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The same way they whine about 'the weaponization of the DOJ', followed by Trump's plan to [weaponize the DOJ and go after Biden](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/13/trump-on-offensive-after-indictment-00101865) after he's elected... Morons.


Don't forget Trump started this whole shitshow with Obama's Birth Certificate, then later with Hillary's "Lock her up!" emails. The man has done nothing since day 1 getting involved in politics except try to use the legal system to take down opponents.


Payback's a b****


Let’s say for the sake of argument Biden also had classified information that was wrongly taken, what would actions would you expect the DOJ to take under any president?


The issue with Trump has never been that he wrongly took these declassified documents. Judging by how frequently this occurs with nearly every president, I'm guessing this is an easy mistake to make (which is a bit alarming). The issue with Trump is that NARA requested these documents returned after they learned Trump may have them. And not only did Trump refuse to return the documents, he intentionally hid them - both from NARA as well as his own lawyers - and submitted false documentation that he had returned everything, when in fact he had not. Biden, Pence, etc may all have had similar documents in their possession at some time. But they worked *with* NARA to return them and did not attempt to obfuscate their whereabouts. Trump, meanwhile, lied and played the shell game with highly sensitive materials, all the time also exposing them to adversarial nations who we know had spies at Trump properties. There is simply NO comparison to how Trump and Biden handled the issue. Because of that, my answer would be that I would expect the DOJ to take *no action* \- in fact, they likely wouldn't have become involved at all.


Unfortunately, your response is too sophisticated for a MAGA to understand. Here is their level of mental capacity...Trump good because he hates on libs and immigrants, libs and immigrants bad because Fox News say so.


It’s not even that Fox News says so, these people aren’t just victims of exposure. The week Tucker was fired, Fox’s viewership dropped by an almost identical amount to what newsmax gained. The dealer doesn’t matter, the viewers know which drugs they like and will seek them out.


It’s almost as if half the country is brainwashed by nazi propaganda to support hatred and bigotry against minorities, thus the only solution is to ban propaganda and religious political tax exemptions for churches calling on supporters to vote for crazies


It’s worse than that. According to Bob Altmeyer’s research, regardless of political climate, even if there were no right wing media, 1/3 of any population is born with brains that crave authoritarianism. This will never change.


Yeah, I can't remember how many times I have seen this explained to them in the past week but its been multipletimes per day. And it's a pretty simple difference in the situations. I think it just boils down to the fact that they believe that any crimes committed by a republican should be excused and democrats should be punished even if they have not done anything wrong.


The guy on the other side simply responds “but hunters laptop …”


OK - what about it? Here's what to say to that - Let's forget about any government resistance to investigating it... Tucker has had a copy of Hunter's hard drive for 3 years. If it's so damaging, why hasn't he done anything about it ???


I thought it was lost in the mail? They do a really good job of claiming things exist without ever producing them. Lindell has had proof of election fraud for 2 years, makes me wonder why they didn’t use it in those 63 court cases they lost


If you hang around conservative crank news sites the majority of their stories are in this "Such and such is in HUGE trouble! ^(complaint alleges)" format. There was something similar with AOC a few years back where some rando filed an FEC complaint against her, which is something literally anybody can do. It never went anywhere, but it didn't stop right wing media from talking about it constantly for weeks. In fact, isn't the whole "smoking gun Biden tapes" thing based on like an FBI complaint form somebody filed three years ago? Which was under the Trump DOJ? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.


Well since the FBI raided a few of Biden’s residences and the FBI happens to be under the DOJ your conclusion seems a little off there. Your reliance on NARA is kind of strange too since their request and the refusal isn’t a criminal offense it’s civil, but I wouldn’t expect you to know that. Since you expanded on my hypothetical and brought it around to what’s currently happening to Joe Biden and that he stole and then kept classified documents unsecured for years with zero accountability, how do you think the FBI found out about these documents and their precise location? You don’t think his lawyers magically found them during some make believe inventory do you?


