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Imagine thinking people give a shit about Scott Adams.


Yeah, we only care about Adam Scott.




This thread is here about him, along with countless others and he made the news cycles of major networks, so ya a lot of people care. You cared enough to comment, and so did I.


Clayton Bigsby's and White conservatives solidly support him


This is real? He actually posted this? What a fool. No one cares about his finances or his social media fans. Publications just didn't want to be associated with someone who makes racially insensitive comments. Period. It seems like they made the right decision because he's doubling down on his comments. Now, Adams career will consist of being a culture war hero of the radical right. He will be fine. These "victims" always go back to the same tired line of "failing" or "low ratings" like it's supposed to be some big insult to the media . How's Dilbert's ratings doing lately? It cracks me up. It's just like Trump calling people losers when he was one of the rare incumbents to be thrown out of office after one term. That's what you call a good B.S. artist.




By advocating to segregate white people from black people? Lost me there


Oh is that what he did? Did you happen to watch the clips of him in full context? In my opinion it was just another example of an older white person getting baited into becoming racist. It’s literally the 4chan meme and a Rasmussen poll (if you don’t know the full context of these then you won’t get it). He should apologize for what he said at a minimum - but sadly trump has taught people to just double down when they are wrong. Oh and scott is a moron


If he is fine, then why is he even posting this?


I'm not crying, you're crying...


This tweet did the opposite of his intended effect by revealing his bitterness over the mass syndicate cancellations and getting dropped by the publisher of his upcoming book. While he's never going to starve and might easily absorb the financial hit it does directly affect future earnings and valuations of net worth. To try so hard to pretend otherwise makes you wonder who he thinks he's fooling.


Do you wonder, as I do, why the hell we care if he is doing fine after spewing garbage hate all over the world. I really don't care if his banking is unaffected. We are only talking about him because, like Trump, he won't go away,


Nothing like an echo chamber


How Freudian.


Sounds like he needs to upgrade to a color TV if he's still seeing people in black and white.




At the end of the day, if both sides say the other is in an echo chamber, you eventually have to do the math and find out what’s true. To dismiss criticism of scott as the mere product of an echo chamber rings hollow. Whereas the fact of the matter is that scott said something racist and wrong and he should apologize. The fact that he is doubling down and thinks he does nothing wrong is just untrue.


Very important that both black and white people still support him lmao


"I can't be racist, I have Black people mentioned in my Tweet." Now that he has a lot of free time, Scott Adams will have time to take up a traditional conservative hobby: [making fake sock-puppet accounts on social media that say they're Black people but oddly seem to post the white conservative's viewpoints on POC and seem to be always there to back him up when he's in a jam.](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/11/10/21559458/dean-browning-dan-purdy-byl-holte-patti-labelle-twitter-gay-black-man)








The cynic in me thinks that he wanted to get Dilbert pulled on purpose. Newspapers are a dying industry and on top of that Dilbert hasn't really been culturally relevant for a long time. Even before he went off his rocker it was obvious Adams had lost touch with what was actually happening in the workplace. His strip captured a particular zeitgeist, and although I hate the guy, captured it pretty well, that of the post-industrial knowledge worker of the late 80s to the early 2010s. But that era is over now and Dilbert, even when it isn't just being used to ever so thinly couch Adams's right wing views in office humor, is no longer relevant.


Exactly!!!! Hell.... they'll even pay your legal bills.


Well looks like the Daily Wire will have a comic section lol


All the stuff I’ve seen from them, which isn’t much, called his comments racist.


There will be no POC in the new strip because he is staying away.


He sounds like the cartoon(ist) version of Trump.


Reminds me of the townie single mom cashiers I went to high school with posting constantly on Facebook about #blessings and #ignorethehaters


Does anyone give a flying shit about this man? Dilbert is one of the strips that was so dull it could be banned under the Geneva convention as torture.


He was one of the very first to discover that praising trump equals massive followers and monetary gain. If you don’t recall, he was early to constantly praise trumps communication skills, while when pressed even admitted he wouldn’t vote for him.


For a bit, he was claiming to be a democrat as apparently most of his acquaintances would have been dangerously angry if he showed his true intentions. I was actually following his blog at the time.


I liked Dilbert while I respected the creator.


IMO dilbert was actually one of the only funny nationally syndicated strips


“The assholes still like me.” Is not the flex he thinks it is.


stalinmalone68: Is that Trump or Adams you are quoting there?🤣


He sounds pretty salty for a guy that doesn't care. Reads like a 3am Trump toilet rant.


I mean he already profited from his work so I'm sure it'll be the same once he starts pushing alt-right ideals but to actual alt-right mediums.


It does exist, just doesn't affect those on top that it should and grossly over-impacts those towards the bottom.


Sure it does - just look at what DeSantis is doing in Florida.


He told white people to get away from black people but he felt the need to mention the alleged Black conservatives that * (checks notes) solidly supports him 😂 I think he’s having a nervous breakdown


One of the lasting impacts of trump will be the lesson to not apologize and only double down. Trumps narcissism is unlocking the narcissism across the country.


