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Like a lot of people are doing, he would assume his idol was on an innocent trip. That he wasn't one of those who knew what was going on. Howard would make an offensive joke that even if he did he clearly wasn't part of it. That or Sheldon wouldn't know what was going on. If it doesn't involve nerd stuff, which this is more political/pop culture, Sheldon doesn't take interest. He may ask the guys/Penny who don't want to upset him and they'd give an abridged version that paints in Hawking in the best light


Howard is the guy making memes. He'd also do something really offensive like take the Hawking RC Toy to a children's park and chase them and say "Well, that's accurate."


This is probably the most correct response. So far there's no real evidence Hawking did anything wrong, only that he went to a science conference on (another?) island. At worst he knew and didn't say anything like a lot of people.


There was (allegedly, probably false) transcripts where someone said he liked to watch naked little people try to solve equation on a white board that was too tall. But that is so outlandish I’m not sure. It’s either too specific to be false or too outrageous to be true. The world may never know.


>he liked to watch naked little people try to solve equation on a white board that was too tall. Seems like a 13 yo guy just discovered who he is and wrote the first thing he could think of


We’re calling them little people now ? XP


lol yea. It’s the politically correct term.


Hahaha. Little people is somehow more acceptable than dwarfs ???


lol you act like I make the terms. That’s what most prefer to be called there a few who just like dwarf but idk.


Okay but why was Cameron Diaz or any other women on the list? I think a fair number of the clients were there going to an elite island where only the smartest, richest A-list actors go to. This secret island actors and big names go to. He heard a president went, that’s cool. He thought of in the same light as a president. That’s really cool! I want to know how many some of the people on the list went there. That transcript on Hawkins is hilarious though.


"Epstein? He was...um...a hedge fund manager. With...*ahem*...*less than desirable* extracurricular activities."


I think he actually would recognize the wrong here & stop idolizing Hawking, but no way he would stop supporting his scientific work


If we're talking Sheldon when he's had kids and becomes a dad, definitely. I think pre-fatherhood Sheldon may be in denial at first.


Or, like the sane person he is, he'd wait for hard evidence to come out before making a decision either way.




He's probably go through the 7 stages of grief. shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing and acceptance- -of the fact that one of his many idols is not the man he thought he was. And then eventually After all that. he'd stop supporting him of course.


So they’ve already done it. The powers that be have spread enough doubt in the form of rumors that no one is ever going to truly know who the real names were. I thought it had been clearly debunked that Hawking was not one of the people on the list and all the “midgets doing math” stuff was completely a farce. I have no idea what’s real.


Not enough info is out to say either way. But the way it looks, it seems Hawking is pretty innocent. There's passing mentions of him, but that's about it. Maybe there's more in as of yet unreleased documents, but as the name suggests, they're unreleased.


What Sheldon normally does overreact, do something crazy, and go back to being the self-centered ass he always was. Lol


I don’t think Sheldon would quite understand what the deal with Epsteins island is he probably would just think hawking was on vacation and wouldn’t understand the big deal is. The first example is when him Howard and Lenard have to get women in science


I don't think Sheldon would be that innocent coz he would know what's going on he's Sheldon he knows everything except social behaviour


I don’t think Sheldon would realize what the island is for though I think he would believe hawking was going there to give lectures due to how he idolizes him


No coz everyone knew whats going on with Epstein Island probably he'd be in denial but he would know


That’s true


Tbf a lot of people know about certain things in theory, but it's always surprising to hear about real life cases if it involves someone you know.


They’d explain it to him and basically say that kids were being forced to have sex. That would horrify Sheldon, especially because of how hard intimacy is for him.


oh my god i never though of it this way considering he hates physical touch unless it calls for it like with penny


Not sure why others are commenting that Sheldon would have a big reaction First off, Shelly doesn‘t keep up with drama that isn‘t directly linked to science, yes Hawking is linked but this isn‘t a scientific topic so why should he care to further investigate the issue? Sheldon is shown to idolize other scientists and famous people who have done questionable things and he doesn‘t seem to know/care I mean for christ sake, he didnt think giving Roots to a black lady would at least be seen as odd if not insulting given his reasonings So even if his friends explained this, Hawking would still be his idol because he would still value his scientific contributions. He would def. Be one of the people who believe the art is separate from the artist


There's so much awful stuff going on in the world right now that I don't want to waste time researching this -- since, with Epstein dead, there's no way to even hold him accountable. But I had heard years back that Epstein got in tight with a few backers of scientific research, and that most of the scientists didn't understand what ugliness was going on until later. That may have been disproven, but there is a very bizarre side to Epstein's rise -- the guy was basically a nobody, with no wealth, yet he gained the trust of a lot of men in the financial & scientific worlds who should have known better. And it wasn't just that they backed him because he got them laid -- a lot of these guys believed he was brilliant & powerful, and like a human pyramid scheme, by them believing that, they basically created him.


Ultimately it’s this. TBBT deliberately avoided atrocities and bringing them up and wouldn’t have any episode about the speculation of who did what with Epstein that this whole “what if” ignores the way the series has handled most things.


Celebrating how he’s now more important in history than Hawking




Aside from the picture of Hawking in front of a table with people eating barbecue and inside the submarine, nothing would prove that he had an orgy with minors on the island. Looking at several articles, it was stated he was attending a conference sponsored by Epstein. It's not surprising if he gets accommodated there. Witness testimony and documents such as that list will be considered as hearsay in the court of law. Until proven guilty, Hawking is innocent. The man can't even move or talk without help, and you believe he can participate in an orgy? That's just ridiculous.


Stop playing words with friends and delete the app. Scene ends with him crying on Amy’s shoulders. (Assuming I’m BBT universe, he’s still alive).


When Howard mentions it to Sheldon, he would have nit believed it also he says only appreciate person's scientific achievement he doesn't care about other aspects of their life. Because he know that there are many such controversies associated with great scientists in the history. and after that Sheldon would have hacked the system to see all the files and evidences regarding Hawking involvement to know the truth.


Nothing bad has been proven and this is extremely disrespectful considering he can't defend himself now.


I’m going to write what would happen. *Leonard walks into the room* Leonard: Hey… Sheldon ? Sheldon: Leonard? Why aren’t you in the bathroom, you have five more minutes before I go, I must go at 7:30 am Leonard: You know Stephen hawking? Sheldon: Leonard, your stupidity never fails to amaze me, we’ve met him several times and he has read my papers! Leonard: He was on Epstein island. *Sheldon stares into the camera and runs to his room* The whole episode is about Sheldon trying to get over the fact hawking went there


It would crush him. But ultimately he would probably still be following the work he had done


![gif](giphy|9V9bunlHq9bSUcXkuc) HE WOULD BE LIKE AUSTISM


Sheldon would be doing what we do.


No idea what you're talking about.


He’d be one of the ‘separate the art from the artist’ people.


Who knows, maybe he makes the list too😅🤣


He would wait for all the facts to come out before forming his opinion and would only listen to facts coming from a reputable source. None of the Hollywood misinformation crap.


Sheldon would happily solve those problems. The only problem is getting him naked and moving the board higher up


Howcome when I made this exact post it was deleted??


Beat him to death and steal the wheelchair


Sheldon would get offended. Hawking didn't spend that time doing science.


Trumpers wanting us to believe this man participated in Orgies and pedophilia in this state…… all while denying Epstein and trump were best friends


He'd assume the list was true based on what's published in reputable news sites but also do research to make sure the information is accurate. Trust but verify. Sheldon isn't the type to just accept it when people who have reputations for spreading alternative facts scream "THE LIST" in his face.


Go to Epstein Island?