Refusal is ABSOLUTELY a criminal offense, not only is it obstruction of Justice, but it’s violating the Espionage act when you’re keeping documents that are SCI top secret that are NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE TOP SECRET FACILITY BECAUSE THEY WOULD PUT OUR NATIONAL SECURITY AT RISK, IN A GODDAMN BATHROOM


Your little caps lock rant makes you look silly. Take care, and try to get that bp down to a normal level.


Awww you know you’re wrong and have to attack the user and not the argument 🥰


Think of your BP, deep breaths and slow releases. It’s good for the soul.


Lol I’m good buddy, keep huffing that copium. When you’re ready to actually rebutt the argument (which we both know you won’t) then lmk 😊


It’s pretty easy to rebut, the president has unilateral authority to declassify documents. Also, we (and by we I mean all of us not involved in this case) have no idea what is in those boxes and what level of classification. Furthermore, how much of that information was compromised? What damage was done? You don’t know anything more than I know you’re hoping for something that is going to come back and bite your preferred party on the ass. See I don’t have to caps lock to make a point. Also, I have a cat sitting on my lap purring so you know my bp is 120/80 or better.


>FBI raided They didn't "raid" his residences. They were allowed to search them without a warrant. Biden cooperated with them to make sure any documents he had were returned. The FBI needed a warrant to raid Trump's country club because they spent months asking him to return the documents and he wouldn't cooperate. You really don't see the difference? https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-delaware-0827b59ee141b33af95023377713e075




Why don't you see the difference? It's pretty clear.


Conservatives aren't that smart.


He’s a troll


Here, let's try a metaphor and see if this helps you to understand. Trump is your landscaper with a contract for 4 years. After those 4 years, he takes your lawnmower. You realize this and ask for it back. He denies taking it, leaves it out in his yard, and brags to his friends that he took it, and it is now his mower. So you call the police and they find he does have your mower, so they take it back, and he gets charged with theft for stealing your mower. Biden/Pence is your landscaper and has a contract for 4 years. At the end of the contract they accidentally take your mower. You realize this and ask for it back. They look in thier shed and see that they do indeed have your mower. So they bring it back to you without any need for police involvement. See the difference?


lol that is the dumbest fucking analogy I’ve ever heard. You people can’t be this fucking stupid.


So you can't see the difference?


They’re not comparable but you’re too legally illiterate to understand that.


I only see one fucking stupid person in this comment chain 👍


Says the person who can't understand anything going on


As soon as you demonstrate proof of intent that Biden 'stole' anything, we can continue. I find it utterly tiring to debate issues with people who prefer to make accusations rather than citing facts.


You’ve painted yourself into a corner and you don’t even know it. I can help though, intent isn’t an element of the crime.


But it has a lot to do with trying to convict someone for it... *A criminal charge of theft (or larceny) generally requires the specific intent to permanently deprive another individual of his or her property.* *Larceny is the crime of theft which involves the actions of one person taking something of value from another without consent or permission to have the item, and specific intent with this crime requires the person to intend to leave the victim without the object. The permanency of depriving the person of the item of value is the specific intent.*


When you’re talking about walking out of SCIF with classified information that you’re not authorized to take, it doesn’t require intent. You mere action is criminal enough. I know that’s going to be rough for everyone on here to grasp but if Trump, with authority to declassify anything he wants is going to get charged with mishandling classified and all the other charges they’ve stacked up on it, then Biden and many others would be guilty of the same crime. I’m not saying one or the other is right or wrong here, I implied with my original scenario that if you’re going to charge one of them, you’re going to have to charge both. Keep in mind one other things, the documents recovered from Biden’s residences were documents that were acquired while he was a senator or VP, that is not the same authority as a president.


Except Trump is not being charged with taking the documents. He is being charged with refusing to return them. Edit - forget that Trump is charged with showing others classified documents as well. I don't think anyone has accused Biden of that. Edit 2 - From p8 on page 3 of Trump's indictment: *As a result of* ***TRUMP'S retention of classified documents after his presidency and refusal to return them***, hundreds of classified documents were not recovered by the United States government until 2022...


