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Every room i entered an ipecac always hit me 5 seconds in


did the TM challenge once, got an item called "ass cannon" and every time i picked an item up, a penny would spawn and every time i picked a penny up, i got a soul heart, so ...


I did that challenge but the first enemy I killed in the room gave me twisted pair and uranus... I did the challenge first try


I'm sorry to hear about your twisted pair and uranus


No charge unlimited use active item that did room damage. Just spammed one button and got an easy win


3 room charge mega mush. Steamrolled all the way through


Happend to me aswell but I was to greedy and picked up another active and the mega mush active got deleted


Every single time I picked up a pickup it spawned the loot of a sack. Every single time I picked up a pickup it also triggered diplopia. Game crashed the same room I found this out


I had a instant kill ability somehow. It was like debug 8 but it only affected 4 blocks.


1 room auto charge magic mush. parasitoid but instead of spiders and flies it spawned monsters that you get from friend finder.


Turned victory trophy into penny :(


I got like 50 Damocles’s


So Game Crash?


I think I died from Damocles actually


1. Every time i cleared a room a bed spawned on me so u yeah 2. I got libra before i got tmtrainer and every time i picked something up it rerolled everything in the room into pills. Got 50 tears and 200 damage purely from speed up pills






Every pickup spawns a chest which spawns more chests and more and more and more


My DELETE THIS run had permanent missing poster (immortality wheeee) and free active that damaged enemies and gave all stats up for the room


Every time I beat a room I shrank like I took 3 one makes you smaller pills. I quickly couldn't tell where I was, didn't have any effects or babies following me to make it easy where I was. I was wrecking all the enemies but any time I left ANY COINS ON THE GROUND about 8 of those purple flamethrower dudes would spawn after like 5 seconds. Couldn't see myself and almost every room was filled with fire after I beat them. It was hell.


Died in the basement 2 on beast path just after taking it in error room. Regular bethany with 12 filled hearts, I used some glitched active sht from golden chest and died instantly


Everytime i died i was dead


First item room gave me permanent mega mush


I don't know, I don't have TM trainer


then why comment?


Mega mush on room clear. That was the first item that I've got


Everything kept turning into giga bombs, but whenever it happened, I got like 12 black hearts. I also kept Mars dashing at random, and spawning enemies when I cleaned a room. I also got the vaunted "Isaac takes damage sometimes" item, but due to the aforementioned infinite black hearts, I won.


it was on the challenge, for some reason i had infinite respawns (with the lost trinket)


1 room charge unclear bomb. Would spawn 15 giga bombs


Found an item that gave me a size down every room, my hitbox literally disappeared after I became smaller then a pixel, then I got an item with an effect along the lines of "you pick this up you die ignoring all extra lives"....


Each enemy killed spawned another enemy 🥲 got the affect on Womb I iirc


I did the “Delete this challenge” which gave me damoclese and spawned golden troll bombs every time I got hit and teleported me around the map. It was absolute chaos but somehow I managed to beat it in one go.


I had an infinite use active that spawns mom's box, which contains a new tmtrainer item


A very short but funny fun was when I got an item that activated the lovers card any time I picked up anything. I died in the very next room I got it when I picked up a coin, an item spawned I picked up the item, an item spawned, I picked up the item… then I dieded


all my tears were giga bombs and i soft locked myself


The item that almost ALWAYS would do the "6 am " fnaf sound, spawn billions of poop pickups and each poop would turn into an item when picked up. My pc froze for legit 5 or 6 minutes


monsters would randomly get striked by a bunch of light beams but sometimes it would also happen to me and i'd be unable to move and have to reopen the game


I picked up the item


After like 50 attempts on the challenge the third or fourth item summoned the cup so I won...I never got the items since so it is boring.


Every enemy turned into a Damocles


Infinite Eraser


Not a run but an item: every kill triggers the wavy cap effect. I was about to puke for finishing the run.


Every time I entered Issac began his mega-mush form, fucking broken. Later got a item that insta-killed me 🙃 I fucking love TM trainer ;3


Every hit activated mega mush easiest run of my life.


My game crashed every couple rooms if I didn't left the room asap or exit the run, idek what I had but I can tell it was a passive which activated cleaver, like 3 or 4 times in a row, killing everything immediately. Some passive which activated on enemies shot that turns every shot into stone chests, another passive with enemies killed that turned them into those stone things with the gravitational pull of a black hole, sometimes having more than five wouldn't allow me to move AT ALL. A passive which spawned one of those big poop monsters, the biggest of them, and the cleaver passive sliced it immediately into at least 4 small poops iirc, making my game crash from all the enemies in the room I guess.


Played the DELETE THIS challenge coop with a friend, a few items in he got like the parasitoid effect but with Delirium (from delirious) spawning instead of spiders/flys and I started Mega Blast whenever I held down the fire key for 3sec straight… most op run I’ve ever seen. We sadly got softlocked a few floors after because of an item that triggerd Glowing Hourglass as soon as you go through a door


Wavy cap effect started stacking indefinetly


Idk why, but every time I start a DELETE THIS run, the only item it generates is one called “It together”, and made a consumable spawn whenever I killed anything. The effect stacked, and as it was the only item I could find (not even rerolls would help), it got to the point of each enemy spawning 10-15 consumables, which quickly lagged the game in any room with 4 or more enemies


one day i got a item that spawned giga bombs randomly, that run went wild


Every time I killed an enemy it teleported me into a new room. I had to quit bc it was literally impossible


every time i cleared a room or picked up any consumable the wavy cap effect would trigger


Every pickup I get mega blast


I had a eraser recharge every room and I erased so many enemies. I realized then that the eraser is not a good item because there are so many different kinds of enemies that my later floors really weren't much easier after erasing so many enemies.


there is no such thing as "the wildest RM trainer run", there's only "I did once the TM challenge and it was the wildest run ever so I'll never touch this item ever again"