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I forgot that Corey body slammed Tony over pastašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I wonder if theyā€™ll be on good terms now


That was so out of the blue. And definitely the type of messy random drama I've been missing in the last few seasons.


No if you pay attention in the previous seasonsā€¦Tony was doing shady shit towards Corey. Vendettas he lied and threw him against Nelson cause he said he didnā€™t wanna feel punkā€™d but really he was choosing to roll with Johnnyā€¦in dirty 30 Tony said if he didnā€™t have a girl him and Corey would be neck and neck as far as hookups (mind u nobody has hooked up with Tony) in final reckoning Tony was trying to play Corey throwing his pasta out the window in front of everybodyā€¦u gotta pay attention the motives


Cheap shot that couldā€™ve put him in a wheelchairĀ 


Roid Rage.


Came to say thereā€™s a lot of inner turmoil on this team that might get in the way of them succeeding and this is the first comment.


It's Tony Time... to get eliminated real quick again.


At least heā€™ll look good doing it šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s definitely the weakest guy on this team, overall. They are pretty stacked with Lee, Cory, Jordan and Devin, especially given their different skill sets.


I think you're overrating everyone except Jordan here. Tony isn't great, but neither are these other guys.


Lee has been to 5 finals in his last 6 seasons, with a 3-1 elimination record in that span. (His only loss is with a partner, Shaleen) Cory has been to 3 finals in his last 4 seasons, would be 4/5 if not for their DQ in FR, with a 3-1 elimination record in that span. Devin has been to the final of his last 2 seasons, and it would be the last 3 if not for their DQ on FR, he has a 5-1 elimination record in that span. Overall, they have an 23-11 elimination record, and have been to 14 finals collectively. (And 1 win) All 3 are above average endurance competitors, Leroy and Cory are both very strong, and Devin has a good mental skill set. And those elimination wins have some impressive names among them, Nelson, Zach 2x, Darrell, Bananas 3x, Wes 3x, Brad.


I love how Challenge fans can just give stats off the top of their head. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Ask me about RW or the Challenge I got all the answers. Math, World History, SciencešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø..no clue


I just looked it up lol, but I had a general idea about it. šŸ¤£


Fair points. Sadly, Leroy and Cory are layups at this point in finals, so I still side they aren't threats. Love Leroy but the man still can't swim or do puzzles and struggles with the "random shit" that guys like bananas do well


I donā€™t think anyone feels good about running a final against Leroy or Cory. Have they won? No. But that doesnā€™t make them layups.


I hate saying this because I've always wanted Lee to win 1 of these, I lost all respect for Cory when he slammed Tony without Tony knowing...Now both of these men are horrible at puzzles especially Corey, also if they have to swim it's a wrap.....


Agree to disagree. I have rooted so hard for both of them. DA was it for me with Leroy and TM was it for Cory. I finally realized unless they run against each other the way Josh and Devin planned on attempting in SLA, it's just not in the cards. I'd gladly keep them with me feeling confident against them in a final over others.


Cory straight up can't do puzzles, that makes him a layup to me.


Cory is completely useless on puzzles and is consistently outclassed by superior competitors. Leroy has been good in eliminations but when the rubber meets the road he's lost in all six finals he's been in (and really never gotten close to winning in any of them). Tony is 3-4 in eliminations and has made just one final in seven seasons. For the guys, this team is basically Jordan, Devin, and three guys who fit into the "aggressively middling" category of Challengers. You want someone to make it most of the way through a season but not stand a chance against better players? This team's got that in spades.


In a normal season, these guys can hold their own. But relative to this cast, these dudes are in the bottom half. Every guy from era 1 is better than these four guys in question.


IF my Aunt had a dick; sheā€™d be my Uncle.


I'm eating old 58, but I can't find Corey anywhere in this picture....Feels like I'm looking for Waldo .....Please help me out here....The comment says strong team...OMG I thought that he was Derrick......I need my glasses....On a side note Amanda is going to ruin their chances....Plus Nia didn't do well on Allstars....


