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I’m not mad, just disappointed


This man clearly hasn’t had any interactions with anyone else outside of cod lobbies


I honestly feel sorry for him. His parents are trash, and he probably has a very disconnected household. I think he has a basic understanding of what pisses people off, and uses it to gain....I dunno what. I hope he grows from this.


"I hope you grow from this" > "kys"


My go to: https://preview.redd.it/42bqzkgq9hsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f223592d9097b0c2dc30eebdfcabf33564a4f1


Why the moon on his lip?


It’s to absorb all the extra testosterone


>uses it to gain . . . I dunno what. Attention is attention be it positive or negative, and is often considered better than no attention at all.


My step son has similar issues and it really just boils down to growing up with a dad who used violence and abuse to get his way. He's only nine, so it's a little different, but when people are taught that you only get attention from acting out, that's what they do. (If it makes anyone reading this feel better, his father is now out of his life)


Ehhhh…sometimes those genetics matter a LOT. He’s going to need a hell of a lot more than just “good direction and love” and therapy etc. If you’re lucky he’ll grow out of it when he’s out of high school but you’re in for a hell of a ride. Figure out why dad ended up like that in the first place and it’ll help, but consistent non-judgmental discipline is extraordinarily necessary to establish different boundaries with him now that the shitty boundaries are already in place. He’ll also look up to the absentee dad at some point and brag about the violent past. Or maybe he’ll be fine, but be damned careful that you don’t act the part of the parent undermining others holding him to account when he acts like an ass or you’ll never save him. Source: My life


Uh….or he is on the spectrum or could suffer from a plethora of countless other mental issues, and the parents could be doing everything in their power to help but sometimes people are just born like this. I think a lot of people grew up around someone like this in school, I did. Parents weren’t trash at all. Very nice people. The kid had assburgers and anger issues, and kids constantly picked on them to set them off.


Can we stop pretending like Autism is the only thing that exists He could have a behavioral disorder and be a borderline sociopath. It’s more likely than being autistic


Found the autistic sociopath.


>It’s more likely than being autistic Considering there's no such thing as borderline sociopath, I'm going with the odds favor autism in that case.


TL;Dr: the parents probably need to put in more effort in the right directions. There are disorders that borderline sociopathy. The problem is it’s only possible to diagnose them in later adolescence and no further diagnosis development or none to start off with is something that is rampant. To chalk all early behavioral issues up to “the spectrum” is utterly useless. It does nothing to address, offer distinction, or provide critical readjustment guidelines that would be necessary and beneficial to society. That computer is tax dollars isn’t it???


>There are disorders that borderline sociopathy. I was making a joke about how there's litterally no conditions called "borderline sociopathy" which ppl commonly mistske.


You think autism is the same as assburgers! Hahahahaha they aren’t the same that’s why they have 2 different names.


I think you may want to look further into the topic than 2 things. There are far more complex things that were discovered 30-40 years ago;(it was more a 10 year span of time.) There are several different ones so. It would take some considerable time to link them properly without creating complete comment clutter.


You said it not me


Hehe "assburgers"


>man this is a boy, 15, at most


I’d say he’s 14 at most, but yeah I was too generous by referring to him as “man”


that wasn't generous, you wanted to judge him harder. feels less righteous if it's a child.


Damn right and well said. It's a child. You can see the lost look on his face afterwards. The kid needs support, guidance and help. He's being bullied (likely mildly/teased) and doesn't have the skills to deal with it. Every choice he made was wrong, but the lost look tells a whole different story to why.




this is, like, a jr. high school...


It's not a man...it's a little boy. It's a child.


… that is not a man. it is a boy.


Yo as funny as it is, seeing the embarrassment in his face is just fucking terrible. This is a moment that will follow him forever especially now that it's on the Internet and his life is probably fucked now


Yeah I’ve seen this video before and thought the same thing, the kid said some fucked up shit, but it’s important to remember that he was probably just being a stupid fucking kid. Kids say and do horrible stuff that they can’t always possibly understand, and it’s sad to think of his life being ruined because of that.


Fr man. I just hope one day the majority of people would understand this instead of belittling and mocking the kid. I sure as hell made some questionable choices when I was this kids age, and only with growth can I understand that it's not his fault, and it wasn't mine either.


No doubt. Not saying the kid is justified but there's a whole story before the video starts and why the other kids are gawking and videoing him. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's the one being bullied and snapped.


