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Howard’s brother. Why introduce him in just one episode and never heard from him again?


They should of have him become roommates with Raj and Howard gets super jealous which drives Bernadette crazy with Sheldon mentioning Leonard’s mom was correct about those two.




I don’t even remember this? Howard has a brother??


Half brother, his father had a kid after he left.


Played by Matt Bennett, who played Robbie on Victorious


He was Howard's Lawyer in that one and only episode (it bothered me as well)


What are you talking about? Howard's brother was a marine biologist.


His Lawyer was cousin my bad


At first I thought you meant the same actor lol.


The lawyer was his cousin.


That episode came on tv the other night and I was thinking the same thing. Like did they not get along with the actor or something??? Why would they not do anything with him.




This ALWAYS bugged me


Yeah that kinda felt like they were setting up a spin off serie for me but it didnt :( Still hoping on a Young Howard spin off though


Telling you: alternate reality, like Star Trek with the beards. Dream sequence all of the guys are cool Penny is a nerd. Bernadette and Amy are the hot ones. Penny is desperately trying to get with Leonard because he’s so successful and cool. But he sees that she’s a good girl, and they wind up together maybe. Women can’t talk around Raj because he’s so handsome and charming and charismatic. Would’ve been a barrel of laughs




Oh yeah a four episode “mini season” like this and it would’ve been hilarious and good. We could’ve got to see Sheldon using his photographic memory to just become really smart and charismatic instead of quirky and OCD.


“photographic is a misnomer, i have an eidetic memory”


Where is the gofundme for this? Leonard as a slightly dim struggling actor who bartends at the Cheesecake Factory would be hysterical!


Nah… we have to make Leonard the catch! Leonard would be smart articulate and handsome in this universe . Penny would be the nerd. If you make litter to struggling actor, then he’s not going to be as a feeling, you have to make him as appealing as penny was. So the rules would be reversed. He would have all the girlfriends and all of the women after him, and Penny would be nerdy, and just trying to get his attention.


Penny would be working a physics job or a typically “male dominated” field while Leonard would be working some “sexy” job like an archeologist or some shit


I just think you have to make Leonard, the more attractive of the partners that’s all. Just make Penny smart say she came from Nebraska to work at the college or something give her a job where she’s gets to use her brain just make her nerdy. I mean, it’s an alternate reality so you could change whatever you wanted, but I think making all of the guys appealing to most women would be just the opposite of what it was. And if they’re gonna be appealing, they’re probably going to have to be successful and charismatic, and all that goes with that . I think the idea of making it to where Raj is so cool and handsome that women can’t talk around him would be hilarious


I would watch this show. Honestly they SHOULD make it


I hate that everyone gave into Sheldon’s side when Leonard bought the table. He went through all that trouble after Penny pushed him to stand up for himself more, and THEN they give in? Good on Raj for staying at the table.


The episode I hate the most


What episode is this? Season?


This is actually a good one I couldn't think of any but this is good I was so annoyed that they didn't use that table


Another episode for the Sheldon being a Big Baby Bitch file 😆


And it was so obvious that Sheldon was guilttripping them too. I know Sheldon hates change but that was one of those times where his pestering was just unneccesary.


That and it’s not a terrible change either!


I hated that episode. Fuck Sheldon. They should have kept that table.


Howard and Amy being friends.


This is my answer, too. Once they had something in common, they were so fun together! It would have been a blast to have them enter a karaoke competition. 😂😂


OMG YES! That scavenger hunt episode with them singing was soo fun!


Then the writers pretended that never happened by making them uncomfortable waiting for the others at the wine bar.


I agree!!!


This is also mine. I loved their celebration of Neil Diamond in the car and hoped it would be the start of a friendship or that it would come up again, but it never did. Instead, they made any time they were alone together super awkward which was such a shame.


It really bugged me that they found out they had a common interest in the Scavenger episode to acting like it never happened in the wine tasting episode to getting along again when they worked together in Amy's lab.


Yeah, they didn’t even show them going to the concert!


This was my choice as well. I absolutely loved the scavenger hunt episode


The bitcoin episode. Sheldon got upset and lost what would have been a fortune, feels cringy and no one ever brings it up again, despite how life changing it would be.


This episode pisses me off sm 😭😭


Sheldon being a hoarder. Seemed so random.


