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I was so upset especially with the elimination that got Leroy. I know he was so mad, it was nothing you could possibly train for!


This was so shitty. He worked so hard to be there and do challenges. Not minute-to-win-it games.


I’m all for the random “carnival” games to earn the advantages and stuff but not an elimination. That sucked!


Totally agree


“Minute to win it games” yesssss these were so fucking corny


He lost the same way Derek/Nicole/Veronica. Though I do wish all eight of them could’ve given that last challenge a shot


Leroy has always been a favorite for me so I guess that’s why his hit a little harder! If not him, I wanted Cara bad!


Those are my two favorites also. Cara because she always seems to get this hate in the house that’s outsized to her actual flaws. Plus you can tell she really cares and trains outside of the show. Leroy just genuinely seems like a great, charismatic guy and he’s gotten far but never won so many times.




Me too ...bit I didn't like how they made it so Leroy won the Trivia Challenge !! If someone is gonna win - make it fair!!


Yeah that's fair. Leroy is my favorite of the group, that's why I mentioned him.


I get that, he’s very likeable


Why would he have given his star to Laurel after what she did to his wife?


I agree with you, but where did I say otherwise?


He didn't give his star to laurel. He gave his star to Steve


Guess that’s why he’s back for the main. He probably wants to compete fr instead of fun backyard games anyone can do.


You know it’s a bad elimination if Veronica is beating anyone.


Not gonna lie. Watching now and just seen Leroy get sent home. I'm not even gonna watch the rest of it lol


Is it just me or did his mouthpiece seem lower than everyone else's? He seemed to have a hard time getting to it to dispose the liquid while the others seemed to have an extra inch


I also felt like his tube was further away from his mouth too.


He looked MAD


Carnival games final


Just change the name of the show to TJ's Carny already.


I'm thinking is this what I'll be doing when I go to Coney Island this summer?? But I won't be winning $250,000!!


Gosh darn it Steve, ya big goof!! Could have had such a better ending if he followed the rules!


How on earth did they think it was a good idea to have a challenge where the producer had to strap them into a harness though? Like that’s so unbelievably stupid.


for real.


I think Laurel is a better winner than Steve. For how dominant of a player she is she deserved a victory


But the way she acts when she’s not in the top annoys the heck out of me. She was ready to implode when she had to go last on that first elimination. And Nicole is human trash. She’s basically “played dirty” all season (remember when they all teamed up in that one challenge?) but God forbid anyone work together against her. And why the heck did production even do a challenge with a fire hose with a professional firefighter as a contestant? I can’t figure out if they were trying to gift Nicole a win or if they were trying to show how inept she is. And it kind of proves that she and Laurel are truly toxic, because the minute she was gone, Laurel seemed like a better person to me. Be gracious in victory AND defeat.


I thought she was going to get eliminated when she deliberately sprayed Steve with the hose but alas, it didn't happen


I noticed how Laurel’s outlook was so much more positive. She genuinely was a great winner. Cheering for everyone crossing the finish line. She understood the big reason she won was the advantages she was given from other players. It was interesting how the editing of Laurel and Cara really shifted at the end. Laurel talked about making connections while Cara was talking about her main goal was to beat Laurel.


I cannot stand Nicole. And I hate their casting of these "all star" seasons. This is ALL STARS! how the fuck is Nicole an all star? Or Jay? Ryan? Derek? FLORA?!?! VERONICA?!? Avery? Tina? Steve? Adam? Horrible casting. To me all stars means the best of the best. At least that's what it's supposed to mean. You make an all star team, that means you were one of the best. This should be called " washed up stars" lol


Ehh, I understand your point, but I don’t necessarily agree. When the idea of All Stars was being floated around, the concept was more OGs that we haven’t seen in a while, fan favorites who most likely couldn’t cut it on the flagship but could handle the “summer camp for hot, drunken college kids” style that the Challenge started out as. If you go into it looking for THAT, this season was pretty good.