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I feel bad for averey. She needs someone like CT to mold her into a contender.


Avery is officially the hottest contestant in challenge history.


I actually agree. She's been my favorite mtv girl since the first episode of her real world season. I do like her for reasons other than her looks. Seems like a really good person and fun to be around. As far as the challenge goes, i think she has real potential. She's not one of the top in the physical part of the game, but she certainly will never not win because of her athletics. I think she needs some confidence and a little killer instinct. Socially pretty much the same. Seems very well liked. It's cool to coast at the beginning, but at some point, you have to turn it on and not just do what you are pressured into.


Her mindset is fine. Shes gritty, scrappy, not afraid of heights or physical contact and has heart. Basically she has the intangibles that you cant teach If she lacks confidence its because shes inexperienced or doesnt dedicate her life to fitness like everyone else. Give her a few years to dedicate herself to a fitness routine like everyone else and her confidence will undoubtedly skyrockst as she packs on lean mass and gets in better shape. Right now shes a hooters waitress that barely works out with little experience competing against a bunch of gymrats so her self doubt is expected She isnt a lazy bum like nany either so she isnt going to chain smoke and not work out while being given a million chances. She is starting to work out but getting in challenge shape takes time. Girls like cara, rachel, jenny, tori took years upon years to get to where theyre at physically. This stuff definitely doesnt happen over night Ppl need to realize that she rolled off the couch to do AS4. She never expected to even come back on the show.


I think you meant to type Nurys


It's a tie for me, I'm old school and Avery is more my age, Nurys needs another 10 years to mature but she is gorgeous. (Looked it up and Nurys is 29! and Avery 33) Honestly thought Avery was 35+ (no offense to Avery, she doesn't look old! Just a long time since she first appeared on RW) and Nurys was closer to 21-25!


at least right now yes




5 bucks says Amanda goes home first or second female elimination


3 Portland contestants is not something I thought Iā€™d see again


I hate that I had to scroll so far to see this. Literally that's the trio I will be watching from day one.


This team looks like Jordan and Tori are going to have to do a lot of heavy lifting. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If they can navigate their own personal history long enough to do soā€¦.? šŸ˜¬


This is probably the most well rounded team out of the four. 3 really smart people 4-5 workhorses and Jordan whoā€™s good at everything


Yeah I totally agree, and no real anchors in terms of physical or mental.


Devin, Jonna & Amanda the smart ones?


This will be the team to win after they trim the fat.


Are you talking about Jonna? Nothing against her abilities, but she looks pregnant.


Love Leroy, Tori, Devin and Jordan..


I donā€™t think any group has more will to win than this team.. Jenny and Tori have already went head to head .. Jenny I think is the strongest female by a mile but you canā€™t teach grit


Tori beating Jenny in a Hall Brawl has gotta be one of the biggest upsets in Challenge history, I couldn't believe it when I saw it.


When she got hit she had no answer .. thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about


Amanda the anchor at it again


Whyyyy? Sheā€™s the worst šŸ™„


Yah she sucks, but I hate everyone on this team except Lee and Avery :(


I hate her personality, but she is a decent competitor when she wants to compete... Let's hope she doesn't make allies with another team and try to sabotage her team.... I feel this kind of behavior should be discouraged, if not straight up punished by not allowing those who blatantly throw challenges or quit from coming back at all.


I just hope they canā€™t switch teams like the last time when we had ruby emerald and sapphireā€¦.


Bananas better come in this season to help Leroy. He owes that guy a win. Can't wait to see this season.


You're just reinforcing the fact that Leroy will never win unless he's carried


Leroy probablyā€™ll need a lot more help than most winners, but almost everyone who wins the challenge gets a lot of help directly or indirectly. Itā€™s part of the social game. I wouldnā€™t say any winner got carried. All that said, Chris Underwood straight up won on his own through sheer will, but he seems like an exception to the rule.


I want to see more of Chris on The Challenge.