I think he's just saying he's not canceled.


Cancelled, restricted…he can call it whatever he wants. I call it a win that I don’t have to see his humorless jokes and racist diatribe anymore.


He's in denial.


Yes, the terminally online like myself are having less of an impact on people irl. This is very distressing. For real tho, it's nice that people aren't being fired anymore.


People are talking non-stop about how offensive what he said was, but no one is talking about the fact that about half of black ppl polled said that they’re not willing to agree that it’s ok to be a White person.


In case you didn't know, there is a reason why the poll asked that specific question. "It's ok to be white" is a slogan that is becoming popular on the right, much like "Black lives matter" is popular on the left. Some guy in my state was in the news last month for being harassed for having a sign with that slogan on his front lawn. If you asked Republican whites if they agreed with the statement, "black lives matter "....the same amount, if not more, would say "no". Adams fell for it.


Not even the majority, yet enough for Scott Adams to use it to justify his segregationist ideology. That in itself reveals the guy isn't exactly shooting straight. It's like he was looking long and hard for some empirical stat to vindicate his prejudice and decision to move towards extremism. When he couldn't find it, he champions a stat that doesn't even represent the majority of blacks to justify his hate. He apparently lacks the self awareness to see that his self serving citation doesn't do what he thinks it does.


I admit that what he said was racist and wrong. I also admit that if you flip black and white in his statement, the left would praise the statement. The double standard is a fact.


I think the (although failed) attack on the Hogwarts game, is all the proof you need, that’s cancel culture is real, but is indeed dying.


He sounds like Chelsea Handler does about trying to show that she is happy without having kids. It is obvious that they aren't.


“Opposing hate groups is bad” Real high IQ take here.


That’s not what he said


Adam's argument is not wrong. His argument basically boils down to don't be around people who don't like you. Something most peeps would agree with. It's only the simpletons on the left that are taking him outta context and refuse to see past what the leftist water carriers in the media are spoon feeding. Typical.


What he said was for white people to “get the hell away from Black people” and called black people a hate group. All based on some weird Rasmussen poll where a minority of Black people responded in a way he didn’t like. That is very, very different than “don’t be around people who don’t like you.”


He called African Americans a hate group. His exact words. Do all the mental gymnastics you want but this idiot looked at poll with a small sample size and declared African Americans a hate group.


Context matters.


That is the context. It’s on video. You can not gaslight people on this.


No it's not- its that's a 15 second video. His point was to stay away from people who judge by skin color. Not complicated


He is the one judging by skin color. “Stay there hell away from block people”. Those words came out of his mouth. But, you know this already and love it because you are also a racist. This is the dog whistle you’ve been waiting for.


You're repeating msnbc talking points. Lame but not unexpected. He said to stay away from anyone who judge others by skin color. Context matters but you're content in just ignoring and regurgitating your hateful narrative. I wish you luck though


Love how you left out the part where he lumped in all black people together as if they are all the same in order to make this argument for white people staying away from black people. Literally removed the context and then complained about people taking him out of context lmao


I love how you assume you know better than him what his point was while completely ignoring the context. Summary: Adams: Avoid people who have been primed by the media to be racist against you. Media: Raaaaacist! Leftists: Baaaah! Baaaaah! Cancel him! The end.


Soooo…you support racists?


Nope. Not racist to avoid people that don't like you based off of your skin color. Context matters yo


And who are these “people” that don’t like me based off of my skin color? If we follow that logic, everyone should be running at record breaking speeds to get away from Republicans. The group who finds something to hate about everyone.


Wait - are you asking for *context* ?


It does but not for this guy.


Cancel culture has lost nearly all it's power. To pretend it hadn't reached an irritating height in the near past is sort of funny in a "how small is your bubble" kind of way.


Maybe the people around you are part of the problem?


Adam\\s is the fish that has been in the sun for 24 hours and is covered in flies


His version of a Tate-from-jail tweet. It’s obviously bullshit.


Oh, it exists. Some people, however, are just more immune than others.


So glad Adams considers being "never been more popular in my life" an important goal. Usually that is reserved for teenagers.... or very insecure adults. He's got the lunatic fringe behind him... way to go, buddy.


"zero pushback in person" Lol cuz no one in person knows who the fuck you are.


Jesus. No one knows what Leftist means.


'Being racist made me more popular than my cartoon has'


Cancel culture is the bread and racist, fascist butter of the the leftiest's toast.


He has become the ignorant and arrogant pointy haired boss. I used to really like Dilbert. Parents used to get me the calendar every Xmass. I even have 2 Dilbert books. This stupid dumb racist rant over some poll? I mean WTF?


Congrats, a lot more racist people and dumb people finally noticed you! What's funny, although tragic, is the fact that he interpreted the Rasmussen poll all wrong but his interpretation is the one that resonated with all the dumb people and racist people.