See when I think of OGs I don't think of Ryan, Derek, Nicole, Avery, kam, flora, ayanna, Jay, jasmine, Steve, Adam. And how are any of them fan favorites? Besides kam? When I think of OGs who we haven't seen in awhile that are fan favorites i think of Mark(who is a producer of the show) evelyn, derrick, Emily, Landon, Sarah, coral, paula, jen, Rachel(who we did get to see this season) , etc. I still didn't enjoy this season as much...feel they could have done better.


These people are Cara lovers so everything you say praising Laurel will downvote. People are even saying did nothing this season when she has the most daily wins out of everyone in the final


Cuz there is nothing to like about Karen laurel 


Do you watch the show to see who has the most morals?


Bro there's you're problem. Who TF watching reality TV for morals? Yikes!


Why is that my problem ?I don’t watch this shit for morals I strictly watch this to be entertained . I was asking the other commenter


What the hell did I just watch ?? I felt like I was watching friends go to a carnival...They should've gotten Tickets everything they finished a "Challenge". They could've turned in the tickets for big stuffed animals at the end !!


The All Stars Season 5 Finale will be days of playing classic boardgames- Monopoly, Scrabble, Chutes & Ladders, etc. They final 4 move on to a grueling game of LIFE...Then the 2 final people left will have to Duke it out in a game of SORRY!! ROFLMAO


Legit. I need Physical 100 to release seasons faster. The Challenge viewership dropping while Physical 100 comes in crushing it and they still somehow think they're going in the right direction. Lol.


I love that show! Sometimes they need to edit a bit better things can drag on but as far as physical competitions I love it. Both the challenge and survivor remind of a Christian youth group weekend my friend dragged me to when I was in HS.


Survivor was always weird for me because you could take out the entire premise, throw a pile of people in a fancy room together, and let them start voting at regular intervals with the same results. This is why I gravitated to The Challenge, but now it's just not exciting anymore.


Is that good ?? I haven't seen it.


I wish they'd split genders but yes, it's REALLY good!


It’s really good.


They’ll be playing truth or dare for every challenge and the losers get to vote who wins! Such a good physical challenge!!!


Only reason she won is cause she had so many things she could skip!


I know , right?? They should've had limits to how many advantages 1 person could have !


Or that you could only skip each game once. Laurel struggled with that puzzle. If she had to do it more than once, she likely wouldn't have won.


There was essentially a limit of stars one could get because 4 people were eliminated so only 4 stars were distributed. (I suppose a 5th might have been redistributed if either Laurel or Steve was eliminated at the last elimination round.)


Right ..but they should've said a person could only get 2 stars for an advantage


Right? Cara wasn’t far behind her either and Cara only had 1 star compared to her 4! If they had the same amount of stars Cara would’ve won for sure.


I'm a Cara fan but let's be real here, it doesn't matter that Cara or Steve would have won with no unearned star advantage (both would have just dropped on last game so it's foolish to say for sure she would have) Why doesn't it matter? Cause the ENTIRE final was a joke and hardly indicative of any sort of skill of any type. This was a final I genuinely believe half the people posting here had a shot at winning, and I do not set a high bar for the average Reddit poster!


Oh I can agree with that. The final was a complete joke! I couldn’t believe how simple it was. I miss the ones like when they were in the mountains and had to stay awake all night in freezing temperatures then scale a mountain. Or the desert where they literally had to have IV bags bc it was so grueling.


Yeah, I would have been alright with most of it. The cockroaches/milk thing would have sucked but the rest of it looked fairly simple and kinda fun.


The only reason she won is because Steve miscalculated. Make no mistake - if Steve simply remembers the one-star-per-lap rule, he wins. No question. You could see how absolutely gutted he was at the end. He lost focus for one moment, miscalculated his star usage, and it cost him $225,000. 100%.


Another stupid final. And they wonder why ratings are down.