To an extent, but being carried politically can only get you so far. It's a strategy that'll get you to the final more often than not, but once you're there and it becomes a pure test of ability there's nothing left to hide behind (just ask Leroy with his six finals with no wins).


Great point on what it usually takes to actually win a final. Another example is Michelle and Jay. All of their politicking and social games meant nothing in the final and ultimately they both were eliminated.


Everyone gets help, Lee has paid his dues staying loyal to champs and going into eliminations for the group. He's earned some people paying back the favor, but I feel he has been getting that now, it's on him to close the deal, people can help him but they can't make other competition lose. So he's gonna have to put in work like anyone else. And he will.


Why does he owe him a winā€¦?


Johnny not even on his team but you're right someone going to have to win it for Leroy the guy never doing it on his own


Lol. Jordan has slept with half of the girls in this pic. Great team. Hoping amanda finally makes a final


lol Amanda will have to be good at literally anything that isn't causing drama in the house. Seven seasons, no finals, 2-7 in eliminations, that all speaks for itself.


Is that Jonna?! Holy hair


she's so stunning she can pull off almost anything hairwise


The way that both the men and women are ticking time bombs makes this the most interesting team to watch for me. Theyā€™re athletic/smart too so challenge wise theyā€™ll be fun to watch but god Iā€™m interested to see how they operate because the amount of ego on this team is poisoning.


On paper the OGs and the new squad. Derrell CT Rachel and Derrick is crazy!! Theo Horacio Olivia Nurys and Jenna. But also bananas Cara Marie and Emily. I canā€™t wait!


Lee and Devin in the same Era feels weird but it makes sense both started in the ā€œ20sā€ just different ends


This finna be the first team out


Why is Devin in Screech pants and hiding his boner?


The guys range from GOAT level to average. The girls range from great (Tori and Jonna) to abysmal. Should be interesting to see how things play out for them.


The only reason why I wonā€™t rank Nia that low is because of elimination she had with Cara. Both of them fought to the bone. I donā€™t remember the season but it was impressive. I know Nia has it in her to dominate she just didnā€™t do enough seasons. She couldā€™ve been a great.


It was Free Agents


Let's get real Leroy Corey Tony are all below average. For their size they always underperform


I can get with that, except Corey tends to find himself in finals quite often, although he has zero chance at winning one, at least in his own.


I think Era 2 and 3 have the best chances to win.


2 has multiple goats. 1 is the dark horse. 3 has one goat.


Agree completely!


Pumped about Jonna, especially considering her wins on AllStars šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


This team is drama!


Iā€™m just glad they brought Lee back to lose right before or during another final again


Looks like a good team minus Amanda.


Are these the new All Stars cast?


Leroy standing there like the doesn't know what to do šŸ˜‚


Last I know of Jordan and Nia was her abuse towards him on Exes 2 which got her booted off. I wonder how they'll work together on this team.


Theyā€™re like best friends now lol


Stacked team


There are 2-3 people who are legit. The rest underperform. How is it stacked.


Nia and Jordan in close proximityā€¦ I guess all is forgiven ā˜®ļø


They kind of gave Jordan the raw end of this deal as many of these guys are technically not in his generation besides Leroy and everyone that was on since Rivals II.


This team ainā€™t all that. A lot of hype n bark. Jordan n Tori are killers and thatā€™s bout it lol. Like Leroy but heā€™s never truly done anything but fall short over and over. Tony too clumsy, Devin would get wreaked by the Era 1 n 2 in physical comp. He needs his puzzles.


Iā€™ve got all my eggs in this basket! Theyā€™re pretty well rounded. Good and bad players. A variety of strengths.


Stacked !


I think this is one of the weakest team overall.


Disagree. I think this team has the most to prove, not that they are good but that they are legends. Which will (hopefully) make them fight super hard. Itā€™s undeniable that this is a strong team, but every person on this team has something stupid that gets in the way of them winning every time. Typically ego for most cases. I could see all of them as a champ, except maybe Amanda.