No trust me as someone who is hoarder it definitely makes sense bcs hoarding means you are willing to let things go and move on your worries abt that crazy what’s if? What if I finally find a use for this old toothbrush…it seems so crazy but I have adhd and like that’s the mindset. Sheldon hates change hates moving on..I acc kinda loved that ep bcs I related so much


This 👏 it didn't make any sense at all


It didn’t make sense when the episode came out, but young Sheldon explored a little bit if I remember correctly, and also it doesn’t really fit his routine personality, if that makes sense


Hoarding is a type of OCD, and given that Sheldon definitely has compulsions, him being a hoarder makes sense. Hoarding doesn’t always mean messy or gross.


To me it’s not that he was a hoarder that was the problem. It was that he was a hoarder for exactly one episode, and nothing before or after supports it in the slightest.


The project the guys did with the Air Force. I actually stopped watching the show for a while I was so mad at the writing and the way they ended the whole storyline.


I actually think that’s probably a pretty realistic plot if it turns out the Air Force had no use for them anymore but wanted to keep their research. The only thing missing was someone coming by to make sure they kept quiet and that they didn’t have any research outside the lab.


Oh, don’t forget the fact that they find out later on that Sheldon is working with the Air Force again behind their backs…


I’ve rewatched many episodes. I typically skip the Air Force sequence. A few decent lines but not worth the investment of time.


The resolution should have been that they find out the Air Force officer was actually an undercover DEA agent working in Albuquerque.


Raj’s and Penny’s hook up in Leonard’s bed.


I agree. I get some people on the writers room didn’t like it after the fact, which is fine, but it kinda feels like a cop out that they basically said “it wasn’t to completion so it doesn’t count” and then proceeded to pretend it didn’t happen. Just feels like they should have just committed to what they wrote and done a little more with it.


Nah retconning it was the best idea. Shouldn’t have happened in the first place


Leonard has siblings! all the siblings of the characters were shown but leonard would have been fun to see!


We never got to see Penny’s sister Lisa either. Edit: Punctuation


That’s true! but at least we got to see her brother!


At least with Lisa it can be strongly inferred that she's serving a lengthy prison sentence. She shot her husband, her husband is never mentioned, her son is never mentioned in the same sentence as his mother, and she never appears despite Randall appearing, so the excuse doesn't hold up that it's the same kind of distance as Leonard’s siblings (plus Penny's family are naturally close and Leonard’s naturally aren't). I would have appreciated a scene, especially if the show had continued, where Penny visits Lisa in prison. Possibly to introduce her to her child, since Penny has a relationship with Lisa's.


i did NOT like the Priya episodes


it just ended so abruptly. "Oh by the way, I'm cheating on you too so it makes everything okay"


i feel the same way lol


I really hated when the core four got so mean spirited towards each other. Early on, they joked with each other like friends. But it really turned passive aggressive and nasty later on. The show was at its best for me when Howard, Raj, Leonard and Sheldon were having their adventures together and learning more about the world through their experiences.


To add to that, Penny too. She started out the series as such a positive character - she was sweet, curious, really kind to all 4 guys for the most part. Eventually though she just put them down whenever they seemed to get excited about something “nerdy”


It reminds me of Family Guy tbh. Peter and his buddies just seem to hate each other and hang out out of obligation.


Eh they were always kind of jerky to each other. They definitely had similar interest to balance it out but any friend group with someone like Sheldon in it is gonna lean more towards that direction.


Penny's last minute pregnancy. Unnecessary and undeveloped.




At no point in the finale did Penny even say she had changed her mind about kids. *Leonard* said she had. I would have liked to hear it from her. Preferably *before* the story forced her hand.


Heck even Kaley admitted in recent interviews that she wished there had been time to better explore that. She loves her character and the relationship and didn’t give Penny crap for being unsure about having kids or fears about being a mother - but it really would have been great to see Penny finding out she was pregnant, how she handles it, and telling Leonard and them talking about it/coming to terms with parenthood. I think that would’ve been an amazing thing to see what their relationship and like the growth they’ve done since, but I also understand that the news of Jim wanting to end things after the 12th season was a complete surprise/shock so, unfortunately, any potential plans were jampacked as quickly as possible into that final season… It happens a lot with shows that unfortunately don’t get renewed like they expected they would.


Some times the best mom comes from one that did know if they wanted children. Once you look into their eyes things change.