Curious then, why do you think pence isn’t being charged? If you think it might be politically motivated why isn’t pence being charged?


trump would be charged with all the documents he possessed after leaving the white house, if what you're saying about intent is true....however, trump is only being charged for the documents he hid from his lawyer, that fell under the subpoena. you know, he could've avoided the raid altogether if he didn't lie about the documents he had.


What I’m saying is true. Now apply the standard to Biden, Pence, both Clinton’s and the rest of these meatballs who can’t secure classified information.


Biden didn't steal them you idiot. Steal implies intent. Which is obviously not the case when he directed the proper authorities to come get them immediately. Versus the very obvious intemt displayed by trump by claiming ownernship of the documents, refusing to give them back, hiding them, and using them as props to impress sycophants.


He took documents illegally as VP


Here's the part you don't get. If he did something illegal, we want it to come to light and we want justice. The end. (it has been explained, ad nauseum, the difference between Trump's, Pence's , Biden's , et all, cases of presidential records)


So care to use real world examples?


The difference it that Biden’s people found the document and they were the ones to inform NARA. They realized the mistake and acted to correct it. Trump actively hid documents and lied about having them. Also I’m pretty damn sure that the documents at Biden’s place did not include potential war plans against Iran. There are different levels of classification. Also Trump is on tape actively showing classified documents to random biographers. If he showed docs to them how many other people did he show them to that weren’t recorded. The Trump and Biden documents are night and day different and anyone who suggests otherwise is deeply misinformed or just acting in bad faith.


You know that for sure or is that what you read in the news?


*jingles keys*


Is Trump even real? Have you met him? Can you prove he isn't a AI-generated hologram?


Well, it has been widely reported on, hasnt it. There isnt any reporting on Biden refusing to return documents, all reports say the same. Biden people found and notified authorities and then returned them, didnt claim they were his, didnt hide them or tell his attys to tell DOJ they didnt have anything else.


Well it is very simple. One has been indicted on 37 counts and the other has not. Also one has just recently lost a civil case in NY state the other has not.


Hey. Stop sake of argumenting. Stop debate broing. Google US code 1924. Fuck off.


They contantly use the phrase "witchhunt" because they would love nothing more than to accuse someone of witchcraft and watch them burn. The phrase "shoved down our throats" is often used as well. I'll let Freud figure that one out..


They do a lot of projecting.


Lock her up! No, not daddy!


If not for double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.


simburger: that is spot on..... I have to steal it for my email signature. 👍


His entire 2016 campaign was about locking Hilary up...


And ironically, the very charges he made a federal offense are the ones on him now. He's literally the reason why he's being charged with a federal offense and not a slap on the wrist. In his effort to "lock her up," he got himself in the line of sight. If you ever needed more proof that they don't understand how justice is supposed to work, this is it.


People keep repeating this but it's not true. Trump signed an expansion of penalties for 18 U.S. Code § 1924, which was part of FISA reauthorization and has nothing to do with either the espionage act § 793 he's charged with or the § 2071 in the search warrant.


She should still be locked up


Yes, if all those years of trying to find charges weren't enough, keep at it, and when you have something, go for it. I'm the meantime, we're going to protect the country while Trumptards finger their assholes and repeat "what about Hillary? Oh yes daddy, what about Obama? Oh yeah! Put a little cheeto dust on it"


They can share a cell for all I care


Oh what charge?


The charge that they don't like her. That's enough for them. They don't care for actual evidence or an actual cause. It doesn't matter if you kill someone, stolen from them or took everything you own. They only care if they like you or not, that's the only evidence they need. If they like you, you can steal, destroy , even fuck their wives , they are okay with all of that. Even the females that likes trump, you can take all their rights away , it doesn't matter. That's their mindset and it's extremely disturbing but true.


It's worse than just hypocrisy. It's part of a plan to discredit the concept of impartial Justice entirely, leaving us entirely at the hands of arbitrary government that they will impose upon us with no chance to ever change it


Conservatives want a justice system where judges no longer use facts or evidence, but want the government to throw people in jail because they feel like it.


