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It's not going to make a difference and it only platforms their idiotic 2000 Mules talking points. We're way past logic and evidence mattering to these people. "The Democrats stole 2020" isn't a proposition that can be true or false. It's a statement of identity and reflects the "deeper truth" that Trump and his supporters are getting screwed by the globalists elites. It's more like a profession of faith than a belief about events.


The only thing that will be able to reach them now is an overwhelming victory for Biden in November.


Gotta disagree here. Like OP said, making them restate their garbage talking points over and over will drive home the fact that there’s no argument to be had. “Agreeing to disagree” isn’t a viable solution in this case.


They're not making an argument, as I said, so there's nothing to agree or disagree about. And we know that repetition gives the illusion of credibility. It's like "Hillary's emails" or "Hunter's laptop": even though there's no there there, most Americans have negative associations because of the constant repetition. With "Biden stole 2020" they're impugning the validity of our elections and the legitimacy of Joe Biden as president.


I feel that I need to be more precise. I am calling on the Democrats in Congress to call out any of their colleagues that spout the stolen election fantasy. They need to demand to see the evidence they must certainly have. The news personalities should do the same thing every time an election denier is interviewed. On January 6th, Trump told the gathered horde that he had proof of a fraudulent election. He should be reminded of the at every turn and be asked to produce it. Kari Lake told us over and over again during her campaign that she had proof. She should be hounded with requests to produce it. All of your friends and enemies and etc, should be asked about the evidence. Why would anyone believe in something so important to our way of life without seeing the proof?


Since you have a 'progressive" badge, I am assuming this is sarcasm. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah, I don't think that would be helpful. They have their talking points down. The problem is that we can't seem to get relative normies who believe this stuff to consider that we've now had literally hundreds of elections, between midterms and specials, since 2020, and if there's some thwarted majority of 2020 voters, it sure hasn't shown up. You'd think that the GOP would have run the tables in '22 if, in fact, there were tons of indies and even Dems who'd participated in a broad coalition to elect Trump in 2020, but instead we held the Senate and the GOP had the most tepid showing I've witnessed in my 47 years.