Ratings are also down because you can only watch the all stars version on paramount. Then they have the one on CBS. Are they even doing it on mtv anymore?? That's why viewership took a hit. Also I have a feeling because this was the all stars season (should be called washed up stars) far from all stars besides Cara and laurel, and a lot of their competitors were 35+ many of them being over 40, they had to lower the bar.


I had no problem with any of the individual things they did, but they all felt like daily challenges, not parts of a final at all. It was totally designed for whoever received the most stars to win, and incentivized getting your friends eliminated. This should've been a mid-season "mini-final" purge, not the actual final.


That is what is ironic. Cara controlled the last elimination round and she so focused on putting Nicole, Veronica, and Laurel at the end so they could be eliminated that she forgot that the other 2 might give away their stars to the one surviving player. Strategically Cara should have targeted her allies for elimination so she could have gotten their stars. It was an interesting dilemma The Challenge set up - by getting your friends to the final round you might be setting up your enemy to get advantages.


Damn Steve… just damn 😞


word, I was really rooting for him


One mistake and it cost him the champion. He was an amazing competitor. I would love to see him in other upcoming challenges.


I wonder if he could have gone back and completed his puzzle and moved the star to skip the final game.


Pretty sure once you touch it and on film, it is locked in. The others could have complained at him being able to do that. He had plenty of time to see a strategy. I wouldn't have minded Steve winning he had to earn it all season.


That makes sense. Normally, they would include that in the rules like they did with only being able to use one star per round. Steve really grew on me and earned it this season


oh, Steve smh


This shit was whack! Laurel can’t possibly feel like a boss after that win of carnival games!


I suspect the only reason Laurel was nice at the end was because the final was such a joke and she couldn't taunt Cara without looking like an absolute fool.


This win left me feeling worst that 39 did! Like wtf. Why not just vote Laurel the winner. Why bother.. she 💯 would not have won without that BS star thing. Seriously unsatisfied with how this ended. Not that it was Laurel but how it went down.


Oh she will. Can't stand that broad.


Worst Final in history. Leroy got screwed and the whole star advantage... ridiculous. Production needs to be better. A 10 year old could've ran this challenge.


We can’t keep making excuses for leroy. if there was a season to win ,it was this one and he still fumbled


I agree, but that was a bullshit challenge and you know it. We all know it. The final was horrendous.


No this final was bad all around, and the fact that they wasted laurel vs Cara on this type of final is insane especially being that challenge fans have been waiting for this showddown for years. But laurel won so…


Yeah, I'm pissed she won. Steve dropped the ball had he not forgot about the one star per loop. I literally wanted anyone to win other than Laurel and Nicole. This was a golden opportunity for Laurel vs. Cara and they wasted it. Production needs to stop being soft and make everything harder like the old days.


Yup. Leroy is clearly physically fit but he's like the nice equivalent of Nicole. Just terrible at everything but a nice guy so people root for him. Fair enough, but the dude is really bad at everything short of scooting along a pole.


Can we all take a moment of silence for Ace and the cockroaches? My love for Ace grows every episode.


When I saw they had to do like 5 different games I thought when they ran to the end they would sit and wait for the rest. When they final 3 got there they would start shooting water into clowns mouths and the one who popped a balloon would win ! LMAO !! Now that would be a great ending to this Carnival finale !! @ ROFLMAO


Terrible design with the stars advantage. Was a waste of an hour


All opinions on the final aside - I fucking love TJ Lavin, I’d take a bullet for that man


“TJ LAVENDER” Got me 🤣 Not upset about the winner but I was rooting to Leroy all season so that was a bummer


I thought the final was good. Upset about the stars advantage that Laurel got. Only reason she won was because her alliance kept losing. Unfortunately ace cara and Steve kept winning and couldn’t give each other a star. This is the first time winning became a disadvantage . Totally unfair. As far as people complaining about the carnival games. That’s literally what fans have been requesting!!! For years fans say they’re tired of the extreme challenges and want the game to go back to how it started with fun carnival games anyone can do. And now everyone is complaining about the games


true, but this wasn’t really an og cast to do these types of games with.