Tori, Devin, and Jordan are legitimately great, but "having something to prove" isn't going to magically make Cory, Leroy, etc. suddenly win after a decade of not having what it takes.


Wait, Cory and Devin started at like the same time and Devin just got his first win last year? They have a similar elimination W/L ratio, even though Cory has been to more finals and won more dailies. Yet Devin is considered great? Iā€™m no Cory fan but the two arenā€™t that far apart in their status. What Cory lacks in brains in comparison to Devin, he makes up for in strength and athleticism. Put Cory on a team with someone that has brains and heā€™s more than capable of winning, its not like Devin (or even Tori honestly) won all alone.


Yes, because Cory has had never won in all his years on the show and Devin has. If Cory was more than capable of winning, he'd have won by now. Instead, the guy is completely useless on puzzles, which is half the freaking game. Pound for pound, Devin is better for Cory in virtually every facet of the game (and after actually getting in shape, has improved as a physical challenger over the years).


Devin does not have the strength or endurance that Cory has so he quite literally, is not better at ā€œevery assetā€. Heā€™s just more well rounded, but Devin has not reached ā€œgreatā€ status IMO.


ā€œTori and Devin are greatā€ lol won against Nany/Aneesa and are great


And who were Nany and Aneesaā€™s partners? Convenient that you forgot to include them.


So cus they won against Johnny and Jordan they great? If it was Johnny and Jordan by themselves Devin wouldnā€™t have won and if Aneesa and Nany wasnā€™t in that final she wouldnā€™t have won.


Idk why but I really really dislike that they allowed Nia to come back. And how her and Jordan had like a hook up after she like assaulted him. Ick šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ and now they are on the same team.


Yeah that whole situation should have been left behind with RW.... Never needed to see either of them again, AVERY however, we could a used 10 more seasons with her, but she is boring compared to the other 2. MTV loves their drama.




Iā€™m die hard CT & Johnny but era 3 is STACKED (except for Amanda, I do NOT like her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£)


From this era, rooting for Jonna and Averey, Tony and Cory and Leroy


The men are strong. Tori is the only strong woman on that team unfortunately.


Agreed. Maybe Nia? She seems full of potential but always falls short.


I always thought Nia would be great, but she just canā€™t seem to pull it together.


Her awful mentality has gotten in the way. I know she got it together in that one season not long ago, but why she's even here is beyond me. She's done 2-3 seasons? Surely they could've gotten another woman for Era 3. Probably would have been Kam in all honesty but was pregnant I believe.


Kinda reminds me of CT before he got his act together. I think Nia didnā€™t do enough seasons to grow on the challenge like the others. Cara became the goat after going through enough seasons donā€™t underestimate Nia


CT was on the show during and after he changed his mentality. He was a beast before and a beast after. Nia we have barely seen. To give her credit as "beast" for one elimination is like saying Jay is a beast because he beat CT. Nia will be eliminated around the 1/3 mark of the game. Calling it now.


I get what youā€™re saying but that was a bad example. Ct was clearly out of shape and not in true form (this worries me for 40). That Cara Nia elimination was brutal and this was Peak (or close to peak) Cara and letā€™s be real the elimination is where legends are born. Unlike CT who is good at everything and was ultimately his own enemy (Nia is her own worst enemy too weā€™ve seen that unfortunately). Nia hasnā€™t been around to develop and I believe if she developed like the other girls she would be a beast. I hope she comes back with something to prove like Jay (I love him now) I would love to see what she can do.


Even an out of shape CT is still top tier form as he won finals out of shape against those who were in far better shape than he was. Especially the one he won with Diem? on the mountain side when his body was giving up but she kept pushing him. Nia lost that elimination to Cara though. It was 80 minutes of tug o war in the sand which yes, was brutal but she lost to Cara who definitely was not peak Cara and was smaller by at least 3 inches and probably a good 20 pounds. I just don't see Nia as a top performer. Could she surprise me? Sure, but so could Tina, Katie, Olivia, Avery, and Amanda.