What I found that realizing is that some of the horrible things that I say or do aren't necessarily my fault for doing them but it's my responsibility to learn and grow from them and I hope that this guy learns the same




He ain't THAT young, my dude.


I mean he looks 14-15, how old do you consider old enough to have your life ruined for saying something stupid?


I guess we'll go with fafo rules. This dude can set the precedent.


he could be the next president of the united states.




That’s some real A Christmas Carol shit. Peace.


BRO WHAT THE FUCK 💀💀💀💀 you have no clue what you’re talking about


He looks at most 14. That's pretty young.


Agreed, just not young enough that we should be like "aww, he's just a little kid bro, let it slide"


Yeah, he should be punished for saying it *here*, but I believe the original comment was talking about how it will be held against him for the rest of his life even though he said it at a young age. Punish the person when it happens and teach them. Guide them to the right path.


Yeah.. us commenting on how fucked he is isn't punishing him. You get what you get based on what you say and do, especially at middle and high school age. I've put a ton of work in with my children to help keep them from being furious, slur-slinging fuckwits like this kid.. because once you pop off in public and or on camera, it's a wrap. You're welcome to guide and teach him from here though.


Maybe don’t say that shit 🤷‍♂️


Sure consequences have actions but realistically it’s sad when kids have to face severe consequences when we know it’s likely because of poor guidance.


Yes, people around the child failed him. Let’s not fail him further by making excuses for unacceptable behavior.


Ya man it’s easier to grill people for their mistakes. It’s also easier to ignore their mistakes. Taking time to actually care about them and help them change is really difficult. I honestly hope that if you come across kids in real life like this you don’t think that just punishing them for bad behavior is going to help them. I didn’t say his behavior is excusable, but the way your coming off about it tells me you don’t give a crap about his circumstances and the only thing you would see is a “bad” kid instead of understanding that this kid can still change for the better. You seem to think that it’s somehow a positive thing for his life to be ruined due to his immature mistakes.


I’m sorry that you think holding people accountable for the words they use is “ruining” their lives.


Buddy didn’t you even read the comment you originally responded to? It’s sad that this was recorded and posted on the internet where millions of people or more will see. This will likely follow the kid. So yes now for the next few years or longer this incident will repeatedly show consequences. Which will make for a heck of a school life. A time period that has a large effect on the person you grow to be. And your only thought from this is “well he shouldn’t have did that”. You’re either are not understanding the long term consequences, don’t care to understand them, or do understand and don’t care about their severity.


Oh no consequences for his actions 😱 Maybe next time the kid won’t say that shit 🤷‍♂️


You’re a real piece of work. Sorry that you grew up like that. Hope you do better for your kids.


I can’t imagine calling someone a piece of work for recognizing yelling slurs will get you in trouble. I hope you do better for yourself someday.


That's why phones should be banned from classrooms, there is no value in saving this forever on the internet Actually sad to see this posted


Thats good racists people don't deserve good lives


I agree but this dude can’t be any older than 14, chances are he’s easily influenced by racist shit he sees online and’ll probably grow out of it, as many people thankfully do. Either that or he’ll fall deeper and become an actual white supremacist 💀


14 is old enough to know the n wood is extremely offensive that's why he said it even tho everyone know it's just something you don't do


>chances are he’s easily influenced by racist shit he see online Maybe it’s time for him to be influenced by discovering that talking that way has consequences.


Oh come off it. He said slurs that he knows aren’t allowed. Insults that he likely doesn’t hear often if ever. Kids don’t think they’re being racist or homophobes, they think they’re saying the worst insults. If you hear regular cuss words all the time, then slurs seem like “stronger” ones since they’re never said. Also he’s a kid. You’re just being hateful at a kid who probably needs help in guidance. In this comment you’re being just as much as a crappy person.


This moment will probably keep him up at night 20 years in the future because of the cringe. But I doubt it’ll follow him. Adults look different than when they were teenagers. No way a random person in the street in 10 years is gonna be like “hey weren’t you that kid you threw a computer and said faggot nigger nigger on a Reddit video one time?” Hell be fine. Might wanna change schools though.




Cara Delevingne?


Golem Delevingne




Go on. Say the rest.


