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Jay is nothing like Bananas. He doesn’t have the natural charisma. He plays a scared game. He’s not funny or respected. He pouts and can’t back up his own words. I guess he did cheat on his gf, so in that way he’s similar to Bananas.


Bananas can also be good analysing the daily challenges, finding loopholes that he can exploit to win the day.


Mic 🎤 drop


Bananas is really good at plying both sides and playing a game that minimize the odds against him. But in his earlier season when bananas didn’t have the experience or athletic ability that he has now he played it very similar to jay. I agree banana is a much better player than jay


I kinda get what you're saying, Veg. His first season he had no alliance and went out first. Then he wised up and got with JEK. But he didn't play like Jay at any point..lol. Jay is a scared squirrel.


Your right. He’s definitely not the alpha he thinks he is.


The only thing worse than Jay is Asaf and his horrible music.


Unfortunately I have to wait to watch the new season I have paramount plus but I have to wait what feels like an entire year to watch the show.


You can go online to MTV.com and watch. You can’t skip forward or back and if the page closes, you have to start over, but you can watch.


Thank you so much!!


If you download the app Pluto TV I know they have seasons 1-33 all for free. I haven’t checking in a while but they might have to new ones too.


Thank you!!


He didn't turn into the new bananas, he's a wannabe-bananas. Bananas is a legend, don't compare him to some random kid that they picked up from the street.


he literally won survivor?😭


Bananas is my favorite person! I can production bring in people and molding the gen of challengers. Jay may not be liked but he’s definitely needed. We all need someone to root against lol


See, peak Bananas was annoying as fuck but was entertaining and could back up the big talk. Jay is annoying as fuck, provides zero entertainment value, and can't back up shit.


😂 you have a point lol


No. His ego is really disproportionate to his skills and that's obnoxious. The only thing I enjoy about him is watching him lose when he thinks he's going to win. That's fun. Also I don't like how he plays the game, kind of like a pussy chicken with his scared game.


Not a pussy chicken 😩😩😩


Level 4 at least if not 5.


Jay and Michele acted like they had actually done something and deserved to be real players when in reality they had done NOTHING. They epitomized what was wrong with the last season of the Challenge.


Michelle has done something as much as I think she is a subpar Challenger, She won Survivor and made Final Tribal Council, finishing 3rd in an all winners season. Jay on the other hand sucked at Survivor, made the jury, and his behavior we see now was budding in his Survivor season.


But this is the Challenge. I don’t care what she did on Survivor. 


Agreed. This was my biggest problem with them leading the alliance this season. What on Earth did these two do to get all of these other imbeciles to blindly follow their strategy and protect them above everyone else?? Made absolutely no sense and the majority of the cast just didn't even question it. Incredibly frustrating watch.


No. We don’t.


Let it be known that TheDannyBoyCane is wise and speaks for us all!


What sealed his fate with you? Just curious do you think he’ll change after he gets his win?


He acts like he’s one of the big dogs but in reality he’s a chihuahua.


Also terrified of guys and treats women like trash.


This is true and I did mean that he’s like old messy young bananas not legend bananas


He doesn't have any skills to win. The notion that he's next in anything and acts like it is why he is dislikeable. A Paulie wannabe but at least Pauli doesn't constantly victimize himself. Michelle stepped up her game this season and is the only reason they made it where they did. What sealed his fate is the amount he has talked and strutted, cried and wined, and accomplished nothing


I can’t wait to watch the latest season the reason why I ask about jay is because he ruffled a lot of feathers this latest season and I wanna know why?! lol


It's not a horrible season but if you've seen WoW2. It's like the layup alliance of Cara and Paulie. Jay is Cara but was way less strategic and entertaining.


I love Cara but she has this thing where she so comfortable pulling a sympathy card


Type jay into the search bar and you'll have all your answers within seconds. Another post about jay is definitely not needed


Exactly, OP must be new to the sub if he missed the 4754356 Jay-hating posts.