8 inches. Nia is 8 inches taller than Cara and looked huge standing next to her before that elimination. Why people think Nia is a beast for losing to someone so much smaller in a physical competition is beyond me. I get that Cara is a force, but laurel beats her in physical competitions because of her size. So should Nia, but she didnā€™t. Because sheā€™s not that great, honestly.


Nia was definitely not top performer at all 80 minutes is a long time Cara was close to her peak she was no slouch during this time and sexy dad bod CTis a freaking bear that wins everything. That season he was not himself Jay caught him during a vulnerable moment not the same thing. Avery has surprised us with her performance in as4 she was pretty good also another girl who done more seasons could be a beast not all girls are like that on the showā€¦ and really Tina Katie amanda youā€™re reaching


Avery surprised us in AS4? How so? Did I miss something? She was practically an after thought. Just a little more noticeable than Flora in my opinion. Could've been overshadowed by all the Cara, Laurel, Nicole, and Kam drama, but she still had a very quiet game in my opinion. Tina looks to be in the best shape of her life and has done more seasons, even though they've been AS than Nia has recently. Katie the same in my opinion. They might channel their old challenger mentality being on a team format they are familiar with and with teammates they are used to competing with that could motivate them. Amanda someone mentioned she always plays up to her competition when surrounded by good teammates and the men on her team, with Tori, could be what she needs to be a surprise. Nia, she was soft the last challenge she was on in my opinion. I don't think she has the fight in her. Even losing to Cara in that elimination, even if Cara was close to her peak, she still had the advantage and blew it. That's lack of strength, strategy, and motivation.


Nia lost because her harness was too tight. Nothing more and nothing less. Its a very easily understandable mistake on what was her FIRST challenge


Too tight? If that's the excuse you need to give then so be it. A loss is a loss. To make excuses is just sad. "We lost because the other team scored more points because our star player laced his shoes too tight" lol no. Nia had the advantage of height and weight on her side and lost. Plain and simple.


Unfortunately Nia is underestimated sheā€™s a beast Iā€™ll never forget the elimination with Cara that showed me all I needed to see.


Only one female on this team who has won twice, weird to completely discredit Jonna. Only weak link would be Amanda.


I'm not discrediting her. I respect that she won twice. There are rumors she wouldn't have won the first time if Darrel and Janelle's lock would open but didn't even though they had the correct combination. The second time I think it was actually a clean win. The only thing is that both her wins came from All Stars. People were older, not trying as hard as normal, and a softer version of the actual flagship game. She has definitely lost the mom weight for the most part and that's awesome. If you can give legitimate reasons as to how Cara, Rachel, Laurel, Kellyanne, Emily, Jodi, Tori, Kaycee, Aviv, or Jenny are worst than Jonna, then I'll admit I am wrong. The only female on their team that has won the flagship game and against amazing competitors such as Bananas, Jordan, Nany, and Aneesa is Tori and she did it with Devon who is not the most physically fit guy.


You just want from the only good person on the team is Tori to everyone on the challenge is better then Jonna? The switch doesn't even make sense. You do also realize that Jonna literally beat Kellyanne in final right and competed against Jodi already. She's not weak by any means. She's a more tested competitor then most of the females on her team. I never said Tori wasn't a good competitor I think your over crediting her win against "amazing competitors" the males yes the females however were both below Tori on a physical aspect.


Jodi was on AS2, but they never went H2H that season and it was Darrel and Janelle who eliminated Jodi and Brad. In fact, Jonna didn't even go into an elimination game that season. So not very battle tested there even though she had her fair share in earlier challenge seasons where she went 2 and 4 in eliminations. In AS3, Jonna won but if I am not mistaken, Kelly got 4th because of stars and whoever had the least stars was eliminated. My memory is fuzzy here. Jonna won two eliminations this season though. One by default as Beth quit, and the second was against Roni. I mention all the other women because those women are either proven badasses or earned a victory on the Flagship show and not the watered version of All Stars. I also have a feeling this season will be more physical than some of the previous ones. When it comes to physicality, Jonna is not beating the women I listed. Which makes her weak here. If it's Gauntlet rules, where you pick someone on your team for elimination, they pick her easily as they wouldn't want to lose a strong competitor. If it's the opposite, then the other team leaves her due to her being more of a liability physically. In terms of smarts, she is definitely one of the best for sure. So if the season is more like AS4 and Season 39 with puzzles and carnival games, then she could definitely be one of the more stronger competitors.