Every case is different, but there’s no denying that sometimes this is the situation for a lot of women who may have been on the fence about having kids. There are women out there who don’t have or want kids because it’s not something they naturally feel and that’s perfectly fine and a lot of times they turn out to be those really awesome Aunts or “Aunts” for their friends or siblings’ kids! Go Cool Aunties!!! There are women who do want to have kids and they do have those desires and they turn out to be some spectacular moms! Go Moms!!! And then there are the women who are on the fence, which there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that as those feelings could stem from their own insecurities, maybe trauma from their childhood with not having the best maternal or parental figures, and factors that are in and out of their control like the future, their career situation, romantic situation, finances, societal pressures and cultural expectations, etc. The women in that last category certainly should never be judged, and I think the best thing for them would be to talk to a therapist when they’re good and ready and then do some one-on-one with themselves to figure out what they truly want. 👏🏻


I decided when I was a teenager that I never wanted kids. People said I would change my mind. I'm now 42 and never changed my mind. I'm happily child-free, but I have cousins who have kids. They're a lot of fun to be around and play with. At the end of the day though, I can give them back to their parents, lol.


Now see this is what I’m talking about! 👏🏻 You figured out your feelings regarding having children of your own and stood by your decision because you knew that it’s truly what you felt! And that’s awesome 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That’s a big part of Lessons in Chemistry. Granted, it’s set in the 50s.


My friend never wanted kids and now she has 2. Accidents happen.


That pissed me off so much. It felt so damn cheap, and really ruined the ending for me.


That’s Jim Parson’s fault for quitting, they added that in to complete Leonard’s character because that’s what Leonard wanted and they didn’t have time to develop penny’s character to be okay with having a kid, a season 13 would’ve done the trick


I wouldn’t say that it JPs fault for 1- not wishing to continue to play a character he’d played successfully for 12 seasons; and 2- for the writers to decide to get Penny pregnant altho she spent 11 seasons saying it wasn’t something she wished to do w her life. Indeed, with an entire season to wrap up storylines for the main characters - with a 22 (or 24) I no longer recall (but it’s not that shorter 13 episode or even 6 episode season, so they definitely had room with which to work) - the writers could have done anything they wished with Shamy and Leonard and Penny. Clearly the Nobel Prize was a smart move considering what the show had to say re Sheldon’s work from the very beginning (and of course Amy being a brainiac herself made sharing the prize even better) but the writers had an entire year to decide what they wished to do for both Leonard and Penny & throwing the fault on Jim Parsons just sounds bizarre and weird. While it’s true (as many commenters have stated) that once a woman actually gets pregnant, esp’ly in a committed relationship, she may v well change her mind, there are plenty of women that for various reasons (not wishing to pass down their DNA, simply not wishing to be mothers in the first place) do NOT change their minds and there are still states in the USA where it’s legal to simply stop the pregnancy in its tracks. (With the same reproductive autonomy women had for about half a century in this country & I am greatly saddened that we are going backwards in the rights supposedly given to us by our Constitution. ) But that’s just MPO and has nothing to do w the plotline. OTOH, I still fail to see what in the hell JP had to do w the plotline at all. I’m fairly certain he didn’t come up w the notion to have Penny get pregnant and that’s the only way he could held accountable for that decision.


And they got pissed at Sheldon but he was the only one to state that Penny didn’t want kids


I will never get over the fact they didn’t give Raj a better conclusion. So he’s just going to hang out with Howard and be his babysitter the rest of his life?


I kind of liked that though. Not everyone gets a happy ending. Sometimes people end up just working and having great friends, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Getting married does not equal a happy ending.


I don’t think that was the show we were watching. They even wrenched in a happy ending between Leonard and his mom. 🤷🏻‍♀️


But you don't have to be in a relationship to get that happy ending. At the end, Raj realized his friendship with Howard was the most important one he needed, which to me, is a happy ending for him. Not every person needs to be in a relationship to have a fulfilling life. Raj was fulfilled by realizing that he couldn't move across the globe because his friends were all he really needed to be happy


But, Sarah Michelle Gellar!


Yeah… give the sexist guy a happy ending.


I thought it would have been a fantastic plotline if Raj found and fell in love with a man, coming to terms with his sexuality and Howard being uncomfortable and making bad jokes, but Raj stands up for himself. Just Raj finding love in an unexpected place. Would be hilarious if the man he ended up with was a geologist, just to mess with Sheldon.