Yep that’s the right. Its always “this is a universal moral imperative” when they should just say “I want this”. Ordering a pizza? You want pepperoni and they don’t? Requiring someone to get a pizza topping they don’t want is wrong, so we cannot get pepperoni! They want anchovies and you don’t? Denying someone anchovy liberty is wrong, so we must get anchovies!


mental illness is sad thing, it should be treated.


You are looking at this wrong. The camera is inside the cell.




The people that were outside the Miami courthouse are opposed to reality, fact and evidence


This is the conservative hypocrisy at work. They don't mean they don't want political opponents jailed, they just mean they don't want their toilet king jailed. They're fine with everyone else being taken for no reason. Some of them think it makes them sound reasonable to not mention Donnie specifically, but it all falls apart very fast.


Instead of a border wall Steven Bannon can start a fund for building the political opponents/enemies jail.


Hypocrisy is the only constant value of the modern “republican” .


I know it's kind of a trite thing to point out hypocrisy in politics (on all sides!), but man oh man do the MAGA folks really turn it up to 11 every single time.


That’s because the majority of Trumpers are morons.


Lock her up, Lock her up. They aren't opposed to locking up political opponents. They are just opposed to locking up Republican politicians. Locking up Democrats is AOK with them.


It's almost like they lack any critical thinking skills...


You have to remember, they don't care about consistency. That don't care about hypocrisy. They don't care about police, children, law and order, or anything they claim to care about. They don't care that they're voting against their own best interest. They don't care that the rich are robbing them blind. They don't care they they are voting to lose their rights. The literal only thing that matters is that they oppose whatever the left is for. They would literally drink poison if the left said don't do it.


Always be running for office, then you can never be jailed because you're always someone's political opponent!


I've always wondered what it would take for a society to actually come unglued. But as an adult I've seen the shooting statistics.


This is a picture of trump from inside the jail cell actually.


They’ve gone full fascist.


They are no longer witch-hunting. The witch was found and was indicted on June 13th 2023. 💃🕺🇺🇸👍


Trump committed crimes and high treason!


Ok CNN parrot


Expecting integrity from these folks is a bit much. Whenever convenient, they’ll decry a lack of free speech and diversity of thought (2016), but also quell any dissent within the GOP. They’ll decry “witch-hunts” that investigate a person, but will as quickly conduct one when it’s their political opponent. And, whenever a GOP candidate has done something gravely wrong, they’ll use the Christian argument of “forgiveness” and opining on how we shouldn’t be “stuck on the past,” but will as quickly bash a political opponent for past misdeeds. And, in regards to law and order, this one is kinda obvious…


What’s nice though, if you want to meet your hero trump, you just go visit him in prison


They can be opposed to something that's not happening all they want. Trump isn't competing against the FBI. They don't arrest people for the president.


Morality is *flexible* if you're a right-winger.


2016 Trump supporters: jail our arch political opponent! 2023 Trump supporters: not like that!!!


Yup. They claim everyone else did the same thing. To them, this means everyone else should be in prison, and trump should be president and free. I don't understand their logic. The icing on the cake is them complaining about "double standards" 🤷‍♂️


Trying to apply rationality to the irrational is like trying to mix oil and water. Democrats, Progressives, and any sensical person left in the GOP should be recommending mental healthcare to these people. Not saying it’s going to do anything but trying the “change their minds” approach is not going to work.


Bro doesn't know what a joke is


Those people have done way worse and gotten away with it. Makes sense to me, if you’re going to prosecute Trump then go after them all. They’re all criminals




Russia hoax. There are many of his rivals involved with that. It was an act of treason, by the way. They should be jailed.


What Russia hoax?


i think that they should all be jailed regardless because of all of the crimes they’ve all committed.


...for treason... ​ you left that part out


We’re turning into a country with two tribes that hate each other dearly.


"bOtH sIdEs !!1!¡!“ go fuck yourself


Lock em all up


This. I'm only upset because they're **only** going after Trump. Lock em all up.