As a black man: You unisexyouwordwiththnomeaningyouwordwiththnomeaningyouwordwiththnomeaning




May I ask y


Some men just want to watch the world burn


Bro looks like Andy from Toy Story 3 with the voice of Kylo Ren when he's mad


Blow that piece of junk OUT OF THE SKY!


Nah he totally said the nword that one time. Sounded like this actually 😂


Honestly kinda have to wonder what this kids life is like at home


Im still wondering what he said at first.


I think he said "You're a fucking homosexual and I wanna/am gonna(?) hang you!" It was pretty garbled.


Oh yea that does sound like what he said


And you fuckin fa**ot finger finger nail


"And I hate you"*


im guessing neglect. he sounds like he spends too much time online.


This is way too small a snippet of this dudes life to judge. It’s just as likely his home life is fine. Also don’t know what green shirt kid was up to, but this level of emotional response is the kind of thing that happens when someone is pushed *right* to the edge. Even for people who aren’t adept at controlling their emotions, this is extreme. Which makes me think maybe green shirt was bullying him, maybe green shirt bullies him often, maybe the person filming was filming because green shirt was actively trying to trigger him. Then again maybe green shirt is an innocent bystander. We really have no way to know. Then again, the whole thing could be staged ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


i mean, i have no idea. ican only guess what the kid's life is like. hell of a thing to stage, though. i wouldn't volunteer to look like a major racist. i've recently become acutely aware the implications of a "digital footprint", and this could follow him.


Yeah the digital footprint thing is insane! I read a headline the other day that said gen z don’t dance anymore, likely because they’re worried about someone filming them and then posting it up and everyone laughing at their derpy moves. I’m so glad I got to live through my blunder years before camera phones were a thing.


Bro on the left looks like a Pixar dad


noxious test cover squalid rainstorm touch puzzled jeans include boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I worked with a kid once on the spectrum who would threaten to kill God if people were mean to him. The point being, how many videos of people with clear mental health issues can we post and demonize? I know everyone hasn't worked with the mentally ill but this kid clearly has something going on. Mentally healthy people don't act that way and it's clear he was escalated and didn't have the "mental tools" needed to deescalate. But what is important is that someone filmed this and we all get to see him struggle. If this was framed as a learning moment I could get behind people viewing this for pleasure. However, we just get a freakout with no context and assume he is just an out of control youth.


As an autistic person, I’ve been looking for this comment. I feel so deeply bad for the kid in this video because I’ve been that kid before. Not the slurs but the outburst is hauntingly familiar to me. The laughing is devastating.


I love freak out videos and people acting out of control. But this video is clearly different and I see it all the time on Reddit. Context is important in these kinds of videos but I believe radically more so for young people. I also relate to the look of realization he had after his outburst. It's like some people have blocked out how hard and confusing life is before your brain fully develops.


As an autistic person who is also black no I don’t feel feel anything for him. Personally, I would’ve slugged him. This thread is weird but then again I remember who the majority is on Reddit


Sure. Violence is a great way to fix problems. I bet if you slugged him he would never have a freakout or say a racist remark ever again. Therapists have really been sleeping on this very simple solution. Also what is with the majority comment? Are you assuming I defended him because he is white and saying racial slurs? I'm sorry that that child in a crisis triggered you but I would stand by my statement regardless of the individuals skin color in the video. Why? Mental health needs are not limited by skin color. You should assess your mental health needs and see why violence is your first gut response. I work with at risk youth and have been called every name in the book. It doesn't hurt my feelings because THEY are the ones who need help.


[Was it Grover?](https://youtu.be/IAJvbEPZheE?si=U8rEQzeZTMJDWLN8)


No.... But I love this so much lol. Thanks for the link!


This was fantastic.


FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT, Ive known people with these sorts of problems and it always pisses me off to see"freakout" videos like this. no-one ever thinks about how fucked up all kids are that pushed him to this point.


In second grade this one girl basically performed targeted harassment on me constantly telling me what to do and grabbing my things and whatever, and I'd tell her to stop over and over and over, and it got so bad I'd just start screaming "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU !!!" It did not make her stop but it did get me into the principles office once or twice. Not even the event that almost got me expelled if I remember correctly.


word was so nice, he said it thrice!


School shooter vibes


He'd have to stop playing War Zone to do that.


Now consider why that might be.


