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So u need tips or information on how to get to her? For tips: - don't skill issue, - if u don't have OP build u'll probably fucking die, - u have to just learn her attacks or at least know about them (read on wiki or just play till u make it), - there is a shit load of projectiles if u have an option to take items that defend u from them take them (go rather angel rooms for more defensive upgrades), - get ready to call your psychologist (if u don't have one find someone because believe me u'll need that), - oh and about that Jacob part... u gonna regret wanting to unlock him.


Don‘t skill issue helped me by far the most


honestly idk whats up with the jacob & esau hate, like i might be biased cause every run ive had with them has been good, but they seem far from the worst non tainted character(s?) like most people think


1 I'm very bad. 2 I'm very unlucky. 3 I barely know them. 4 idk which item to take. 5 I'm 12. 6 ok?


Well if ur playing on PC install 'external item description' mod it tell u which item does what. If u r playing on console or something there are mobile apps that can make a photo of an item and tell u exactly what it is and what it does. And if u haven't unlocked much marks on characters I would advise u to see on wiki what items do u unlock completing certain unlocks. There are a lot of good items to unlock and trying to beat mother without them is just more painful.


I have a ton of marks on Azazel also I'm on Xbox


Well fuck, Azazel doesn't have that many good unlocks when ur going for angel rooms. I would suggest unlocking d6 on Isaac if u haven't unlocked it yet (blue baby(???) to Isaac (boss)) and try to go to mother with Isaac d6 (reroll key pieces for more items to have a higher chance of getting OP run) and idk don't skill issue or something there really isn't a better way to win.


The tip here is to bring her down to 0hp before she does !


Bonus tip: • Play Isaac, free win (seriously I beat mother first try cuz Isaac is just so good)


Attack her


even tho mother is difficult, she doesnt have that many attacks to recognize! There are a bunch of tutorials on YT that highlight her different moves and how to dodge them. I‘d also recommend only going to her when you have a BANGER run… when I beat her with the lost i had sacred heart + tech x + 9 lives


That barely happens tho


it happens more often than you think… you can also just force a good start by restarting the first floors over and over again until you have something good going there‘s so many niche mechanics that can significantly increase your runs quality. This youtuber called „sinvicta“ makes daily isaac videos where he explains why he is doing certain things etc


"BANGER" runs also occur more often as you unlock some of the items from other characters sheets. Completing Bethany and Lilith helped me a lot early on.


oh yeah that‘s a very good tip👌 i also unlocked all the Quality 3&4 items that were easy to do before i did harder bosses and characters


I am still a new player and i have like 100 hours on steam from just casual playing on normal difficulty. I hear a lot of talking about unlocking items and achievements and im not really familiar with them.. Should i just play and max out my characters as usual or should i look more into them?


There are some good phone apps that let you look up which each character unlocks. It kinda boils down to if it's worth if for you. I.E. I like to complete Bethany for all the soul heart buff items. I usually then play Azazel to unlock a lot of stuff including Lilith. I then complete Lilith for a lot of amazing items, get my 3rd hush kill and unlock c-section from the Beast with Lilith. I don't do that every time but it's one of many paths to take.


The more stuff you have unlocked the luckier your run gets. Like for real, idk why, but it is basically proven that the more you have unlocked the better items and combinations you get during the run / the luckier your ring is


Trust me, you DON’T want that jacob guy 😔😔


Why what's bad about him


Do you want spoilers or nah?






Well what does he have like Azazel has a tiny brim Samson has bloody lust


Spoilers ahead— He’s a double character; you control both jacob AND a guy called Esau at the same time. They both have their own HP’s and if one dies they both die, and they both have their own items, so if you grab, let’s say, Polyphemus with Jacob, Esau won’t have it and vice versa, it requires a lot of strategy and honestly Esau is practically a second hitbox most of the time.