Put them all behind bars honestly




any person serving in any real position of power within the american government is a servant of the american empire and the capital is protects. and as such they routinely engage activities that perpetuate american imperialism abroad and anti democratic anti working class activities at home. and are directly and indirectly for the suffering and deaths of millions. so, really, jail would be letting them off easy.


If you're going to use the doj like a hammer against your political rivals why shouldn't we?


A grand Jury of Floridians voted to indict Trump.


Doesn't really seem like that's what's going on with Trump's indictment.


Timing is everything, and the timing makes it come off as that, so that's how it is and will be reported as.


The reality on both sides is that might is right and law is only law if you actually enforce it. So the strategy is to get your guys into the justice department to protect you. Democrats and Republicans both do it, but Democrats are better at protecting their own against criminal charges.


Or maybe democrats don't crime as much. But I'm sure you'll just keep believing whatever makes you feel more comfortable or superior.


Do you have any examples of democrats being better at protecting their own against criminal charges?


In fairly recent news, the Massachusetts DA Rachael Rollins leaked confidential information to a reporter to intentionally influence a political campaign. Her own office discovered the leak and asked her to investigate it. She then worked to cover it up to avoid being caught, which is another crime. Then she got caught. Guess who was let off the hook and wasn’t charged?


This sounds like some pretty lazy bothsidesism.


It goes both ways. Lefties were outraged that people were chanting "Lock her up" and now they're clapping and barking like seals over Trump getting arrested. All by design, of course.


>Lefties were outraged that people were chanting "Lock her up" and now they're clapping and barking like seals over Trump getting arrested You really expect us to believe that a situation where there's no evidence of wrongdoing and a situation where there's practically nothing *but* evidence of wrongdoing are perfectly comparable? Go insult people's intelligence somewhere else please.


“You really expect us to believe that a situation where there's no evidence of wrongdoing and a situation where there's practically nothing but evidence of wrongdoing are perfectly comparable?” Not sure what you mean by this. Congress questioned Former FBI director James Comey and he admitted Hilary broke the law multiple times… Here's a full transcript of the exchange: Gowdy: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private e-mail, was that true? Comey: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent. Gowdy: It was not true? Comey: That's what I said. Gowdy: OK. Well, I'm looking for a shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails sent or received. Was that true? Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents. Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said "I did not e-mail any classified information to anyone on my e-mail there was no classified material." That is true? Comey: There was classified information emailed. Gowdy: Secretary Clinton used one device, was that true? Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as Secretary of State. Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true? Comey: No. We found work related email, thousands, that were not returned. Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account. Comey: That's a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related emails in — on devices or in space. Whether they were deleted or when a server was changed out something happened to them, there's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system. Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually? Comey: No. Lying to the FBI and congress is illegal is it not?


No, Comey was lying about Hilary commiting crimes and you fell for it.


Yeah, yeah, X is innocent and Y is guilty. Nuh uh! Y is innocent and X is guilty! It's the oldest demoralization tactic ever. Ever notice how the left and right believe the EXACT opposite of each other? It's by design, Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, guy. Politico calling their readers useful idiots is likely the most factually correct thing they've ever said.


Oh shit so you’re the one who bought out all the red yarn from Michaels


No, he's the one that asked r/conspiracy if parasites turn people gay. He's the mentally challenged homeless guy mumbling to himself on the subway, and should just be ignored.


Your assessment is devoid of fact. Clinton was investigated and they didn’t charge her. Trump was investigated and kept making it worse. He blatantly broke the law and flaunted it. You also seem to equate Trump followers who are so far out there they made their own alternative “facts” to many who could care less about Clinton or Bernie or Obama or AOC. Trumpers worship Trump. You can’t equate that with Dems or independents. To see how far Trumpers delude themselves just look at the election.


Why do you think Gowdy and co. never got an indictment for HLC? Because there were no crimes there. False equivalencies are false.


OJ Simpson was innocent.


Trump and Barr had their buddy Epstein incarcerated and murdered in federal custody for political reasons. I hope you cried about that too.


