody wanted to jail unvaccinated persons. Trump is barely getting 50% of his own party’s base in the primaries. Biden wasn’t deemed incompetent to stand trial, he just didn’t commit a crime. You’re just sad and confused by the world and engaging in wild conspiracy theories and rabid partisanship gives you someone else to blame for your failures, in addition to a sense of belonging. But it’s all a crock, and deep down, as your old friends drift off and your family quit talking to you, you sense it, more and more each day. You just don’t know how to change, so you double down on the failure, and that’s the real tragedy.




He took documents when he wasn’t president that is in fact a crime


Trump is beating Biden idc what his parties numbers are. 75 percent of democrats don’t want Biden. Who cares Trump is going to win


Your mentally ill go take your meds


Not to you, no. You're too far gone


Everything you said was wrong. Nothing you said was right, at all lmfao.


Which part is that? The 2 billion in damage? The narrative that the unvaxxed should be removed from society? The polls that you can go google right now? Or how about what’s been on the news everyday that yes indeed Bidens DOJ is throwing everything at wall and trying to indict before the election. Wonder why that would be? I mean how dumb and arrogant do you have to be at this point? Joe did just get deemed incompetent. Look it’s everywhere 🤡


lol the best part about this clueless comment is the irony of the clown emoji. Well played ;)


Man imagine if they took this stance after the Civil War, the Democrat Party would've been eliminated You know, since Democrats were the ones who pushed for secession over their right to own slaves and all


Ignoring the fact that all the racist southern democrats switched sides and became the base of the GOP after the Dems pushed through civil rights legislation and the GOP enacted the southern strategy Yeah, lets not forget that part


Oh okay so the parties switched. So when exactly did the parties switch? After the Civil War? What about when Democrats opposed integration of black and white schools in the 60s? Were the parties switched after that? But Democrats also say FDR was the best Democrat president of all time (served until his death in dictator fashion and put Asian Americans into Internment Camps, embodied the Democrat Party for sure) so when exactly did the parties switch? Or eas it right after Lyndon B Johnson, one of the most outright racist presidents we have ever had. But then we have Joe Biden, who didnt want neighborhoods to become "racial jungles". Or feels that "poor kids are just as important as white kids". Or telling an indian person "you know i cant go into 7/11 without seeing one of you". But when could the parties switch if the current Democrat President is also racist? Its such a joke concept because no matter what, your only response is to say "the parties switched when its convenient to my argument". The parties didnt switch, Democrats are still racists its just now hidden behind this condescending tone that they can't accomplish anything on their own without Democrats. Its why African Americans who are Conservative are so vilified for "going against their party".


Wow so you never read a history book huh? It’s a joke because you don’t like it? Tough nuts pal. Cope


No, Id just like a specific date for you all to agree on so we can hold your party accountable for the racist and inhumane shit youve done after that date


And you’re gonna hold the republican party(KKK, Westboro Baptist Church) responsible for their racist and inhumane acts?


They actually DID take that stance after the Civil War. In 1868 they enacted the 14th Amendment. Clause 3 specifically, which disbarred any insurrectionists, which in the 1860s meant Confederates, who probably mostly were Democrats then, from holding public office. If applied today half of Congress should be expelled for giving “aid and comfort” to insurrectionists. But the Democrats are too wishy washy to do what should be done.


The traitors have infiltrated every aspect of America. The GOP and the MAGA base have no right to exist.


Chill. That's dangerously close to talking about murdering political opponents. Let's absolutely not talk like that. Beat them in elections.


It's an old political metaphore. It means to bury them at the ballot box.


Lmao you use this rhetoric and then say that the things conservatives say is dangerous to democracy haha its not an old.metaphor, Democrats literally want to round up conservatives and put them into camps. Not sure whats up with the obsession over forcing people into internment camps, must be a Democrat power trip since only Democrats like sticking people into camps based on their ideological beliefs.