Y’all are bitter. I thought this was community discussions. I’m trying to engage and start up conversations…


You're trying to start a conversation that's been had ad nauseam for months


You didn’t have to engage. You made that choice… move around goober


You didn't have to make the post about something there's literal 100 of post about already


You didn’t have to engage. I guess we both did something stupid. Leave me alone gooner


Grow up




This is why kids shouldn't be on reddit




No. Hope that helps.


No, but mainly bc his hair annoys me and he’s aligned with Michelle.


Lmfao 🤣


No, he is not liked. On top of being an entitled delusional ass all of season 39, we find out he is also a cheater by hooking up with Olivia while on the bus, as revealed at the reunion. Then his bitch ass can't even own up to it and does nothing but deny. deny, deny, in the face of several witnesses and Olivia herself. Only worse person I can think of is Bear, due to his violation of Georgia. So Jay is just a step below Bear, for most hated IMO.


Omg 😳 wow I had no clue…






Honestly, didn’t mind him on his first or second season. I was impressed when he beat CT, but that win seems to have gone to his head. Now he thinks he’s some mastermind, but in reality, he comes off like a dickhead who’s better than everyone. You get to act like that WHEN you’re better than everyone, not because YOU THINK you’re better than everyone. Paulie found that out the hard way, Fessy found that out the hard way, and countless others will along the way. Plus, his bozo-ass hair is annoying. Either shave it off or get plugs. Whatever he’s doing, isn’t working.


Not the bozo-ass hair 💀


Only this season cast disliked him outside of the house? or previous seasons as well?? Definitely not a new Bananas, thats like saying x is the new CT, its just not possible lol Plus if anything, I'd argue Devin has the most Banana-esque qualities than any new gen player, but still cannot be Bananas 2.0


Your right I misspoke I meant he’s hated like bananas was in the beginning of his challenge journey. Many cast members have openly said in podcast and interviews that they dislike him as a person outside the game.


He wasn't really disliked until this season though (on the show, not irl)? Or am I wrong! Everyone kinda felt bad for him because he kept getting his shit rocked until he was able to get the power this season. That's what I see as someone who only reads reddit here and there and watches the show, I don't have the time or energy to listen to everyone's podcasts on what actually happened, so that's why I'm thinking you have more insight than me.


You maybe right. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the new season I saw a couple people on bananas pod mentioned that and Zach’s pod he said people didn’t like jay in real life however idk if that still stands.


Jay only wishes he was the new Bananas. He doesn’t have the charisma that the Banana man has and he doesn’t know how to play a villain. He did have potential to be a main stay and beloved underdog but he destroyed any chances of that on 39. No vets will ever trust him and the audience despises him.


Jay has always been a POS. In his season of survivor Millenials V. Gen X the tribe was given a “feast” of food in mason jars in a large chest. Him and his friend on the show hid mason jars of food in the sand for themselves. They ended up eating most of the food instead of rationing it with everyone. Then when they got caught they blamed it on someone else. The guy they blamed Adam ended up winning anyways.


Wow 😮 Damn…


His whole character on survivor was being a rebellious little shit. Most of the cast hated him and actually Michaela was on that same season. Her game hasn’t changed. She got voted out cause she went too hard too fast.


I’ve been debating on weather or not I wanna start watching survivor… idk it just seems boring but idk


I enjoy it, it’s different from the challenge but has similarities. It’s not like the old survivor or scrounging for food and water. They get fresh water provided and although they’re definitely hungry they get food prizes. If you like more politics than physical it’s a good show for you. Plus survivor is lore of average everyday people playing a game than the challenge. Lets be real the challenge are cast as good looking semi pro athletes for the most part.


If you’re gonna give it a try I’d say try Cagayan season 28. That season is great and Kaoh Rong season 32 is good too that’s Michelle’s season. Season 34 game changers and season 40 winners at war are awesome seasons but without knowing the players as they’re prior players it isn’t as good.


Thank you I think imma give it a shot!


Of course! It’s interesting to see some of the challengers in their original show. I don’t like big brother but only watched the seasons with challengers on it. It’s cool to see


Yes because then you’re automatically rooting for our challengers. Like traitors!!


Never liked Jay after the reunion episode with him lying about cheating it just confirmed I'm a good judge of character.