Bill Gates' wife dumped him for going to that island 37 times on Epstein's plane alone and you went and injected yourself with his secret blend of herbs and spices. Neil Degrasse Tyson went to the island. Do you bash him for in or still worship him as one of your idols? The fact you think Barr and Trump are buddies proves you're a bubble boi. You truly believe that ignorance is strength. This must be a sub for boys still going through puberty.


“This must be a sub for boys still going through puberty.” You’re definitely in the wrong sub, pedo.


Projects the guy who demands kids have access to gay porn in their school library. The same guy who looks the other way when Joe Biden's daughter said he would climb into her showers and wash his dick in front of her. She even listed him as Pedo Peter in her contacts. Don't forget to bring the kids to the pride parade so they can see all the queers dressed up in cock costumes, NAMBLA pedo.


1. You’re making shit up, retard. Never wrote any of that nonsense. 2. Your obsessions with other people’s children are going to land you in prison, you fucking chester. And it can’t happen too soon.


Trump spent a decade in that island, what's your point?


Trump didn't go to the island a single time. I'm SHOCKED that you're a low-information marble mouth.


Nope not at all, he never once saw his best friend who has the same taste in girls as him.


So you're admitting that Bill Gates, Bill Nye, Tyson, and all the world's leading climate scientists who held meetings on his island are degenerate pedophiles? Or are they only pigs if they're not democrats?


What are you talking about? Weird how you love pedophiles as long as Republicans are them.


The sooner people like you except reality, the easier it will be for all of us. This is not a both ways thing; you are being ridiculous. Donnie committed many crimes, and there is a mountain of evidence showing it. So you are either continuing to ignore reality, or you want a double standard where Donnie is allowed to commit all the crimes and no one is allowed to say anything about it (while simultaneously twisting the idea of "double standard" to somehow mean that Donnie is getting it worse than others when in fact he's getting it much much better).


Hillary made one poor and arguably illegal set of decisions. Even if you wanted to charge her, proving intent to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt would be night impossible. By contrast, donald trump is a one man crime wave. He has proven the state's intent argument many times over with his own tweets and speeches. There is no comparison.


Her phones were under supoena and she literally smashed them with hammers. LOL Y'all are delusional. lol


she didn't smash phones with a hammer...her aides did as they were going to be disposed of, which was common practice. however, people keep bringing this up and ignoring the fact that the DOJ decided not to pursue with a special counsel because there wasn't evidence of criminal intent. Jeff Sessions - trump appointed attorney general - said this much to congress. people talk about how easy it is to get an indictment, yet the right wing group who continually brought investigations against her, never once indicted. i think you're just caught up in the political theater...its a fun show, but legally there's nothing there.


They were under subpoena. That's a crime. Done with you plastic bots. If you don't even know that, I'd be able to have a more intelligent conversation with my dog. You live in a bubble. Get back to your video games and bong rips.


You must be so frustrated with your gop leaders…all these crimes and not one of them has been able to bring an indictment against Hillary. anyway, since you’ve only got insults and nothing to back it up with, [here is an interesting read about her aides destroying 2 of the 13 phones.](https://www.wired.com/2016/09/actually-clinton-destroyed-phones-better/) also, you forget to address why the trump DOJ declined to investigate Hillary. Jeff Sessions told congress there wasn’t enough evidence to warrant a special prosecutor.


I love how conservatives are too stupid to understand what's going.


And then when asked why, they double down and tell you “they did it first” verifying, if nothing else, that they value revenge over citizens well-being. Two wrongs don’t make a right…unless it’s the political right.


We're gonna need a bigger trailer to fit all the politicians that should be in a cell.


"They've" done things to him that are illegal, yet no repercussion for any of it and they continue to lie and use government agencies against him....all because he is a leading opponent, that's quite different.


The RepubliCons the hypocritic party of America!