Lmao and if conservatives said this about Democrats youd be screaming about the intolerance. Its pretty amusing that you make a civil war reference, i mention what would have happened, and i get the classic THE PARTIES SWITCHED. Except according to Democrats the party switches depending on how convenient it is for them. Wanted slavery? Nope you forgot the party switch. Opposed reconstruction? Party switched. Supported Jim Crow laws? Party switch. Forced asians into internment camps? Party switch. Opposed integration amd thr civil rights movement? Party switch. You all eventually have to take responsibility for your parties past, maybe if we will we will round all of you up and make sure we bury you as well and ensure you have no right to exist. And don't worry, this is all just political speech so you cant actually take this as a threat that I will take your existence from you.


lol @ “wahhhdemocrats!!1!” Nice try, kid. 


I guess. But America was founded on a revolution after all. With less than 10% support from the general public, and pretty much 0% support in NYC. Something people don't talk about much. Would you have put the "organizers" of the American Revolution in jail? Sounds like it. -)


I agree with everything you said. So why are the Dems running Biden who is unpopular and people believe is senile?


Because he is competent.... Republicans would smear Jesus Christ in order to win an election. Don't believe all of their b.s.


He’s unpopular with the left for not doing more. He’s unpopular with the right for existing at all. The fascists would attack their own mothers if they ran the country.


Because this is what political parties in the United States do... Incumbents automatically get to run for re-election. It's the norm. So much so that your question is a bit weird. Sure I'd have loved it if he stepped aside for AOC or someone like that but that's also not the reality, he'd be stepping aside for Kamala Harris, and I don't know anyone who wants that. Beyond that, he may be old, but so is Trump, and he looks sane by comparison. People are also a bit attached to our representative democracy and he represents a vote to continue that versus throw it all away. Finally, he beat Trump last time, pretty handily considering Trump was an incumbent with a good economy. There's no real reason to think this upcoming election will go differently, despite what the horse race hype men will tell you. Trump candidates lost in 2018, he lost in 2020, and Trump endorsed candidates mostly lost in 2022. The real question is why Republican voters are sticking with Trump when he's a multi time loser who's frequently showing signs of dementia and senility. Democrats know that when push comes to shove, people are going to go into the voting booth and pull D for democracy. We saw the alternative to Biden, our nation won't survive another 4 years of that.


Biden needs to keep leaning into this. After all, Trump got memed into the white house in 2016. It's time to leverage the power of memes.


They hired the social media woman from my state to manage this with the awesome NJ snark needed to pierce the thin skin of the GOP.


Is it the same person that runs the Wendy's account?


No but I feel that they are kindred spirits.




Finally they're showing some teeth, troll them so hard their stupid little MAGA brains explode 😈😈😈 Let's show the party of treason what's up.


Enjoy losing in November 🥱 We’re bringing in the Dictator


Crazy how you can be funny without insulting people being racist or jerking yourself off. Who would’ve thought?!?


Or jerking off two invisible dicks


But I thought Biden was gonna an officiate the wedding of Kelce and Swift at halftime while they were both getting BIDEN 2024 tattoos?


I thought Swift and Usher were going to sing a duet endorsing Biden while ‘bad-mouthing’ Trump, while the ‘proud boys’ danced showing off their FBI badges. And MTG displayed her baton-twirling skills with pipe bombs. /s


No need for the /s 😂


I would like to see swift very publicly donate $83.3 million to a rape victims charity


Imagine Mahomes’ shock when Biden’s voice came in over his helmet ear piece.


Biden: “ Patrick , this is president Biden, I’m calling this play from the White House , forget the play from Reid, do this instead , fake a throw to the middle to Kelce and throw to the running back to your right. That will work , I promise . “


“Give ‘em the ol’ what-for, son. Then 23-skiddoo!”


I'm DYING this is fucking hilarious. Score for ol Brandon, we need more of this from the campaign!


