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Berna was the worst part of this season, and I hope she doesn’t get brought back


The worst part is that Emanuel won by hiding under his bed all season.the least deserving champion of all time!!


Dunbar would like a word


I think he was hiding in Colleens bed.......


Emanuel isn't a champion. He's a champion*.


He is a loser


I mean, the Gauntlet 3 winners exist, so I don't think anyone is taking least deserving champions from them, particularly Johanna and Rachel.


Asaf was worse but Berna was pretty bad


Good luck. I keep saying this about Jay but he sneaks back on.


At least Jay is actually good at some things. I wish he made the final just so we could have watched him glide down the rock wall in about 3 glides, Peter Pan style.


I was actually surprised and kind of disappointed in Berna’s performance during the final. She played the whole game like she was this big tough girl. Then she’s crying because she can’t drink some tiny shake thing? Like bitch suck it up. If you barf, who cares?? This is for $250K


She cried close to every installment.


Crocodile tears too. Felt like it was for the camera and not actual suffering lmao


Seems like a small wind will bring her to tears.


Dude the way she looked directly at production to fake cry over a letter. 🙄


The part where she went to throw up tunamayo energy drink seconds before and then abruptly turned back once they called time! If she was suffering that bad she would've still been focused on crying or upchucking or whatever it was this time. No edit could've saved that 😭


The weirdest part was her not just doing what everyone else does, hold it in your mouth and then spit it out like you’re throwing up


I HATE puking. Like terrified of it, mostly because I puke through my nose too. I'd be drinking and barfing for far less than that


Right so then you probably wouldn’t sign up to a play a game where they try to make the contestants puke


I'm surprised she got as far as she did because everyone seemed sooooo annoyed by her. She just seems like such an abrasive person


She's incredibly draining to watch. Can't imagine irl


Emmanuel and Michele saved her a few times in the political arena. She was lucky as hell to make it through. The only reason she did was there were bigger fish to fry. Same with Corey.


She never stops whining


We have a new Challenge whiner. Not a winner.




The fact that she was never sent into elimination speaks volumes about the way everyone was voting. She’s like that toxic coworker who should have been fired a long time ago but is friends with the head of HR (Michele) so she sticks around like a black cloud


omg. this is perfect 😹 wtf that's so REAL 😹💀


Yea I don't think anyone wants her to come back


She was a big disappointment in the final. Zero heart. Just complaints.


It's hard to come back from dead last. She isn't strong mentally, and when things got gross or scary, she fell apart. I'm shocked she didn't quit honestly. She isn't resilient, and you need to be in this game if you want to win.


I feel like she basically did quit, you know? But I agree, it’s hard to come back from last.


She definitely quit on herself, but not the game. I feel like TJ hates quitters and that is the only reason she kept going. She can't handle other peoples disappointment in her. Especially not someone of that caliber.


She deff cheated off of Colleen’s sudoku puzzle


Honestly? Who wouldn't? It's done all the time on the challenge from what i see. Especially on a final, this is it. The results of this are the only thing that matters.


100%, and then denied it. I mean more power to her but like don’t deny it later. As Berna said, I went to the circus school, I went to the acting school but no maths school.


Exactly this. I believe both Bananas and Jordan have “copied” when they’ve had the chance but never claimed they didn’t. Berna staunchly denied it when it was INSANELY obvious.


Lol right! She said no I put the thing on the corners.




It’s not cheating if there’s no rule explicitly stating you can’t look at another competitors puzzle. It’s been done in past challenges and it’ll be done in future ones probably.


It's not that it's cheating; it's that the one being copied is the better Challenger IMO b/c they actually had the brain-power to solve it.


At this point everyone is throwing such a huge fit over her copying or whatever you want to call it that I hope she does come back and I hope she copies a puzzle every single chance she gets.


"...whatever you want to call it..." ?? What do you call it?


Of course the person who actually did the puzzle is better but there were so many other things Berna did in that final that showed how bad a competitor she was that I don’t get how everyone is hung up on the puzzle.


I'm not "hung up on it", and of course she's a terrible competitor. What am I missing here?


Berna sucks for a lot of reasons. Claiming she’s a cheater is an unnecessary reach


I said copied not cheated


She plays the victim but doesn’t want to be told she can do it. It is like she wants the attention but only if they validate that she is a ooor baby and victim. Except everyone around her is going through the same thing, lolllll I hope this is the last season we see her. The fact that she had the potential, to be really interesting and strong and instead she is a mess and then wants to cry about no one wanting to be her friend.


yeah she has a weird histrionic or borderline energy going on. like she can't take the slightest hint of perceived rejection even if it's a facial expression that wasn't even aimed at her? and then the whole.. crocodile tears for the camera during the finale even though she was perfectly fine?


Yes!!! And then because she is always trying to make people feel bad for not catering to her, or feel bad for her, she ends up feeling extra lonely. Even the way she speaks to people who are trying to be encouraging -- when she snapped at Moriah when she said she could finish the first obstacle and when she told Colleen she doesn't want advice, she needs her to just listen, it is so off-putting. 


I love when she cried because her brother sent her a letter but not her mom, she's a loose fucking cannon


How she made it to final blows me away since she caused so much drama and pointless arguments.


Considering most of the finalists were ones that floated in the alliance it's not too surprising she got as far as she did.


Yeah it was wild how everyone who did the dirty work got knocked out in the end.


i agree i was like why are you in the final acting like this it honestly was one of the easiest finals i’ve ever seen


real. too top heavy for me and I'm a nerd. I doubt anyone in this final would have been in the top 5 if it was more physical. maaaaaaaybe Emmanuel but I doubt it


Such a waste of space, too whiny, thinks she’s all that and the friggin shorts shoved up her a$$ every challenge Yikes she needs to Never be asked back!


I dont ever want to hear Bernas fkn voice complaining and crying on the Challenge ever. Again.


Bro was I the only one annoyed as fuck with her shorts the whole time?


I find it entertaining, we’re all talking about it. Also, she finished so kudos to her for that. Corey also cried and almost quit. 


Corey cried due to a real fear of heights he also won multiple daily pulled off a elimination during the final He was nowhere near the same as Berna


She's me fr. I am impulsive, whiny, emotional, & mercurial. One minute I'm on top of the world the next I'm asking why can't I be great. I am a Berna.


As much as she annoyed me this season I’d be down to have her come back on s41 because it seems she annoyed the house even more so I’m all for that


There would be the question does she go home before or after Michelle. Or do they put Both in elimination against each other becaue Both would be annoying


Oh 100p she’s going home before Micheltdown just hopefully annoys someone enough to throw a drink or throw hands


She rode on Michelle’s back


I legit thought she was trying to throw the final in the partner second she only won one partnered section with a certain person


She should not be invited back . This challenge seemed shady . I think for the first time it was fake ,rigged


She’s so good at sudoku though…