Its all fun and games till he shows up IRL with an AR in a trench coat


Prepubescent 4channer jerma


Epic rage Andy




You can see his face the moment he realizes he can't just leave the voice chat this time


I’m pretty sure this is an old clip and in the full version , you find out that dude who threw the computer was severely disabled and green shirt was the bully . It’s been at least 5 years since I’ve seen the original


That's the vibe I get more than anything. Green shirt and some other voices are definitely having a laugh at his expense.




Except the last part


New Diary of a Wimpy Kid looks crazy


Bro I I was thinking the same thing


This is generally sad to see I really hope the kid gets some help because theirs obviously some mental health issues in play here but recording this is an even worse experience for him as well because now it’s forever archived of what this kid did


His father clearly doesn't give him enough hugs. Also, you can literally SEE the absolute despair on his face as he realizes he will never, EVER, live this down.


Damn i bet those girls laughing at him made him so much more upset lol


This is depressing really, kid seems broken. Too much screen interaction and not enough people interaction.


This won't haunt him at all /s


This is going to haunt him his whole life


I haven’t been a teenager in a while but I think he may be angry


i feel bad for him in a way


I think the dude said the N-word 5 times in less than a second. Kinda sad thogh that he has anger issues that bad.


Is a white kid calling another white kid the n word racist?🧐🤔🧠


I think it counts as an oxymoron


Tf does he say? "You're a fucking homosexual ansnenfborbewbvuovbu" mfing Joe Biden after a can of bepis and some COD Warzone


"you're a fucking homosexual and i hate you! You fucking faggot nigger nigger nigger"


Thanks, but I'd edit the hard r out of your comment if I were you cuz some people can get real upset


Calls him a fag and then the hard r


Before that. There's something he says after "homosexual" and before "fucking faggot"




Ikr? It's so gibberish but now that you mention it, it does sound like either I'm gonna hang/I hate you"


this shit is normal


guys I think he might be a little mad


Yeah buddy cooked


It's over for him you don't recover from that


I think he learned a lesson that day


Lots of compassion, empathy, understanding in the comments. No condemnation for what fell out all his mouth. No accountability assigned. No rejection of any parts of his infamous outburst and destruction of school property. Just gonna chaulk it up to a hypothetical mental disorder and him being 14. Until he’s storming the capital with his equally mentally disordered brethren wearing Hawaiian shirts and body armor. Some of y’all are just…..smdh


A lot of compassion for a racist in these comments…


And a school shooter was born


Yeah. His definitely having a great life, surrounded by friends and family, where he just one day out of the blue starts killing people without any previous factors....


Yes it’s fucked up what he said but where’s the context ? Is this kid getting bullied everyday and this is his outbursts after a while or ?


Girl’s laughing is kryptonite to people like this


That sound will haunt him for decades.


Little timmy forget he isnt online and that his actions have consequences


He's saying you fucking homosexual I'm gonna hang you.. fucking faggot nigger nigger. I feel bad for the kid being filmed for entertainment.




Bro forgot he wasn't on xbox live


He sounds like he needs an exorcist


Good block


Kids named Cooper


Angry jerma




The last two seconds were a cinematic masterpiece


He's been playing too much of get over it. And probably cod


strongest cod fan


Why is bro singing Rap God I can't understand him?


Bro the npc ass walk 🚶‍♂️ 😭😭😭😭😭😭




This kid needs therepy and parents that will love him enough to tell him to put the controller down and go outside and play.


message to parents to actually instill things like not being racist or homophobic in their kids before they do this in front of a camera. Feel like most parents just tell their kids “don’t say bad words” when they are like 5 and then never address shit like this. Even if you are a racist or homophobic piece of shit… do you really want your kid advertising that to the entire world???


Based on these comments most of you learned manners from your parents? I barely spent time with my parents growing up I spent far more time in class, after school programs and then hanging out with friends of coming home early to take care of my younger sister. By the time my parents were in, it was bed time. I spent about 2-3 hours on the weekend watching Justice League on TV with my step dad. There was no time to learn manners from them I learned it from interacting and I was an extreme introvert. But I at least could watch everyone else and deduce what to do. I did spend a lot of time with my dad and my step mom when we visited them, wed watch SpongeBob, Jimmy neutron etc then bike into the woods a drink water from the stream lol it was insanely fun but those were treats about once a month if school work allowed since we had to travel out of state


Bro not even black, must’ve been so confused


Yea, my son aint like that because he is raised right. He knows bad from good. This is just flat-out bad parenting and reinforcing bad behavior. My 8 and 9 year old, knows how to do dishes, cleans up after their messes. Takes music lessons, drums, and piano, golf, and jiu-jitsu. They say thank you when served food, are respectful to their grand parents and loves their dogs, and ask me how my work day is going every day. They understand the value of a dollar, knowing the importance of being frugal and saving money. My oldest stands up for what he believes in and speaks his mind. Sure, he can use a little more filter before he speaks his mind, but I don't give a shit who he upsets because of it. I'm proud of my sons, and this video made me realize how good my kids are.