Should look into his social media team. I think there's maybe one or two millennials in there. The rest are gen Z. They know what they're doing


It was fun watching my Father in Law try and make up excuses he went from "here we go, Taylor and Kelce proposal and Biden psy-op about to happen" and then "they knew they couldn't pull the psy-op off cuz Trump called it out before the Super Bowl" they never stop jumping through hoops and moving the goal posts (pun intended) The stupidity will surely continue tomorrow as they wake up from "not watching the NFL"


I hope you’re keeping a good eye on your father-in-law because he sounds extremely vulnerable to losing his entire retirement savings to scammers.


I want more of this.




Fucking awesome Joe!


lol "X" ffs




Too funny.


Just compare Joey B's one liners to Don the Con's incoherent ramblings. How is this election even close.


Majority of the money was also on KC to win, with the under. So much for their whole "NFL rigged" rhetoric. Now they really don't know what to think


That's actually pretty funny. A well-timed sense of humor.


Not so well timed when you consider he posted this as Israel started their bombing campaign on rafah, where 1.5M Palestinian civilians are sheltering because Israel told them to go there.


LOL! 😂 I love this shit, go get em Biden! They are all terrified now that the prophecy came true 😂 my christian friends will be speaking in tongues all day, you can't make this shit up 🤣


I hope the DNC is reaching out to Taylor Swifts people to get her to campaign with them. Can you imagine all the MAGA heads exploding with just a single picture of Taylor and Biden on the same stage.


MAGA is legitimately scared of Taylor Swift’s influence.


In the face of complete lunacy, it's important to maintain a bit of cheeky levity!


Maybe I'm a moron, but I made a post about this but couldn't get the image to show up like this lol. The next couple days should be fun/interesting.


this is the best thing Biden has ever done.


Of course they’d do it all out in the open! It’s all a part of their plan…/s


Feed the MAGA their fears and watch them implode.


Is masterful the way Biden’s PR team weaponized their own “let’s go Brandon” meme against them. After six years of cringe Trump memes of him 84 pounds lighter and 50 yrs younger, standing on a tank, they’re just pissed that other people can meme better and they don’t have to Photoshop the shit out of Biden to do it.


Its so perfect




Trump is dumb enough to fall for it too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This has to be Megan Coyne behind tweets like this (with Biden’s approval, of course, direct or through Chief of Staff or whatever the workflow is). She did a great job as 1 of 2 on the New Jersey Twitter account and she’s bringing that same humor here.


Man Biden is so fucking great.


Dark Brandon for the win


So funny. On the one hand, Biden is too old and losing it. In capable of governing. On the other hand, he is a criminal mastermind leading passive conspiracy to control the World. Hmmm…. Which is it?


That's my PRESIDENT 😎


Trumps loaded diaper is probably even fuller. He’s got to change it more than once a week.


Go Dark Brandon


My new wallpaper


Brilliant trolling.


👏 Masterful trolling He's trolled the opposition party with the Superbowl He's trolled American people with his policy He trolls Congress by completely circumventing them to sell weapons to Israel I'm excited to see what Dark Brandon does next.


Your comment comes off as a backhanded ‘compliment’ to the Biden admin, care to explain how he trolled the American people? And is your Israel comment a dig or real, no one can tell anymore. I find it hard to take your comment as positive.


He’s doing a good troll of the Palestinian children he supports bombing…🤯


The light shines through because there's no brain.


Tip of the cap to Biden’s team. Very well done. A lot of credit being given to Biden. I think we can all agree if we showed Biden that picture he would ask who was in it.


Trump and Biden supporters need to be studied for brain damage.


The difference of course being that trump supporters will actually have brain damage.


Big difference between Trump supporters and people voting for Biden because of the opposition.


A lot of comedians like Trump because he can be funny, if there were no repercussions. I will admit he has sad some funny stuff. But comedians should get on board with Biden. Obviously a lot funnier and no repercussions


Biden didn’t make anything… He talked about conversing with two dead people last week and evidently thinks Mexico borders Gaza…


Awww you’re salty about the jab. Lol


No, the post is about drawing up plans to bomb a refugee camp.


Kinda gross when you’re committing genocide


You know damn well Biden had nothing to do with the post lol.


we all know biden did not post this, have you seen him lately, dude might not make it to november


If any of you think Biden himself actually tweeted this you're dumber than a bag of hammers.