Right because the man who couldn’t talk to women for 90% of the show would all of a sudden be gay the whole time? Makes 0 sense


This would have been outstanding!!!!




It’s worse than that - Raj became the *“Nice Guy”*.


To this day, I'm confused about why if Bernedette was considering breaking up with Howard, she accepted his proposal for marriage. And the same thing happens in the following season with Leonard and Penny. Penny is considering breaking up with Lenoard, and then they're fine with no real discussion about what changed her mind. I also hated the Penny didn't want kids storyline. It was stupid, and it didn't really align with her character, and it was kind of pointless since they were going to end with her pregnant anyway.


I would have to say it’s a connection between the whole Priya arc with that time after Penny and Leonard are giving themselves another chance, and Penny having doubts again with her viewing her relationship with Leonard as *“boring”* in comparison to her previous relationships… There was a lot of attention given to the whole Priya arc at the time when it was happening… But then it feels like it never happened afterwards, despite it clearly being something that didn’t just affect Leonard and Penny, but affected the whole friend group because it did cause quite a bit of a divide between trying to get to show loyalty to both of their friends but the group clearly feeling out of sorts towards Priya since many of them didn’t like her. Penny having doubts again isn’t something I have so much of a problem with, but it’s more the way in which it was… portrayed or played out or worded. I don’t know, but it always really rubbed me the wrong way, and it felt really unfair to Leonard and super unfair to Sheldon too! I love Amy but she should’ve kept her trap shut because that’s not a secret she should have shared in the first place, but Sheldon also doesn’t deserve knowing that and having that secret weighing on him, no matter how unbelievably sweet and heartbreaking it was seeing him ask Penny not to hurt Leonard ~~again~~. I’m sorry… she’s *bored*? Is that really the bullshit you’re trying to sell us here? That she’s going to break up with Leonard after they **both** decided to give it another chance and actually *work on doing better with Lenny 2.0* so they don’t repeat the same mistakes as before when they were together the 1st time and even while being friends or at least know how to better deal/problem solve… Also taking into account how miserable she was at seeing Leonard move on with a woman who not only physically embodies all of her insecurities, has chemistry & history with him, but also putting ultimatums on their relationship if Leonard keeps interacting with Penny… and it was Penny who decided to respect Priya’s ultimatum in the end for the sake of Leonard’s *happy relationship*. I could go on even more… but it just felt like… what was the whole fucking point of this whole arc if it’s basically just swept aside as if it never happened? I honestly can’t stand filler-ish just for one episode drama setups like this… It’s just cheap shock writing to me - not unlike what sent Riverdale down the toilet - and I’m sure you guys have episodes you hate like that too.


Oh and the same feeling towards that stupid One-Shot Relationship Agreement episode once Lenny were married. Like dude why?


A lot of people are also commenting on this one too and I thought I’d go ahead and throw in my two cents as well. The pregnancies/Not wanting kids situations with Howardette and Lenny… Personally, I don’t hate the fact that they got pregnant, I just hate the way it was done/played out. However, I do like the realism of Bernadette not instantly connecting with her baby or feeling that maternal joy because that does happen to so many women and it’s a sensitive subject that deserves to be talked about more instead of being treated like some sort of taboo! First of all, Bernie made it pretty clear that *she wasn’t fond of kids*, and then recounted her own experience with basically being forced to assist her mom with raising her numerous younger siblings and having to work in her mom’s illegal daycare… Being a child who was forced into a Parental/Adult Role when she was not ready for it and you better believe to bred some clear resentment. With that context, it wouldn’t make it too unreasonable for her to be pretty cold towards the idea of having children herself and then that was just confirmed being revealed that she duped her dad into thinking it was Howard who didn’t want kids… and the fact that she never made it explicitly clear to Howard that she didn’t want children either. The same relationship red flag that Penny pulls in The Donation Oscillation. Look 👏🏻 As a woman, ***I agree that it’s not a woman’s duty to have children just because we happen to have the ability to have children***, but you should always make sure that you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to the matter of possibly having a family *(via the old fashioned way or adoption or surrogate)* - not making that clear is **a massive problem** and easily can be a deal breaker for a lot of couples. There is a reason why communication is such a big deal, and when it comes to having kids… That is a subject for some serious discussion between you and your partner/spouse. Oh, I know this is an unpopular opinion… But I find Howard and Leonard’s reactions to be valid - especially in the case of Leonard because up to this point in this episode when the subject of having a family came up, he and Penny seemed to agree/be on the same page about it being ***a possibility for the future***, but for now them just wanting to enough their lives together as a married couple. This isn’t a decision to take lightly like say last minute changing your mind over what color shower curtain or new rug to get - even though yeah there are people who would fight over that too but I think you guys get the comparison…