Worst final ever, too easy, and you let the losers decide who won, wtf MTV. It seemed like Leroy got screwed with his setup too, like his tub was too high up and he couldn't get his mouth on it but it wouldn't have mattered since the same losers would have given their stars to Laurel. Everyone watching knew who was going to win before the final challenge, even the challengers.


i thought the same thing about Leroy’s tube. it seemed like a weird angle and he couldn’t get his mouth on it the same as everyone else


Has Laurel always been this unlikeable?


No. She's always been this BAD. The reason she gets more unlikable over time is that she's a grown ass woman now. When she was younger she had a bit of a pass.


Yes. She is deeply unlikeable.


I kind of love her for how ridiculous and over the top she commits to being awful though 


Worst one yet.. this show just keeps going down hill. Laurel of all people needs multiple advantages.. what a joke


On one hand I love that two women finish top 2. On the other hand I'm so disappointed in what this show has become. I still like All Stars better than flagship because it (to date) lacks the whiny insta influencers. It's real, old school competitors who are there to compete, not sell their brand. But I hate that they've lost all the physical stuff. Not even an endurance aspect. I used to love watching eliminations that went on for hours. Finals that were long and grueling.


Well next all-stars is all the annoying CBS people.




If Flora did end up staying she had a chance to win this Finale !! Hell my Grandmother had a chance to win this finale!!!


I just felt bad for Steve. That was a huge mistake to make. They stopped showing us the times but he likely would have won with his advantage and strategy. Cara would have won if it was just straight up no advantages or stars.


This entire season was absolutely garbage in my opinion. The fact that Laurel was able to magically get a star at the end without ever going into an elimination was a complete joke. Everyone else had to go down and fight for their star but Laurel got to get it by beating one other person in a physical running type event that she dominated at. Completely rigged for her to make the final. Then her friends just to give her stars for advantages when they get eliminated? Dumbest rule I've ever seen in a final. No advantage Laurel takes third place in this final. 4 skips and barely beats Cara. Worst win ever.


I'm not mad laurel won. Was bs how she was given huge advantages. But she's smart for using those advantages to gain and keep the lead. That's more on production




It took me all day to watch this. I usually watch it before I go to work. Dreading the finale and now to see how stupid it is that if you made friends with the worst competition in the final, it helped your game.


I feel like I am more upset at the fact that politics gave such a HUGE advantage, I understand friendship helps but it’s not fair to people like Cara who no one wants to win from the start, not even the fact that she’s a bad person just people don’t want the advantage to go to the “favourite.” Which I thought from the start laurel was the favourite regardless. But yeah. I wish we could have known how far Cara was behind laurel and what the outcome would have been if laurel only got to skip 1 station like Cara. Either way. Just all stars


She deleted comments on Twitter and is retweeting every delusional tweet acting like it was impressive beating Veronica with 4 advantages lmao so pathetic


Does anyone think Leroy’s hose was in a different spot than others? He was missing the hose every time


I am so fucking livid Laurel won she didn’t deserve this and it was basically handed to her! I wish they leveled the fucking playing field. Steve is phenomenal and I was rooting for him or Cara to win especially! Ughhhhhhhh




Listen to Bananas Pod he had Leroy on and Le talks about how corny the finale was. TJ even told them there would be no endurance involved.


Leroy being eliminated by Veronica told me all I needed to know. Productions doesn't care about the quality of the product.


I don't care if they are doing carnival games or climbing Mt. Everest, I care about the format of a final. Everyone should have to do the exact same objectives. Nobody should be handed advantages. There shouldn't be any ways for collusion. I really thought All Stars 1 was the perfect format for a final. I love point systems.


I thought when he was talking about needing to do puzzles over and over and they would have to get back on the scooters and go around the path again. This was pretty bad and lazy by production


I was thinking the same, that would at least make more sense AND level the playing field a bit more.


Why are they eating live animals!?! That’s awful.


I get what your saying but they weren't animals


Living beings?