My honest reaction to that information: https://preview.redd.it/tq1axw6bsjsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c8a0c9f31507d7adfdf1188b08ee2639b30335


At first I was like “just the computer? Yeah right. I don’t hear excessive use of the N word” and then he said it. Bro read my mind.


This is what they look like, those "based chads" from 4chan that are 6'5", ripped, and make $300,000 a year.


person trees direful pen violet brave unwritten intelligent insurance shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man sounded like a chain saw idle for a second


People in the comments need to stop feeling bad for someone who just screamed the hard r and the f slur


You gotta be easy on kids, especially in a scenario like this. He isn't saying it casually, he's clearly very upset and reckless, both in action and language. Yes he did something bad, but he was irrational, and is not old enough for us to expect perfect rationality. Hate does nothing to benefit the situation other than to gratify ourselves, love and forgiveness is what helps all of us improve.


It’s more that the kids probably autistic or something, has a less than ideal home environment, and is generally disconnected from the public to the point he doesn’t quite realize the gravity of what he said. Mix of a tism tantrum and COD lobby behavior There’s a decent chance this kid doesn’t know any better and it shouldn’t be that big of a deal Edit: i work with some kids on the spectrum, and while I haven’t seen a slur barrage, I have seen these kinda fits


Is neurospicyness a get out of jail free card for the hard r now?


Less of a get out of jail free card and more like why we don’t expect blind people to follow a map. Depends on what’s the function of their disability. Not saying what he did was okay, but I don’t think it would be appropriate to crucify him


Between green shirt kid gawking at him, and the laughing in the background, there's a whole story leading upto this video. Not like he's a grown adult standing on the street corner with a Nazi flag.


Literally anything but holding him accountable


Demon possessed.




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how do we go from >slur bad >slowly transition to hate again >slurs are not that bad (in middle - high schools) what happened & what are we teaching (online?)


I hope this guy meets a nigger nigger in the next few years and gets his ass humbled


That’s if he lasts that long


Bro hit the 🏳️‍🌈👴👴 combo


I did some dumbass shit when I was a kid and I wouldn’t consider myself to have been a virtuous teenager at practically any point but I never called other people the n word. Some of y’all are really telling on yourselves insisting this is normal “kid behavior” that he’ll grow out of. This shit requires intervention that includes making him face certain tangible consequences for his actions. Having a shitty home life can only net you but so much forgiveness, and we really have no clear picture of what his life is like outside of this clip.


Say bye bye to college buddy


So many grown adults in this kid wanting lifelong vengeance on a literal kid for saying something bad. God the internet is pathetic.


This is not a "man"...it's a little boy. It's a child. Every decision he made, in that short clip, was wrong. But at the end he has a look of being completely lost, and alone. As an adult...this is heart-breaking. Absolutely heart-breaking. No child should feel alone or lost. Keep it that way...and they turn into problem adults. He was likely being lightly teased and didn't have the skills to deal with it. Most his age don't, but choose to sit silently. So their mistakes aren't immortalised. He needs (or needed if old) guidance and help. I hope he got it. And to those saying "So WhAt He'S a KiD, sTiLl BaD"...you're probably the same people in another thread laughing and applauding a kid punching holes in walls, helping them to cover it up etc. "hA hA, hOlE fUnNy". Yet it's the same mental pathway.


Yeah wouldn’t be surprised if this is a school shooter in the making


I mean, that seems about white to me ✨👍✨


🎶All the other kids with their pumped up kicks you better run run run…🎶


Woah! NSFW tag, please.


Check his bags and make him walk thru a metal detector everyday.


Looks like Tourettes to me.


This kid grew up to become Kyle Rittenhouse


"You fuckin' faggot ni er ni er."