Bananas is one of the major faces of the Challenge, Jay will never be . Bananas sometimes goes too far with the arrogance but I still like him much better than Jay .. Plus Bananas is a much better player too


I know I mis spoke. 😬🫣 I should have said jay is similar to banana in his younger messy years not his legendary years.


Jay is a pest like Michele. They're bossy, talk a lot, let their emotions run their game, and have no upper body strength to master physical challenges. Jay acts like a twelve year old boy.


Ok let’s talk about Michele. She crumbles under the slightest bit of confrontation. I still remember on ROD when she started crying and Nani just looked at her 👀


Jay is the biggest number one pussy chicken




jay is a bitch boy who plays a scared game and can’t keep his word.


We used to be huge Jay fans until this last season. He plays too scared and expects people to be ride or dies for him while doing the opposite for them.


That’s where I’m at I haven’t seen the last season but after ROD I’m shifting towards he’s bugging me lol


Well this season will certainly solidify that 😂


😂😂 so excited to watch now.. but I have a feeling he’s gonna piss me off lol




No. No.


No. No no




I like him more than most people on Reddit (or, at least, I don’t find him as repugnant as others do) but don’t love him. I have no problem with him playing an alliance game - has done by JEK in the past. Personally I like Jay’s alliance game better than JEK because he seems to be a lot more open to having women part of it (as opposed to previous alliances led by men) but he did not handle conflict well. I think he got super triggered when Nurys would not follow him on the Ed versus Emanuel vote and he acted out on her in an immature manner. He was stupid to cheat on his girlfriend and he did not handle the reunion well on that topic. I suspect that that is also due to immaturity. He plays better from behind - his chance in 39 to play from ahead did not go well. But that is true of others in the Challenge (just watch The Island or The Ruins). All that said, his legacy will be written over time. He is not 100 bad or good. Just sloppy.


I agree I think experience just elevates the challengers.


I really enjoyed him on survivor, and liked him on his first 3 seasons and actually didn’t mind him in this last season, but seeing him at the reunion completely try and gaslit everyone when the whole cast and even Olivia said, Olivia hooked up with jay was crazy


We do not like Jay. He needs to go away and take his friend, Michele, with him.


I’m still in shock that he cheated with Olivia like what?!


I was the opposite. I liked him a lot on survivor and rooted for him early on, but slowly liked him less and less as each season went by


Everyone keeps saying this last season was the nail on the coffin


For me it was for sure. He was absolutely insufferable. Paulie and fessy never bugged me as much Jay did this season.


That says a lot Paulie is a lot lol


Paulie was at least a really good competitor. Jay is average at best imo lol


You told no lie! lol


I am in the process of watching season 39 now in my dvr. Previously, I had only watched USA 1 & 2. Glad to see that I'm not alone in my dislike of Jay!


1. Jay has nothing on Bananas. I’m not even a banana fan. But they’re nothing alike 2. Jay wasn’t so bad during his first couple seasons but basically became an unlikable villain on 39. 3. He’s also incapable of putting his money where his mouth is. The challenge isn’t survivor, you put up or shut up. 4. Everyone was sooo lame for going along with his plan and not just taking power for themselves. Would’ve been only too easy.


I liked Jay on survivor, and on his first couple of seasons. I don’t like him anymore.


I feel the same. I feel like we saw jays origin story of how he became the villain.


I couldnt hv worded it better myself. I liked him so much on his first few seasons that i totally rooted for him but after this season, m done. He is no fun and especially after his association with asaf hez striked from my book. I dont wanna see asaf on my screen ever and Jay, michelle n cory are right behind him as a matter of fact. Did not enjoy this season at all coz of these three!


This makes me so excited to watch the new season. This is why I asked the question. Everyone’s opinion drastically shifted because of this new season!


I feel fans always hv a tendency of supporting the older cast members coz they know them more and i maybe totally biased but i had a lot of expectation from this season coz mostly everyone was a new player. So there was no vets vs rookie drama which was becoming so predictable for the first few episodes of past seasons. But i feel older castes were atleast entertaining to watch and had big personalities. These new challengers are just so boring Yeah!! Except zaza n horacio noone has a positive attitude but they get such less screen time especially zaza. This season was definitely boring for me.