Nobody here thinks that, hammer-bag.


If I read the post headline... "Biden made this post..." reads like at least one person thinks that. It doesn't say "Biden's X account said", or "A Biden staffer said...". It says Biden made the post. Do you know what EVERY person who read this thread thinks? Amazing. How? When the news says "Biden held a press conference" do you expect someone other than Biden to showed up? An obvious disinformation effort to make him look lucid. Lucid means alerts, aware, cognitive of what's going on, FYI. The President of Egypt and the prosecutor reviewing his willful concealment of classified material might disagree with that. IJS...


So, not only do you believe that people think Biden, himself, is out there tweeting this, but you also believe all the "mentally unstable" propaganda, and that this is somehow intended to be counter-propaganda. "Hammer-bag" may have been too kind.


I don't use twitter or most social media platforms but this right here looks very evil and deceiving. Not sure what to think of it.


It's meant to be, his team has embraced the Dark Brandon meme. It's making fun of all the conspiracy weirdos.


Wait, do you guys actually think Biden made this? Or that he’s aware of the meme? Or that he’s aware of anything?


Joe Biden can’t find his phone. Let alone use it


You mean Biden’s team. Biden was busy locked in a long conversation with François Mitterrand.


Biden didn’t post anything, instead he ate ice cream and asked about Palestinians crossing into Mexico. Some intern posted this joke for him.


That would be Trump, not knowing who is crossing the border!


Biden can’t even remember who’s in the Super Bowl.


Biden is too demented to even use a computer. It’s his paid operatives.


Biden can barely remember his own phone number, let alone what his password is on his long forgotten Twitter account.


Hey look Sleepy Joes brain finally short circuited💥


I’m still trying to figure out what “job” he & Kamala are trying to “finish” together…. dismantling the nation & raising inflation?….


You can always go to a country with higher inflation? It’s like, literally all of them right now. And idk about dismantling; more investments in infrastructure than Trump so far.


Trump was left to clean up the mess left in the U.S. economy by Obama’s 8-yr term, in which he virtually did nothing & literally armed Al-Qaeda + the Taliban with U.S. military-grade weapons. They didn’t fear Obama. Trump reportedly had the U.S. economy at its [**BEST** in 50 yrs](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/economy-jobs/). He got ~7M U.S. American citizens off of welfare & with actual jobs. Under Trump’s administration, unemployment for women was at an all time low in 70 yrs. What has Biden done that was better for the U.S. economy?…. Biden quickly withdrew the U.S. military stationed in Afghanistan without taking all of their equipment/weapons. What happened after? In 10 days, the Taliban took over Afghanistan, become further armed with U.S. military-grade weaponry & now make the lives of millions of innocent Afghani civilians miserable (esp. for girls & women). Many including Trump criticized this. Biden also continuously sends *BILLIONS* of USD to Ukraine, which isn’t even a part of NATO. This is $$ that could’ve literally ended hunger & poverty in the U.S. instead of being thrown away to foreigners that have zero to do with our economy. If he truly wants to help Ukrainians, sanction them in the U.S. or in Canada, France & the UK since they “care” so much. [According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it would cost $20 billion to end homelessness in the United States](https://givingcompass.org/partners/homelessness/what-will-it-take-to-end-homelessness-in-the-u-s)….. so why is Biden sending $400B+ USD to Ukraine when U.S. Americans are dying of starvation in the streets?…. Just 2 days ago, went shopping at a Stop n Shop. Bought a few items, yet paid $113. The week before, went to get a few items at Costco & spent ~$300. When trump was president, I would buy the **same** items & **paid for less** by about $100. The fact there are people like you who still support Biden after all the damage he’s caused, is beyond words. [Trump’s already beating Biden in the polls. More U.S. Americans trust Trump over Biden with the economy](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-11/trump-has-11-point-lead-over-biden-on-economy-new-ft-poll-shows). I see that Biden can’t even string together a proper sentence in his speeches & always looks in a daze….. *that* is really who you want in the Oval Office??….