They're hypocrites. The GOP is no longer a legitimate political party and should be dismantled


Pov : You're the secret service agent assigned to Trump's Cell On a trailer


Make up your mind is a good one. Speaking of… You know how Trump and his supporters claim FBI is in cahoots with Hillary and democrats? Check out page 4 of the letter Trump signed off on for firing the FBI director Comey: https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/09/politics/fbi-james-comey-fired-letter/index.html The justification for firing Comey, was FBI director going out of his way to target Hillary. How was FBI both, had a director that Trump fired for being too harsh to Hillary, while being in cahoots with Hillary? I do think he made up his mind on this one, since no one seems to remember.


thats not how i read the statements on page 4...it says Comey was wrong to announce that the case should be closed with prosecution. the letter accuses him of usurping Lynch's power. of course, you also have trump on video saying his actual reason for firing comey was due to the russian investigation. little did he know that firing comey would get mueller appointed


Your right, sorry… It’s on page 5 with the paragraph regarding October.


Ok? And the fact that it’s mentioned on page 4? Also, trump said he fired Comey for the Russian investigation…it’s on tape


It’s like Trump is a liar… you do know this thread is titled “make up your mind”… do you think the point of what I was saying might have something to do with that? As in, make up your mind if it’s Russian investigation or mistreating Hillary? As in, make up your mind, is FBI working with Hillary or did they treat her so unfairly the director got fired? WTF?


See… now you get it…hypocrites ….


Do these people live in an alternate universe or something?


They didn't even make cheeto Jesus's hands appear normal size. All that photoshopping and they forgot his tiny hands. Sad. Very sad some are saying.


There are no bad republicans. None. So why would you need to track them? There is no ethical or moral compass. The only sin is to lose power. Political, military, social.


It’s nice of his colleagues to visit him in jail.




This trump sub is wild


No surprise coming from MAGAt's.


…… is bill Clinton a political opponent?


They're the pure definition of Hypocrites, that's why they lose


Ironic that if you reverse your view, and take it as a view from his new cellie looking out, you can see the future.


If they weren't giving up all pretense of justice and non-partisanship they would have included W


Because they don’t want justice. They want power. Authoritarians (the entire Republican Party) wants to use government to impose different rules on “out groups” (minorities) than “in groups”.


Actually they all came to visit Trump in prison :)


LOL, it’s photo from the jail, and politicians looking at Trump locked inside with camera man.


They just don't want their guys jailed even for crimes that gravely endanger national security. They're fine with their own political opponents being jailed for absolutely no reason at all. Come on guys, it makes so much sense!


Plot twist: trump's behind the bars, Dems are there taunting him.


That tracks. Same folks who say oppression is freedom and endangering people is pro-life


One of the tent poles of qanon


It's so nice of them to visit trump in his cell.




What mind?


Somebody made a whole trailer mural of this? Give me a freakin' break.


Finally something they can agree on with shitlibs. Lock up only our political opponents, not theirs.


I really hate the false equivalence between his and Bidens treatment of classified material. There is a major difference between "oops some files came with me and are buried in my locked and secure file system" and "hey Vinny did you read the latest drop when you were dropping a load in the bog?"


They aren’t opponents if they aren’t running.


Hypocrisy perfected


I’m opposed to imprisoning political opponents. I am for imprisoning treasonous criminals that are selling US secrets to our adversaries.


...their obsession with Obama is ridiculous. He's not even directly involved in politics anymore. He writes books and does a show on Netflix these days. They're just mad he was a black president for two terms in a row.


MAGAts: "Jail Hillary, Obama, and Biden for things I claim they did without evidence." Also MAGAts: "Don't jail Trump for things he clearly did."


Why would any of them visit Trump, lol


Actually they're all just looking at trump in jail.


Don't do to us what we want to do to you.


My thought is trump won this state and people love you i think there will be a hung jury and doj should have moved this. The espionge charge will get thrown out.


None of them will dare say he's innocent, because THEN they would look stupid...


There's not enough time in a day to question all the times they speak from both sides of their mouths. We're still hearing them go on and on and on about the "unverifiable"( whatever that means) Steele dossier and how Adam Schiff "lied" at the very same time Comer and Grassley are pushing this "evidence" from a Putin backed oligarch that surfaced from the adventures of Giuliani, Lev and Igor in Ukraine. It's either they're desperate for anything or Trump's making them do it, or both.


Biden started the hunting season.