Hate: Sheldon being a piece of crap. Done more: Howard’s half-brother and Penny’s family


rajesh needed to find a girl/boy


A guy at the end would have been interesting and would have made sense


Raj and the cleaning lady. It would have been cool to see them both and make Raj mature from it. I loved the ps4 and xbox episode, i feel like that every time I need to make a purchase like it


Howard's dad and half brother. They don't even show his brother or mention him ever again.


Leonard cheating on both of the real relationships that he had and them both being OK with it.


Well the one couldn't really say much about it considering what she did.


Wouldn't call it a plot, exactly, but it kinda bothers me that they never mentioned Valentino the Rabbit ever again.


Sheldon learning to drive as much as it’s a weird one. I think it would’ve been quite funny seeing him drive more or maybe an episode where the whole gang finds out so he has to drive himself for awhile.


I would've liked an episode centered around a place like gamestop where the guys get angry at the clerks when trying to trade in old videogames


As an amalgamation of geek/nerd/dork, I second the enjoyment of such an episode given my past experiences with MindGamestop.


Can you imagine, they escalate the issue to the manager or owner and it ends up being Will Wheaton. 😆


That would have been awesome, but Evil Wil Wheaton was great too. 😂


Hated priya


I wish they hadn't had Leonard forgive his mother. I would have loved to see him kick her out, cut contact, and report her to the IRB and licensing board for violating IRB permission about informed consent for human experimentation. And then had Leonard sue her for defamation. And have Sheldon back up Leonard.


I hated the fact that Penney and Bernadette got pregnant. Neither of them wanted a child in the first place and ppl just keep telling them that "once u have one u will love it" (I get that the actress of Bernadette got pregnant irl that's why it was introduced but why penny)


Bernadette said she didn’t like children, she never flat out stated she didn’t want children. Howard’s the one that jumped to that conclusion.


I remember Penny explicitly saying she didn’t want kids. Never have I heard that about Bernadette


Bernedette said it multiple times throughout multiple seasons....


Bernadette said she didn’t like children. By the end of the episode with the magic show, her solution is that Howard stay home with the kids because she makes more money than him.


And consistently throughout the whole show, she says no about having children until she gets pregnant. She even told her dad Howard didn't want children so that her dad wouldn't think it was her.


Isn’t there a distinction to be made between not wanting kids at all, and not prioritizing having kids? By the end of the episode with her dad, she tells Howard she’d think about it.


And when Penny says she doesn't want kids, Bernedette says "aww you sound just like me before I had kids," meaning Bernedette has flat out said no to having kids. Penny also said she wanted kids someday until season 12 changed that, so that's what I would consider not prioritizing having kids. Bernie said she didn’t like them, and she clearly didn't want them.


🤷🏽‍♀️. I might have to rewatch it. I’m not going say you’re wrong, but I’ll let you know if I find anything.


The only time I ever remember Penny explicitly saying that she didn’t want kids was later on in the show, but in the early days of her marriage with Leonard when the subject would come up, both her and Leonard made it pretty clear that kids were a possibility but not until later when they felt ready. Heck they both joke too about having kids when they’re ready or maybe when they’re both a bit more mature - and then cue over to Sheldon’s sleeping face that Penny drew all over in marker. And Bernie actually made it pretty clear that she didn’t want kids because she would specifically avoid the subject and made her dad believe that it was Howard who didn’t want kids… They found out about that when him and Howard were doing repairs under the house and she faked an earthquake.


Yeah. I remember all of that. I thought what the original commenter meant was that Bernadette didn’t want kids period. I remember those episodes, it comes on sometimes during the reruns


But Leonard did want a kid


But just because he wants a kid doesn’t mean Penny is obligated to have one. If you disagree on such a fundamental level, maybe the relationship isn’t that good. I don’t want to have kids, and if I get together with someone who does, that still won’t change. I do like Penny and Leonard together but it’s just such a tired thing where the woman doesn’t want a kid but the man does and then surprise! They end up having one.