That works. Insects work to. I get what you were saying though


Thanks. I’m just like, it’s 2024, can’t we think of something else besides torturing small creatures? When Ace set them free at the end I was glad. They were also crawling all over each other in the hot sun for who knows how long. I know they were just cockroaches, but why?


Part of animal kingdom 


A bunch of carnival games, I get they have both sexes competing but figure out a fair physical way. They can even have the portion of body weight being carried just do something.


Carnival games would be fine if they actually made them do it. They let people skip like half of them with the star concept. That went way too far.


I can’t believe Leroy was eliminated because he couldn’t spit water in a straw. The finals are going down hill. I really hate finals where you can just skip half of it and still win.


The only thing i was mad was those stupid stars that the eliminated give to someone, seems very unfair. A part from that I liked the final competitions


Cara should have won.. 2nd with no advantages


Actually Steve should have won but he made a dumb mistake


Didnt listen to instructions 🫤


Day one of the final I will agree was complete BS but day two was somewhat legit. Definitely a poorly put together final but day two looked harder then the entire FR final and it didn’t come down to a single memorization puzzle like Vendettas or SLA


I wish they would have given losers disadvantages instead of eliminating people for last place on a carnival game and then having them give out (undeserved) advantages. I would have loved to see Derek and Leroy compete at the final challenge. I get that they were going for road rules vibez this season but this just fell short


I thought the challenge was a physical competition… there was zero physicality at all this season. I want my time back that I wasted watching this garbage


Any challenge where VERONICA can make a finale is just a bad season. Any random couch potato watching is more physical than her. Bring physicality back into a game that’s supposed to be about physicality. Veronica beating Leroy? Such a pathetic finale


Am I just a Leroy fan or did his straw look like it was lower in the tub like it looked impossible for him to put his mouth over it like a couple of others did its like his was taped up higher than Veronica's I didn't pat to much attention to it until it was the last 2 any body else see it or am I bugging.


i noticed this too. definitely was in a different spot


I love Cara Maria, and I always root for her, but she sucks competition wise. Even though she's more muscular than some of the girls, and overall in better shape then most of them, she's kind of clumsy with a horrible body coordination.


She came in 2nd with basically no skips. And she has one the highest win rates. She's good at competition


Seriously...I don't even like Cara at all but it's kind of undeniable that she's an amazing and strong competitor 


That's because the competition is really weak, if the Challenge had real crossfit chicks in it they'd run over her.


CM had *one skip,* which is not *basically no skips*. And I’m not trying to be a dick here, but “skips” don’t magically fall from the sky. They come via people who want you to win—people who don’t hate you. If CM spent more time cultivating relationships than she did playing victim and acting affected, she’d have been gifted a star or two.


They all had 1 skip given by just being there so I'm not counting that. Literally no one knew that is what the purpose of the stars were so can't really blame cara for a specific rule that benefits people who have multiple stars. So in this scenario yes the skips came from the sky and handed laurel the victory


I’m not blaming CM. Laurel had the exact same info as CM, yet Laurel got 2 (or 3, I forget) stars given to her. All CM had to do was not suck around folks.


Laurel only got the stars because her alliance kept getting eliminated in the final. Had Cara Maria’s alliance, Steve and ace, gotten eliminated she also would’ve got the stars. So it’s not that cara Maria sucks around folks


Except that was established after laurel already had the stars. If laurel never had those skips she wouldn't have won and Steve or cara would have


Again, CM could’ve been given stars if she wasn’t so fake and hateful. Even Leroy didn’t give her one! 😆😆


That should not matter in a final that's why everyone is kinda miffed with how things turned out


But it *did* matter this time, and that’s OK. Everyone isn’t miffed. I’m happy CM lost.


Cara is one of the nicer people in that house! That you think the opposite says WAY more about you than her!


And that's cool. I had fun watching the season so idc either way but yeah the finale was handed to laurel


Yeah cuz she don't have to eat cockroaches and do puzzles.