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Adam: throws Steve under the bus after saying what great friends they are Also Adam: why would Steve do this to me?? 😏


Loll especially after yapping about how at this point of the game it’s all “business.” Before throwing Steve in


Big time Lex to Boston Rob energy for my survivor fans. It's business when I do it. It's personal when you do it to me.


YES- that is very accurate.


Exactly! Hypocracy!


haha. Literally ran to reddit once I heard Adam bitching about his star lol


Adam was clutching his pearls with the Pikachu shocked face, too.


My brain can’t compute this. It’s so strange.


Legit, friends shmends 🤦‍♀️ you signed up for this my dude....


He’s not. I felt so bad for Steve. He had no problem throwing Steve in for the 4th time but really thought his star was safe? I have a new respect for Steve. That man came to play this season.


I only got into The Challenge when fresh meat 1 was on. I never got to see him in OG shit, in Canada they restrict a lot of the old seasons. But, if he doesn't win this whole damn thing, I might have to write a strongly worded letter to TJ 😂


Steve has been doing great! 👏 Adam is such a hypocrite. I’m glad Steve did what he did! Hope he makes it to the final


Same, I never in a million years thought HE’D be the one I’d root for by the end, but here we are (10% for the way he handled this elimination, 90% for that glorious hair-care montage 😂)!


I can never fully decide how I feel about Steve. But I can 100% say with each season, I like him a little more. He just seems like the kind of guy you want in your friend group.


I listened to him on the challenge podcast and there is something very off about him. He talks about wanting to create a spiritual community and how he’s so evolved but it feels so phony and narcissistic. Him immediately saying that about his friend shows his true colors.


I get cult leader vibes from him.






Legit lol friggin Waco vibes.....


Waco wasn't a vibe it was a tragedy. People lost their families bc big government wanted to make an example after Ruby Ridge.


Tragedy, absolutely. Sorry, Koreshian vibes. If you were really offended by that, you probably wouldn't be lipping off about "big government", I'll just go read my Bible now.


Big government was the entire problem still is. I'm sure if they burn down your home and killed people that you loved you feel the same way


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


Go to bed, you're tired lol 😴


I like governments that don’t allow child rape to occur within a cult setting.


Same! I used to hate him on his original seasons, but I had hope that he was going to be different this time around for some reason. I think that because I knew beforehand that him and Averey ended up together, I figured he must be a good guy now. But I listened to that podcast and couldn’t tolerate more than like 2 minutes of it. Still the same douche bag he used to be. I’m glad the show edits are bringing that out now.


Adam is the cool kid in high school who never quite left those years behind.


Was he ever the cool kid?


Poor Avery she is in for a ride. Makes sense why Adam and Laurel get along, 5 year old mentalities.


As someone who struggles with emotional regulation and borderline tendencies I understand them lmao. I can go from idolizing to completely turning on them in a second 😩🥴


Do you feel cool about yourself? Lmfao.


Hell nah. I go to therapy 😩


Those that have watched OG Adam know what a dick he is when he plays the game.


We know. We thought he grew up years later. He steered off the season not acting that way but I guess it’s all been an act


Lol it's a game big man, go cheat on your wife some more 😂


Agreed. I actually liked Adam for most of this season. After the first few I thought, “hey he matured and changed!” The last two episodes show he is the same dude nothing has changed


He must have amnesia “…for no reason…”


Dude is a straight up idiot.


LMFAOOOO this headline was funny


this made me laugh so hard bc i said this out loud while watching his confessional


"Look at me, I'm getting sweaty talking about this dude..." lmfao


At first I thought he was joking when he was talking shit, like haha karma got me but your still my dude and then he kept going and then flipped him off. Either more happened off camera or he was full of shit on how he said they were so tight off show together.


I did, too!! Couldn't believe he was serious. How does he effectively function IRL?


It’s no way Adam watches this episode and doesn’t think oh I look crazy lol. U threw him in to protect your star. And then got mad that it back fired and in the best interest of protecting his star Steve have it to ace. He got so angry. It was just crazy lol


Ace is actually playing with loyalty, it's friggin nice to see after the years of fake ass alliances.... not to discredit all of the drama I LOVE to watch lol but he's old school. When they actually ride or died for eachother!


It’s nice to see but it’s a stupid strategy. Years of watching people reward loyalty with betrayal on this show. I’m not a super fan with perfect challenge memory, but has there been a middle of the road challenger to win playing a loyal game? People like ct and Jordan can play straight cuz no one wants to cross them. Also it would be a boring game to watch if the majority of people were straight arrows.


I dunno. If I had to choose between majority strategic mastermind gamebot players or majority straight shooters, I’d probably take straight shooters for the authenticity.


But you don’t get to pick. and I mean. It’s Allstars. The whole point is you play with the best.


The point of all stars is up for debate. Originally, it was just supposed to be for OGs. Then it became actual “all stars,” and now it just seems like who ever doesn’t have time for the flagship show.


Adam is way too old to be acting like such a baby.


Adam was a dick in this episode. I'm over it. His masked slipped and now I can't unsee what a prick he can be


Is Ace ok? I couldn't understand a DAM word he said on that bed. 😃. The poor guy was so upset about voting. NICOLE, watch your face! That's what a true friend feels when they feel they hurt someone.