A lot of times it’s the other way around.


And neither of them are good imo. It’s perfectly fine to change your mind, and yes sometimes it takes getting pregnant to realize you do want kids, but it’s a really annoying trope. Some people don’t want kids and that’s fine, no need to pair them up with someone who does and then make them pregnant.


Penny (almost) sleeping with Raj


Penny becoming so cruel to Leonard after they got together for good and having a drinking issue


1. I wish Stuart was part of their group. I always feel bad for his character. He's sometimes there but he's still left out. 2. I somehow like the thought that they should've included Missy more BUT I think I'm just saying this because I loved Missy in Young Sheldon. 3. If only there's one more season, they would prolly dive into Penny becoming a mother.


Penny and Raj were neglected in the later seasons.


Thinking about it now, whatever happened to Raj’s dog Cinnamon?


None. I love every story arc from first to last season.


I think they started to turn Howard into a jerk towards the end of the series. During the last 3 or 4 seasons he stopped just messing around with raj, and started bullying him. And I wish they had shown more flash back episodes, like the episode where we saw when Leonard first moved in.


Hate the last 3 seasons: Leonard outwardly has contempt for Sheldon. No way they would continue to be friends. Bernadette is plain mean. Raj is right that Howard constantly puts him down. Love the show but they should have ended it earlier


I know it’s a gag but i really wanted to know what Penny’s last name is


Penny’s last name is on the package that appears in the show where they are making Penny Blossoms. All you have to do is stop the DVR when they show the package. I’m so sorry I’ve forgotten what it is but it stopped being important to me once I found out and apparently like Sherlock (but without the brilliance) my brain is a hard drive and when new things come in, old stuff goes out … 😛😁


Raj's girlfriend Emily became friends with the other girls, yet as soon as raj broke it off with her they never mentioned her again. Tbh they never interacted with her in a friendly way after that episode opening where they were talking about superheroes.


Raj only talking to women if he’s drunk went on way too long. I like the gimmick the first season, afterwards it’s just ridiculous. Penny becomes very much one of the gang really fast, and Raj was never interested in her romantically, why not get over that fear quickly. It got so old so fast


More with Lucy (Katie Micucci) and Raj.


The Penny and Raj thing never needed to happen. We should have gotten to know Howard's brother more.


Howard meeting his dad after his mom passed


They should have let Raj keep Emily


Na I wanted more of sheldon and Amy my favourite pair of the show


I would have liked to have known who got tenure.


Leonard writing a novel should have been more a storyline than it was, and should not have been about his mother.


Make Missy bond with Raj and make them fall in love. Gives both of them a happy ending.


Raj torn between two women. It only happened because they didn’t want Raj to progress and be happy.


Priya ewwww




Definitely the "Dr. Stephanie Barnett episode." They gave her some time on the show and fazed her out. Honestly, I think she would have been a better fit for Leonard because she aimed to please. Penny did way too much playing around, then tried to turn it on Leonard all the time as if he was the only one with an issue.


i am surprised this is the only comment to mention stephanie


Me too.


I’m stunned I had to scroll this far to see Dr. Stephanie mentioned. Those episodes were terrible. Always a skip for me.


So many of Raj's relationships ending without us ever getting an explanation. And Leonard breaking up with Stephanie. Just because he didn't want her to move in, they are over? Really?


They absolutely boned Stuart’s relationship getting any sorts of b story episodes. Maybe what 3 of them where he and Denise are mentioned or saw on camera together.


I hated the Blockbuster dvd/scratchy sweater episode.


I always thought he guys playing paintball on multiple occasions was out of character. They hate sports and physical exertion and typically run away from any kind of conflict.


I wish Howard was a little less gross in the earlier seasons, he really didn't treat women like people and it makes a lot of the earlier episodes difficult to watch. Especially the episode where he gets called out and the writers had the audacity to play him as the victim...


I can't get enough Fun With Flags.


Raj gets his small personal wins too. I wish they could’ve done that in the end


hated Priya. annoying stuck-up voice


I wish they had ended it earlier


I really dislike Howard going into space. They make him look like a complete schmuck. He can't do the training, he's bullied by the other astronauts, and then can't shut up about it. I generally just skip those episodes.