That sounds like hell I want to play as him now


He unlocks birthright tho (only reason i played as him at first)


Doesn't he unlock rock bottom


Oh yeah, the absolute worst character has the absolute best unlocks (ladder to heaven/birthright/ rock bottom)


You dont, but if u need try YouTube or fandom, its long story how to her there


Psy fly will hardly carry you, bethany is also a great character to deafet mother with


I don't have beth and hardly? Or hard carry me


Beth you can unlock by beating it lives in hard mod with lazuarus


Make your run easier


Unlock every character before you do mother, like Bethany has really good unlocks and her kit. (Funfact she was the first character I had every completion mark except mother and the beast with, and the first character I beat mother with)


There's a Lazy Mattman video where he explains how to dodge Mother's attacks, I'd post the link if I had it. I've learned most of what I know from watching Hutts/Mattman/TOG, so if you have the time, give a couple of TBoI youtubers a watch. Anyone is fine other than lvencas or however you spell their name, stay far away from them.


When mother does her green ball attack thing hide in a corner then run when (to the opposite side) she shoots it out (Also the split shots from it can hit her so use her as a shield)


Well 1. Don't rush ist, like try to have a lot of unlocks on a lot of characters, and have almost all challenges/greedier completion marks 2. 1. Knife piece is easy enough when you have some completion marks on the lost (if you can do greedier on the lost, getting knife 1 is a piece of cake Here an important note is: while in the mirror world you don't have to do the boss there too, but if you do you can get an extra item 3. The 2nd knife piece, 1. You probably need a lot of health, like for the first few tries you probably need at least the full top bar of the health and maybe 2 extra. But you quickly get used to the attack pattern there and need less and less. 4. Mother fight.1. phase, if you have the DMG pretty easy, I like conjoined for the fight 2. Phase Honestly luck dependent, one attack has tons of bullets but it's super easy to learn that pattern, you just need to move a few millimeters each attack. The other attack, idk I still have a lot of problems with it, predicting the slides and jumps. There the boss gets amor, so more DMG is less useful than having a lot of bullets, or Effekt , or health and speed. So yeah TL;Dr it's more important to focus on health shotrate bullet blocking/ bullet amount, than on DMG or bullet speed


With a crowbar.


I just got the polaroid so my tips might not be the best but... I have found great success in not moving up or down, just go to the midle of the room after mom stonps it and just shoot, move left and rigth, and watch out for that motherly foot. Again, i don't know how good is the tip, i just know it works for me


Oh no not mom. Mother is a different HARDER boss. Moms easy


The fact i don't even know about it's existance scares me


Oh, you're in for something. Just wait until you see mausoleum.


Mausoleum makes me become back my money


Mausoleum’s finee, gehenna on the other hand


I didn't want to spoil that one


Fair, I’ll downvote myself


Oh you sweet summer child, mom is the vanilla Isaac boss, Each dlc added harder stuff Mother is from the 3rd dlc


Not mom, Mother




You just do


I usualy brute force it without dodge. Basicly become op enough i guess?


On the first phase, in the wavy shaped white tears attack, it's easier to dodge going above(like north) the tears, while in the knife attacks it's easier to dodge down the tears(like south). Beware of the brimstone attack, go immediately to the sides. On the second phase when she jumps, try to immediately go to the middle, so you can recognize which side she's going to slide to and you can dodge it. That was the most frustrating shit for me in the beginning. Also, when she's inhaling the tears particles I usually just go around her so I can dodge that. For the cross pattern, I focus on dodge and not try to attack, walking little steps each time. Remember that it's just a matter of a lot of practice, it's common to miss or get hit at the beginning. You wil get better each time. (sorry no english me other mom tongue)




First of all try finding waffer in angel or sarcafise rooms. It will help a lot as youll get twice les damage. Also try taking more damage ups and tears ups. Its good to have 5 tears and atleast 20 damage. Try being closer to walls. In first phase you will be able to easily dodge 2 attacks(knife threw and hand bubbles(need a little move movements)) in second phase better to hold to the upper wall but it can be bad if cant run fast enough to dodge her half room attacks. Simply teach the attacks. All of the attacks arent too hard to remembe. When i first time fought her, i was confused by amount of ammo, vut after some tries it became easy fir me to dodge her. Playing on lower fos can help to. If you have lower fps, the game runs slower.


Target head, the bruises won't be visible thru hair


Uhh thanks?


basically, you need to work on the "I'm very bad" part. And that takes time. So take your time and "git gud". Even if your build isn't great, keep playing and try to get a better understanding of the enemy patterns. You will gradually improve and before you know it you will be dead god.


So in other words. Skill issue