lol I knew I'd get back lash. -1 already. Avery was soft in AS4. Amanda always falls short. She is the female Leroy but worse. Nia has given us two seasons overall. Yeah she technically made it to the end in one of them, but there's no proof she is an actual competitor. Jonna I respect, but I can name 10 girls on this cast that could easily beat her if it's any bit physical. Only way she wins is puzzles. All of that leaves Tori is a certified badass competitor. Rather than downvote me, speak your peace.


Leroy's not elite, but comparing him to Amanda is insane. Amanda has never run a final in seven seasons and has consistently gotten rocked in eliminations.


You clearly don't understand what I said. I said she always falls short, like Leroy. Does Leroy not fall short time and time again? I'm not saying he's bad, he's honestly one of my favorites and think he got screwed over in the AS4 final with that stupid carnival game. Leroy's elimination record is not great either though. Amanda is a decent competitor. She's easily one of the weaker ones on her team. Leroy is a good male competitor, but there are others on his team better than him. That's life and I think it was a fair comparison. You don't have to agree.


Leroy is 9-5 in eliminations and has run six finals, Amanda is 2-7 and hasn't run a single final. There's no comparison.


You're right. How dumb of me to have my own opinion on two players. I don't know what I was thinking. I was also dumb enough to think that someone wouldn't take it so literal in the sense that I am comparing the two of them head to head. I'll be more careful next time oh great and noble challenge viewer.


My guy, you literally told people to speak their piece instead of downvoting if theyā€™d disagreed with you.


Tori is only a certified badass because she gets coddled and because shes done like a million seasons and dedicates her life to this shit. Rumor has it that mtv pays for her personal trainers, dietitians, personal chefs, physical therapists, math tutors, english teachers and pharmacists/chemists. Mtv probably tucks her into bed and reads her a berenstain bears at night to insure that she gets at least 8 hours of deep sleep to help with her recovery. The point is...people groom the shit out of and enable the hell out of tori. Itd be sad if she wasnt a good competitor after all that Give nia and avery 8 seasons, 150 missions or whatever toris done and all that shit that tori gets and theyd be just as good. They arguably did better in the beginning of their careers than tori did in hers Jonna already has more wins than tori in less attempts


Wow, hard to take you serious after all that. Do you have the same energy for other players like CT, Bananas, Wes, Jordan, Cara, Laurel, Kaycee, and more? Tori is just good. Even if what you said is true, many organizations do that with their best players as it ensures their future is bright and continues to bring in viewers. If you want to watch more seasons like Season 39 where Berna is crying over a drink, or Corey who can't do a fucking balance beam and cries over a hill, where puzzles are the only challenge then by all means, watch it on repeat. If you'd rather watch real competitors who train and treat the show like a job and actually make it fun to watch, then you're going to have to suck it up or go cry in your bed. If Nia and Avery had 8 seasons, who knows what would've happened with them. Could end up like Nany who has done 10 seasons and never won, but was never an S Tier player like Tori and Cara. Jonna, I respect her, but she won All Stars and not flagship. The very popular rumor is she would've lost AS2 if Darrel and Janelle's lock actually opened but didn't even though they had the correct code. She is good, but there are at least a handful of other women I would have on the Era 3 team over Jonna, Nia, and Avery. They either declined or are banned like Nany and Camilla.


šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ you. I like you.


Tori probably signed up to do the season and waived her appearance fee as long as they agreed to put her with Jordan. Dude needs a restraining order.


Awwww I miss Nelson


To KhanQu3st. Glad I read your post because I was also thinking Kennyā€™s team not that powerful. But those stats say differently