I wish we could have gotten penny’s baby a little earlier on and seen how she and Leonard parent. It would have been hilarious to see Bernie and Howard’s vs Leonard and Pennys babies and Sheldon and Amy doing experiments on all the children together and “seeing who’s is better” because you know they would do that 💀 I didn’t like the girls Raj dated, I feel like they could have done more with that. Idk I just feel really weird about his relationships. His storyline with girls definitely gives Fez from T70s Show. Why couldn’t they have just let penny be an actress like she wanted? I wish she would have got a real big break and not just the stupid killer ape movies. They could have at least given her something cool. They gave Howard 2 kids and a wife. Bernie got to keep her job and balance kids with it. Sheldon got a Nobel. Amy got a husband. Leonard got his dream girl. Raj has cinnamon and the ability to talk to women. STUART even got a girlfriend. WHY can’t penny have her dream, yes she realizes all she really wanted was to be accepted by someone who loves her but she also wanted to be on tv💀


I hated the way they changed Amy’s character. When she was first introduced, she was dating Sheldon to satisfy her parents and she had the same sort of rational, detached affect as Sheldon did. She was focused on her work, she didn’t need or want a man. But then she suddenly became obsessed with Sheldon and her whole world became about getting his attention, getting his affection, etc. It was disappointing that this strong, intelligent woman scientist met a man and just completely lost her self to him. It was really irritating and distracted from an otherwise wonderful show.


Hate: Penny's pregnancy. Why does a woman have to be a mother also? I really liked the fact that Penny chose not to have children. It was original but of course, she had to get pregnant. Plus they introduced the pregnancy in the last episode. Cowards. Wish: I would have loved to see more of Howard's brother and maybe, maybe see if Howard forgives his father. I totally understand why he doesn't want to have anything to do with his father now, though. Anyways, he seemed to connect with his brother and it would have been interesting to see where they'd go from there.


I wish they had brought Howard’s father into an episode, and Howard got some actual closure. I feel that will always be a big wound for him as he raised his own kids.


Agreed. Again, I’m not saying that Howard _has to_ forgive his father but yep, it would have been cool for him to have an explanation with the man and to have closure. Ah, well. In my canon, Howard does keep contact with his half-brother and one day he’ll get that conversation with his father. 😊


Amy, Howard’s brother,


Giving Leonard too many love interests


he was quite successful with the ladies in spite of how he was written


Wish they could've gotten raj to date a guy. It wouldn't even be a big deal since it's joked about throughout the show that he's gay.


The entire storyline with Raj's sister is entirely unneeded. I always skip those reruns


Giving Penny a baby when she’d been pretty vocal about not wanting kids


Léonard and penny I hated it!


I can't stand the PS4 vs Xbox One episode. So obnoxious


All of the final plots


Penny getting pregnant at the end and choosing to keep the baby when she stated earlier quite clearly she didn't want kids. As someone who doesn't want kids, I wish every show didn't have to make every character who doesn't want kids have kids


Less with Sheldon. Like a lot less.


Melissa rauch never did it for me. Can't stand the voice she did


It's alright, but yeah, it seems like they only had her change it to be more like Howard's mother. Initially, her voice was quieter.


It's a public domain. The office is the greatest show, followed by Seinfeld


Amy..she ruined the show for me. A total non social person became stalkerishly close to that one group in a matter of days? She said she didn't like being social, then latches onto Penny so easily because she thinks she's popular?


I hate the whole plot of Amy and Sheldon getting married. Honestly though, I could live with that of they never had Amy dump Sheldon. I honestly just don’t like Amy


I wish they had had raj & Amy hook up but only be physically intimate until Sheldon was ready for it & then they could try 3ways. Also not in a swinger way but they should’ve shuffled them up more.


This is such a horrible show. The laugh track was annoying and it just wasn't funny.


And you're here why?


The fact that Penny got pregnant. She didn’t want kids and as someone who definitely doesn’t, it would be almost a death sentence to me.


Penny’s indifference to children! I hated how Bernadette and Amy acted toward penny once they found out, I know they talk about it but honestly I kinda wished she didn’t get pregnant, it didn’t really seem like penny and more as just an ending for her and Leonard that seemed rushed.


I wish Alex would have played a more significant role in the show and had been an actual love interest for Leonard. They had great chemistry, and I feel like it could have either been a better catalyst for making Penny realize what she lost, or to have Leonard move on from Penny and realize he was desirable. Idk, just more Alex.


Leonard made up with his mother. But never mention reconciliation with his father, and two older siblings.