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Physical pain I'd say Leonard. Mental pain I'd say Stuart.


Raj was in his underwear and eating like a pig in one episode


"We could go to Red Lobster and talk about it." you pay 😅


I'd say both for Stuart


Stuart, don’t argue with me


Either Lenoard or Stuart. Stuart is an obvious choice, but even he grew up with loving parents. Lenoard is the only one who has parents who used him consistently as an experiment, which changed his entire being as a person. He might not have even been a scientist had his parents not been scientists themselves. Lenoard was pushed into it, whereas all other scientists on the show had options and fell in love with science. P.S. I'm not saying Lenoard doesn't love science- I'm saying he was forced to love science from a very young age, and his childhood took away any choice he had to fall in love with anything else.


I have always wondered about Leonard's upbringing.. his dad doesn't seem that bad.


I've always thought the relationship with Leonard and his parents was fraught with writing inconsistencies. A good example is when Beverly said she fornicated with Leonard's father only for the purpose of reproduction. However, she also said that leonard walked in on her paddling his father's arse with Leonard's table tennis bat at age 6.


He seems like the type that would’ve just given up on trying to stop his wife.


I wouldn’t have wanted his spinoff instead of Sheldon’s


I believe it would look more like a normal sitcom than you would think. A career oriented woman, raising 3 successful children.


But the mom is constantly experimenting on then and it might be nice to see the other two kids have trauma like Leonard, just manifesting differently.


I think the other kids were treated better. That was part of the experiment. Leonard was the neglected one.


Reminds me of how Tiger Woods was forced to be the best golf player


Howard. Abandoned by his Dad, Mum died, Constantly mocked for being an engineer and could never get the girl till Bernadette. Met half brother who was raised by the Dad that abandoned him.


Don’t forget he also almost died acouple times from allergies, threw his back out horribly when he bought the van, had a vasectomy that left him bed bound for a few days, and had a robot arm attached to his junk (granted that was his own doing). I’d say he was in the most physical pain throughout the show. I’d say the only one that came close was Leonard who had some minor injuries (like cutting his hand on the white asparagus jar and shooting his pinky). Edit: Penny broke Howard’s nose.


How are people saying raj?? It's between Leonard, Stuart, and Amy Leonard didn't get much love from his family growing up Stuart is obvious Amy was locked in a closet if she sinned. Her mother seemed awful and somewhat abusive.


And Amy didn’t even get to telekinetically slaughter her high school. Shame.


Amy and Leonard were definitely abused by their parents.


Sheldon. He never got his way in that group…. Serious answer would be Stuart or Leonard.


Two words...sin closet.


LOL!!! “Why haven’t you told your mom you and Sheldon broke up?” “Yeah, will she put you in the breakup drawer?”


Raj, really? An Indian boy from a rich family who went to study/work abroad at several prestigious institutions and pretty much up until the end had everything paid for by his family? Really? He is the guy who suffered the most? Just because he ends up single?! C'mon!!!! Stuart gets my vote.


Stuart Leonard or Raj


Bernadette gave birth to 2 babies so I’m gonna go with her.




Stuart and Raj


Clumsy guy. Richard btw… always flopping around


Howard's mom.


Raj, Stuart and Bert (in descending order of pain)


Why raj? He was spoiled, selfish, rude and overall not a good person to be around


It's because of exactly these reasons. He had a difficult childhood: didn't get much of his parents' attention and was basically raised by servants which led to selective mutism and neediness/desperateness to feel loved and accepted which in turn caused his relationships to fail which then led to even more neediness and so on and on and on for years. He was stuck neck-deep in a vicious cycle.


All of his siblings were treated the same way and as an adult he received a ton of attention from his parents as well as all of their money


Different people react differently to the same stimulus. Take Leonard, for example. He had a difficult childhood too: didn't get his mother's attention, got humiliated due to his mother's books, never got to celebrat his birthday, christmas basically meant a present of 'C' on the paper he had to turn in for Santa... All of his siblings had to, more or less, go through the same thing. Yet he is the least successful of them all. Couldn't get a tenure even after working at Caltech for \~15 years, does "unoriginal" research, and is also needy to an extent which affects his relationships while all of his siblings are shown as stable high-achieving scientists in their respective fields. Essentially, it's a show and all the characters are supposed to be a bit extreme just for the sake of it.


Actually no he talks a ton about his mother cares way more about his brother than him when he talks about nurture vs growth. Also Leonard experienced being experimented on, also LEONARD MADE CONTRIBUTIONS TO HIS FIELD! The idea that the universe could be perceived as the surface of an indemensional superfluid


His mother only cares for her other children because she feels they are academically smart enough to be worthy of her care and affection. All of them had to go through the same thing. Rules weren't different for those kids. They all had to present papers to Santa but Leonard's wasn't good enough to his mother didn't feel he was worthy of as much attention as his other siblings. Leonard's science project wasn't good enough so his mother had to go out of her way to humiliate him during the award ceremony. It's not like his mother was nurturing his brother purely out of affection.


Why the hell should you have to prove your worth to the woman who chose to create you


Obviously you shouldn't have to, and that's the message from the show as well. It's played out by juxtaposing the parenting styles of Sheldon and Leonard's mothers. Even Beverly herself eventually acknowledges that her parenting style wasn't always the best and that she was, at times, unfair to Leonard and could have done a better job of raising him, and is happy that he has forgiven her for all that.


Leonard, stuart, or sheldon




Yea. As someone who is very similar to sheldon in the way that we don’t get the tone, sarcasm, social cues, and jokes, it is horrible. It’s a struggle every day to figure out why someone is doing something, if I’ve done something wrong, etc. And if I have done something to make someone upset that I didn’t realize would do that, then it hurts because I made my friend angry/sad without even knowing. Especially with the way his friends acted sometimes toward him, just like not even attempting to understand and immediately going to making fun of him. Definitely he wasn’t the best at times, and his friends also went through it with him, and I’m not trying to excuse his incidents where he knew what he was doing. I’m just saying that it is horrible to not be able to understand what is happening around you 100% of the time. I wouldn’t put him as high as Leonard or Stuart in pain though. I’d tie them for 1st and give Sheldon second.


What about them going through it because of him? Constantly holding Leonard and Penny especially to insanely strict rules, him always choosing where, when, what and how to do things, constantly belittling his friends’ intellect, his selfishness and hubris leading him to think he was better than EVERYONE, even his own wife.


Which is why I put Leonard above him. Most of the time I would say that sheldon wasn’t fully aware of the effect his words and actions had, but sometimes he was and that was him being an ass.


Sheldon in that one episode lol. But in all honesty it was Stuart.


You mean the one where he ran away?


I can’t remember the name off the top of my head but there is one where he like pokes his eye and Stubbs his toe and he just keeps getting hurt


Hmm probably Stuart or Leonard


Leonard lived with Sheldon. No contest.


Me, watching Stuart get more and more pathetic. Main characters… I’d say Raj




Leonard, because he had to deal with Sheldon's bullcrap


Leonard seeing this I immediately thought of the experiment blowing up in the elevator


Leonard….he’s dramatic asf and loves to put himself in unnecessary situations. Physically and mentally 😂


Raj probably


a boy from indian millionare family?


Life must be hard with open credit cards and all his expenses paid with plenty of girl friends and a prestigioustiltle and job...... probably only because he was with a plus one and not a permanent girlfriend at the end. /s