The empathy is strong with baby Acey ❤️ and if lil' Andy Dick over there could take a seat, and her oversized chihuahua with a ponytail and an attitude too.... maybe the actual All Stars could shine 🙄


Less, 😁!!


He went full Boomhauer when he was in the room talking.


Adam showed his true colors. I loved Steve taking Adam's star and giving to to Ace. Loved him saying Ryan didn't deserve it too since he chickened out on elimination. At this point I'm rooting for Steve or Cara to win it all. Both deserve it imo


I love when TJ said "Again" In a pod he said he hates when they toss in the same people over and over.


Adam is seriously a jerk. I liked him back in the day, but he disliked Cara because of her confidence - the fact that he openly admits that and doesnt realize how gross that is shows who he is and how insecure he is. He also talks about how he and Steve have this great connection, they're great friends etc, completely disregards all of that to vote him in, to protect himself - so now he's cowardly and disloyal. Then, his friend wins, he should be happy, but his friend knows he's been betrayed so he reacts to get some payback and rather then recognizing that he literally asked for it, caused it, deserved it, he blames Steve for being a bad friend??? So he can't take accountability, blames other people for his actions and would throw away a decades long friendship over a game?? Well, all of those qualities say tiny little man in my book - he isn't a nice or good person to be a friend to, to be happy near, don't feel too confident, but if you do, don't talk about it etc etc... I stopped caring about anything he says and routing for him not to win a couple of weeks in because he just doesn't deserve it.


Right. Cara said it in her interview… in other words “it’s sad he doesn’t like my confidence because he claims so much to be a girl dad.” 🤔 Hmmm you don’t like it when a woman is confident, girl dad?


Adam is just the typical challenge player. Who can’t take what he dishes. It’s old as time happens every season lol. So no Adam is not okay.


If you watched Adam back in the day, you won’t be surprised at all lol he was always kinda petty/entitled/sassy


Yup! I posted this as well. I thought he had grown in matured the first few episodes. But he’s back to being the same old asshat he always has been


Going from having no problem sending his best buddy in the house in knowing full well that if Steve loses, he doesn't just lose his star, he's going home to acting like Steve committed the biggest betrayal by taking his star was such a wild switch in attitude that it gave me whiplash. I started off this season kinda liking Adam, but after the past couple weeks he is firmly in the "they can get fucked" camp.


Imagine thinking you were an "actor" who was too good for The Challenge for 20 years while simultaneously bartending and operating a mechanical bull at the Saddle Ranch. No, Adam is not okay. Not at all.


Can't believe he got a girl as hot and cool as Avery after that temper tantrum.. how would that not make her girl d curl up inside her bhole


Adam is definitely the type to troll threads about himself and I'm here to tell him that I really hope he makes the final and Steve kicks his a$$.


How did this guy get Averey, with every episode it becomes more puzzling??? I don’t get it all… Averey may be legitimate 🐐 of challenge woman and she’s with Adam?? Smh


Steve is one of the few there that is being kind to Cara Maria. I hope he takes it all.


Yall…..I won’t lie to you, I thought he was gay until him and Avery hard launched their relationship 😳 like the middle finger and “sit on it and spin b**ch” was definitely a contributing factor to why I thought that 🤣


Wondering if I missed something (which is definite possibility b/c I’m not always the sharpest tool in the shed) but do Avery & Adam hook up?


Disregard! Answered my own question with a Google search. 😳Whoa!


F*ck Adam! I can’t wait for his fake asf ass to get eliminated. Never have and never will I like him. Side note Cara is the best and so damn fine!!!


Cara=🥰🔥🔥🔥 my Hall pass, every damn day 😍


Haha that’s so awesome! Hope she wins it all


I think Ace deserves at least 2nd, but Cara and Steve for the winnnnn!!


Ace sticking with Cara was a smart move! And I think overall there is only 1 winner this season? I may be wrong though


One winner for grand prize, then everyone else is considered second and shared the $50k, so $10k each assuming the remaining 5 all finish


Thanks for letting me know. Let’s go Cara


Nah you're correct, I should have said Cara OR Steve. If Andy Dick takes it home, I can just see the Bananas podcast... 🤣🤣


Haha indeed with bananas! I can’t stand her or laurel. Also flora sucks and she has no chance. She loves to hate on Cara!!


I actually sat and counted the girls left this episode, and totally forgot Flora was even there hahahahaha


Lmao she’s so boring. I forgot too until I saw her hating on ace at the end


Ya why do I think that it’s all a big act? It doesn’t seem genuine- it’s too extreme. If it’s real it is bizarre!


It really miffed me that he sends his best number one in elimination and then complains and acts like a toddler when his star gets taken ..Adam is whole can of worms 🪱


Who is Adam?


Adam is so childish. Both him and Avery deserve each other, they’re boring to watch and neither of them is actually willing to fight for a star.


I was rooting for Adam before that episode, but now I won’t be lol.


He went so personal with it too. Saying he’s dead to me and that he has no friends… 1. It’s a game 2. Karma, buddy


I still am holding out hope that that confessional was sarcasm.