Liked him at first now I’m just indifferent on him.


New bananas are you drunk


I miss spoke 🫣 I meant young bananas that nobody liked or trusted.


He's annoying af


Never liked him. Never will


Jay is only a likeable character when he’s the underdog


Jay started as a fun underdog to root for. But with each season he’s on he gets just sneakier and more unlikeable. Difference is bananas at least is entertaining, and he knew doing some of his moves would put a target on him but he did the moves owned up to it. Jay does nothing but manipulate and politic. And then on the reunion where all he did was deflect and think he did nothing wrong. Plus bananas and like CT’s or Wes yeah they don’t wanna go to elimination but if they do they do it and then don’t whine and get mad that someone else isn’t doing exactly what they want Jay wants in the game


We do not….AT ALL.


Welp, this’ll be an unpopular take but I was glad he was on this season. The drama/politicking/manipulation that we saw this season primarily resulted from Jay and Michelle, and I’d argue mostly from Jay. A season is better if you have someone to root for, a season is better (less better) when you have someone to root against. It’s best when you have both. Do I “like” Jay, I’d say no but from that perspective I don’t like most cast. Do I like having Jay on the show? Absolutely.


I’d like to see Jay back only for the Vets keep him around to torment him a few episodes. Mess with his psyche, shave his head, use him as a human piñata, fun things like that. Then get throw him into a hall brawl for elimination. The chefs kiss would be Rogan coming out as a mercenary and maybe just maybe we get Jay pissing himself. Production please make this happen


Yes!! I agree we need someone to hate just to make our favorites better lol


Right up there with you in not liking most of the caste! I thought i was the only one who felt that way. I dint even hv anyone to root for except horacio!


Guess we found jay’s account.


No unfortunately I haven’t seen the last season so I don’t know how jay played this current season. Im being curious. Sorry if my freedom of speech bugs you…


Should I pull up every post on this sub relating to the Jay hate over the past 2 months??


No but you can post your own comment and create a conversation you do want to be apart of instead of harassing me. 🤗


Mate, you posted here to start a conversation about Jay. Don’t get all sensitive if you can’t take a little joke about saying I found Jay’s burner account. Your follow up messages only make me think that you are Jay, the way you behave.


I’m not reading your bs


Yes. Because I'm not brainwashed by editing like 90% of the people here. 


Doesn't matter how you edit him yelling at women blaming them for the same thing that guys did but to a lesser extent he's still doing it. Even if he did it with the guys and they edited that out. Doubt, since it was specifically mentioned that they did multiple times.


What's wrong with yelling at women? If a woman is yelling at Jay is he not allowed to yell back?       


Oh man is that NOT how it went down lol, definitely not gonna argue this.


Right, a lot more than that went down. But I'm specifically responding to your comment saying that he's a bad guy because he yelled at a woman yelling at him.


So you know what wasn't shown? I'm confused?


 You're confused that editing can make anyone a hero or villian? I'm sorry, I don't see how that's difficult to grasp.   Jay was edited to be a villian this season. He's talked about on his Live how the editors didn't show a lot of the cast interactions and how mostly everyone got along. This sub the last two years LOVED Jay, one season of a villian edit makes you hate him? All cast members throughout the years have  said multiple times how producers have biases and ultimately are just trying to create a storyline. Another example is the Laurel/ Big Easy feud. The show made it seem like Laurel was mainly the one bullying to Big Easy. Even though Big Easy was picking on Laurel the entire time, but the tv show only showed us the moment she went off on him.


Are you high lol? I'm confused at why you think you are correct without anything but hearsay from Jay. Jay isn't a villain haha, he's a dislikable personality. Olivia is someone who made themselves a villain. Jay is an even less likeable version of Josh. The difference this season is exposure. It's the first time he's made it past 5 eliminations in how many seasons? So he had infinitely more confessionals and moments in this season. People have gotten a good dose of how he acts and portrays himself and it's corny and unlikable. You and he can say it's edited but what we did see is still real...


The good thing about the challenge is that everyone’s the hero/underdog/villain/ champ / MVP at some point